TheMetalChick needs to shut up...

Here's where you can rip on each other. We don't care. If any personal information gets posted about another user, we'll delete it and you'll be banned. No exceptions.

Moderator: Metal Sludge

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Post by Hungwell »


greatest post ever......*sniff*.....

tmc wrote:
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Post by Hungwell »

omfg....I never dreamed it could get this good......

So, because she cannot find ANY examples whatsofuckingever, to back up ANY of her accusations, she gives us this.
tmc wrote:Quote:
The same teaching skill that had you removed from the classroom environment the first time.
Fucking lie, there you go again. Case in point, and Im sure you are playing with your pictures of me again, too. Fucking obsessed loser.

Hungwell wrote:
1. You said I changed and/or made up your quotes. That has never been done and that's why you can't give a single example of it.
I said that they were altered and there are tons of examples of it. Sorry bitch but youre not getting away with laying YOUR burden of proof on ME!!! YOU are the one saying they are ALL, every single one, direct quotes with absolutely nothing out of context or altered. So, prove it, ya fucking tough guy. Go back and edit a link in to ALL of your posts about me (and not just a few of the recent ones where you have been better behaved) where you supposedly "quote" me. And quote me accurately- put a link to where you found it and when it was posted. Dont forget the threads in the lounge, too. Once youre done with that and you can prove all your "quotes" are real, then and ONLY then will you have any sort of a case. Good luck, because YOU cant fucking do it.

You dont come here to talk about music or politics or anything, you just come here to feed some need for a persona and follow me around like a demented little psycho. You read every single post I make. You think of me every fucking day of your life and actually bother to go hunting around saving quotes from me. You rarely even post anything here without bring me up unless it is a picture association or something like that. You use slandering and harassing me as a sad little ploy for notoriety. It is obvious to anyone who has a goddamn brain. And then, in the grandest of all examples of projection, you have the nerve to say I am the one that is fucked up and needxs attention. HAH! If you forgot I even existed I would be thrilled. What would YOU have??? NOTHING!!!

Hungwell wrote:
2. You said I "beg" you for details of your personal life. Show us. You can't 'cause it's never happened.
It happens every single time you and the dumb alternyms you support propagate lies about my job, my sex life, my friends, etc. You post libel intentionally, with malice, AND with impunity thanks to the moderator of this board. Why else do you make up the things that you do? You have in the past few months focused the majority of your little made up persona on me. You will say anything and make up anything, and you will promote blatant lies as facts. When those psychos were posting lies about me and Trashy and me and JJ you were right there cheering it all on. When people were wishing death on Ette's poor mom and I said how mean that was you harassed ME for saying so. You are damaged fucking goods.

Hungwell wrote:
3. You have said repeatedly that there are only 1 or 2 alternyms that believe you are deranged.
More lies. There are TONS of alternyms that have harassed the shit out of me. What I have said is that there are only a few people that started all of this shit- of which YOU are one. Your defamation of character scheme has gained followers since then, mostly pathetic little sheep who, like you, must have nothing else in their miserable lives besides harassing another person who has done nothing to them.

Hungwell wrote:
Not counting a single alternym, the list is fast approaching 4 dozen.
Bull fucking shit. Enough with your stupid list, Hungwell. You want to use it so bad, then fucking prove it! And not with months old posts taken out of context- since you want to USE it right now, fucking PROVE it right now. Go ahead!!! Get each of those people to post themselves how they believe I am "deranged", fucking hate me, think I am a worthless cunt, and all the other colorful phrases you have used in describing them. You cant fucking do it! There are people on your dumb list who are my friends, or at least people that have no real problem with me. They just arent interested in this stupidness, and I dont blame them one bit. You are all TALK, all bullshit, and you cant back up jack SHIT.

Hungwell wrote:
4. You originally said you only sent out a couple pm's in a vain, misguided and uber-gay attempt to garner favor.
Nope, I never said that. More misquotes and bullshit lies from you, as usual. I send a PM when there is something to say that isnt worth posting on the boards OR as a response to something said to ME first.

Make up your mind, dipshit. You have harassed me for posting things ON the boards to people, you harass me for sending things in a PM INSTEAD of on the boards, you harass me when I respond to you, you harass me when I dont, why cant you just face the fact that you are an obsessed fucking psycho who spends WAY too much time worrying about me?

Hungwell wrote:
Then, out of the woodwork comes one poster after the next, saying you are blowing up their inbox.
People can SAY whatever they want, especially on this board. They probably have PMs from that fake nym pretending to be me and got fooled by them just like TripleRex did. At least TRex realized it right away! Or they do what MCLargeDrink did and PM ME and then when I respond to him post it up as if I was fucking contacting the guy. Its all BULLSHIT and you cant CHANGE THAT.

Hungwell wrote:
5. You said I "pulled the phrase completely out of my ass" yet I posted the link to prove they are your words verbatim.
I said that you call me a liar and pull that phrase right out of your ass and have NOTHING to back it up. You stupidly claiming that you CAN back up what you say does NOT make it true. So like I already told you, go for it. Go through all 20-30 threads that are left around here in which you supposedly "quote" me and back yourself the fuck up. If you are so right and you didnt put ANYTHING out of context or change a WORD then what is stopping you?

Hungwell wrote:
Point for point you have never addressed these issues, because you simply cannot.
Point for point I have adressed every single thing here far too many times. Dont blame me if you cant fucking read.

Hungwell wrote:
I have asked you multiple times to back up your accusations. It's obvious to all but you, that you can't bring The_Proof, because no such thing exists. Much like your imaginary friends.
What you cant get through your egotistical internet tough guy head is that YOU are the one making the allegations and slandering ME, not the other way around. When YOU are the one saying these things, it is YOUR job to prove the things you say are true, NOT MINE. I have told you so many times, I dont care about any of your OPINIONS of me, you losers can hate me all you want. But when you people go from stating opinions to stating lies as facts you crossed the line in to libel. It is fucked up that your fixated little mind cant understand that.

Hungwell wrote:
This does not take into account countless other 'semantics' lies. Like you didn't "get" banned from DRS. Every last poster tells you that you are as wanted as the ebola virus, and to please fuck off and die. You then reply with the "if you really want me gone, just ban me" line. No shit! Ban follows and you then say it was your idea, therefore it is not an actual banning. You are truly insane.
Every last poster huh? LMAO... wrong. Dont speak in absolutes, you dont know what you are talking about. I have friends over there, too... they just arent the bossy little darling that is holding the purse strings. I understand business is business, Im not knocking them for keeping the one paying for things happy- even though I think it is a shame that it had to come to that. I do not however appreciate that people continue to discuss me on a board that banned me for violating NO board rules whatsoever. I know what was going on over there, I have already been told. They couldnt get me to do what they wanted me to do and that was intentional. There are a number of us who found it pretty funny.

I said that I had told them to ban me if that was the way they felt, but other than that I wasnt going to post PMs name names and shit like that. Nor was I going to kiss Red's passive-aggressive ass. I was just going to do what I do and thats it, so they had to deal. That's a fact too... and anyone can go and see it right there for themselves. You cant change that no matter what lies you spew.

Hungwell wrote:
Look, bottom line is that you are a proven liar
The bottom line is that YOU cant back that up! I did not say ALL the quotes you have posted are false, I said many of them are. That is true, and if you want to prove yourself right that is YOUR fucking job. I also said that SOME of the people on that stupid list are my friends. That is true, and if you want to prove yourself right that is again YOUR fucking job.

You havent "proven" jack shit other than the fact that I am on your mind every single day of your life.

And, Im sure now that I have answered every fucking thing you said here you will bitch that I even posted. But if I DIDNT answer you then you would just be jerking off all over yourself imagining that I "couldnt". I dont expect anything I said here to make its way past the grease in to that head of yours. You will lie regardless, harass me regardless, slander me regardless, and ultimately you will STILL lose. There is nothing I can say or NOT say to stop your obsessive compulsions. Lies about me are the only joke youve got... but what you dont see is that the real joke is on you.

Carry on, you obsessive fuck. I cant stop you.

You gotta love her " I make blanket accusations with ZERO, NADA, examples ( 'cause none exist ) but it's up to you to prove your innocence" shtick. You couple that with all her "libel" crap, and I dare anyone to find a more advanced level of knothead on the web.

Btw, My attorney has some words for you.

"That horse-faced, head-tiltin' cunt is CRAZY!"
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

The most disturbing part about all of this is the fact that somewhere TheMentalChick is basking in all of this attention and probably fucking herself raw with one of these:


LMFAO @ a yellow horse dildo !!!!!!!!
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Post by Hungwell »

Bitch, please.

YOU said I changed and/or made up "MANY" of your quotes.

That would suggest that you have read "MANY" that you know were changed or made-up, right?. You could do that for us in under a minute. You have a month's worth to choose from.

No one wants to hear a peep outta you 'till you


Alas, I guess it's just far easier for you to write a rambling Hall of Fame style nitwit novel than to just post one of the "MANY" examples.

Hell, there's only 30 quotes for chrissakes. "MANY" must mean at least 10, so 1 out of every 3 is made-up or changed.


Until you do, you have proven to every last poster, ie, the 2 or 3 remaining that are not already 100% certain you are batshit, that you are a lying cup of steaming rhino piss, and cannot be trusted.

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Post by The_Blue®™ »

This will not continue indefinitely, I assure you of that.

I wouldn't try that Metal Chick. I tried to contact the FBI when Butt Noid called me a homo and they laughed me out of Dodge. Stay strong, girl!
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BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Altered, that rocks!

HD, I believe you could sooner get proof, logic or a straight answer outta this bitch.

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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

There aren't enough therapists or DSM manuals in the world to even begin to deal with your psychosis, you retarded fucking windbag.

You are without a doubt THE MOST CLASSIC case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that I have EVER come across in my entire life.

You are fucking pathetic. If it weren't so funny, it would be sad.
tym wrote:She makes My air head 11 year old Girl look like Nikita Tesla.
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Post by deathcurse »

Holy shit, she just took her own craziness to the next level.

That's beyond batshit. That's like wolfshit.
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Post by Hungwell »

You said there are many. Show them. You can't, because you lied.

Deal with it.

Everyone knows this.

Including you.

You can't possibly believe that there is anyone dumb enough to believe that you have seen many quotes that are made-up/ words changed, and that you are just keeping them to yourself, do you?

And you really fucked yourself by even saying that they exist. That means that you have identified them. That means you can STFU and post them.


Btw, the 2 or 3 people I mentioned that were on the fence regarding your sanity....they just fell off.
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Post by Efilnikufesin »

CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:There aren't enough therapists or DSM manuals in the world to even begin to deal with your psychosis, you retarded fucking windbag.

You are without a doubt THE MOST CLASSIC case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that I have EVER come across in my entire life.

You are fucking pathetic. If it weren't so funny, it would be sad.

HA.That's why I usually dig your posts.You get straight to the point,and
don't HORSE around.................
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Post by deathcurse »

Classic narcissism. Everyone should just ignore her, leave her alone as she continues to annoy the fuck out of everybody. To her, it's more realistic to have the 40-some haters do that than to have her shut her fucking mouth for once.
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Post by deathcurse »

I have nothing to do with that.
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Post by Hungwell »

Hungwell wrote:You said I changed and/or made up your quotes. That has never been done and that's why you can't give a single example of it.

tmc wrote:I said that they were altered and there are tons of examples of it.

No stupid. You accused me of altering and/or making up quotes. We are still waiting for a single example.

How it works:

1. You accuse somebody of bullshit.

2. It is now up to you to bring The_Proof, or keep enjoying my boot knot-deep in your ass.

Even your most ardent supporter would agree with this 100% across the board. Ask them, seriously.

How it does NOT work

1. Accuse somebody of bullshit.

2. Tell them they have to DISPROVE your lies, or they are guilty.

You know this. You are embarrassed because you were caught lying out your ass. "Tons" of examples and you can't even show any. Not one.

Some helpful advice for you. Don't treat your 1 or 2 sympathizer's like they are stupid. They, along with everyone else knows that if you had a chance to show that the Man who's colon you have licked clean for the past 9 magical weeks was not simply quoting you verbatim, but in fact was talented enough to re-create your advanced insanities in writing, you would have showed it without delay.


Everyone already knows you lie. Relax. It surprises no one.

No more, just stop. Show The_Proof, or ask whomever can still stomach you for forgivness. You have no other choice.
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Post by slash4pres »

I think you should choose the latter, tmc.

Seriously, I'm not joking. I you can't provide proof of Hungwell lying, just leave.
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Post by The_Creep »

The_Alterednym™ wrote:

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Post by SanityClause »

This IS more like it
rev3nant wrote:Image
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Post by Hungwell »


Once again, she could not produce a SINGLE example, out of the "Tons" that are out there.

You accuse someone of something, the burden of proof lies with you. Period.

You can't show a single example because none exist. Therefore you write another novel.

You must now leave the boards, or post a SIGNED picture of you jackin' off that horse.
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Post by Vcalfina »

CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:There aren't enough therapists or DSM manuals in the world to even begin to deal with your psychosis, you retarded fucking windbag.

You are without a doubt THE MOST CLASSIC case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that I have EVER come across in my entire life.

You are fucking pathetic. If it weren't so funny, it would be sad.

I was thinking more Histronic Personality Disorder with some narrcissistic tendencies.
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Post by Efilnikufesin »

yellow font of death wrote:
THINK- anyone can prove that Einstein said "E=mc2" but nobody can prove that he DIDNT say, "Bugs Bunny sucks."


If you are going to be a vagina,and make up another nym to
"flame" somebody,at the very least be original.Don't swipe
someone elses schtick.
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Post by Efilnikufesin »

The Yellow seems to have it under control.

Also saying "Buh Bye" was gay 10 years ago,and ain't much
more hetero now................
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Post by slash4pres »

how about the_yellow's schtick.
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Post by Hungwell »

1. We have already proven that she says there are "Tons" of examples of me making up quotes and/or changing her words.

2. If she was not lying, then that means she has identified, ie, located these numerous examples, and could within 5 minutes post them all for everyone to see.

3. She knows that no amount of deflection and nonsense novels will change the fact that everyone knows the burden of proof is 100% on the accusor.

4. We can prove that she has failed to produce ANY examples. Nada. Zilch. Nothing.

5. Therefore, we have proven she is a lying piece of cunt-jerky.

6. Every post to her must now be prefaced with, "You Lying Bitch", blah blah blah.

7. If she does not post a SIGNED pic of her jerking off that horse, she must be banished.

8. She is quite used to getting banned.

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Post by deathcurse »

Can we get back to the task at hand and stop whining about the subtle differences of two alternyms no one really cares about?
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Post by Carmanowar »

Hungwell wrote:
Btw, the 2 or 3 people I mentioned that were on the fence regarding your sanity....they just fell off.
no shit, and as for her pictures being stolen.... they are on google for fucks sake ... N&filter=0

the fact of the matter, TMC, is that yes we did get a laugh out of banning you from DRS... and then we forgot about it... the thread is still there and is still being contributed to... you want to know why we banned you? here is a quote from Lizzie Boredom AKA Marlboro Red
she totally disrespected the request to "go away and never come back" from one of the site owners.
People like TMC don't understand or respond to simple requests. It's like this -- someone comes over to your house. You tell them where the bathroom is. And then they ignore you and take a dump in your living room.

As far as I'm concerned, that's exactly what TMC did at DRS. Why should she care who is calling the shots around here anyway? SHE DOESN'T OWN OR WRITE FOR THIS SITE.

I agree. She's twisting shit around and trying to start trouble where there is no more trouble. She came here. She fucked up. I got sick of her. She wouldn't leave when asked. I threw her out the door head first. End of story. She is gone. End of her 15 minutes of negative attention.
and that was the LAST FUCKING THING said about it..... I would say get off your high horse, but it seems that you like the high horse on you, sugartits...

fuck the only reason I am even getting in this is because you are so sure that we have a master plan conspiracy against you, and your person "in the know" doesnt know shit... even if you do have someone giving you "info", they are feeding you a line of shit...

and just so I get accused of jumping on the band wagon, and not have the fact mentioned that TheMetalChick is seemingly trying to draw members of the DRS staff into this... here is my photo-chop

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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

Vcalfina wrote:
CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:There aren't enough therapists or DSM manuals in the world to even begin to deal with your psychosis, you retarded fucking windbag.

You are without a doubt THE MOST CLASSIC case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that I have EVER come across in my entire life.

You are fucking pathetic. If it weren't so funny, it would be sad.

I was thinking more Histronic Personality Disorder with some narrcissistic tendencies.
I didn't go with Histrionic Personality Disorder based on the fact that she seems to be more goal/achievement oriented and there isn't a sexual undertone or coquettishness in her posts that is almost always prevalent in people with HPD. She does, however, display the grandiosity and need for Narcisstic Supplly that are classic signs of people suffering from NPD.

Also, consider the following:

1) Her notion of omnipitence - She KNOWS everything
2) Her inability to tolerate setbacks, disagreement, and criticism.
3) Her rage at anyone or anything that threatens her False Self
4) Her out of control Grandiosity Gap and persecutory delusions
5) Her reaction/coping solution is easily identifiable as The Paranoid Aggressive (Explosive) Solution, which is defined as:

Narcissists who develop persecutory delusions, resort to an aggressive stance, a more violent resolution of their internal conflict. They become verbally, psychologically, situationally (and, very rarely, physically) abusive. They insult, castigate, chastise, berate, demean, and deride their nearest and dearest (often well wishers and loved ones). They explode in unprovoked displays of indignation, righteousness, condemnation, and blame. Theirs is an exegetic Bedlam. They interpret everything - even the most innocuous, inadvertent, and innocent comment - as designed to provoke and humiliate them. They sow fear, revulsion, hate, and malignant envy. They flail against the windmills of reality - a pathetic, forlorn, sight. But often they cause real and lasting damage - fortunately, mainly to themselves.


But you know how it is - Six of one, half a dozen of the other. The bitch definitely suffers from a Cluster B personality disorder, whatever in the hell it is.

Most people just call it CRAZY.
tym wrote:She makes My air head 11 year old Girl look like Nikita Tesla.
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Post by SeminiferousButtNoid »

They interpret everything - even the most innocuous, inadvertent, and innocent comment - as designed to provoke and humiliate them just described Iggytard in a nutshell (no pun intended).
GreatWhiteSnake wrote:I'm 46 and my dad's 67 and we kiss each other on the mouth and my 9 yo old son and I do too. It's because we love each other. A lot. And could give a shit what anyone else thinks about us kissing on the mouth.
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Post by chickenona »

I want a DSM Manual for Christmas.
deathcurse wrote:The secret board you had with Itjogs. You talked about me obsessively on there. There were witnesses.
vaya con DIO
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