Dump Shithole

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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Nitrorulz »

cowpins wrote:
DEATH ROW JOE wrote:Too bad for Spanky the pornstar has more credibility.

Believe it or not...he lifted it from my fb Page
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Turner Coates »

Rasmussen Reports says America is SO pleased with Spanky right now, his approval rating has hit 50%. Yeah, right. Ha ha.
Only the fake media would disagree with that.



Sarah Huckabee Sanders basically just blamed Trump for misleading her
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the ... e4467e2bba

Almost nobody was aware Rudolph W. Giuliani was going to blow up the Stormy Daniels situation Wednesday night, and press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed Thursday this included her. “The first awareness I had was during the interview last night,” Sanders said of Giuliani's disclosure that President Trump had reimbursed Michael Cohen.

What was most notable was how Sanders basically blamed Trump for her own contradictory statements about Daniels.

Back in March, Sanders denied Trump knew about the payment and said it was based upon her own conversation with Trump. “I’ve had conversations with the president about this,” she said. “This case has already been won in arbitration, and there was no knowledge of any payments from the president, and he has denied all these allegations.

Asked Thursday about these comments and the White House's general trustworthiness, Sanders did not even try to put a good face on it or square her comments with our newly discovered reality. Instead, she essentially suggested Trump has misled her.

“We give the very best information that we have at the time,” she said, later repeating a version of that phrase several times.

(Look Ma, no smoke eye. Does that mean she's lost her magic liar power? Nah.)

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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by risingfarce »

exitflagger wrote:Trump is still claiming he didn't fuck her. Must be nice to get paid a six figure sum for keeping quiet about... NOT having an affair? :lol:

Trump couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.

Then that was one majorly expensive prick tease.
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by risingfarce »

TenBenny wrote:
exitflagger wrote:Trump is still claiming he didn't fuck her. Must be nice to get paid a six figure sum for keeping quiet about... NOT having an affair? :lol:

Trump couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.
Yes, it's a big fuck-up on Rudy's part, but the skeptic in me still asks if this is really going to affect Trump. His base doesn't give a shit, Republicans in Congress don't give a shit.

Don't you just wish Melania would pull a Mrs. Matt Lauer right now?
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by risingfarce »

TawnyVonJagger wrote:Hiring Rudy was such a brilliant idea. :lol: :lol:

And yep, Spanky's supporters still don't and won't give a shit.

All of those "Christian" supporters. Hypocrites.
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by risingfarce »

Turner Coates wrote:
TawnyVonJagger wrote:Hiring Rudy was such a brilliant idea. :lol: :lol:

And yep, Spanky's supporters still don't and won't give a shit.
On Trump's Twitter page, when someone rubs the latest revelations in his face, supporters are replying with stuff about loving god and America.
Turn Texas into Jesusland and send all of these fucks there. Make sure to build a wall around that shit hole.
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by vlad »

President Trump is fond of calling out the media on fake news.

But is he the one giving them very real ammunition?

Maybe not intentionally. I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt, Mr. President, and say, maybe not deliberately.

But consistently. Way too consistently.

Let me be real clear, Mr. President. How can you drain the swamp if you're the one who keeps muddying the waters?

You didn't know about that 130,000-dollar payment to a porn star, until you did.

Said you knew nothing about how your former lawyer Michael Cohen handled this, until acknowledging today you were the guy behind the retainer payment that took care of this.

You insist that money from the campaign, or campaign contributions, played no role in this transaction.

Of that you're sure.

Thing is, not even 24 hours ago, you couldn't recall any of this, and you seemed very sure.

I'm not saying you're a liar, I'm just having a devil of a time figuring out which news is fake.

Let's just say your own words on lots of stuff give me, shall I say, lots of pause.

Like the time you said the Russians didn't interfere in the 2016 election, until a lot of Republicans had to remind you, they did.

Came back months later and said you never said Russia didn't meddle in the election, when in fact, you had, a lot.

None of this makes me a never-Trumper, just always confused.

Like when you claimed your tax plan was the biggest in U.S. history, when it wasn't.

Or that the bill you signed to make it happen would cost you a fortune, when it turns out it's going to help make you a bigger fortune.

Or that your job approval numbers aren't really that bad relative to other presidents at this stage, when they're actually worse than most presidents at this stage.

That can change. But what's weird is this pattern does not.

Like the time you said rumors of Rex Tillerson's departure at the State Department were false, until they weren't.

Or that your former chief of staff Reince Preibus wasn't going anywhere, until he was.

Or your economic adviser Gary Cohn was doing a great job, until he wasn't.

When you absolutely loved Steve Bannon, until you didn't.

Swore by Jeff Sessions until you started swearing at Jeff Sessions.

Had your legal team locked in place, until it wasn't.

Denied reports you were ever thinking about firing Robert Mueller,

Even as you threaten getting involved at the Department of Justice.

None of this makes you evil. But I'm sure you can understand why even your friends say these inconsistencies don't make you look good.

Or do anything to help advance your policies, many of which are very good. Or the prospects for peace with North Korea, remarkably good.

All this stuff you blurt out? Remarkably bad, and remarkably bad timing.

It's not that these exaggerations and omissions and misstatements are now-and-then, more like now-and-then something else. Always something else.

Like the time you claimed you signed more bills than any president ever, neglecting to mention the four other presidents: FDR, Truman, Carter and Clinton, who all signed more.

Or bragged about the national debt going down by 12 billion dollars after your first month in office, even though it's soared by nearly a trillion bucks, now that you're 15 months in office.

But it's not what you're omitting, Mr. President, it's what you keep stating. And never correcting.

Like when you said there was serious voter fraud in New Hampshire, and there wasn't.

Said the same about repeated claims of voter fraud in Virginia, and there weren't.

Or that millions of illegals voted in the last election, but they didn't.

Or the time you talked up your massive landslide in the Electoral College, even though three out of four presidents before you had bigger electoral vote landslides in their elections.

Again, none of this makes what you say fake. Just calling out the press for being so, is a bit of a stretch.

You're right to say some of them are out to get you.

But oftentimes they're using your own words to bash you.

Your base might not care, but you should.

I guess you've been too busy draining the swamp to ever stop and smell the stink you're creating.

That's your doing. That's your stink.

Mister President, that's your swamp.

Another liberal snowflake? No. Neil Cavuto, of Fox. :shock:
http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2018/ ... ition.html
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by TenBenny »

Wait, Cavuto's *not* saying Trump's a liar? His entire commentary is leading him to that very conclusion at every turn and then he's all, "Mmmmmyeah, but I'm not so sure you're actually a *liar*"

These Fox folks are pretty dense, aren't they?
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Turner Coates »

Watch Stephen Colbert Break Down Trump's Rudy Giuliani Mess
'Between [Michael] Cohen and Trump, one of these two men is lying, and it's both of them,' host says
https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/news/wa ... ss-w519826

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Re: Dump Shithole


Trump takes pride in lying. Truth is for the little people. He can say whatever the fuck he wants. It's an insult to say he's not a liar.
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Turner Coates »

DEATH ROW JOE wrote: Truth is for the little people.

It's going to be entertaining having this guy as Spanky's thinker/mouthpiece.
It won't be long before he goes down in flames. Then he'll write a book.

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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Mojo »

Turner Coates wrote: It won't be long before he goes down in flames. Then he'll write a book.
At least it won’t be the biggest thing he’s had go down in flames under his watch.
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Turner Coates »



This is intended to clarify the views I expressed over the past few days.

These are my views:


There is no campaign violation. The payment was made to resolve a personal and false allegation in order to protect the President's family. It would have been done in any event, whether he was a candidate or not.


My references to timing were not describing my understanding of the President's knowledge, but instead, my understanding of these matters.


It is undisputed that the President's dismissal of former Director Comey – an inferior executive officer – was clearly within his Article II power. Recent revelations about former Director Comey further confirm the wisdom of the President's decision, which was plainly in the best interests of our nation."

https://www.vox.com/2018/5/3/17314790/g ... ws-hannity
Jed Shugerman, law professor, Fordham University

"Giuliani was not going off script. This was a deliberate strategy by Trump and his lawyers, now that they know Mueller and the Southern District of New York have the financial records and that Cohen is probably going to flip — to admit and spin. The problem is that these admissions open up even more legal trouble.

Before last night, Trump’s official story isolated Cohen for campaign finance and bank fraud felonies. Now, Trump is on the hook for failing to disclose campaign donations and debts and for conspiring to evade detection with deliberately small reimbursements, as Giuliani said, “funneled through a law firm.” That’s the language a prosecutor, not a defense attorney, would use to explain illegal activity.

One overlooked point: Giuliani also strengthened the case for obstruction of justice when Trump fired [FBI Director James] Comey. The official reason was based on Comey’s handling of Clinton’s email. Of course, Trump already told [NBC News anchor] Lester Holt and Russian diplomats that the real reason was the Russia investigation.

We know Trump told Comey to “let go” of [Michael] Flynn while admitting that he knew Flynn had lied to the FBI. But Giuliani further confirmed this corrupt purpose when he said on Fox News that Trump “fired Comey because Comey would not say that he wasn’t a target of the investigation. He’s entitled to that. Hillary Clinton got that. And he couldn’t get that. So he fired him. And then he said, ‘I’m free of this, guys.’” This is one more piece of evidence of “corrupt intent,” the mental state required by federal obstruction statutes."

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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Pierce Foreskin »

Mojo wrote:
Turner Coates wrote: It won't be long before he goes down in flames. Then he'll write a book.
At least it won’t be the biggest thing he’s had go down in flames under his watch.
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by EddieVanHeineken »

[quote="Turner Coates]

But Giuliani further confirmed this corrupt purpose when he said on Fox News that Trump “fired Comey because Comey would not say that he wasn’t a target of the investigation. He’s entitled to that. Hillary Clinton got that.”[/quote]

Why is everything about Hillary?!it has gone way past the point of even elementary school levels of thought processes. She didn’t win. She was never president, yet, they absolutely cannot go a day without her name in their mouths.
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by milk-milk-lemonade »

When Rudy says, "There's no daylight between me & the President." He means they're 'Butt Buddies', right?
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Luminiferous »

The payment was made to resolve a personal and false allegation in order to protect the President's family. It would have been done in any event, whether he was a candidate or not.

Fair enough Rudy, a reasonable excuse, BUT why, out of the countless women who have accused Drumpf of sexually assaulting them and the brunette Playmate who said he banged her, why pay THIS one off to silence her?

If she is lying and has NO proof, why pay her at all? Just call her a lying whore and his brain dead followers would brush it off as just another false accusation against their orange savior...
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Chip Z'Hoy »

I love this idea that the notoriously litigious and miserly Donald Trump just handed over six figures to a porn star for no fucking reason. :lol:
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by milk-milk-lemonade »

Trump walks back Giuliani's story

The President says Rudy Giuliani will 'get his facts straight' after his statements about payments to a porn actress

https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/04/politics ... index.html
milk-milk-lemonade wrote:USA USA USA !!
milk-milk-lemonade wrote:'Oh boy...' is a 300 Part Series
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Re: Dump Shithole


Another terrible jobs report. Participation rate is 62.8%, same as April 2016. 102 million not working (95.7 million not in the labor force and 6.3 million unemployed) . Real unemployment rate is probably 30%.

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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by woblinweebles »

EddieVanHeineken wrote:
Why is everything about Hillary?!it has gone way past the point of even elementary school levels of thought processes. She didn’t win. She was never president, yet, they absolutely cannot go a day without her name in their mouths.
They are still running against her.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/pol ... 565800002/:

"When Hillary Clinton lost her 2016 bid for the presidency, she retired from politics.

In Ohio, it's as if she never left.

More than 5,000 TV commercials this year have mentioned Clinton, all in the state's GOP primary for governor. Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor and Attorney General Mike DeWine each claim real-Republican status, using Clinton to try to cast doubt on their opponent's conservative credentials. "


"In total, nearly 13,000 TV commercials Jan. 1 through April 24 mentioned or showed a photo of Clinton, according to data compiled for the USA TODAY NETWORK by Kantar Media's Campaign Media Analysis Group. "
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by whammybar »

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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by risingfarce »

milk-milk-lemonade wrote:Trump walks back Giuliani's story

The President says Rudy Giuliani will 'get his facts straight' after his statements about payments to a porn actress

https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/04/politics ... index.html

It must be mentally exhausting to keep track of all of your lies.

This shit needs to end soon.

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Re: Dump Shithole


milk-milk-lemonade wrote:Trump walks back Giuliani's story

The President says Rudy Giuliani will 'get his facts straight' after his statements about payments to a porn actress

https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/04/politics ... index.html

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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Turner Coates »


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Re: Dump Shithole


"Not in the labor force" at a RECORD HIGH!! #thankstrump

National debt at RECORD HIGH!! #thankstrump
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Luminiferous »

Luminiferous wrote:So Drumpf calls into Faux and Friends this morning and rambles for 30 minutes in an almost meltdown manner...

Then he admits on live tv: “Michael would represent me, and represent me on some things,” Trump told the morning show. “He represents me, like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me. And you know, from what I see, he did absolutely nothing wrong.”

The looks on the hosts faces were classic.... :lol:

Finally someone broke down and condensed all 30 minutes into a quick review for all to see... Labeled correctly as: “I can safely say I’ve never seen a news anchor try to bail on an interview with the president of the United States.” :lol:

https://www.facebook.com/thedailyshow/v ... C0iuIE_ohk
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by Luminiferous »

Chip Z'Hoy wrote:I love this idea that the notoriously litigious and miserly Donald Trump just handed over six figures to a porn star for no fucking reason. :lol:
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by TenBenny »

Now Devin Nunes is calling for John Kerry to be arrested for trying to fix the Iran nuclear deal. This guy is fuckin' bonkers.

https://www.rawstory.com/2018/05/send-g ... ested-fbi/
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Re: Dump Shithole

Post by TawnyVonJagger »

milk-milk-lemonade wrote:Trump walks back Giuliani's story

The President says Rudy Giuliani will 'get his facts straight' after his statements about payments to a porn actress

https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/04/politics ... index.html
Fuck sigs.
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