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From the you gotta be shittin me files

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:40 pm
by eddie lee roth
If former Vice President Dick Cheney was at the helm when Osama bin Laden was killed, some things would have been done differently.

In a Thursday radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt, Cheney was asked whether he would have advised president Barack Obama to "allow the victory dance that occurred and the operational details to come out." Cheney's answer amounted to no.

“You don’t go out and broadcast the fact that you’ve got the guy," Cheney said. "You want to take that intelligence and be able to exploit it over the next few nights, and wrap up large parts of the network. … They were in such a hurry to go out … and announce victory, that I’m convinced that they probably did not get maximum damage out of the intel that they had captured.”

Back in May 2011 at the time of the capture, Cheney credited the Obama administration for its sound judgment in carrying out the mission. But on Thursday, he also appeared to suggest that the president and his staff never really credited the Bush administration for its part in the puzzle.

"They needed to recognize, as some have, although he never really has, but all the work that was done by our intel professionals over a period of ten years to make that possible," Cheney told Hewitt.

Cheney's comments come nearly a week after he sat down with CBS' "60 Minutes," voicing fears that terrorists could use an electrical device near his heart to kill him. The former vice president said those worries were stoked by an episode of the Showtime series "Homeland," in which that type of scenario was showcased.


So that whole aircraft carrier press conference thingy doesn't count ya see nor does the fact that they gave up looking for him.

What a putz!!!

Re: From the you gotta be shittin me files

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:19 pm
This is how you do it:


Re: From the you gotta be shittin me files

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:33 am
by tin00can

I guess ol' Dick didn't get the memo about this victory dance before it happened, or else he surely would have put the kibosh on it.

Re: From the you gotta be shittin me files

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:47 pm
by RATTdrools
It's call being a butthurt sore loser because Obama got bin Laden and Bush/Cheney did not! Cheney is SO owned!

Re: From the you gotta be shittin me files

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:24 pm
by Luminiferous
"Cheney's comments come nearly a week after he sat down with CBS' "60 Minutes," voicing fears that terrorists could use an electrical device near his heart to kill him."

He has nothing to worry about...

Terrorists would need a wooden stake and be able to get close enough to drive it into his chest..

Re: From the you gotta be shittin me files

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:07 pm
by eddie lee roth
This is what happened to the last guy that got close to him.
