Look at this shit

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Look at this shit

Post by Skate4RnR »






Except for the last one, that's right on.

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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Luminiferous »


Yeah but those things aren't paid for with tax money.. They're like libraries.. They're free for all of us.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Skate4RnR »

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Re: Look at this shit

Post by KneelandBobDylan »

Elizabeth Warren should shut her stupid whore mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111one.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Skate4RnR »

Lezzzbian? Case closed.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Constantine »

Cut Taxes not defense?!!!?!?!!?!


Only moronic americans can come up with that shit!!!

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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Constantine »

By the way, I havent verified all the facts on this one but I heard Obama and his retarded clownshow have increased the debt more than ALL the previous presidents added together. He really did stick it to the man didnt he????? :lol:
SebastianLeeDanzig wrote:He watched me bang her, trying to cock-block by howling and being a bitch in every dog-possible way. As soon as we switched to "doggy-style" he shut up immediately
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Skate4RnR »

I heard that too. Did you hear that the moon landing was a hoax? Ain't that some shit. Can't believe nobody these days.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by vlad »

Constantine wrote:By the way, I havent verified all the facts on this one but I heard Obama and his retarded clownshow have increased the debt more than ALL the previous presidents added together. He really did stick it to the man didnt he????? :lol:
You have got to be a work...no one can be this stupid. It must be tiring to act so dumb.

Oh yeah, Ike was obviously a pinko!
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Constantine »

vlad wrote:
Constantine wrote:By the way, I havent verified all the facts on this one but I heard Obama and his retarded clownshow have increased the debt more than ALL the previous presidents added together. He really did stick it to the man didnt he????? :lol:
You have got to be a work...no one can be this stupid. It must be tiring to act so dumb.

Oh yeah, Ike was obviously a pinko!

Thats your opinion Mr.Smartypants!!!!...I cleary stated that I didnt took time to check the facts!!!

So how much money did the Dem clown show borrowed and burned (no results) since theyve been in power??? Enlight us!!!!

SebastianLeeDanzig wrote:He watched me bang her, trying to cock-block by howling and being a bitch in every dog-possible way. As soon as we switched to "doggy-style" he shut up immediately
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Constantine »

Its not a work but Im at work.
SebastianLeeDanzig wrote:He watched me bang her, trying to cock-block by howling and being a bitch in every dog-possible way. As soon as we switched to "doggy-style" he shut up immediately
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Constantine »

Skate4RnR wrote:I heard that too. Did you hear that the moon landing was a hoax? Ain't that some shit. Can't believe nobody these days.
Dude, you conspiracy theorists are lunatics!!! They might be manipulating your mind with the HAARP project!
SebastianLeeDanzig wrote:He watched me bang her, trying to cock-block by howling and being a bitch in every dog-possible way. As soon as we switched to "doggy-style" he shut up immediately
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Skate4RnR »

How long have you been a virgin?
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by KneelandBobDylan »

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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Scoundrel »

Skate4RnR wrote:Image


I agree with all of those except Elizabeth Warren, she is about as smart as a box of rocks. An utter simpleton. Maybe I'll rant more later when I'm not so busy, but I had to respond in knee jerk fashion like this because she gives me the same feeling of revulsion George W. gives most people.
TheMightyMaiden wrote: At some point you think "what the fuck am I doing" when you can't tell the cadaver's ass from his face because of all the dissection you do.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by RATTdrools »

Skate4RnR wrote:Image





Except for the last one, that's right on.

Great graphic about how Reagan and Bush increased the debt more than Obama! Plus the Cro-Mags rule! Too bad they broke up!
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Skate4RnR »

Ehhhhhhhhh, I like this guy can we keep him!?^^^
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Scoundrel »

Skate4RnR wrote:Image

Forgot about this thread.

There is so much simpleton bullshit in that quote I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll start with:
But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to the market on the roads the rest of us paid for.
First off, to me, when she says "The rest of us" it seems to underhandedly imply that businesses that use these roads don't pay for the roads but "the rest of us" do. This is absurd. Roads are built and maintained by taxes on gasoline and all of the other transportation taxes. If you own a business, you have to ship your goods all over the place, this requires a lot of gas and thus they pay most of the tax since most people don't regularly drive hundreds of miles. Companies get their money from me (the consumer) to help pay for this, but I'm not forced to buy a damn thing I don't want to. And I have no problem paying a percentage of this, which is of course factored into the in the price of the good I'm buying, because I don't feel like driving from California to Michigan to buy a Les Paul. Many (if not most) government services are supposed to be equally available to everyone to take advantage of, if they so choose. If some people end up using it in a more profitable venture, than good for them. Besides that, she is referring to roads already built and paid for years ago and currently maintained with the gas taxes and various transportation taxes, but this dumbshit comes along and says, "See that? You owe us for it!" Right. Nice logic. Suck my dick bitch.

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own.
From Elizabeth Warren's experience this is true. She was on the TARP bailout council after all. Those bankers would have much much much less money at the moment if it wasn't for her. Of course the people and companies that don't get corporate welfare are ultimately paying for it, but lets not bring it up that she was front and center for the biggest fleecing of the American people in history, because then it would appear that she in fact doesn't have the answer to societies ills. She is partially right about nobody getting rich on their own though; Steve Jobs wouldn't have become a billionaire if there weren't millions of people who (without being forced and completely of their own volition) had bought Apple products. Ditto for any other millionaire/billionaire. Well, except for Goldman Sachs, GM, Solyndra, etc., and every group of people (because industries do not) that receive subsidies.

You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.

Lol. A high school diploma doesn't tell me that you are smart. It tells me you managed to not be obnoxious enough to get thrown out of school. The scholastic requirements for earning a diploma or GED has steadily gotten lower and lower. Why? Because failing schools get politicians voted out of office. They have no idea how to improve curriculum or in my opinion, even what the essence of a "good" education is (analysis, logic, and communication). But they do know that if they lower test requirements scores will go up. So they do that. Kids come out dumber. This has nothing to do with money and everything to do with politics and incompetence. Throw more money at the situation and you don't have smarter kids, you just have a more expensive form of producing mass retardation. The only people raped worse than the kids who attend these schools are the people who believe an defined institutionalized educational system is not only a good thing in the first place, but that it is the only conceivable option. I would wager that maybe 80% of what I use in my daily life and work I learned from my parents (how to read, advanced mathematics, logic) or myself (to much to list and an ongoing process anyway). Progressives say "You need a(n) education." As if a certain level of proficiency in a specific group of predetermined subjects is a key to success in life. Fuck that simple minded bullshit, you need to learn how to learn so you can be adaptable in a constantly and rapidly evolving world. Our teachers are the retards who were pumped out of a system that makes retards and in turn will pump out more retards. Awesome. But hey, putting more money into education sounds like it will solve the problem, and it sure makes people feel better about themselves.

As for college, where there is less curriculum dictation as well as more emphasis on self study as well as subject choice, it's great provided you can afford it. The cost of attending Berkley (a public school) has gone up almost 2000% since the seventies. That's three zeros, not two (All expenditures were counted from text books to debt repayment). Private schools have gone up as well but at only a fraction of the rate as public schools. The reasons for this result are numerous and detailed but almost all involve the government making decisions and intervening. How do we solve this problem? Progressives say, "More government involvement!" The stupidity is mind numbing. Money isn't what is needed, massive massive restructuring of a system devised for different era in history is needed and people who actually have an intuitive understanding of the subjects they teach are needed. These types of teachers would cost a lot of money. Get rid of the waste and teachers union and you could probably start affording them. If Wall Street had been quartered in size like it should have been in 2008 (with losses to retirement funds which we had anyway, but without tax payer funded bailouts) you would have had hundreds of phd level physicists (yep, they all work on Wall Street calculating algorithms dependent on variables that are not even linear in the first place. It's been referred to as the physics brain drain.) looking for work. I would be overjoyed if a few dozen of them went into teaching kids. Even if their salaries were ten times what a teacher makes it still would have been infinitely (I chose that word on purpose) cheaper.

You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.

There she is with that "the rest of us" paid for it shit. Either way, if that statement were even true why is there a gazillion dollar private security industry? Rent a cops, security gadgets, alarm systems, fences, etc. Not to mention all fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, and fire station notification systems that are offered and paid for privately.

You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory
Yes they do.

Did you see what was going on in the Verizon union strike and others like it?
Gibson guitars and that stupid hippie raw milk company would probably roll their eyes at this statement too, but then again most of the "marauding bands" consist of government sanctioned goons rather than civilian, so it doesn't count.

Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea- God bless! Keep a big hunk of it.

No bitch, you take a look. I want you to look at the 95% of business that fail and that since they aren't right in front of your stupid face anymore you completely neglect to put into your analysis of our economic system. Thus your understanding of how fragile it is, is warped beyond anything resembling the reality. Furthermore, building a factory requires a lot of work. Put up equity, design a business, take risk to buy land, get permits, pay property taxes, use taxes, and permit fees. Buy a bunch of equipment and have it installed, none of this at the cost of tax payers, but pay sales taxes on that shit. Hire some employees and pay them plus the payroll taxes on top of that. Buy a raw materials from companies that pay a bunch of salaries and a bunch of taxes. Building a factory is a huge private investment that pays the public a lot of taxes for the "right" to be built.

So fuck her simple ass shit.

And finally the kicker...
But a part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.


Sorry, but I don't trust any unwritten, ambiguous, and open-ended "contract" that I never signed. A contract only her Wall Street lawyer ass has seen and of which only her moronically simple mind can explain the contents of.

Convenient how she throws the word "kid" in there, cause if you disagree with her obviously you hate children and want them to fail. Ol' Dirty Bastard was far more convincing (and correct) in his analysis of the relationship between the Wu Tang Clan and the children.

Elizabeth Warren thinks a bunch of arrogant, naive, simple minded, and short sighted bureaucrats are what move a society forward. They should just sit around in superman capes talking about how awesome they are.
Last edited by Scoundrel on Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
TheMightyMaiden wrote: At some point you think "what the fuck am I doing" when you can't tell the cadaver's ass from his face because of all the dissection you do.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Scoundrel »

TheMightyMaiden wrote: At some point you think "what the fuck am I doing" when you can't tell the cadaver's ass from his face because of all the dissection you do.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Scoundrel »

KneelandBobDylan wrote:Image

Good luck finding the source of that quote. :lol:

TheMightyMaiden wrote: At some point you think "what the fuck am I doing" when you can't tell the cadaver's ass from his face because of all the dissection you do.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Skate4RnR »

Scoundrel my friend, I'm drinking and haven't read all of your replies to my post.

I will in the near future, I'm partyin' so you know.

I read the first part and what in the goddamn hell from motherfucking gawd does gas have to do with what that lezzo bitch said?

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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Scoundrel »

Skate4RnR wrote:Scoundrel my friend, I'm drinking and haven't read all of your replies to my post.

I will in the near future, I'm partyin' so you know.

I read the first part and what in the goddamn hell from motherfucking gawd does gas have to do with what that lezzo bitch said?


If you read it when you're sober you'll probably be fine.

I've never taken a Harley Flanagan fan to be a weekend warrior so I hesitate to point this out, but if you're partying you should skip participation in political and/or religious debate. The imminent buzz-kill is a waste of intoxicants. Such debate should take place when you're on the clock and getting paid for it.

Just a little prajñā/paññā for your evening.
TheMightyMaiden wrote: At some point you think "what the fuck am I doing" when you can't tell the cadaver's ass from his face because of all the dissection you do.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by KneelandBobDylan »


Good luck finding the source of that quote. :lol:

Fair enough, It's attributted to Madison in this speech, given in 1900.


My question to you is, do you think it's good for America that 1% of of the population has 40% of the wealth, and if so why?
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Nevermind »

KneelandBobDylan wrote:
Scoundrel wrote:

Good luck finding the source of that quote. :lol:

Fair enough, It's attributted to Madison in this speech, given in 1900.


My question to you is, do you think it's good for America that 1% of of the population has 40% of the wealth, and if so why?
I'll answer your question with a few questions.
Why do you believe that you are entitled to that money? Is it yours? Did you earn it? Have you ever considered bettering yourself to be part of that 1%?
Why do you think it's OK to seize the wealth that someone else has earned and redistribute it to others who haven’t earned it?
Just how much of the tax burdon does that 1% pay?
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by MasterOfMeatPuppets »

Nevermind wrote:
KneelandBobDylan wrote:
Scoundrel wrote:

Good luck finding the source of that quote. :lol:

Fair enough, It's attributted to Madison in this speech, given in 1900.


My question to you is, do you think it's good for America that 1% of of the population has 40% of the wealth, and if so why?
I'll answer your question with a few questions.
Why do you believe that you are entitled to that money? Is it yours? Did you earn it? Have you ever considered bettering yourself to be part of that 1%?
Why do you think it's OK to seize the wealth that someone else has earned and redistribute it to others who haven’t earned it?
Just how much of the tax burdon does that 1% pay?
Are you part of that 1%?
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Scoundrel »

KneelandBobDylan wrote:
Scoundrel wrote:

Good luck finding the source of that quote. :lol:

Fair enough, It's attributted to Madison in this speech, given in 1900.


My question to you is, do you think it's good for America that 1% of of the population has 40% of the wealth, and if so why?

No, such a separation of wealth is disastrous for economic growth as well as a very serious obstacle in the way of our rising standard of living (for "the rich" as well).

If you look at the rate at which wealth became concentrated you will see it happened quite rapidly. Before people decide to take it away and redistribute it I want to know how this happened and why this happened.

I have my opinions on this but I'd like to see what you or anybody else on the board (except Constantine) have as a reason(s) for this.

As for the quote, I've read tons of Madison and something about the wording just smelled wrong. I haven't read all of his extant personal correspondence so I was about to let it fly but ended up deciding to look it up to see if it was his. Nope.
Last edited by Scoundrel on Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
TheMightyMaiden wrote: At some point you think "what the fuck am I doing" when you can't tell the cadaver's ass from his face because of all the dissection you do.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Scoundrel »

Nevermind wrote:I'll answer your question with a few questions.
Why do you believe that you are entitled to that money? Is it yours? Did you earn it? Have you ever considered bettering yourself to be part of that 1%?
Why do you think it's OK to seize the wealth that someone else has earned and redistribute it to others who haven’t earned it?
Just how much of the tax burdon does that 1% pay?
lol at "I'll answer your question with a question." If you can't answer the question, just say so.

Here is how it's done:

Question 1. I don't

Question 2. No.

Question 3. No.

Question 4. Yes.

Question 5. I don't and I think redistribution has, is, and always will be extraordinarily dangerous.

Question 6. Most.

Here are my questions to you.

KneelandBobDylan wrote:do you think it's good for America that 1% of of the population has 40% of the wealth, and if so why?
2. How did they acquire that wealth (as in how did it become so concentrated)?

3. Do you want your children working retail?

4. How does the current status quo not alarm you (as a reference I'll refer to the past 20 years as "status quo" in an attempt to avoid Republican/Democrat whining)?
Last edited by Scoundrel on Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
TheMightyMaiden wrote: At some point you think "what the fuck am I doing" when you can't tell the cadaver's ass from his face because of all the dissection you do.
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Skate4RnR »

Scoundrel, you shamed me for my Cro-Mags sig! :lol:
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by EvilMadman »

Constantine wrote:Cut Taxes not defense?!!!?!?!!?!


Only moronic americans can come up with that shit!!!

"It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits… In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now."

-John F. Kennedy
He was such a dumb-ass! :lol:
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Re: Look at this shit

Post by Scoundrel »

Scoundrel wrote:
KneelandBobDylan wrote:
Scoundrel wrote:

Good luck finding the source of that quote. :lol:

Fair enough, It's attributted to Madison in this speech, given in 1900.


My question to you is, do you think it's good for America that 1% of of the population has 40% of the wealth, and if so why?

No, such a separation of wealth is disastrous for economic growth as well as a very serious obstacle in the way of our rising standard of living (for "the rich" as well).

If you look at the rate at which wealth became concentrated you will see it happened quite rapidly. Before people decide to take it away and redistribute it I want to know how this happened and why this happened.

Bump for KneelandBobDylan
TheMightyMaiden wrote: At some point you think "what the fuck am I doing" when you can't tell the cadaver's ass from his face because of all the dissection you do.
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