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Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:36 pm
by panteraman319
deathcurse wrote:
panteraman319 wrote:DC i wasnt kissing his taint just agreeing with ONE opinion thats all...........
and when u say cash magoo i take it you mean IGGY?
Dude, don't call him Magoo. He can't help that he's got a bad eye.
oops i meant crash mcgoo!

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:42 pm
by escalation666
Call me clueless but I didn't realize DC and Iggy didn't get along. Do Itwalks, DC and Iggy all dislike one another or do they form alliances from time to time?

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:44 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:When he says "Crash Magoo," he's ripping off Hungwell, because if he doesn't try to be a sad sack halfassed pale imitation of other posters, then all you end up getting from him is crap a 3rd grader would be embarrassed to write, like
deathcurse wrote: IT SUCKS AND SO DO YOU.
Wow. Try looking out your good eye and maybe you'll see that I wasn't being serious in that post.

I seriously think you suck but the way I said it was intentionally silly.

IggyPopHasGotAWonkyEye, don't you have an English degree? Because if you took all the misused commas from your post and got a dollar for each of them, you'd have that 80 dollars you need for the rent next month.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:46 pm
by deathcurse
Wait a sec - did the guy behind Crash Override and Hackey McGoo SERIOUSLY just call me a halfassed imitation of other posters?

Holy shit, that's awesome. :lol:

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:47 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:DC has never gotten along with Itwalks
I used to get along with Itwalks just fine.

Then I came to my senses and realized that he was a total fucking retard. Like with you.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:52 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:Alright. A wonky eye bit also stolen from Hungwell, and an Itwalks-esque grammar lesson. Do you have any originality whatsoever, or are you the Kingdom Come of the drama set?
Ouch! A Kingdom Come reference to remind all of his loyal followers that he's a musical expert! You fucking nerd. :lol:

And again, is the guy behind Crash Override and Hackey McGoo REALLY going to give me a lesson on originality? Your mascara's running, Iggy.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:53 pm
by deathcurse
Iggy, I'm going to give a chance to cut out of this early tonight. Why don't you go ahead and send me that PM groveling for my forgiveness NOW and that way you don't have to look like a total weirdo crybaby in front of your fans.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:07 pm
by Dr J Jones
Jack Drugless wrote:
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:It's cool man. I just don't want you to get banned.
Iggy, the U.N. called. They need your skills.


Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:54 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:The irony of this is that you're as big a music nerd as I am. You know as much worthless music trivia as I do, and used to actually post about it, before you grew a set of tits and a twat and turned into a big ol' drama queen. For that matter, you know as much stupid trivia about movies as you do music, and still nerd out on that in the Lounge all the time. I don't know shit about movies. So between music and movies, you're a bigger fucking dweeb than I am. You sure you wanna go there?
Awesome. You're getting all upset about me being a nerd too? It was a joke, IggyPopWillBlowHisTop.
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:You're a joke to most of the people here. They just don't have the balls to tell you because they don't want to get all caught up in it and have to deal with 55 manic posts in a row from you or whatever the fuck.
Ouch! President Iggy has spoken!

I'm a joke to most of the people here? Hahahahaha! Maybe to some but MOST? Come on, Iggy. Just because YOU don't like me that doesn't mean everyone agrees with you.

Are you crying? :lol:

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:59 pm
by deathcurse
Hey IggyPopsExGirlfriendIsFuckingSomeoneMoreTalented, are you going to sit here all night and freak out about how "drama obsessed" I am?

Because that would be FUCKING AWESOME. :lol:

I think it would go great with your "unoriginal" accusation.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:08 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:Most things you post usually are.

Oh man. I predict that this is going to get really embarrassing for you. Again. Just like all the other times you've tried to battle me.
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:Only from laughing so hard at what a tough guy you think you are. The fact that there'd actually be anyone who's intimidated by you boggles my mind. The Emperor not only has no clothes, the Emperor's a dorky fucking goon.
Why would anybody be intimidated by me? In your last post, most of the people here thought I was a joke.

Why would they be scared by a joke? :lol:

Tell us some more about what you constituents really think, Iggy. You're their spokesperson now.

Man, all those "Agreed" posts really went to your head! And your stomach and arms!

You're fat!

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:13 pm
by deathcurse
Ghey Man wrote:The nail has been hit on the head here.
Let's see, in Iggy's corner we got soldierunderaman (who once threatened to put me in the hospital in a PM), panteraman (who also threatens posters in PMs), and Ghey Man (who tries to get people's phone numbers via PMs).

Well, Iggy has certainly locked up the crazy stalker demo in his "EVERYONE HATES DEATHCURSE BECAUSE HE'S MEAN" campaign.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:14 pm
by panteraman319
you should go see his post in the hatas about insecure.......

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:15 pm
by deathcurse
To recap:

- Iggy (the guy behind the Crash Override and Hackey McGoo alternyms) has called me unoriginal.

- Iggy (the guy who is going to spend the remainder of his Saturday night replying to me) has said that I'm "drama obsessed."

- Iggy (the dorky fucking goon) has called me a "dorky fucking goon."

- Iggy (the weird fat psycho) has the support of various weird fat psychos.

This is getting GOOD. :lol:

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:16 pm
by deathcurse
panteraman319 wrote:you should go see his post in the hatas about insecure.......

You're the guy who started crying about me bumping a thread that I didn't even bump.

Oh no, you're not going to threaten to beat me up, are you?

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:18 pm
by panteraman319
deathcurse wrote:
Ghey Man wrote:The nail has been hit on the head here.
Let's see, in Iggy's corner we got soldierunderaman (who once threatened to put me in the hospital in a PM), panteraman (who also threatens posters in PMs), and Ghey Man (who tries to get people's phone numbers via PMs).

Well, Iggy has certainly locked up the crazy stalker demo in his "EVERYONE HATES DEATHCURSE BECAUSE HE'S MEAN" campaign.
i pm'd 1 person.......why you stirring shit here you immature asshole....go play in your rooms and leave the intelligent threads to other people

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:19 pm
by deathcurse
panteraman319 wrote:i pm'd 1 person

Oh, you only threatened to beat up one person in a PM? My apologies, sir.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:22 pm
by deathcurse

- Iggy (the guy who rarely ventures off the Gossip Board because he knows virtually NOTHING about anything not pertaining to music) has compared me to the Emperor who wears no clothes.

- Deathcurse (the guy who made an "Emperor's New Clothes" reference only hours earlier on another thread) is still unoriginal.


Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:23 pm
by panteraman319
deathcurse wrote:
panteraman319 wrote:i pm'd 1 person

Oh, you only threatened to beat up one person in a PM? My apologies, sir.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:24 pm
by deathcurse
Ghey Man wrote:I think it has more to do with Iggy being completely right about you - more than it does who actually agrees with him.
Well, when his most vocal supporters are the guy who pretends to be friends with Sylvester Stallone and the guy who wishes Dimebag was still alive SO HE COULD SHOOT HIM, I think that says a lot about what he's saying.
Ghey Man wrote:You have to admit that there was time when you used to post more about music. But now you seem more focused on the hatas board and getting involved in the drama.

Just saying.
I go back and forth. Sometimes I get bored and I'll only post about music for awhile. Then I get sick of the same fucking threads over and over and I go back to tardball.

Jesus Christ, can anyone blame me for not wanting to participate in the "Songs with 'Devil' in the Title" threads?

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:25 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:LMAO. He always does this shit. I ripped on him about going back to school at a late age (which I apologized for, thought it was shitty of me), and what's the first thing he does? Runs to the Lounge and starts a thread all going "AM I AN ASSHOLE FOR GOING BACK TO SCHOOL?"

Now he's all like "WHO ARE MY CHEERLEADERS? IGGY SAID THIS! IGGY SAID THAT!" Again I'm under his skin like a fucking tattoo. And then he goes around claiming how he owns everyone in flame wars? LOL. Right.

NOOOO emotional investment in this stuff. None at all. "IGGY SAID THIS ABOUT ME! TELL ME HE'S WRONG! TELL ME, DAMMIT!" :lol:
- Iggy (the guy who once posted a picture to prove to me that he's not fat) has just called me "emotionally invested in this stuff."

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:28 pm
by deathcurse
"Iggy said this! Iggy said that!"????

I just quoted your "NOBODY LIKES YOU" post because I thought it was funny. That's it.

I like how Iggy's reading the Hatas threads but he's too chickenshit to post on them because he'll get uber-clowned, as he always does when he wanders too far from the Gossip Board. :lol:

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:34 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:
deathcurse wrote: Iggy (the guy who once posted a picture to prove to me that he's not fat) has just called me "emotionally invested in this stuff."
Fuck yeah I did. Anyone who can't handle their shit without needing to run off and start separate threads about it trying to get people to pat them on the back and bring them a nice warm blankie and tell them it's alright = emotionally invested as fuck.

Sorry I hurt your feelings, wittle guy.
Um, did you say I had cheerleaders? No, that was panteraman and SoulsOfBlack. Are you seriously taking credit for those two retards' posts? :lol:

My intention on that thread was pretty clear - to get people who DISLIKED me to back up what they've been bellyaching about. None of them showed up and some people who like me said "I like you."

I can see how it could be construed as fishing for compliments but I don't think it's as bad your awesomely self-clowning "Is it Okay That I'm Almost 40 and Dressing Like a 14 Year Old?" threads.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:39 pm
by deathcurse
Jack Butler wrote:Who's the fuckstain that wished that?
Let me explain because that was probably unclear.

Nobody said that. panteraman is a batshit crazy Pantera fan and I was comparing him to that other batshit crazy Pantera fan.

He didn't dispute it so maybe I hit the nail on the head without even trying.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:49 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:Oh, you mean that thread where you revealed to everyone that you're so insecure and so hung up on what others think that you live in a barren apartment in fear that you'll bring some imaginary girl home some night and she'll think you're a dweeb for having some DVDs or books out in the open? Yeah, I enjoyed that one too.

Dude, I was fucking kidding. I say things like that about my personal life to make fun of myself. I have my DVDs and CDs out in the open. My books are on display in my bedroom. I think I even said that several times in that thread.

So we got you ACTUALLY living in your manchild world and....a bunch of shit about me that it isn't even true. Go Iggy!

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:53 pm
by deathcurse
Okay, let me explain to some of you people who IggyPopWillEatItself is and why he's so popular here.

It doesn't really have anything to do with music knowledge since there are people (myself not included) who could run circles around him with music knowledge. I don't think he'd have any trouble admitting that but being a music geek is his identity so who knows - he might blow his stack at the suggestion that he's not the big man on campus.

Iggy is shameless when it comes to getting people to like him. Desperate, in fact. Check out the Beer Night thread. It's one of those threads where he's going to be jonesing for camaraderie so much that everything will be ended with an exclamation point, just to emphasize how enthused he is about what you're saying.

"Thanks man!"

"2 weeks of work, it's gotta be good!"

And it's all phony bullshit. I know because he used to be that way with me. "Thanks man!" and all that. Then one day I said to him "You know, Iggy, I think you're kinda making yourself look like a fool here." Then all that fake friendliness dropped with a fucking quickness and the gloves were off. He was bringing up whatever shit he could to get at me.

So that's what happens when you dare say anything critical about Iggy. The same guy going "Bro! Let's have a beer on the internet!" is going to be the guy who's later telling you you're an asshole for going to college in your late twenties.

Don't believe me? Give it a shot. One of you Iggy pals should mention him "borrowing" 80 bucks from a chick on the internet. Watch him go rabid on you. :lol:

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:57 pm
by Itwalksamongus
deathcurse wrote: So that's what happens when you dare say anything critical about Iggy.
Complete bullshit. Iggy and I have both had our moments - but we worked it out.

Quit crying because you don't get along with people.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:59 pm
by MurrayFiend
I think what's been lost in all this is the fact that AtomicCharvelDude really is an astoundingly shitty poster.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:01 pm
by deathcurse
Itwalksamongus wrote:Quit crying because you don't get along with people.

You missed the point, as usual. I don't want to get along with these people that Iggy shamelessly sucks up to for acceptance. Seriously - AtomicCharvelDude? That guy's dumb as shit and Iggy's trying to get him all out of harm's way. Why? BECAUSE MR. FATTY GOOGLYEYE WANTS FRIENDS. :(

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:02 pm
by Itwalksamongus
deathcurse wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:Quit crying because you don't get along with people.

You missed the point,
I got the point just fine. You were wrong.