Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

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Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by DaveB »

I hate this fucker with everything in me. I don't like golf to begin with and so much of it is because of what prima-donnas the players are. But now Tiger can't play 'cause he hurt his Achilles tendon or something. It fucking golf!!! This is the same fucker that's had people tossed off the course for snapping a picture while he was putting. Golf should be like NCAA basketball...let all the fans around the green scream their fool head's off while he's trying to putt. Then, if you want to bitch about your heel hurting...let the other golfers tackle your ass while you're teeing off. Pussy.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by NeverSurrender »

Oh yeah achilles tendon, all athletes play through those. :lol: Dude the guy won the US Open on one knee and you're dogging him. Not to mention you sound clueless doing it. And i don't give 2 fucks about Tiger.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by DaveB »

Actually, you're dead on about the clueless aspect. I've played the game four or five times in my life and just don't enjoy it on any level. I guess I just don't understand how the hell you get hurt playing fucking golf! I do get that playing on a screwed up leg or ankle would be tough...just don't understand how it happens in the first place. I could maybe understand pulling something in your upper body...but your heel? Someone enlighten me.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by Skate4RnR »

He's gotta quit pickin' them big women in his harem up and fuckin' 'em against the wall.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by NickasInSaltLick »

The swing is mostly generated in your legs. The rotation of your upper body creates a ton of dynamic tension down there. At the beginning of the downswing this tension is released in what is actually a pretty violent rotational motion. His swing was more violent than most, hence he's been haunted by a lot of leg injuries over the years.

Achilles problems can make it extremely painful to walk, and since those guys on tour don't have the option to ride, I can understand why he'd hang it up.

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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by Skate4RnR »

NiggazNSaltLake plays professionally if you guys didn't see his Sludgeaholic deal. Glad you could chime in dude.

You guys also have to realize that this isn't going out and fucking around on the course here and there. This is HARDCORE working on your game 24/7, it's hard on your body.

I mean if you work at playing video games as hard as professionals work in any sport you're gonna run into all kinds of problems in your hands, shoulders, neck, and back for example.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by WhiteHouseSubsAC »

I thought this was a joke at first but then I realized that the OP is a drummer so it makes a little more sense.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by DaveB »

Skate4RnR wrote:NiggazNSaltLake plays professionally if you guys didn't see his Sludgeaholic deal. Glad you could chime in dude.

You guys also have to realize that this isn't going out and fucking around on the course here and there. This is HARDCORE working on your game 24/7, it's hard on your body.

I mean if you work at playing video games as hard as professionals work in any sport you're gonna run into all kinds of problems in your hands, shoulders, neck, and back for example.
Nick, thanks for the info...I do appreciate that. I also totally agree that these guys do put everything they have into it...no question about it.

But there are still elements that I just don't get. Guys that play contact sports play through injuries all the time and they're able to maintain focus despite as many as 75,000 screaming fans. Golfers lose concentration if someone snaps a picture. Seriously? I honestly think Tiger is just using this "injury" to hide the fact that he's simply lost his game.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by NickasInSaltLick »

It's like any other sport when it comes to injuries. Some can be played through, some can't. Four years ago I tore two tendons in my left wrist while playing. I hit a shot and caught a tree root that was hidden underneath the grass. The clubhead got wrenched in my hand on the follow through, and my right hand came flying off the grip. This twisted my left hand awkwardly and popped the tendons which were probably already worn down from the estimated 700,000 shots I'd hit to that point over the course of my career. The doctors made me wear a brace for 7 months. It was impossible to swing with it on and I couldn't imagine being very effective if I would've tried to play through it anyway. It's not like the NFL where you can break a finger and not even realize it since you already took the needle for a sore knee and are beeked up on trucker speed. NFL players will play through minor injuries, and so do most professional golfers. There's too much money on tour not to. But if your injury gets to the point where you can't physically do what it takes to make a cut, it doesn't make any sense to try and stay out on the road with no reward. That's just stupid.

I played baseball all the way through my senior year of high school and I still believe hitting a baseball is still the hardest thing to do in sports and I could do it while having 6-700 of our rivals fans calling me every name in the book, so when I'm out on the course, noises don't bother me much. But I can see why they would for some guys.

Being able to focus on dropping the clubhead into the back of the ball after hitting a very particular sequence of body positions in order to create the most efficient mode of turning that body tension into energy in the clubhead with perfect timing is extremely difficult at the highest level. Especially when unlike in team sports you need to perform at the highest level almost every week just to stay on the road. And when it doesn't happen, it's all on you. You can't pawn it off on teammates or shitty coaches. There's a lot of pressure there.

What it boils down to is in all of those other sports, the noise is pretty much constant and a constant noise is easy to drown out, like those dudes that can sleep on an airplane. Being called a cocksucker by one guy in a crowd of 50,000 doesn't really matter. Golf takes place on a much more serene setting and with very few exceptions there aren't a ton of people around to watch. Hell, I don't even like to watch it! Even on tour, unless you're one of the top fifteen players, you might have 30 or 40 people following you around at the most. The most noise comes from birds in the distance. It's pretty easy to see when everything is pretty much dead silent, somebody clicking a camera five yards away from you might throw your timing off a bit. And one bad shot can completely fuck a good round.

It's just a different sport with a different culture and a different set of conditions.

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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by DaveB »

NickasInSaltLick wrote:Four years ago I tore two tendons in my left wrist while playing. I hit a shot and caught a tree root that was hidden underneath the grass. The clubhead got wrenched in my hand on the follow through, and my right hand came flying off the grip.
So are you the guy that I saw do this on ESPN or several other news and internet sources or did this just happen to someone else?

Either way, you've made a great argument at proving me wrong. I still think Tiger's a pussy but like I said earlier, I really DON'T know jack about the sport so maybe I'm way off base.

Same kind of mentality goes with auto racing. Those who aren't fans always talk about how it isn't a sport...all they're doing is driving around in a circle for a few hours. I'm not a big fan and don't really follow it...but have you ever just raced competitive go-karts for even 20 or 30 minutes? It's more physically demanding than most people think. I'm sure golf has it's own demands that we're not aware of as well. There's certainly a technique and focus level that goes way above the norm.

I still think it should be a contact sport though. You and your foursome should suit up in pads. Make it a combination of ice hockey and golf. That would be cool!
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by LillianRoxyFA »

Sounds like Dave's got an education on how volitile the swing can be on a pro golfer's body. However, Tiger seems to withdraw much more than the average player. Either his leg issues are much worse than reported (probably), or he tanks it once he sees he's out of contention.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by NickasInSaltLick »

DaveB wrote: So are you the guy that I saw do this on ESPN or several other news and internet sources or did this just happen to someone else?
No, I was never a PGA Tour guy. I played on some smaller circuits and still play a Section event here or there, but my best playing days are long behind me. I'm a swing teacher and coach nowadays.

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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by DaveB »

LillianRoxyFA wrote:Sounds like Dave's got an education on how volitile the swing can be on a pro golfer's body. However, Tiger seems to withdraw much more than the average player. Either his leg issues are much worse than reported (probably), or he tanks it once he sees he's out of contention.
I still don't like him but I have absolutely no problem with being proven wrong...especially whenever someone that knows their shit does it in a respectful manner. I just always thought he was the utmost prima-donna. Even with the affair stuff he admitted that he felt that he was entitled to do what he did. His leg issues could be bad...but I just think it has more to do with the fact that he can not make a comeback. He's not a "people person" and totally lacks the charm to mount a successful PR campaign. He has been stand-offish from the beginning and he just can't overcome that.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by intimid8r »

NickasInSaltLick wrote:The swing is mostly generated in your legs. The rotation of your upper body creates a ton of dynamic tension down there. At the beginning of the downswing this tension is released in what is actually a pretty violent rotational motion. His swing was more violent than most, hence he's been haunted by a lot of leg injuries over the years.

Achilles problems can make it extremely painful to walk, and since those guys on tour don't have the option to ride, I can understand why he'd hang it up.

If he was 4 under I'll bet he would have kept going.
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Re: Tiger Is Such A Pussy!

Post by Cyber Spirit »

DaveB wrote:
LillianRoxyFA wrote:Sounds like Dave's got an education on how volitile the swing can be on a pro golfer's body. However, Tiger seems to withdraw much more than the average player. Either his leg issues are much worse than reported (probably), or he tanks it once he sees he's out of contention.
I still don't like him but I have absolutely no problem with being proven wrong...especially whenever someone that knows their shit does it in a respectful manner. I just always thought he was the utmost prima-donna. Even with the affair stuff he admitted that he felt that he was entitled to do what he did. His leg issues could be bad...but I just think it has more to do with the fact that he can not make a comeback. He's not a "people person" and totally lacks the charm to mount a successful PR campaign. He has been stand-offish from the beginning and he just can't overcome that.

I think he thought that was part of being
ultra competitive.Aussie golfers reckon that alone,
one on one interaction wise,he is a very likable guy.
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