Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by SeminiferousButtNoid »

GreatWhiteSnake wrote:I'm 46 and my dad's 67 and we kiss each other on the mouth and my 9 yo old son and I do too. It's because we love each other. A lot. And could give a shit what anyone else thinks about us kissing on the mouth.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by poisonheart »

I should note before I begin that:

1) I'm an atheist.
2) It's obviously pointless to try to reason with anyone who would assume the username 'RATTrules'.

But, I'm bored, so here goes . . .
We Know From Hard Evidence Dinosaurs Existed 66 Million Years Ago Yet We Have No Objective Evidence Jesus Existed Just 2 Thousands Years Ago
This is a false analogy. Of the millions of dinosaurs it would be unreasonable to expect to have concrete evidence of the existence of any token individual -- say, a pterodactyl we could call 'Bob'. We have plenty of physical remains of humans that existed two thousand years ago -- but not for the vast MAJORITY of them. So what?
A. We have no firsthand testimony from anyone who knew Jesus or wrote anything about him during his life time. (All the Gospels are late and anonymous). No person living in Roman Palestine neither saw, knew of, nor heard of either Jesus or his followers.
We have no firsthand testimony regarding the lives of MOST first century Palestinians. All this demonstrates is that his contemporaries didn't think he was all that fucking special, or if they did that no written records of this survive (unsurprising as most people in first century Palestine were illiterate). This is not evidence against the existence of a historical human being.

B. We have nothing written by Jesus himself. Ironically, Jesus is portrayed as highly educated speaking Hebrew (Luke 4: 16 – 20), Aramaic (Matt. 27: 46), Greek (Matt. 16: 6) and Latin (Matt. 8: 5 -13), yet he remained unable to write anything. (The story of Jesus writing in the sand in John 8: 2 – 11 is textually late and begs the question as to why Jesus wrote nothing. This could be because the author(s) of these forged accounts didn’t know either Hebrew or Aramaic.) (1) Even Jesus’ contemporary, the itinerant miracle working Apollonius of Tyana had works ascribed to him. (2) In short, the lack of Jesus having left anything in writing could be due to the fact that the forgers of the Gospel traditions viewed their detailed verbatim creations as totally sufficient.
If Jesus was a typical first century Palestinian, he likely couldn't write. Does illiteracy entail non-existence? Of course not.
C. The Jesus of the Gospels cannot be separated from the context of myth and theology. Jesus will (and must) remain an integrated part of myth and faith joined at the head just as Siamese twins who share vital organs are joined. To remove some type of reconstructed “Historical Jesus” from his world of faith and myth will only destroy both.
Not sure what you're after here, but the fact that you can inteligibly speak of a historical Jesus apart from theology seems to undermine whatever point you are inarticulatly flailing at.
D. The Gospels don’t tell us where they were composed. However, the fact they were composed in Greek and not a Semitic language which was native to Roman Palestine (such as Aramaic or Hebrew) points to their composition outside of Palestine. (See point, H)
This is irrelevant. A red herring. So what? The Gospels were composed 60-100 years after the life of Jesus by Greek speaking converts. Does that demonstrate Jesus didn't exist? Of course not.
E. While Roman Palestine is center-stage for the Gospels events, there has never been found any early manuscript of any Gospels or section of any Gospel or wall graffiti to validate Jesus ever lived in the entire country from Galilee to Jerusalem. In short, when scholars look to first century Roman Palestine for any evidence for the Gospel Jesus, they find totally nothing!
There are to my knowledge, no books or wall graffiti about me. Does that prove I don't exist? Would you expect to find this thousands of years after the fact? Probably not. The most this demonstrates is that Roman Palestinians didn't think much of Jesus.
F. The early (65 -90 CE) traditional dates for the Gospels or purely based on conjecture and faith.
Your assertion of this is based on pure faith. Scholarship suggests otherwise.
G. Philo (the only contemporary source during Jesus life time) doesn’t mention Jesus although Philo was acutely interested in the Jerusalem Temple and anything that happened there. A Jesus who fought with the Temple Priest and Jewish leaders in Jerusalem would have mostly likely caught Philo's attention.
There were many messianic and/or apocalyptic figures during this time period. That only demonstrates Jesus would not have been unique in his historical context.
H. Josephus’s account of Jesus (as well as his account of James and John the Baptist) is little more than Greek stories which tell us no more than what is stated in the Gospels composed outside of first century Palestine. These Gospels accounts were composed in Hellenistic Greek most likely in Asia Minor or somewhere around Alexander Egypt. (3) So far facts point to the case that early papyri such has P52, P45, P46, P47, P66, P72, and P75 (all found disposed of in Egypt) were likely also composed in Egypt. If this fact is correct, the statements by Josephus used to support a Historical Jesus have totally nothing to do with Roman Palestine, but Christian Egypt. This can be supported by the fact that most all quotations cited by the Old Testament are taken from the LXX ; a text which, like Jesus, never uses God’s personal name (Yahweh / Jehovah), but Theos. This very likely gives us a hint of the Gnostic theological beliefs of the composers as well as a location somewhere in Egypt for the creation of the Gospels traditions.
Historically, this is simply way off base. I have no clue who you/your source link is uncritically parroting here.
That said, the story that Obama was born in Kenya is a fiction perpetrated by writers with an agenda. The story of Jesus is related to us in the Gospels by writers with an agenda and likely filled with fictions. Does that mean Jesus didn't exist?
I. I have discussed Josephus’s often wild and unreliable fabrications dealing with the Bible stated as history HERE Regardless, Josephus NEVER said he had any firsthand knowledge of these three Gospel events nor does he tell us how he got his information. His use of this material (that which a Christian did not interpolate) in his Jewish Antiquities has more to do with the embellishment of his work (a standard ploy of Josephus in his Antiquities) than with truth.
Biography writers today have no first hand knowledge of Lincoln? Does that mean Lincoln never existed?
J. St. Paul NEVER saw or met any earthly Jesus. Paul’s letters are little more than theological discussions. If Paul had the Gospels at hand, why does he know so little about Jesus? It has long been known among scholars that the account of Paul’s life in the latter half of the Book of Acts and his Epistles can’t be reconciled. Moreover, like the Gospels themselves, neither Paul’s letters nor the New Testament as a whole can textually be dated with any certainty prior to 200 CE as there is no manuscript evidence.
Most of the so-called Pauline letters are pseudopigraphal. So what? It's irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
K. None of the original apostles (be they 12 (Mark 6:7) or 72 (Luke 10: 1) or 120 (Acts 1: 15) left us anything. 1 and 2 Peter knows little of any Historical Jesus, but is highly theological.
Paul never knew Jesus. Neither, in all likelihood did any of the actual composers of the Gospels. I never knew Socrates. Is he imaginary?
L. The so-called Historical Jesus is nothing more than a straw man. To construct a so-called "Historical Jesus" out of the myth and theology of the Gospels is purely conjecture rebuilt on subjective ideas using the conflicting and contradicting Gospel accounts. There have been several dozen Historical Jesus figures created to vindicate anything that can come close to reality. When cut out of the mythical environment of the Gospels, we have nothing but a straw man created in the scholars own image. The Historical Jesus created by Bart Ehrman carries no more value that the Historical Jesus created by Thomas Jefferson after he took a knife to the Gospels stories in his Bible.
Clearly you (and your source) have no idea what a "straw man" refers to in logic/rhetoric. You can disagree with, e.g., Ehrman's views of Jesus, but what bearing does that have on his existence? I can disagree with your views about Obama or Juan Croucier. Doesn't mean either isn't real.
M. The use of “Jesus” by the Early Church Fathers is purely theological and used for rhetorical purposes. The confession of Jesus Christ is a statement of faith and not history.
I use 'RATTRules' as synonymous with 'retard'. Does that mean you don't exist?
N. While Christianity is mentioned by ten pagan writers, Jesus never is.
How many historians of the future will discuss RATTrules and his cogent and illuminating posts? Besides, if I speak of the idiocy of RATTrulesianism, aren't I not obliquely speaking of you?
O. Jesus is not mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Though we have about 930 texts and fragments of scrolls preserved by the dry climate of Palestine (often under bat dung), we find no Christian textual material from the first two centuries CE in Palestine. (6) Yet, with similar climate conditions in Egypt, the textual traditions of has left us with fifty-two texts, most dealing with Gnosticism.
The Essenes had nothing to do with Jerusalem or Jesus. How many Taylor Swift websites discuss the merits of "Out of the Cellar"? Is it fake too?
P. The idea that Jesus was an itinerant non-literary prophet preacher is modeled after the same theory that Elijah and Elisha were also itinerant, non-literary prophets / preachers, but whose lives we now know are based entirely in fiction.
Poison was modeled after the New York Dolls? Are they unreal?
Q. Josephus, as governor of Galilee, had firsthand knowledge of the area and tells us that Galilee had “two hundred and four cities and villages” (7), yet he knows nothing about any town or village in lower Galilee called Nazareth . . . a place so important to Jesus in the Gospels. Neither is Nazareth mentioned in the Old Testament, nor in the Talmud nor in the Midrash.
What shithole do you come from? You think anyone will remember it in 2000 years? I hope not.

You do a disservice to atheists when you post crap like this. Put on your floaties, wade back to the shallow end of the gene pool, and be quiet when adults are talking.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by poisonheart »

Oh, and to return to sludge-level discourse: You're gay. Repent. :mrgreen:
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules will now call you an ingnorant Christian. :lol:
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by DaveB »

Hollywood's Burning wrote:RATTrules will now call you an ingnorant Christian. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by DaveB »

RATTrules wrote: Jesus will (and must) remain an integrated part of myth and faith joined at the head just as Siamese twins who share vital organs are joined.
Those two words totally discredit anything in that mess. They do nothing but prove that the article is pushing the agenda of the writer rather than factual information.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by RATTdrools »

Read below and you'll see even the Washington Post doubts the existence of a historical Jesus. You pro Jesus nuts lose this argument all day long because the SAME way you dismiss stories of hundreds of other gods you can dismiss the bible! The bible simply gives you the STORY of a god NOT evidence that it's true! I have even asked CLERGY about this and even they agree they CANNOT show any one god is any more real than another!

Did a Historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn't add up

Did a man called Jesus of Nazareth walk the earth? Discussions over whether the figure known as the “Historical Jesus” actually existed primarily reflect disagreements among atheists. Believers, who uphold the implausible and more easily-dismissed “Christ of Faith” (the divine Jesus who walked on water), ought not to get involved.

Numerous secular scholars have presented their own versions of the so-called “Historical Jesus” – and most of them are, as biblical scholar J.D. Crossan puts it, “an academic embarrassment.” From Crossan’s view of Jesus as the wise sage, to Robert Eisenman’s Jesus the revolutionary, and Bart Ehrman’s apocalyptic prophet, about the only thing New Testament scholars seem to agree on is Jesus’ historical existence. But can even that be questioned?

The first problem we encounter when trying to discover more about the Historical Jesus is the lack of early sources. The earliest sources only reference the clearly fictional Christ of Faith. These early sources, compiled decades after the alleged events, all stem from Christian authors eager to promote Christianity – which gives us reason to question them. The authors of the Gospels fail to name themselves, describe their qualifications, or show any criticism with their foundational sources – which they also fail to identify. Filled with mythical and non-historical information, and heavily edited over time, the Gospels certainly should not convince critics to trust even the more mundane claims made therein.

The methods traditionally used to tease out rare nuggets of truth from the Gospels are dubious. The criterion of embarrassment says that if a section would be embarrassing for the author, it is more likely authentic. Unfortunately, given the diverse nature of Christianity and Judaism back then (things have not changed all that much), and the anonymity of the authors, it is impossible to determine what truly would be embarrassing or counter-intuitive, let alone if that might not serve some evangelistic purpose.

The criterion of Aramaic context is similarly unhelpful. Jesus and his closest followers were surely not the only Aramaic-speakers in first-century Judea. The criterion of multiple independent attestation can also hardly be used properly here, given that the sources clearly are not independent.

Paul’s Epistles, written earlier than the Gospels, give us no reason to dogmatically declare Jesus must have existed. Avoiding Jesus’ earthly events and teachings, even when the latter could have bolstered his own claims, Paul only describes his “Heavenly Jesus.” Even when discussing what appear to be the resurrection and the last supper, his only stated sources are his direct revelations from the Lord, and his indirect revelations from the Old Testament. In fact, Paul actually rules out human sources (see Galatians 1:11-12).

Also important are the sources we don’t have. There are no existing eyewitness or contemporary accounts of Jesus. All we have are later descriptions of Jesus’ life events by non-eyewitnesses, most of whom are obviously biased. Little can be gleaned from the few non-Biblical and non-Christian sources, with only Roman scholar Josephus and historian Tacitus having any reasonable claim to be writing about Jesus within 100 years of his life. And even those sparse accounts are shrouded in controversy, with disagreements over what parts have obviously been changed by Christian scribes (the manuscripts were preserved by Christians), the fact that both these authors were born after Jesus died (they would thus have probably received this information from Christians), and the oddity that centuries go by before Christian apologists start referencing them. ... t-hold-up/
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by RATTdrools »

God doesn't exist Danzig! 8)

OWNED like always!
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by poisonheart »

Not sure why I bother, but here goes . . .
Read below and you'll see even the Washington Post doubts the existence of a historical Jesus.

It’s an opinion piece by a scholastic nonentity with a book to shill. The Washington Post is not endorsing the content, dummy.
You pro Jesus nuts lose this argument all day long because the SAME way you dismiss stories of hundreds of other gods you can dismiss the bible! The bible simply gives you the STORY of a god NOT evidence that it's true! I have even asked CLERGY about this and even they agree they CANNOT show any one god is any more real than another!
Yup. There is exactly zero evidence for the existence of any deity. And that fact remains 100% immaterial to the conclusion you are hysterically attempting to demonstrate – the non-existence of a historical Jesus of Nazareth.
Did a Historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn't add up
. . . The first problem we encounter when trying to discover more about the Historical Jesus is the lack of early sources. The earliest sources only reference the clearly fictional Christ of Faith. These early sources, compiled decades after the alleged events, all stem from Christian authors eager to promote Christianity – which gives us reason to question them. The authors of the Gospels fail to name themselves, describe their qualifications, or show any criticism with their foundational sources – which they also fail to identify. Filled with mythical and non-historical information, and heavily edited over time, the Gospels certainly should not convince critics to trust even the more mundane claims made therein.
The earliest sources about Egyptian pharaohs of the Old Kingdom paint them as gods on Earth. Does this mean that Ramses the Great did not exist?
The methods traditionally used to tease out rare nuggets of truth from the Gospels are dubious. The criterion of embarrassment says that if a section would be embarrassing for the author, it is more likely authentic. Unfortunately, given the diverse nature of Christianity and Judaism back then (things have not changed all that much), and the anonymity of the authors, it is impossible to determine what truly would be embarrassing or counter-intuitive, let alone if that might not serve some evangelistic purpose.
Then, as now, there were a multitude of messianic beliefs among Jewish sects. Not a single one of them of which contemporary scholars are aware anticipated a “suffering” messiah. The messiah (or messiahs, as some sects, such as the Essenes, anticipated distinct political and religious saviors) was to restore the Jewish people to a new era of political and religious grandeur. Jesus did not fulfil those expectations. It is, therefore, unlikely to the extreme that advocates of Jesus qua messiah of the Jewish people would have publicized a fictional story about an executed criminal who did absolutely nothing expected of the Jewish messiah. (Later Christians found passages in the Old Testament which referenced “suffering servants” and referenced these as if they predicted Christ. But these passages are references to the suffering of the nation of Israel and refer no more to Christ than Nostradamus referred to 9/11. Attempting to say they do is to apply the same spurious logic).
The criterion of Aramaic context is similarly unhelpful. Jesus and his closest followers were surely not the only Aramaic-speakers in first-century Judea. The criterion of multiple independent attestation can also hardly be used properly here, given that the sources clearly are not independent.
Josephus is independent of Paul and the Gospel writers. His passages have been mutilated by subsequent scribes to read like Christian propaganda, but most (secular!) scholars suspect that the altered passages still contained references to Jesus and/or the early Christians.
Paul’s Epistles, written earlier than the Gospels, give us no reason to dogmatically declare Jesus must have existed. Avoiding Jesus’ earthly events and teachings, even when the latter could have bolstered his own claims, Paul only describes his “Heavenly Jesus.” Even when discussing what appear to be the resurrection and the last supper, his only stated sources are his direct revelations from the Lord, and his indirect revelations from the Old Testament. In fact, Paul actually rules out human sources (see Galatians 1:11-12).
Yup. Paul didn’t know Jesus. But he knew James, his brother, and Peter, his disciple. So he does have “human” sources. (This is multiply attested to by Paul and the author of Acts [traditionally identified with Luke, though there is little evidence to support the attribution of this book or the Gospel by the same author to Luke of Antioch]. The theology of the two authors is too distinct [i.e. opposed] to suggest that the two were collaborators or otherwise in cahoots).
Also important are the sources we don’t have.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This is simply a non-starter.

Do yourself a favor and stop making your fellow atheists look preposterous with these non sequiturs.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by DaveB »

poisonheart wrote: Do yourself a favor and stop making your fellow atheists look preposterous with these non sequiturs.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

When the Christian Extreme Right get wind of RATTrules dribblings, they'll adopt him as a mascot: "look at this guy - here's a 'hardcore atheist' that makes us look sane". :lol:

BTW, can anyone say the words "hardcore atheist" with a straight face? No? Didn't think so. :lol:
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by jaimest.lane »


"The belief there once was absolutely nothing. And nothing happend to the nothing until the nothing magically exploded, ( for no reason), creating everything and everywhere. Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself (for no reason whatsoever), into self replicating bits that which then turned into dinasours."

And they Mock your beliefs?
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by DaveB »

jaimest.lane wrote:Atheism

"The belief there once was absolutely nothing. And nothing happend to the nothing until the nothing magically exploded, ( for no reason), creating everything and everywhere. Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself (for no reason whatsoever), into self replicating bits that which then turned into dinasours."

And they Mock your beliefs?
Don't. Just don't.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by poisonheart »

jaimest.lane wrote:Atheism

"The belief there once was absolutely nothing. And nothing happend to the nothing until the nothing magically exploded, ( for no reason), creating everything and everywhere. Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself (for no reason whatsoever), into self replicating bits that which then turned into dinasours."

And they Mock your beliefs?
With all the cutting and pasting going on I thought this was a Buzz Cox thread for a second.

Try making up your own straw man arguments for a change. It's much more fun! :roll:
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by BlackCrypt »

Oh so many many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why

Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Did it all for you
He did it all for you..
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Cyd »

If you don't believe, you will NEVER get into heaven. That means for all eternity. Your immortal soul is everlasting same as heaven. We're only here for a short time. Jesus died for YOU.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Turner Coates »

Bighole wrote: Jesus died for YOU.
No he didn't. He died for YOU.

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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by WhiteHouseSubsAC »

Nuh uh.
HeavyMetalZombie666 wrote:Of course your asshole is going to be sore when you volunteer for an asspounding and not set any boundaries at all.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

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Heathens. :x
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by RATTdrools »

Absolute NONSENSE! I have spoken to doctorates in history and clergy and even they admit all you have for the evidence of Jesus are the quotes below which is laughable because none of the apostles even met Jesus and their descriptions contradict each other anyway!

Mathew 28:2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 

Mark 16:4-5 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. 

Luke 24:2-4 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 

John 20:11-12 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. 

There is NOT ONE reliable claim by anyone to have ever met Jesus.

There is a vast body of CLAIMS by later Chrsitains - claims that are NOT supported by the earlier books or by history.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by poisonheart »

RATTrules wrote:Absolute NONSENSE! I have spoken to doctorates in history and clergy and even they admit all you have for the evidence of Jesus are the quotes below
If you're gonna have imaginary friends, RATTrules, they might as well be celestial ones.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by RATTdrools »

poisonheart wrote:
RATTrules wrote:Absolute NONSENSE! I have spoken to doctorates in history and clergy and even they admit all you have for the evidence of Jesus are the quotes below
If you're gonna have imaginary friends, RATTrules, they might as well be celestial ones.
It's the ChristNUTS who have the imaginary friend not me!
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:
poisonheart wrote:
RATTrules wrote:Absolute NONSENSE! I have spoken to doctorates in history and clergy and even they admit all you have for the evidence of Jesus are the quotes below
If you're gonna have imaginary friends, RATTrules, they might as well be celestial ones.
It's the ChristNUTS who have the imaginary friend not me!
Nah, you just believe - publicly, too - in people who think that the FBI is a secret ISIS plot, and that Mexico is full of Muslim Brotherhood bases waiting for the signal to invade the US.

You are incredibly fucking dense, RATTdrools. You've proved that beyond debate now. What's worrying is that in the US, people like you have the right to vote and breed. Horrifying.
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by RATTdrools »

Hollywood's Burning wrote:
RATTrules wrote:
RATTrules wrote:Absolute NONSENSE! I have spoken to doctorates in history and clergy and even they admit all you have for the evidence of Jesus are the quotes below

It's the ChristNUTS who have the imaginary friend not me!
Nah, you just believe - publicly, too - in people who think that the FBI is a secret ISIS plot, and that Mexico is full of Muslim Brotherhood bases waiting for the signal to invade the US.

You are incredibly fucking dense, RATTdrools. You've proved that beyond debate now. What's worrying is that in the US, people like you have the right to vote and breed. Horrifying.
Wrong again you fucking RETARDED LIAR! I have already won the debate and I NEVER said anything about ISIS or the FBI. I am against illegal immigration because I believe in following the LAW unlike criminal SCUM like you!
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

RATTrules wrote:Wrong again you fucking RETARDED LIAR! I have already won the debate and I NEVER said anything about ISIS or the FBI. I am against illegal immigration because I believe in following the LAW unlike criminal SCUM like you!
You're quoting guys who believe that the FBI is a front for ISIS, you dense motherfucker. :lol:

And I'm a "criminal" now? Really? Back that up, RATTdrools. Explain exactly how.
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Turner Coates
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Turner Coates »

RATTrules wrote: I am against illegal immigration because I believe in following the LAW unlike criminal SCUM like you!
Man's law or god's law?
Don't you repubs usually choose to follow god's rules?

"I'm just here for the irony and the dancing."
Hollywood's Burning
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Re: Best analysis EVER on how Jesus is clearly a MYTH!

Post by Hollywood's Burning »

Still waiting for a response, RATTdrools - or are you going to be one of these people who make mindless accusations and then tuck and run away?
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