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Re: President Trump

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:09 pm

Re: President Trump

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:09 pm
by Turner Coates

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:04 am
by That-guy
Now Kellyanne Conjob is claiming that people hate her because of gender. She has to realize that's ridiculous since her haters voted for a woman, right? :roll:

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:22 pm
Turner Coates wrote:Image
So typical. Of course the Secret Service is "fake news." How much longer before this charade collapses.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:02 pm
by TenBenny
Trump loves playing in trucks. Again with this. Today it was a fire truck at the White House. The man is 71, not 7! ... ruck-today

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:49 pm
by That-guy
Turner Coates wrote:Image
So typical. Of course the Secret Service is "fake news." How much longer before this charade collapses.
It's already collapsed. His worshippers are just too brain dead to realize it.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:13 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
That-guy wrote:It's already collapsed. His worshippers are just too brain dead to realize it.
I always go back to something Trevor Noah once said: "America, I've found, doesn't like nuance."

To criticize Trump is to automatically become pro-Hillary. How often do you see someone make a legitimate criticism of Trump only to be met with one of his flock saying "Turn off CNN" or whatever? If you're anti-Trump, you're pro-CNN. There's no middle ground.

I think it's part stupidity, but also an interesting (and pathetic) form of self-defense. It's easy to be locked into certain truths, this truth being that Donald Trump is beyond reproach and his enemies are their enemies. You remove one little piece from that tower, it's like Jenga--the whole thing could fall apart and they're left with nothing. Life is really easy when you see things only in black and white. It gets complicated when you start to see gray areas.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:16 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
I sound like fucking TenBenny.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:32 pm
by whammybar
It still trails back to Obama hatred and bigoted racism. No matter how much it's denied, the truth is in listening to backroom talk and the words written right out in the open on social media. Just today I saw a group of people unleashing a furious hatred of Michelle Obama online. There is no explaining it with reason or facts, so bigotry is the obvious reasoning.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:13 pm
by That-guy
Sounds like two more Republican Senators are voting no on Trumpcare. That should be the end of this until they agree to work with Democrats to fix Obamacare.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:27 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:36 pm
by EddieVanHeineken
whammybar wrote:It still trails back to Obama hatred and bigoted racism. No matter how much it's denied, the truth is in listening to backroom talk and the words written right out in the open on social media. Just today I saw a group of people unleashing a furious hatred of Michelle Obama online. There is no explaining it with reason or facts, so bigotry is the obvious reasoning.

A lot of it is racism, I agree. I am Caucasian and grew up in an Italian-German family. At all the family get togethers, my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents had no problem using slurs about every other race or religion. It was the N!@#$%^'s, the Jews, the Spics, Pollocks, etc. etc. My wife is Jewish and they still can't control themselves talking about the "Jews" in a negative way when she is around. My cousins went to a school that was more affluent and mostly white. Me and my siblings went to a school that was very mixed and had a wider range of poor to wealthy. We all had friends that were black, hispanic, Asian, etc.

The next generation in my family, outside of me and my siblings, are staunch Republicans/Trump devotees. Yet, they all want to pretend that their beliefs aren't rooted in racist beliefs they were surrounded with. They all hate poor people because they think they are lazy and refuse to work. The funniest bit is that they hate illegals, but have no problem going down the road to pick up some illegals to do yard work because it's cheap.

When as a white person, you are in a situation where there are only white people, some people get real comfortable sharing their real feelings about other races, religions, etc. But then they want to pretend on Facebook that they aren't racist and that they hated Obama because of his policies, not his color.

Honestly, I'm just tired of people being fake about it. If that is really how you feel, and say as much behind closed doors, don't be a fucking coward. Say how you really feel so people know where you stand.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:17 pm
by BlackCrypt
Chip Z'Hoy wrote:Image
And yet we have been here once before. I don't think this battle is done yet. McCain getting old and clotty might be what we need to get both sides together on this.

A Look Back At How The President Was Able To Sign Obamacare Into Law

We have encountered many physicians and friends who don’t recall or recognize just how many interesting coincidences had to fall into place for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to pass both houses of Congress and gain President Obama’s signature (March 23, 2010). This post serves as an informational overview – a reminder – as to how it all happened and is not meant in any way to be a judgment on the process – however convoluted – or on the final product.

The U.S. House of Representatives was safely Democratic as a result of the Nov. 4, 2008, elections by a margin of 257 – 199; the Democrats had gained 21 seats from the 2006-07 Congress. The real interesting ACA political dynamics began during the November 2008 U.S. Senate elections.

Going into the 2008 elections, the Senate consisted of 49 Democrats, 49 Republicans, and two Independents (Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Bernie Sanders of Vermont) who caucused with the Democrats. When the smoke cleared from those elections, the Democrats picked up eight seats to increase their majority to 57-41 (although Democrat Al Franken’s recount victory was not official until July 7). With the two Independents, the Democrats were one vote shy of the supermajority magic number of 60 they needed to ward off any filibuster attempts and move forward with broad healthcare reform legislation.

But on April 28, 2009, the dynamics changed when Pennsylvania Republican Arlen Spector changed parties, giving Senate Democrats that coveted 60th vote.

Now the Democrats had a safe majority in the House and a filibuster-proof supermajority of 60 in the Senate. That scenario lasted only four months before fate intervened. Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died on August 25, 2009, leaving the Democrats, once again, with 59 seats (counting the two Independents). Exactly one month later, on September 25, Democrat Paul Kirk was appointed interim senator from Massachusetts to serve until the special election set for January 19, 2010 – once again giving the Democrats that 60th vote. But the intrigue was just beginning.

With the supermajority vote safely intact once again, the Senate moved rather quickly to pass the ACA – or ObamaCare – on Christmas Eve 2009 in a 60 – 39 vote (Kentucky Republican Senator Jim Bunning chose not to vote since he was not running for reelection). The House had previously passed a similar, although not identical bill on November 7, 2009, on a 220 – 215 vote. One Republican voted “aye,” and 39 Democrats were against.

There didn’t seem to be an urgent need for Democrats to reconcile both bills immediately, because the Massachusetts special election (scheduled for January 19, 2010) was almost certain to fall to the Democrat, Attorney General Martha Coakley. After all, no Republican had been elected to the U.S. Senate from the Bay State since Edward Brooke in 1972 – 38 years before! But in yet another twist of fate, Republican Scott Brown ran his campaign as the 41st senator against ObamaCare and shocked nearly everyone by winning the special election by 110,000 votes.

That left House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Obama in a dilemma. Everyone assumed that the Christmas Eve 2009 Senate bill would be tweaked considerably to conform more with the House bill passed two months previously. But now that strategy wouldn’t work, because the Democrats no longer had the 60th vote in the Senate to end debate. What to do? They decided to have the House take up the identical bill that the Senate passed on Christmas Eve. It passed on March 21, 2010, by a 219 – 212 vote. This time, no Republicans came on board, and 34 Democrats voted against. President Obama signed the ACA legislation two days later on March 23.


Re: President Trump

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:04 pm
by Turner Coates
Chip Z'Hoy wrote:I sound like fucking TenBenny.
Please stay away from puppies.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:21 am
by Rageman
Chip Z'Hoy wrote:
That-guy wrote:It's already collapsed. His worshippers are just too brain dead to realize it.
I always go back to something Trevor Noah once said: "America, I've found, doesn't like nuance."

To criticize Trump is to automatically become pro-Hillary. How often do you see someone make a legitimate criticism of Trump only to be met with one of his flock saying "Turn off CNN" or whatever? If you're anti-Trump, you're pro-CNN. There's no middle ground.

I think it's part stupidity, but also an interesting (and pathetic) form of self-defense. It's easy to be locked into certain truths, this truth being that Donald Trump is beyond reproach and his enemies are their enemies. You remove one little piece from that tower, it's like Jenga--the whole thing could fall apart and they're left with nothing. Life is really easy when you see things only in black and white. It gets complicated when you start to see gray areas.
I can't criticize anything about Trump to a couple I know because every criticism is answered with "Well, what about Hillary? You think it's OK that she's not in jail? Why are you so concerned about Trump if it's OK to forget what she's done?"

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 4:37 am
by exitflagger
Rageman wrote:I can't criticize anything about Trump to a couple I know because every criticism is answered with "Well, what about Hillary? You think it's OK that she's not in jail? Why are you so concerned about Trump if it's OK to forget what she's done?"
It's either "Hillary!" or "Obama!" They don't have coherent points of view on anything. All they know is they don't want no negro or no bitch in charge.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:39 am
by Turner Coates

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:52 am
by Turner Coates
Trump 2020 campaign donors paying for family's lawyers ... a_20170718

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:00 am
by Mojo
Funny how my Conservative, Trump-loving co-worker, who's always dead silent when a white cop shoots a black guy, is all up in arms over brown Mohammad Noor shooting a white woman.
He also no longer watches the news, just like most of the Trump supporters here. It's a fucking disease.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:41 pm
by Judge Smails
more fun - who's actually in charge at The White House? ... uring-g-20

Trump, Putin had second, undisclosed talk at G-20

President Trump held a second, informal talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G-20) summit in Hamburg, Germany, earlier this month, the White House confirmed Tuesday.
Press secretly Sean Spicer confirmed Trump and Putin spoke at the G-20 heads of state dinner, hours after their formal bilateral sit-down. But he wasn't able to say how long they spoke or what they discussed.
According to Tuesday reports, in their second conversation, Trump spoke with the Russian leader for roughly an hour, joined only by Putin's translator. The meeting had previously gone without mention by the administration...

this begs the question - "What was so secret that not only did Trump exclude a U.S. translator, but even Putin's pal Tillerson, who was at the non-secret meeting?"

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:44 pm
by LeeRatbag
Judge Smails wrote: Press secretly Sean Spicer
Typo of the week. :)

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:50 pm
by TenBenny
Judge Smails wrote:more fun - who's actually in charge at The White House? ... uring-g-20

Trump, Putin had second, undisclosed talk at G-20

President Trump held a second, informal talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G-20) summit in Hamburg, Germany, earlier this month, the White House confirmed Tuesday.
Press secretly Sean Spicer confirmed Trump and Putin spoke at the G-20 heads of state dinner, hours after their formal bilateral sit-down. But he wasn't able to say how long they spoke or what they discussed.
According to Tuesday reports, in their second conversation, Trump spoke with the Russian leader for roughly an hour, joined only by Putin's translator. The meeting had previously gone without mention by the administration...

this begs the question - "What was so secret that not only did Trump exclude a U.S. translator, but even Putin's pal Tillerson, who was at the non-secret meeting?"
Hmmm. Nothing suspicious there.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:54 pm
by TenBenny
“I think we're probably in that position where we'll let ObamaCare fail.” ... acare-fail

Fuck this asshole. He doesn't care about people's health, their finances, their lives. He's literally descended into madness, obsessed with destroying Obama's legacy.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:57 pm
Don't blame Trump. Blame Putin. He's running the show.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:00 pm
by Turner Coates

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:06 pm
by Luminiferous
Drumpf unveiled the Made In America week this week.... Funny when you factor in his and Ivanka's brands rely exclusively on foreign factories employing low-wage workers in countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia and China to produce their products...

Hell even his wife wasn't made in America..

When asked at Sunday's briefing whether “Made in America” week would include a commitment from the Trump Organization or Ivanka Trump's company to make more of their products in the United States, Helen Ferre, the White House's director of media affairs told reporters, “We'll get back to you on that.”

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:25 pm
by exitflagger
Luminiferous wrote:Drumpf unveiled the Made In America week this week.... Funny when you factor in his and Ivanka's brands rely exclusively on foreign factories employing low-wage workers in countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia and China to produce their products...

Hell even his wife wasn't made in America..

When asked at Sunday's briefing whether “Made in America” week would include a commitment from the Trump Organization or Ivanka Trump's company to make more of their products in the United States, Helen Ferre, the White House's director of media affairs told reporters, “We'll get back to you on that.”
The one thing I noticed at his little "Made In Murica, Rah Rah" thing was that he had several Gibson guitars on display behind him which were obviously part of the presentation. That's right; Gibson the "QC-in-the-shitter" "Ain't-made-a-decent-product-since-the-90s" brand of guitars.

Clueless. :arrow: Trump. :arrow: Checks out.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:26 pm
Turner Coates wrote:Image

Re: President Trump

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:31 am
by LeeRatbag
DEATH ROW JOE wrote:Image
How the hell can you be "let down" by the opposition party? THEY'RE THE OPPOSITION, YOU FUCKING OAF.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 7:57 am
by Love_Industry
EddieVanHeineken wrote:
whammybar wrote:It still trails back to Obama hatred and bigoted racism. No matter how much it's denied, the truth is in listening to backroom talk and the words written right out in the open on social media. Just today I saw a group of people unleashing a furious hatred of Michelle Obama online. There is no explaining it with reason or facts, so bigotry is the obvious reasoning.

A lot of it is racism, I agree. I am Caucasian and grew up in an Italian-German family. At all the family get togethers, my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents had no problem using slurs about every other race or religion. It was the N!@#$%^'s, the Jews, the Spics, Pollocks, etc. etc. My wife is Jewish and they still can't control themselves talking about the "Jews" in a negative way when she is around.
Ahh the irony of a mixed, part Italian family in the US being racist against .... mostly other Caucasian immigrants from Europe. Well, it's probably that time's version of today's Islamophobic racists attacking Sikhs and Hindus....