The Hungwell Heritage PWN3GE Institute!

Here's where you can rip on each other. We don't care. If any personal information gets posted about another user, we'll delete it and you'll be banned. No exceptions.

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Post by JJBrooks »

IdiotVerdu wrote:^^BUMP!
Uhh, you're bumping a sticky.

Think about that one for a moment.
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Post by GrayAntiMatter »

Hungwell wrote: BANNED!!!!!

RockNRestInPeace, cocksucker.

It's all part of Teh_Plan
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Post by Scoundrel »

This one is appropriate I suppose.

CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:You need to take a step back from this shit and take several deep breaths. If you keep this shit up in the manner in which you are proceeding right now, this is the beginning of the end for you here at Sludge - mark my words.
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

tym wrote:She makes My air head 11 year old Girl look like Nikita Tesla.
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Post by Scoundrel »

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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

It would appear that Iommi'siFingers has just offered himself up as the next game of tardball.
tym wrote:She makes My air head 11 year old Girl look like Nikita Tesla.
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Post by Spellcheckpolice »

Iommi'sFingers wrote: 3.) My imagination isn't vivid enough to come up with the grandious lies that you will eventually use against me.
Nice to know that your imagination is as modest as your grasp of the language.
Carmanowar666 wrote: 5:There are only a few people allowed to be the spell check police, YOU are not one of them
English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?
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Post by Hungwell »

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Post by Hungwell »

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Post by BlackCrypt »

Constantine wrote:ur a fkn degenerate,
Metal Sludge wrote:It is after all, only a message board...relax!
Trist805 wrote:Chip, You owned me and I will admit defeat. I love big black cocks. Hope you are happy.
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Post by Hungwell »

"I didn't lie about anything. Whomever told you that repeating the same lies might make the irrefutable proof go away....was fucking with you. I thought the thread had been deleted EVERYONE is well aware of that, thus the Edgar Allan Pwned pic :wink: (I thought it should have been deleted)and therefore assumed it wasn't accessible * :oops: *and I made my statement based off of what I remembered from six months before.
When I realized the thread was still up, shit streamed down your leg I took it down because I felt it should have been taken down in the first place. Ya stutterin' prick ya. It's well known that chronic lyin' can have that effect on speech, but TYPING? I don't care if it was referenced by Hungwell for this thread or not. It needed to come down IMO so it's down. And why should you care? Oh yeah, it proved to countless posters that you're lying. :lol: I keep forgettin' that part.

As for what I actually said about Vulpix, she was harmed by Hungwell's posts. LMGDHWAO!! The first person who can unearth a gayer statement by a 'Mod' not named Nicola has an H.U. jersey on the way! His "compliments" were insincere cant.stop.laughing.....brb............................* oh shit.....ok.
Back when you thought you had deleted the evidence to the contrary you said I should have been banned after the 'Vulpix Incident', where I "trashed and flamed her".
I wrote:Vulpix, your art is great.//Anywho, good luck with your art, kid. It shows promise.
I hope she's ok. fight...* BAAAHAHAHAHAA!!!
His "compliments" were insincere attempts to deflect from the fact that he wanted to jack the thread and make an ass of himself at her expense and especially at mine. He could have just as easily taken it to the proper forum or started his own thread but he chose hers. Vulpix even felt embarrassed enough to take her artwork down after that. More bullshit. She took her art down only after seeing you get worked like a snow-cone in a sauna.
Like I said, I overstated the case, but only slightly. If by "slightly overstated" you mean turning two of what you thought had been deleted compliments into a "Trashing and Flaming" banworthy incident, then cool.

Truthfully when Hungwell said he was leaving, I expected him to leave on his own accord and stay gone. When he popped back in a couple of times later to flame me again, You keep lying about me 'poping in and flaming you and now SC to boot?! Fuck-flake, I never mentioned either of you. ... ght=#40916

After a 4 month absence, i gave my opinion of a thread. The Man-Child in Black used that as an excuse to attack me personally and thus earned a bitch-slap. Stone Cold obviously had no problem with it because he actually ADDED to my post.
That's it. 2 posts in 11 months. Nothing more.

As I made clear by my absence, being banned is immaterial. His actions were not.
One can only hope this has taught him to limit his lying to his damage control, tmc-like private message crusades.

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Post by Luminiferous »

You think the mod would post a sticky about....

Oh yeah....
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Post by The_Alternym™ »

Ha! Those are some great photochops. What a fat, wasted fuck.
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Post by Hungwell »

The Hall of Tards is proud to present the long overdue opening of the "Iggy Darby Crash Override Pop Wing". Taking his rightful place alongside such Sludge greats as TMC, Rev-Tard, Tatooed Lyin and Lickety himself.


















Goth Clownshoe











"Fuckin' if the Rectal Nagasaki I've suffered for the past week wasn't enough, he clowns me outta my own nyms to boot.......*tapping fingers* 'Doodle-doo Doodle-dee, Down at the Whisky'......,
Hungwell wrote:Image
Let the blue butthurt FLOW through you!

Fuck Hungwell, and fuck anyone who suggests it was in poor taste to mention Crimson King. Should we never mention the guy again? Fuck, he was proud of his Sludge exploits, and even he probably wouldn't be offended by them being mentioned, so fuck off with all that. I also never posted any personal info on Crimson, so you can stop with that shit right there. Nice to see you're still hung up on 6 year old drama, though.

As for Hungwell, as if exposing my nym just because he was all butthurt wasn't enough of a bitch move, I can't believe he's seriously trying to claim he's not a mod now. Give me a fucking break.

The rundown for the peanut gallery--

-Hungwell starts a Crue thread in which he spends several days obsessively posting bad reviews from Amazon. He says it's to piss off Crue fans. I call him out on acting like a fucktard, which anyone who did that, except apparently him, would be called out on. He gets all miffed. Boo hoo.

-Somewhere along the way, I say that MC94 tanked because the fans wanted Vince back. Which everyone with even one brain cell knows. He says the fans didn't want Vince back, and cites lower sales of Gen Swine as proof. I say the reason Swine sold poorly was because although yes, the fans did want Vince back, they didn't want an alternative rock album. They wanted a classic sounding Crue album. Which again, doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to know is true. Hungwell, instead of conceding this, runs around acting like a 2-year old, tying lots of "BWAHAHAHA"s and "MELTDOWN"s and "OWNED." Oh yeah, and makes sure to throw in lots of "I know you are but what am I"s, so that he doesn't have to actually respond to anything that's said. This is all on the Gossip Board right in his Crue thread, and can be seen by anyone.

-He then proceeds to have a splinter up his ass for about a week, over the fact that someone dared talk back to The_Mighty_Hungwell.

-Registration opens. I register the nym Terence Trent Darby Crash, 'cuz frankly, I'm bored as fuck with the Iggy nym. As Terence, I post in a MC94 vs. Gen Swine thread, saying that "Afraid" and "A Rat Like Me" are better than anything on Swine. There were no Iggy posts in the thread, it wasn't me using a nym to back myself up on anything. Though even if I had, Mr. 8 zillion Bazooka Joe nyms plus who knows what else would have no room to talk, and yeah I'll say it before dumbfuck has a chance to, "I know you are but what am I," blah blah shut the fuck up.

-So Capn' Pantybunch throws another fit and exposes the nym in that thread. Not once, but twice. Waiting for me to respond. And then does it again here. All because he's STILL ass sore that I dared talk back to His_Royal_Highness. Doesn't expose anyone that's actually being a troll, like Peaches or someone. Just me, 'cuz he's still throwing a bitchfit.

-And then instead of manning up about it, he tries to say he's not a mod. Which as if exposing me wasn't enough of a bitch move, is the final topping of the vagisil icing on the vagina cake.

So to sum it all up, fuck him. If he wasn't one of the big names around here, and wasn't a mod, most of the people who kiss his ass would clown the guy daily, because he's not funny, doesn't know dick about music, can't flame (again, his whole gimmick is just saying "meltdown" over and over and hiding behind "I know you are blah blah blah), and clearly can't hang, as he spent over a week being a bitch that I talked back to him, and then used his mod powers to expose me because of it.

The guy's a twat. And it's all been laid out here and on the Gossip Board, for everyone to see what a tool he's been. His posts speak for themselves. So I'm pretty sure that no one is gonna think he "pwned" anything except himself, except for maybe a handful of his asskissers, who I don't give a fuck about anyway.

NOW the thread's over.

And yeah, I typed a lot of words.

Get over it.

Hungwell wrote: Good! Good! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


Last edited by Hungwell on Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GrayAntiMatter »

Reading back through some of that Rev shit....just hilarious. Nicko is one funny bastard.
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Post by grishnak boss »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by SeminiferousButtNoid »

My personal favorite

GreatWhiteSnake wrote:I'm 46 and my dad's 67 and we kiss each other on the mouth and my 9 yo old son and I do too. It's because we love each other. A lot. And could give a shit what anyone else thinks about us kissing on the mouth.
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Post by Hungwell »

Metal Sludge wrote:Here is the proof

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If someone asks me about alternyms, I will tell them. No one usually gets them right except Casper.

For the record Iggy, Hungwell has never asked me if these were your alts. Come to think of it, no one has ever asked about these. ... &start=120
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Post by TheCULTofMANSON »

damn iggy mrknowitall u got fucking owned
RockSkar wrote:
Patton could sing anything that those other singers have ever sang. But none of them could sing Patton's catalog.
Itwalksamongus wrote:
Dude - did you, like, just get ass-fucked by Patton or something? You're really off the hook here.
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Post by Hungwell »

These are the questions that he can't answer! :lol:

1. How amazingly douchey did you feel typing your brain-dead deflections all the while knowing that WE BOTH KNEW you were Crash?

2. Can you descibe what it's like to hear your soul scream 'LOSER" as you log on and off with a dozen seperate nyms in order to vote in pathetic polls of your own making?

3. Is your Mental Health Care provider aware that you agree with, laugh at and bump the threads of your very own alts? What can modern medicine do for this type of advanced derangement?

4. Why won't you take deathcurse up on his 100% no-risk plan to repay the poor lady you fucked over when no one else but her would help you?*

5. In a word other than IggyPopWillEatItSelf, how would you best descibe someone who suffers from this extravagant set of malfunctions?
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Post by toddzilla »

80 dollars worth of pwnage...
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Post by Hilary_Duff_McKagan »

Sludge_Museum wrote:
SatanHimself wrote:Image
Awww, the kiddies are adorable. The one on the right looks a little like Kid Rock.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
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Re: The Hungwell Heritage PWN3GE Institute!

Post by Hungwell »

Hungwell wrote:Pure Pwn3ge Alert!

IdiotVerdu wrote:BEST THREAD EVER!!
Be wrong about everything, even if common sense says there's no way in fuck that you could be right. More importantly, don't shut up when you realize this.
In Zakk's world, the government raises money by lowering taxes and you blow smoke in your kid's face to prevent cancer.

He hears hogwash on Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and parrots it.

"It takes more faith to not have faith than it does to have faith."

Right from O'Reilly's mouth at 39 seconds of this video:

"Obama supports infanticide"

Right from Hannity and Coulter on Fox News

"World health organization study shows no link between second hand smoke and cancer."

Right from the mouth of Rush Limbaugh

"Jesus has done more for women's rights than anyone in the whole history of the world."

Conservative Chuck Colson's Blog

Then to not only repeat these stupid comments but to argue them obsessively. He refuses to let someone else have the last word. He'll keep posting long, long after being discredited.

Meanwhile, his wife kicks him to the curb and they're about to repossess his car and throw him out into the street. So he loses everything because he has his head up his ass and can't function but he's going to get on the net and help the rest of us figure it out.

The Audience is Listening.
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Re: The Hungwell Heritage PWN3GE Institute!

Post by Hungwell »

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Re: The Hungwell Heritage PWN3GE Institute!

Post by Hungwell »

Luminiferous wrote:Image
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Re: The Hungwell Heritage PWN3GE Institute!

Post by gr8twhte »

Hungwell wrote:
Luminiferous wrote:Image
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Re: The Hungwell Heritage PWN3GE Institute!

Post by MurrayFiend »

Edit: Never mind. I found what I was looking for.
HeavyMetalZombie666 wrote:Any chicks on this board like Sean Connery or Roger Moore?
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Re: The Hungwell Heritage PWN3GE Institute!

Post by thejuggernaut »

2 things:

1. Iggy is more mentally damaged than I'd originally thought.

2. How on Earth has nobody done a Jabba The Hutt photoshop with Lickety ?
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Re: The Hungwell Heritage PWN3GE Institute!

Post by Hungwell »

Move the fuck over, "I have something important to say" here comes The Meltiest and Most Cock-Suckling Post in Sludge History!!

IggyPopWillEatItself wrote: A wordy one, so bear with me.

But I want to apologize to the rest of the board for Hungwell's behavior. For the past few weeks, we've seen his years-long obsession with me finally explode in a furious puddle of melt all over the board, imitating my font, parodying every thread I start, posting countless threads either about me or based on me. A 40-something year old, obviously unstable guy's way of trying to get my attention, trying to make me mad, trying to get me to stop posting, trying to turn others against me, whatever it is that's going through his stunted manchild mind.

Whatever. It's been entertaining to me to know that I've gotten that under someone's skin that their every word and post revolves around me, to watch them make a fool of themselves.

And I know there's some people here who think I'm a pud, who've enjoyed Hungwell's melt 'cuz any anti-Iggy is fine by them, and that's cool.

But there's just as many, if not more, people who can do without the drama. Who enjoy the regular posts and threads, who come here to kill some time, escape from things for a bit, reminisce, shoot the shit about music they don't really have an outlet for talking about in real life, etc. It's to these people that I apologize for Hungwell's efforts to turn the board into a giant puddle of shit because of a personal vendetta against me, and also for any parts I've played in it. You guys shouldn't have to deal with it.

What he doesn't seem to understand is that people enjoy the album threads, enjoy the vs. threads, enjoy the topics. Whenever someone starts one, whether it's me, someone else, or even him just mocking me, it always goes to 2 or 3 pages. People share their memories, their stories about the band or album or songs. They like looking back. Some are new to the albums and enjoy having a chance to talk about them, say what they liked or didn't like. Some are even inspired to check out an album through those threads, and maybe get turned onto something new. It's why people come to a music forum--to talk about music. Go figure. I guess we're not supposed to start any threads about albums, bands, concert or band experiences or memories, music topics. I guess we're all just supposed to run around like jackasses and talk shit.

Sure, most bands and albums discussed here have been talked about ad infinitum, especially to folks who've been here awhile. But it's a forum based on a music scene that peaked 20 years ago. There's only so many bands and albums in it to discuss. Plus there's always new posters who missed out on it the time it came up a year or two ago or whenever.

But whatever. We all know that's not the real issue. Any time you come to the boards, you can see similar threads started by plenty of others, and nothing's said about it. It's not really about the thread topics. It's about one fucked up guy's obsession with me.

So because it all comes back to that, I thought I'd apologize for being the cause of it. Especially after the cesspool the board became last night.

I realize by typing this, I'm paying attention to the freakshow, giving him a reaction. But whatever. I'm 37 years old. Not interested in playing little kid games. So if this makes him jump around in his highchair and shake his rattle in glee, great...not my problem.

I'll continue to post whatever I want whenever I want, and you guys should all do the same. Fuck what anyone thinks about it. Don't want to talk about music on a music board? The logout button's right above you, then.

Just wanted to apologize for the mess this place has been lately. No big font, no gimmicks, no bullshit, just straight up.

Sorry, you guys.
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