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Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:07 pm
by MurrayFiend
This is the kind of stuff we'd be missing had this Sludge treasure been banned:
AtomicCharvelDude wrote:Im envious, dude. Miss gigging terribly. Rawk on Ig 8)
Well, ain't that something.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:10 pm
by deathcurse
Itwalksamongus wrote:I got the point just fine. You were wrong.
Am I? You really think that if you started giving Iggy shit about something (like, say, spanging 80 bucks from a chick on the board) that he wouldn't call you Mumm-ra so fast that he'd knock the breathalyzer out of your mouth?

Really? :lol:

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:13 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopHasFoodIssues wrote:And LOL @ your "I was kidding" defense about your apartment. That's what you say whenever I call you on anything. "I was kidding!" "It was a joke!" Do you have any semblance of a spine at all? How the fuck is anyone here supposed to take you seriously as the big ol' Playa Hata you claim to be when you don't even have the stones to stand behind your own bullshit?

You're ridiculous.
You might have a point - if I didn't say dumb shit about my personal life constantly.

I'm a black midget, remember?

And once again, I'll reiterate that I EVEN SAID ON THAT THREAD THAT I HAVE CD AND DVD SHELVES ON DISPLAY IN MY APARTMENT. There is no backpedal here. I straight up fucking said it several times in that thread. And I even remember you ignoring those posts on that thread!

You are fucking stupid, Iggy. Seriously. Any time you're not talking about music (like, for instance, your Obama pants-shitting), you look like the biggest fucking goober on the board.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:20 pm
by Itwalksamongus
deathcurse wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:I got the point just fine. You were wrong.
Am I?

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:21 pm
by deathcurse
Itwalksamongus wrote:
deathcurse wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:I got the point just fine. You were wrong.
Am I?
So this is what you're going to do on every thread I'm on?

Show up, edit my posts, and try to get all attention directed towards you? I wouldn't but you do what you want.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:23 pm
by Itwalksamongus
deathcurse wrote: So this is what you're going to do on every thread I'm on?
No. I'm done - and you're wrong. You've had this experience with Iggy - that doesn't mean everyone has or will. This is your thing - it's what you do. Allow me to stand aside as you prove that.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:24 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:Let's see. So far you've unveiled the oh-so-scathing "IT SUCKS AND SO DO YOU" bit, called me "stupid," and called me a "goober." Are you done for the night, or do you want to shoot some spitballs first when the teacher's not looking?
What do you want from me? You do suck, you are a stupid person, and your opinions on things such as politics make you look like an uneducated person, or a "goober."

Are you really going to take me to task for being IMMATURE?

"Bro, let's have a beer and talk about Death Angel! I'm the 40 Year Old Vampire!"
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:How anyone takes you remotely seriously, I have no fucking idea.

I'm as blown away as anyone when people do shit like post pictures to prove things to me.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:29 pm
by Itwalksamongus
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:You've had this experience with Iggy - that doesn't mean everyone has or will.
DC went from getting along fine with me to talking shit because he didn't like a "cool kids" post I made in the Lounge. So when he started talking shit, I started talking shit back. Clearly his vag has ached ever since.
That's his MO.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:32 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:DC went from getting along fine with me to talking shit because he didn't like a "cool kids" post I made in the Lounge. So when he started talking shit, I started talking shit back. Clearly his vag has ached ever since.
Why the fuck would I care about a cool kids post when the cool kids don't even like me? For what reason would I defend them?

I told you what happened and it's the honest to God's truth - I finally got sick of being nice to you. As a person, I dislike you. I think you're pretentious, I think you're quite stupid, I think your desire to be liked makes you look pathetic, and I think you're the worst kind of music fan - the kind that fetishizes artifacts above the music itself.

I don't like you. I used to think you were okay but the little annoyances eventually became big annoyances and I finally had enough.

If you want to think it's all about some "cool kids" post, fine. I don't expect a person like you to not kid themselves. It's self-preservation.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:36 pm
by deathcurse
mannycat wrote:Dude, did you just break up with Iggy?
Alright, I'm paying attention to you now.

What is it that you want?

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:39 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:Yes, it is. And only here could anyone possibly think you were anything other than a red-faced, sputtering, windbag blowhard. You sure lucked out when you landed here. Make the most of it, DC. This is your validation. Live it up.
Are you saying that I use Metal Sludge as a means to validate myself?

You, IggyPopWillEatItself, just said that.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Best thread ever.
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:And I'm equally blown away when they start whiny threads going "HEY GUYS, AM I REALLY THESE MEAN THINGS IGGY SAID?"
When are you going to realize that I didn't start that thread about you? I quoted you later on in the thread because I thought what you said was funny.

You're almost 40 and you played the "NOBODY LIKES YOU, EVERYBODY LIKES ME" card. That's so awesome, I wish you were smart enough to appreciate it.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:53 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:Damn right I am. You're a nerd in real life. You've said so yourself. You come here, and you reinvent yourself as some sort of internet tough guy. It's hardly original, there's at least one of you on every forum on the net. You prance around like you're some kind of big shot and like everyone should tremble in their E-boots at the sight of your posts. Some are stupid enough to actually fall for it. While meanwhile anyone else with half a brain knows that you're a total joke. I'd love to see what you're like in real life. I'd probably piss myself laughing. It's like Pee-Wee's E-Adventure up in this piece.
Reinvent myself? :lol:

I'm the exact same person in real life. "Internet tough guy"? Whose posts are you reading? Do you even know what an internet tough guy is? Apparently not.

I'm a nerd on these boards and I'm a loudmouth about shit. Guess how I am in real life? I'm a loudmouth nerd! How the fuck can anyone act like a badass while posting about Vain? Tell me that.

Metal Sludge isn't where I'm a badass - IT'S THE NERDIEST THING I DO. Do you really think I'm not embarrassed that I post on a fucking hair metal message board? What world do you live in where anyone would think that's cool?

Oh wait, you're IggyPopWillEatItself, king of the board that everyone should be ashamed to post on. Go you.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:54 pm
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:No, I didn't. I played the "Deathcurse is such a fucking pussy that when I start handing him shit, he runs and cries and starts threads begging everyone to make him feel better by telling him I was wrong" card.
You're still under the impression that you inspired that thread.

Your unwillingness to accept facts is downright bizarre. I don't think you're a liar, I think your mind has convinced you that these things are true.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:17 am
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:You were saying?

You're a fucking joke.
Hey Iggy, guess what? People around here sometimes puff their chests to look big and bad! Did you really go back and find all of those quotes to prove something? REALLY? :lol:

Dude, it's a game. It's pro wrestling. It's not real. I don't have genuine hate for anybody here. I don't honestly want Ghey Man to get cancer. It's a fucking joke. Don't tell me you've been here this long without realizing that. Oh man. I feel a little bit sorry for you.

Check it out - when people tap out of these feuds, what happens? I let it go. genedemon tapped out and I let it go. Abe tapped out and I let it go. It's not personal, it's just a way to pass the time. When people say "Look, this is getting tiresome, let's not do this anymore," I move on.

I've explained this on numerous occasions but damn Iggy, I'm surprised that after being here this long, you don't get it. It's not about being a tough guy, it's about getting zingers in and making people laugh.

It's been said a million times, Iggy, but you need to get a life. I need to get a life too but if you're sitting around believing that everything you read here is dead serious, I think you need another hobby.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:18 am
by Woosh
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:
deathcurse wrote:How the fuck can anyone act like a badass while posting about Vain? Tell me that.
deathcurse wrote:Like I said, up your batting average and maybe someone like Stoner or myself would consider your advice.
deathcurse wrote:You know what's funny? Before SLD decided Hatas needed his magic touch and the buttpatters all showed up like it was fucking Bonnaroo, I WAS TAKING MOTHERFUCKERS TO TASK HERE.
deathcurse wrote: I got a trail of fucking dead on this board and I got this bitch welcoming me to Hatas? Pfft! Go back to DRS where all you dipshits can play mock-flamewar and I'll just do what I have been doing - knocking dicks in the dirt and taking names.

When's the last time someone took a picture of a chair to prove anything to Mitzi? Or a picture of their goddamn ASSHOLE? I got more chunks of gold in my turds than this fraud has in her entire posting history.
deathcurse wrote: eventually Hatas is once again going to be uncool and I'll be left here once again doing the board's dirty work.
deathcurse wrote:Before Hatas got all San Frantastic, I was watering the morons that blossomed into glorious tards. So forgive me when I laugh at seeing people like Mitzi and chicke picking the flowers while at the same time telling me I'm doing it wrong.
deathcurse wrote: I'm a name guy around here
You were saying?

You're a fucking joke.
I read these in context, and I don't really think he was being serious, but whatev.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:21 am
by deathcurse
The Mighty Boosh wrote:I read these in context, and I don't really think he was being serious, but whatev.
What's funny is that the tone I was putting on there is the exact same tone in the thread about sludgerizator's tits, where I implored my fellow gentlemen of the board to raise their standards.

I hope Iggy combs that thread for quotes because there's definitely some "badass" ones in there. :lol:

It's the fucking Hatas Board! What am I supposed to say? "Well, that's just like...your OPINION, man."

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:25 am
by deathcurse
Watch - the next post will be Iggy saying I'm backpedaling, that I always have to say I'm joking around. JUST WATCH.

Never mind that I've admitted all that numerous times over the last 3 years. That doesn't matter. Iggy wants to be right and it's better for him to believe that I just now made that up as an excuse.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:30 am
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:So once again, your excuse when called on your bullshit is "IT WAS JUST A JOKE! I WAS ONLY KIDDING!"

If I ever posted something like "I'm a name guy around here," I'd fucking kill myself.

Knock 'em dead, "name guy." :lol:

See what I mean?

Okay Iggy, I'll fess up. Everything I say here is 100% serious. I never joke about anything.

I am an African American. I say that I'm not because I'm ashamed of being black. I also don't want The Mummy to not like me so sometimes I say I'm joking and that I'm really white. I'm not. I am black.

I am also a midget. This is also something I'm very insecure about so sometimes I say "Just kidding, I'm not really a midget." Make no mistake. I AM A FUCKING MIDGET.

And never mind that I've admitted that I'm only here to fuck around and amuse myself. I am dead serious about my flaming. The Hatas Board is not a place where people fuck around and try to outwit each other, it's SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.

This isn't just a hair metal message board, it's a way of life, and it's a way of life I'm proud of. Just yesterday, I told my mother of all the accolades I received in the year end polls. She was delighted.

It's all true, Iggy. Every word of it. No matter what I say, never believe otherwise. All of your suspicions about me are TRUE.


Get off the internet, fatso.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:33 am
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:If I ever posted something like "I'm a name guy around here," I'd fucking kill myself.
Really? If I'm ever at age 40, alone and working at a dead end job, drinking alone on a Saturday night, sitting on a message board telling some asshole "You're wrong! You like me! I'm a great person!," and bumming 80 bucks from a complete stranger to make the rent, I'd fucking kill myself.

That's a guarantee. If in 10 years you see that I am like you, hold me to that. Give me the gun and I'll blow my brains out. I can't think of a bigger nightmare than the life you're currently leading.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:44 am
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:Yeah, your post made 2 minutes after mine, after you had time to read what I wrote? Fuck you, "name guy."
You're right, Iggy. You're like a posting ninja. There's no way I could have predicted that you would say some stupid shit. :lol:

IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:No, what you are is a FUCKING PUSSY. You run your mouth and try to come off like some kind of Sludge badass, and then when called on your shit, you whine like a bitch about how it's all a joke, all kidding, all in fun, blah blah blah. Fuck that noise. You're a chickenshit cunt. That's all you are. You "puff your chest" and try to make everyone here think you're something other than a big bloated bag of shit, and then when called on it, you don't even have the sack to stand behind it. You make excuses like a bitch. You're like "I said I was a midget! I said I was black! So how can you think I was serious about thinking I was a name guy here, or better than anyone, or a tough guy, etc? I was kidding, man! I swear!"

You just may be the BIGGEST BITCH I've ever seen here. Man up to your bullshit for once in your pathetic life. Especially if you're going to pretend to be worth half a fuck around here. Cowardly bitch.

And for once in your life, can you say what you have to say in one post instead of making multiple posts in a row like a spastic lunatic? Fuck.

You're a fucking WEIRDO. Who would have thought that the 40 year old bachelor who digs through the trash for old records might have some mental problems?

Believe what you want, Iggy. I was actually letting you behind the curtain so that maybe you'd go "Shit, this is pointless. I've had enough."

But you don't want to believe that, which is cool too. If you keep FREAKING THE FUCK OUT like you just did, I am more than okay with you thinking whatever you want.

I am making excuses. I am backpedaling. Forget that I've posted what my motivations here are a GAZILLION times before tonight. Forget that. I just came up with it so that you couldn't be right about something.

You're right, Iggy. You're awesome. That's why you're such a ladies man! A real jetsettin' go-getter!

You are my bitch. I fucking got you. I got you so fucking torn up that you don't know what to fucking believe.


Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:46 am
by deathcurse
Hey Iggy, do you want me to tell you what my next move's going to be? Come on, it'll give you a head start.

The reason I'm offering is because I'm fairly certain that I could show you my hand and you'd still greedily gobble up everything I'm feeding you.

And why wouldn't you? You're a fatty.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:54 am
by deathcurse
OKay I gotta get this post in super fast.

Iggy is currently typing up something really crazy where he calls me a "fucking cunt" or a "fucking bitch" or a "sack of shit," all the while trying to prove to the world that I'm an "internet tough guy."

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:58 am
by Woosh
we have "sack to back your bullshit up".

will the judges accept this?

edit: n/m bitch is in there, too.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:03 am
by deathcurse

How can you even live with yourself being such a fucking pussy? At least have the sack to back your bullshit up. You look more pathetic with each post. "IT WAS LIKE WRESTLING!"

That is seriously the biggest bitch move I've ever seen by anyone here.


Why wasn't it a bitch move any of the other times I compared it to wrestling? Seriously, I've made that analogy probably a dozen times over the years. It's only JUST NOW pathetic.

Dude, look at yourself. You're getting all pissed off because I'M NOT PISSED OFF. :lol:

You're fucking nuts. Seriously. You have a serious mental disorder that is fucking with your view of reality. Just look at yourself - you still insist I made a thread about you on Hatas when it's obvious to anyone without googly eyes that that's not the case!

Like I said, if you want to constantly blow a gasket because you think that I think....whatever it is I supposedly think, FINE! It's better for me to have you losing your mind like this! I think it's funny and it gives other people shit to make fun of you about!

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:07 am
by deathcurse
The Mighty Boosh wrote:we have "sack to back your bullshit up".

will the judges accept this?

edit: n/m bitch is in there, too.
Look at him go! I even tried to say "Relax, dude. None of this is real" and he won't believe me!

I'm going to give Iggy the benefit of the doubt and chalk all of this up to him being fucked up on cheap beer tonight. I've seen him say some pretty unreasonable and wacky shit but tonight is really the peak of his insanity. He's usually not this unhinged about shit so I think it's more reasonable to blame the beer than credit my CUNNING PLAN TO DESTROY HIS MIND. :lol:

And lord knows that I've said some crazy shit all drunk on cheap beer.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:15 am
by Toxik Shokk
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote: And for once in your life, can you say what you have to say in one post instead of making multiple posts in a row like a spastic lunatic?
What nerve you have thinking, let alone posting, this. Count yourself lucky that my favourite level of amusement was not taken away from me.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:21 am
by deathcurse
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:You're really, really losing it, DC. You're the one who spent the morning flipping your gourd on Hatas, reminding everyone what a big shot here you are. You're the one who spent the evening flipping your gourd here, furious that I think you're a fuckhead. And you're the one who pussed out of ALL OF IT, playing the "It's just a game, guise, I was only kidding" card when called on your bullshit. And now you're being even more of a pussy by being like "Well fuck you Iggy, you have a mental disorder!" And you can't even do THAT without ripping off Hungwell and his googly eyes bit.
Why do you keep saying this like Hungwell is the person who gave you the googly eye? :lol:
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote:You're pathetic. You're nothing here, no one, you never were, and you never will be. You're a pale imitation, a shallow wanna-be who as much as he wants to be "someone," never will. You can't hang, you're a coward, a cunt. You claim all this "pwnership," but to anyone who can read your manic drivel, you're a joke. And you've done nothing in this thread but prove it time and again. Way to go, "name guy." Way to go.
I guess this is me "flipping my gourd."

Iggy, chill the fuck out, man! What is it that you want me to say exactly? I feel like I shattered your Sludge world by suggesting that maybe some people come here to fuck around and have a good time.

Read some of the shit you're posting. Just look at it. Does it look normal to you?

Dude, you've lost your mind. Go to bed. :lol:

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:22 am
by GrayAntiMatter
IggyPopWillEatItself wrote: And for once in your life, can you say what you have to say in one post instead of making multiple posts in a row like a spastic lunatic?
Thats my schtick! Apparently Stoner and Hungwell fucking hate it.

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:23 am
by Mikky_Five

AtomicCharvelDude is going, "Dude...."

Re: AtomicCharvelDude--

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:24 am
by GrayAntiMatter
Mikky_Five wrote:Meanwhile...

AtomicCharvelDude is going, "Dude...."
You mean he is still fake online drunk/buzzing?