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Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:15 am
by NickoLeeBenante
I remember it well, and I remember being certain that it had to be a TMC alt, 'cause who else would post such lame shit in her defense?
Seriously, those posts were gayer than an a-ha photo shoot!

I wonder who it could have been?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:24 am
by gr8twhte
NickoLeeBenante wrote:I remember it well, and I remember being certain that it had to be a TMC alt, 'cause who else would post such lame shit in her defense?
Seriously, those posts were gayer than an a-ha photo shoot!


Is that Patrick Swayze's three younger and gayer brothers? Now that I see that pic, I wonder why a string of sequels to Roadhouse were never made? <threadjack over>

More Rev, please. I want to be troo metal someday.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:32 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Dude, you couldn't school a fucking retard, much less anyone on this thread.

Face it, Rev - outside of the loving arms of the War Board, where your particular brand of assinine narcissism is viewed as a novelty, nobody gives a fuck about you or your overhyped "accomplishments", and you sure as fuck haven't handed out anything remotely resembling ownage, unless you're screaming it in a mirror..

We get it - you got bored with the civility of the War Womb, and decided to venture out and look for a little lowbrow verbal sparring. Your first mistake was choosing a thread that YOUR FRIEND would like to see die as a fucking gloryhole.

Your second mistake was underestimating just how hard you were going to get your dick kicked in.

So shut the fuck up and start a different thread bringing it on yourself if you want it that fucking bad. Two of your staunchest supporters seem almost NERVOUS about the manner in which you're getting the shit slapped out of you up in here. They've all but put on fucking CLOWN SUITS and dragged your raving ass off the stage with a god damn cane, yet you continue to post your missives that read like a 14 yr old's MySpace blog.

You post like a fucking girl.



Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:06 am
by JDV
Rev, trying to read the abominations you call posts is like watching a trailer park vagrant replay an accident on the news.

So, you were first to bring the news of the fire to Sludge. What was your motive in that? Don't pull the good Samaritan shit. You openly admitted to googling "Rock News" and that you had never been to Sludge. I will tell you why you did fill the void left as a result of a lackluster music career. Reality hurts sometimes but it's good for you. You Paul Revere'd your way into Sludge seeking attention. You became annoying with the mentions of your band , defunct or not, and got your ass served to you like a number 7 combo at the local Mexican restaurant. You should have researched a little more before bragging about a band named Lovin' Kry on Sludge. If you had, you would have realized you were nothing more than chum in shark infested waters. Read the fine print next time. It happened, accept it.

Now to address the owning issue. Rev, you couldn't own anyone, not even with Captain Credit's help. Hell, you're not even qualified to lease anyone. On the other hand TMC did a pretty good job at owning you for bringing this back up. I wouldn't say she could claim you on her taxes just yet but it's funny nonetheless. Looks like you're a Rev without a congregation.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:12 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Rev probably shows up to sporting events and screams OH YEAH, MADE YOU PLAY !!!11!!1 and some other lame who's your daddy type shit.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:29 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong

Rev is down with Jack Russell like AC was down with OJ ?!?!?!


Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:42 am
by JDV
OK, so you openly admit your motivation was about you. As I said you came seeking attention and you got it. Now get help for that Marsha, Marsha, Marshaitus you suffer from.

And Rev, speaking of schooling...your last post was an open book test in stupidity. You passed it with flying colors.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:17 am
by NickoLeeBenante
"Free Jack Russell!"

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:30 am
by JDV
Enough rope indeed. You just showed everyone here that you have absolutely nothing better to do than to meticulously dissect this thread for any mention of you and your band in hopes of convincing someone, anyone that you were somebody. The only question I have left is hood or no hood?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:59 am
by Aquanetsuperhold
RockNRev wrote:
Aquanetsuperhold wrote:Dude, for a guy that is so busy out enjoying life, tell us why the fuck do you have the more post on sludge than anyone in this thread?
Two reasons, brainiac... One is because most of the idiots here are just your brand new alternyms that you created just for me and only they each have a few posts. The other reason is that you are too stupid to know that the number 6721, which is my current post count, is a far smaller number than 9001, which is CrouchingStoner's current post count.

You just got schooled by Rev again, dumbass and at the same time learned that when retards try to flame, they usually burn one of their own, like you just did to your fellow pussy gang member, CrouchingStoner.

Good job, Doctor. I am no match for your superior intelligence or wit. :lol:
Again- get over yourself no one will go out of their way for you or because of you. Again......still waiting for you to back-up your statement and give and example of what and how I'm so jealous of you or the mental chick. PS- I was on stage at the Whiskey too. Does that make me a rock star in your world?

I could really care less about you, or imaginary world of a life or how you spend you weekend away from the facility, but I love the fact that you jumped in here to the defense of a dingbat that brings it on herself....much like you do, and you are get your ass kicked and she doesn't say one word to your defense. Way to go! You must be her jockey in shinning armour.

As far as posts- I actually didn't notice Crouch's post numbers. Those posts just stand out because they are funny, not because they are insecure and needy for attention like yours. So OOOOOOOOOOO you got me there. Guess that means you own me. How old are you again?

You seem so into "schooling" perhaps you should pick up a thesaurus and expand your vocabulary. You need to find some new words besides “owned” , "jealous" and “pussies”. Seeing that you are world wide news reporter it’s important to mix it up a bit in the vocab department as to not seem so redundant.

I have say, this thread would have quietly gone back to sleep if it weren't for your Superhero antics. I usually ignore or observe the group ass-kickings you get on the War board from a distance and actually felt sorry for you. Having seen you in action here, it's all been justified. I just hope you don't breed.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:11 am
by Aquanetsuperhold
RockNRev wrote:
JDV wrote:So, you were first to bring the news of the fire to Sludge. What was your motive in that?
My motivation was to break the news, since I was the only one with it at the time.. you weren't you jackhole.

You need to rephrase that as, "I was the neediest asshole to run right over to sludge to be the first to post about it."

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:14 am
by JDV
Are you asking him if he's circumcized?
No but I am sure he has a story about. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he claims to have invented the art of circumcising.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:23 am
by Aquanetsuperhold
Plus, for a guy that says he played there he should know the place was a hole. Or should I rephrase that to: If he was booked to played there than you know its a hole.

Not that you would know from experience playing there, but they always over sold the place when a bigger band came to town too.

Jack shouldn't be off scott free either. He hired the guy to be a the tour manager, roadie and pyro guy. He was too cheap to get the right people for the job. Saved some money and got one guy to do the job of three. So he was partcially responsible. But like the stand up guy he was he let the tour manager swing. He didn't even have the nerve to show his NEW face at the trial. Jack is a real stand up guy. I hope he gave you an autograph and a picture for single handedly keeping him out of jail. Now there is your pussy.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:39 am
by JDV
He didn't invent circumcision, but he was the first one to witness the procedure.

And the first to google "Cock News" and post about it.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:15 am
by Son_of_Sam_I_Am

Rev's sole purpose on this board is to win arguments and puff up his own sense of self-worth.

When he lies down on his soiled, secondhand mattress and threadbare sheets at night, the doubts start to creep in...and the sociopathic essence of his personality rises up to drown out the clamor of voices in his head that tell him he's really, truly a failure at everything he ever set out to accomplish.

You all notice, of course, that instead of mentioning that he's ever done a lick of good for anyone or anything, he'll simply react to any prodding with a litany of how truly great he is.

We, of course, know this is bullshit. Like I said...sociopath. The fact that you "shared the stage" with the likes of Jani Lane on his way down is entirely unimpressive to just about anyone. Hell, saying you shared it with him in his HEYDAY isn't anything to brag about if you're a metal fan. Christ, a dude from Metal Church caddied for me last weekend. Does that make me great? No. It makes HIM pathetic.

But I digress. Rev is also quite aware (but unwilling to admit) that being the butt of jokes does not equate to tormentors being jealou. It equates to Rev being a fucking jackass...a grade-A nuclear-powered jackass, true...but nothing more.

So Rev - please share some more bullshit stories about you being a Marine recon sniper and Steve Vai's personal tutor or some other stupid bullshit, as they're quite entertaining.

But when you go home to your dingy empty little apartment, your used car, your Rogaine, your used furniture and your Top Ramen-with-cut-up-hot-dogs dinner, you keep telling yourself that we're jealous of you.

Fucking pathetic.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:23 am
by Aquanetsuperhold
Hey tool boy- they got an affidavit from me saying they over sold the club on a regular basis, other bands have use pyro before and that the brother knew about it before hand as well. Me, you and about 100 other people. You didn't blow anything opened. I doubt you can blow your own nose without taking credit for inventing Kleenex.

I swear you are the most bloated self-important moron on this site. You should up your medication before you hurt yourself

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:58 pm
by TheScootinator
JDV wrote:Enough rope indeed. You just showed everyone here that you have absolutely nothing better to do than to meticulously dissect this thread for any mention of you and your band in hopes of convincing someone, anyone that you were somebody. The only question I have left is hood or no hood?
Sad, isn't it? He must have spent a helluva long time putting that together. Obsessed much?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:29 pm
by EliseThePiece
I don't have anything to add except I hate that no one is payin attention to me.


I'll name drop stryper if I have to!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:46 pm
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Rev wrote:How's your Transference?

Do you even know what transference is?

I'm sure you've heard it a time or two from your mental health clinicians, but you're using it wrong here - the word you're looking for is projection, dipshit.

But you're wrong about that, too - you really are a tool, and it's entirely obvious to anyone that can step outside of this shitfest that not one person here is using you or this thread as a platform to express hidden feelings of inadequacy. That honor is solely yours, you raging slab of narcissistic delusion.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:16 pm
by TheScootinator
Aquanetsuperhold wrote:Hey tool boy- they got an affidavit from me saying they over sold the club on a regular basis, other bands have use pyro before and that the brother knew about it before hand as well. Me, you and about 100 other people. You didn't blow anything opened. I doubt you can blow your own nose without taking credit for inventing Kleenex.

I swear you are the most bloated self-important moron on this site. You should up your medication before you hurt yourself
Aqua had the same info you and 100 other people did (minus you standing there being a "lookie lou", videotaping a tragedy) but you think YOU played more of a key part than anyone else in the court proceedings? I've seen a lot of idiots, but you take the big, fat cake. I bet you carry your video camera around to tape car accident scenes, suicides and other "fun" things, too. We call people like you "disturbed", not "hero".

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:29 pm
by Son_of_Sam_I_Am
This asshole was a failure as a son, as a Marine, as a musician, and now as a productive member of society. He's done nothing but let everyone in his life down, and he'll do anything to try to convince us otherwise.

...and now that he's being whipped like a circus monkey, he's pulling out the "Oh, I was just stringing you along!" ploy. What a fish. What a played-out carcass of a man.

Rev, you are one a big, useless hunk of shit failure. Damn your eyes.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:13 pm
by Calexxia
Hell, when I did ULC Ordination, it didn't cost ANYthing

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:12 pm
by Aquanetsuperhold
Hey where is that link? I want to be holier than thou too!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:18 pm
by Calexxia
I think it's

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:52 am
by chickenona

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:09 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Why'd you edit that last post into a bump?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:14 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Chicke, forget her meds?


Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:17 am
by chickenona
CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:Why'd you edit that last post into a bump?
I was asked to.

I'll PM ya.

But yeah, siding with Rev at this point would be too much like work as well.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:21 am
by chickenona
Jesus, I KNOW why I'm on here at 8 in the morning, and I know why Stoner's on here at 8 in the morning, but as for the rest of you - GET TO WORK!

Love ya to bits, Rev, but dayumm...quit digging that hole.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:53 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
No Rev, the people fucking with you here actually like Chicke and think she's very bright.

Don't kid yourself into thinking that we'd martyr her for you.

Wait, that would be too much like normal reasoning....