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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:01 am
by amouthfulofsin220
What the fuck is all that backtrace bullshit about?

Seriously Sludger, it's obvious no one cares as much as you. Go grab a box of Milk Bones and sit the fuck down.


Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:25 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
I found a hidden gem on Youtube that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trent has indeed sold his soul to the devil, and the imagery from the Closer video proves it:

I know many long time fans have been dealing with this shit for a long time now, but this was put up recently... as in a couple days ago, so have a laugh on me but before you choke, drop your KFC and chew on this - really chew on it:

Through every forest
Above the trees
Within my stomach
Scraped off my knees
I drink the honey, inside your hive...
You are the reason I stay alive...

Do you really think that's just "pretty" imagery?

...excerpt from THE BOOK OF URIEL, Part one, the Sixth Vision LUNA, corresponding to the twenty-ninth path of the Cabalah... an invocation:

part of Part I:

Bring on your sweet Arcadian dreams and the laughter of the revelers in the forest, for my beloved and I would lie in your secret places. We will build a shrine of leaves and upon a carpet of braided vines, celebrate your mystery, drink the bitter cup and fall into a rapture. Take us to the high hills, bind our eyes with garlands of violets, stop our mouths with the sweet honeycomb, and at that instant when our joy is greatest, with your titan hand, hurl us together into the crevice.

Part II:

O Silent One, Forgotten One, Lead us to the temple of the twice-mothered, the Child of the Sky. There, far from the gloomy world of men, my love and I will lose ourselves forever on the bright threshold of the eternal. Prince of the woodlands, my beloved and I would see you. You who are cloaked in forests and hills and streams, concealed by the warm earth itself and hidden in the hearts of mountains, show forth, and fill us with your madness. By it, we shall either be destroyed or translated into light. In the depths of night, within the walls of Tirzah, we cast our lot with love, and now await with resignation, whatever the dawn may bring. My beloved and I are in that sweet twilight of mind, that quiet state of victory, that comes only from submission. We have made ourselves outcasts, and walk the path of the rejected. Those who despise us are filled with envy, for we have had the courage to drink forbidden wine. We have done that which our enemies fain would do, but dare not. They are guided by the laws of men and have placed these laws into the mouths of their gods. Under the gaze of She Who Works From Afar, we have cut our ties with man-made things. Arise, Silent One, The reddening sun fills us with laughter. Come out of your midday slumber, look upon my love and me, that in the ensuing folly we may leap into the infinite.

I know 99% percent of you won't read through all of this and just waste your time posting silliness like "TR;DR" or mocking, and that's a damn shame.

It's never too late open your eyes to all that truly surrounds us. To still think that whoever wrote those lines above wasn't perfectly aware of this invocation is, well, a dumbass - or in denial.

Whether that knowledge offends you or not is, of course, up to you.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:16 pm
by dustbunny
Well, if Trent sold his soul and all he got out of the bargain was Q and HTDA I'd say he got stiffed big time.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:33 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
dustbunny wrote:Well, if Trent sold his soul and all he got out of the bargain was Q and HTDA I'd say he got stiffed big time.
Buahahaha... no shit, right?

I personally don't know whether it went that far, but it's obvious he had/has a knowledge/interest in the esoteric. Whether he does it from a place of sincerity or whether it's just to piss fundamentalist assholes off is up for discussion to everyone who doesn't know him personally.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:55 pm
by Lydia
Cashmere wrote:Remember the whole Nyke thing that got out of hand? And yet there were no ms names or addresses posted on the nin website or ets. There were no ms users like amouthfulofsin either. Just saying...
amouthfulofshit220 is not a real poster, she's a sockpuppet troll.

She's here to be a fat, plump boob and scare away legit discussion of Trent's idiocy. Thanks to the many who choose to take her seriously, she seems to be succeeding.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:04 pm
by BaGawker2.0

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:58 am
by amouthfulofsin220
Cashmere wrote:Remember the whole Nyke thing that got out of hand? And yet there were no ms names or addresses posted on the nin website or ets. There were no ms users like amouthfulofsin either. Just saying...
Yeah, it seems like intelligence was a rare commodity back then.

It really is starting to seem like I don't belong if people like you were the "big cheese" in those circles.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:16 am
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:I found a hidden gem on Youtube that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trent has indeed sold his soul to the devil, and the imagery from the Closer video proves it:

I know many long time fans have been dealing with this shit for a long time now, but this was put up recently... as in a couple days ago, so have a laugh on me but before you choke, drop your KFC and chew on this - really chew on it:

Through every forest
Above the trees
Within my stomach
Scraped off my knees
I drink the honey, inside your hive...
You are the reason I stay alive...

Do you really think that's just "pretty" imagery?

...excerpt from THE BOOK OF URIEL, Part one, the Sixth Vision LUNA, corresponding to the twenty-ninth path of the Cabalah... an invocation:

part of Part I:

Bring on your sweet Arcadian dreams and the laughter of the revelers in the forest, for my beloved and I would lie in your secret places. We will build a shrine of leaves and upon a carpet of braided vines, celebrate your mystery, drink the bitter cup and fall into a rapture. Take us to the high hills, bind our eyes with garlands of violets, stop our mouths with the sweet honeycomb, and at that instant when our joy is greatest, with your titan hand, hurl us together into the crevice.

Part II:

O Silent One, Forgotten One, Lead us to the temple of the twice-mothered, the Child of the Sky. There, far from the gloomy world of men, my love and I will lose ourselves forever on the bright threshold of the eternal. Prince of the woodlands, my beloved and I would see you. You who are cloaked in forests and hills and streams, concealed by the warm earth itself and hidden in the hearts of mountains, show forth, and fill us with your madness. By it, we shall either be destroyed or translated into light. In the depths of night, within the walls of Tirzah, we cast our lot with love, and now await with resignation, whatever the dawn may bring. My beloved and I are in that sweet twilight of mind, that quiet state of victory, that comes only from submission. We have made ourselves outcasts, and walk the path of the rejected. Those who despise us are filled with envy, for we have had the courage to drink forbidden wine. We have done that which our enemies fain would do, but dare not. They are guided by the laws of men and have placed these laws into the mouths of their gods. Under the gaze of She Who Works From Afar, we have cut our ties with man-made things. Arise, Silent One, The reddening sun fills us with laughter. Come out of your midday slumber, look upon my love and me, that in the ensuing folly we may leap into the infinite.

I know 99% percent of you won't read through all of this and just waste your time posting silliness like "TR;DR" or mocking, and that's a damn shame.

It's never too late open your eyes to all that truly surrounds us. To still think that whoever wrote those lines above wasn't perfectly aware of this invocation is, well, a dumbass - or in denial.

Whether that knowledge offends you or not is, of course, up to you.
I'm the LORD of all Darkness ! He tried to sell it to me.. but I was busy trying to posses little girls like Emily Rose and Linda Blair.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:26 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
You bitches have serious psychiatric issues - do all of you really give this much of a fuck about the other posters here outside of this thread?

Get medicated.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:49 am
by amouthfulofsin220
Cashmere wrote:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:
Cashmere wrote:Remember the whole Nyke thing that got out of hand? And yet there were no ms names or addresses posted on the nin website or ets. There were no ms users like amouthfulofsin either. Just saying...
Yeah, it seems like intelligence was a rare commodity back then.

It really is starting to seem like I don't belong if people like you were the "big cheese" in those circles.
You are really strange amouthfulofsin. I never said I was "big cheese". Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

I see your pal Jarret and you are up to something...
Um... whatever.


Settle down now... if your owner doesn't want to give you Milkbones, I will. Just say the word.

Or bark.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:06 pm
by sevenfire2
I was surprised to see the TrollzRUz account. It's not me, or anyone else I know. I asked, it took two days to get answers back. However, did some quick tracking and the results are in.

The TrollzRUz account belongs to Sludger.

Although, I do find it interesting that Cashmere also randomly knows about it. I would imagine if anyone has given personal information to Sludger or Cashmere it will find its way online eventually if they get irritated with you.
Cashmere wrote: I see your pal Jarret and you are up to something...

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:48 pm
by sevenfire2
Hacking? Who said anything about hacking? A 12 year old could explain how I get this information. It really is that simple.
Cashmere wrote:Quit making stuff up. You don't have the capacity nor intellect to hack into Twitter and trace Twitter accounts, esp. after Twitter had a major hacking incidence from China & France last year. Also, why would you admit that you hacked into Twitter on a public board? You should be concerned now that Twitter doesn't put you into jail now.

Where your proof?

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:32 pm
by BaGawker2.0

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:06 am
by amouthfulofsin220
Cashmere wrote:
Sevenfire2, you have 1 year of college at a community college? Quit making stuff up. You don't have the capacity nor intellect to hack into Twitter and trace Twitter accounts, esp. after Twitter had a major hacking incidence from China & France last year. Also, why would you admit that you hacked into Twitter on a public board? You should be concerned now that Twitter doesn't put you into jail now.

Where is your proof? You and AMFOS need to stop lying. I know about the account because the account follows the other troll accounts. As for personal info, no one has given me personal info on MS.

Most likely this account is yours because you are so often off the mark. Just like the info you gave to Trent about the women on here. Half right and half wrong information.
Years in college have nothing to do with the price of rice in China. When you like something, you hone your skills and become good at it. Your precious Trent didn't go to Julliard or MIT, and it seems he was good enough at music and mindfucking to snag a real winner like you in his gossamer web, hmmm?

That's what I thought.

Oh, Cashmere, you truly are an interesting study. What else are you going to accuse random people of doing?? Fine - I'm also one of the people Blagojevich offered to sell the Senate seat to... and I can tell you what really goes on underneath the flagstones of the Capitol building at night. Ooga booga.

I don't know whether Jarrett's still involved with the losers on Twatter, but I'm not and I never was. Hard to believe, but I'm just not pressed enough to post about this outside of here - especially to antagonize the posters here.

That's apparently your job.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:36 am
by amouthfulofsin220
Your posts read like this:
You are one loopy broad.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:24 pm
by sevenfire2
I cannot believe you just used the phrase "backtracing".

oh shit... is Cashmere Jessi Slaughter?

Cashmere wrote: By the way, there is no such thing as legal "back tracing" from a corporate website or there would not be privacy statements on the front of websites. LOL! It's called HACKING.
Cashmere wrote: Good job AMFOS covering your ass cause you know that Twitter would immediately forward the hacking perp (sevenfire2) to the FBI. Keep digging your hole.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:37 pm
by Bron

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:48 pm
by Orionslavegirl1
Riot really needs to stop making videos

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:39 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
Bitch is ugly but that guitar titjob was hot.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:35 pm
by dustbunny
Thank you for the post :lol: that's the best laugh I've had all week.
LOL at this fool looking at the camera intensely at 2:15.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:49 pm
by dustbunny
Another racist from You Tube:

"I like Trent's music, and I love hot Fillipino's. So what? I'll easily bet there are at least 100,000 people in this country who share my sentiments."

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:34 pm
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Orionslavegirl1 wrote:
Riot really needs to stop making videos
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is the kind of shit that brought me to this thread in the first place.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:01 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
This is Francis10's song to Trent & the Q right about now...

EDIT: sorry the link was broken, I found another file with the same song. I really think you should listen to this too... you'll fall in love with the song!

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:36 pm
by taste_the_rainbow

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:44 pm
by taste_the_rainbow

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:54 pm
by taste_the_rainbow

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 3:58 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
taste_the_rainbow wrote:More BS:
Even if we take the whole thing about being married to a rock star out of the equation, she is still somebody who is only 29 and making a gigantic wave in the music industry. She's the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen, and she's smart and self possessed as well. Any hatefulness directed at her is there because we're all very, very jealous of her. We should all see Mariqueen for what she is, a rare force of genuine creative talent.

I damn near got a hernia laughing at that one. Whoever wrote that had to be joking.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:24 pm
by RichardL ... mariqueen/
Some of these comments are priceless:
■Fashion Police on July 18th, 2010 9:23 am
Just because Q is wearing the same style dress as Heidi Klum and Angelina Jolie does not put her in the same category. From a fashion standpoint I just see a Z-lister wannabe standing next to a has-been who looks like he stole his outfit off of a hobo. He dresses like a 15-year old kid from 1998. Classy. Hate to say this, Trent, but the older you get, when your head is shaved, the more you look like John Travolta.

■David Rose on July 18th, 2010 10:22 am
Reznor has no neck and looks constipated.
■Jami on July 19th, 2010 11:13 am

The “unusual circumstances” she speaks of? She was a call girl, he her client, and it took off from there. It’s not really a big secret in Hollywood circles.

But whatever, they seem happy and I wish them all the best, while it lasts.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:55 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
RichardL wrote:The “unusual circumstances” she speaks of? She was a call girl, he her client, and it took off from there. It’s not really a big secret in Hollywood circles.
I hate to point out the obvious, but wouldn't Francis10 not have been nearly as surprised as he seemed when she dropped him like a bad habit for Trent if she were indeed a callgirl?

He would've already known that she was obviously looking to be taken care of, and since Trent was the damn fool that fell, she would sever all ties with him and go with the bigger better deal.

If she was a callgirl, go her. She isn't all that high end, especially for L.A. clients, but she bagged herself a millionay-er all the same. I still maintain she's got mad skillz in the bedroom, yo.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:37 am
by taste_the_rainbow