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Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:50 am
by Thebottomline
Btw, it seems like the Ratt fb page has been losing likes fast. Could have sworn it once had over a million likes and that was just not too long ago.

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:09 am
by backwoodsdrifter

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:49 am
by Kamikaze_Russo

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:02 am
by Indy_Rob
backwoodsdrifter wrote:Image
When people meet him and see that stupid face, I bet they are overcome with the urge to throw a punch.

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:08 am
by Gwrexx
you know, there's a TINY bit of me that feels sorry for Blotz. I have played in bands for years, you get a high playing in front of a crowd, playing in front of THOUSANDS has to be an incredible experience. When they sort of stopped playing, I imagine money was part of it but he probably missed that high, you want to get out there and feel that charge again, so he put that Ratt experience together. However, running EVERYTHING like he did and then playing for 100 people probably just didn't satisfy his craving of playing out so he changed the name and scammed larger some point it became an ego thing with him and now he's really fucked himself because let's face it, when Stephen and Warren and the other guys DO go back out as Ratt, Blotz isn't going to be a part of it..and probably never will. So he's royally fucked himself, he's going to end up having to take fill in drummer spots for other bands if he wants to play out again and I bet they'll be 100-something crowds which he tried to avoid..

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:38 am
by BlotzersCheesecake
backwoodsdrifter wrote:Image
CLASSIC!!!! :lol:

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:33 am
by ParaDime77
I my thinking, Bobby is sacking away as much money as possible knowing this is all going to end much sooner than later.

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:17 pm
by Luminiferous
Indy_Rob wrote:
backwoodsdrifter wrote:Image
When people meet him and see that stupid face, I bet they are overcome with the urge to throw a punch.
The best part of this photo is in the original he's scribbled "RATT'S" above his name, like people might get him confused with Rush's Bobby Blotzer or Dream Theater's Bobby Blotzer.... :lol:


Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:55 pm
by HueyRamone
Luminiferous wrote: The best part of this photo is in the original he's scribbled "RATT'S" above his name, like people might get him confused with Rush's Bobby Blotzer or Dream Theater's Bobby Blotzer.... :lol:

I took it as "Hey, I'm not just any Bobby, i'm Bobby BLOTZER.... you know, from RATT? The band RATT? We were really successful in the 80's... oh, man have I got stories for you............."

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:56 pm
by Hungwell
Kamikaze_Russo wrote:Image


Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:06 pm
by Kristy_Deville

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:13 pm
by Thebottomline
Kristy_Deville wrote:Image


Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:53 pm
by acidmonkey
Turner Coates wrote:
Hungwell wrote:Fuck scab BLATT!
I heard rumors that they're booked for the Super Bowl.

Shared on the Ratt facebook page - so good!

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:55 pm
by Thebottomline
acidmonkey wrote:
Turner Coates wrote:
Hungwell wrote:Fuck scab BLATT!
I heard rumors that they're booked for the Super Bowl.

Shared on the Ratt facebook page - so good!


I just saw that. Awesome. I bet that page is going to get shutdown within a day or two. :lol:

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:58 pm
by TawnyVonJagger
Kristy_Deville wrote:Image

The little rat dude holding the pic of the band minus Blobby... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh Christ....

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:29 pm
by TorienRoxxGang
SCSINNER wrote:In the beginning the singer has a real dislike for Bob, but a sudden raise seemed to change his mind. I get that he's taking his "shot" and I'm sure he's being paid well in the mean time, the problem is Time is almost up! I personally don't know if there is any sum of $ that would have kept me working with Bob. They tried to get me to do a show in Canada, because I had plane ticket, I politely declined with "go fuck yourself"
I am no longer in contact with Ellis, I assume he will go back to playing locally in Vegas.
I am in contact with blaze, but I don't know his exact plans. He is one of the best guitarists I have seen in ages and I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him

Ellis is like fucking VD in the scab world nobody wants him around after Blobby. Ellis was a major cunt for his whole stint in FATT. I bet Ellis is still spitting out Bobby's pubes as the dude had a major man whore crush on Blobby and FATT.

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:19 pm
by BlotzersCheesecake
The new Scabs joining Fake Ratt must be some broke ass mutha fuckers to tour with the Blotz, are they that hard up for $$$? I would rather work at Taco Bell than work for the DICKtator Blobbo! Working at Taco Bell seems more respectful than being in Fake Ratt. Shit at this point I think that living off the government is more respectful than playing in Fake Ratt or its the equivalent. #ScabRattsDontMatter

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:26 pm
by Thebottomline
BlotzersCheesecake wrote:The new Scabs joining Fake Ratt must be some broke ass mutha fuckers to tour with the Blotz, are they that hard up for $$$? I would rather work at Taco Bell than work for the DICKtator Blobbo! Working at Taco Bell seems more respectful than being in Fake Ratt. Shit at this point I think that living off the government is more respectful than playing in Fake Ratt or its the equivalent. #ScabRattsDontMatter

Looking at Brad's fb page he seems to be doing ok so I don't think he's all that hard up for cash. I never even heard of the guy until he joined Jeff Pilson's War & Peace then he went onto Y&T after Phil passed away. He must have other avenues of making a living which does not include working at Taco Bell.

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:36 pm
by BlotzersCheesecake
He's hard up for something, he's playing with the biggest trainwreck

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:51 pm
by Thebottomline
I don't get it why he is there and Mitch Perry as well. Both Mitch and Brad were apart of Jeff Pilson's War & Peace touring band. I'm thinking Bobby is paying them a decent salary so he can get more respectable names in his band instead of these fifth rate tribute rejects. Bobby knows he's treading on water. I think by middle of September the whole will have it's final implode and Bobby will be taking orders for carpet cleaning or whatever. Maybe he can take whatever he makes and invest in a food cart that serves wine & cheesecake and call it the Ratt Cellar. His music career is coming to a screeching halt unless he can convince Jake to hire him in Red Dragon Cartel.

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:23 am
by backwoodsdrifter

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:59 am
by gtrjay
backwoodsdrifter wrote:I'm really disappointed in Mitch taking this gig; he's a great player and a nice guy.

I'll be amazed if Blobby holds on to the 50% he owes Warren, knowing his propensity to burn through cash. I've said it before, but here it is again: Blotzer will file for bankruptcy after this pillaging mission is over with.

Wonder if he doesn't pay Warren his 50% as part of settlement for ratt name / lawsuit. You guys get name I owe you no $$$$. That way he has enough coin for at least cheesecake through 2018?

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:25 am
by BlotzersCheesecake
Thebottomline wrote:I don't get it why he is there and Mitch Perry as well. Both Mitch and Brad were apart of Jeff Pilson's War & Peace touring band. I'm thinking Bobby is paying them a decent salary so he can get more respectable names in his band instead of these fifth rate tribute rejects. Bobby knows he's treading on water. I think by middle of September the whole will have it's final implode and Bobby will be taking orders for carpet cleaning or whatever. Maybe he can take whatever he makes and invest in a food cart that serves wine & cheesecake and call it the Ratt Cellar. His music career is coming to a screeching halt unless he can convince Jake to hire him in Red Dragon Cartel.
If he goes back to cleaning carpets, I'll be nice and put in an order to get mine cleaned. I wonder if he will clean inside my car too?

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:42 am
by gtrjay
BlotzersCheesecake wrote:
Thebottomline wrote:I don't get it why he is there and Mitch Perry as well. Both Mitch and Brad were apart of Jeff Pilson's War & Peace touring band. I'm thinking Bobby is paying them a decent salary so he can get more respectable names in his band instead of these fifth rate tribute rejects. Bobby knows he's treading on water. I think by middle of September the whole will have it's final implode and Bobby will be taking orders for carpet cleaning or whatever. Maybe he can take whatever he makes and invest in a food cart that serves wine & cheesecake and call it the Ratt Cellar. His music career is coming to a screeching halt unless he can convince Jake to hire him in Red Dragon Cartel.
If he goes back to cleaning carpets, I'll be nice and put in an order to get mine cleaned. I wonder if he will clean inside my car too?

He will be cleaning the carpets here



Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:09 am
by backwoodsdrifter

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:14 am
by Luminiferous
So the new guys aren't amateurs, have been in the business for awhile so I'd have to guess they're not playing for the same pay as the other guys were... So is Blob's taking a cut in pay to shell out the extra cash these guys are going to cost to keep this circus ride going and if they get stiffed like Blaze did will Blobs be able to intimidate them into backing down like he did with Blaze?

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:32 am
While the new additions may have some more experience, they are far from "name" guys and definitely not going to get any kind of pay increase. None of those guys were doing anything, Vegas cover band guys probably make more. Fake Ratt were paid well enough (myself included) that's why people put up with it, but after not paying blaze and people starting to realize this band isn't Ratt, that could change.

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:40 am
by gtrjay
SCSINNER wrote:While the new additions may have some more experience, they are far from "name" guys and definitely not going to get any kind of pay increase. None of those guys were doing anything, Vegas cover band guys probably make more. Fake Ratt were paid well enough (myself included) that's why people put up with it, but after not paying blaze and people starting to realize this band isn't Ratt, that could change.

Hey Jason.

Love hearing your stories from behind the scenes. Without getting too personal on key topics I know I am not alone on a few questions. Sure none is any of our business but this is sludge.

So just curious. When you were manager. And Bobby got paid (or his company) is he at least smart enough to know that if he received $X for a gig did he know to at least set aside 25-30% for taxes? Is He at least good with numbers or behind the scene stuff on operations from carpet cleaning days? Does he have insurance policies on gear and the like for travel? Does he know difference between 1099 & W2 when accepting gigs ?

Again. Not mine or any of our business. Just curious if he is terrible at decisions with using name, politics etc. but maybe there is at least something he is good at behind the scenes to be somewhat successful.

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:43 pm
by Funnelhead
gtrjay wrote:
SCSINNER wrote:While the new additions may have some more experience, they are far from "name" guys and definitely not going to get any kind of pay increase. None of those guys were doing anything, Vegas cover band guys probably make more. Fake Ratt were paid well enough (myself included) that's why people put up with it, but after not paying blaze and people starting to realize this band isn't Ratt, that could change.

Hey Jason.

Love hearing your stories from behind the scenes. Without getting too personal on key topics I know I am not alone on a few questions. Sure none is any of our business but this is sludge.

So just curious. When you were manager. And Bobby got paid (or his company) is he at least smart enough to know that if he received $X for a gig did he know to at least set aside 25-30% for taxes? Is He at least good with numbers or behind the scene stuff on operations from carpet cleaning days? Does he have insurance policies on gear and the like for travel? Does he know difference between 1099 & W2 when accepting gigs ?

Again. Not mine or any of our business. Just curious if he is terrible at decisions with using name, politics etc. but maybe there is at least something he is good at behind the scenes to be somewhat successful.
All great questions. Also, did he book dates and cities based on the proximity to Cheesecake Factory locations?

Re: Bobby Blotzer = piece of shit

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:58 pm
by Pimp_From_The_Grave
Mitch Perry > Every guitarist bob has had. Nice Snag, major talent.
