I was wrong. There is election fraud.

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I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

Sorry, no Negroes or illegal aliens involved. Just those freedom and Constitution loving defenders of our great republic, the Tea Party.
Early on the morning of Wednesday June 4th Central Mississippi Tea Party President Janis Lane along with Scott Brewster, and Rob Chambers were found locked in the Hinds County Courthouse. Tuesday was primary election night in the highly contested race against Tea Party backed candidate Chris McDaniel and long time Senator Thad Cochran which ended in a run off . So the question on my peoples minds is what was she and her merry band doing in the building alone at two in the morning?

Obviously accidents can happen in the rush of election ballot counting maybe someone could get locked in the building. However, everyone who was counting ballots had left at around 11:30 pm. http://www.wapt.com reported that security told Hinds County Election Commissioner Connie Cochran three people went to the courthouse around 12:30 a.m. allegedly to observe the election process. They then walked around the building until they found an unlocked door which was propped open then automatically locked behind them. The trio claimed they walked around the courthouse for about 90 minutes looking for a way to get out and then called Hinds County Republican Executive Chairman Pete Perry, according to Cochran.

Perry received the call around 2 am saying Lane and a friend were locked in the building .

“She said she needed my help,” said Perry. She was locked inside the courthouse and couldn’t get out; that she and a friend were in here and I think she said they had been out of town and were coming home and came by to see what was going on with the election.”

According to Perry, Lane was a precinct worker and had dropped off her materials around 8:30. Perry also stated that Lane had called him earlier in the night to ask about election results.

Lane has said she came back by to watch the election process. The Hinds Country Sheriffs Department is investigating the incident as a possible break in. Othor Cain spokesperson for the Sheriffs department stated:

“There are conflicting stories from the three of them, which began to raise the red flag, and we’re trying to get to the bottom of it. No official charges have been filed at this point, but we don’t know where the investigation will lead us.”

The Central Mississippi Tea Party endorsed Chris McDaniel who they have been billing as the next Ted Cruz. One of it’s board members has been charged with conspiracy in connection to the break in at Rose Cochran’s nursing home by a blogger attempting to get photos and video for a hit piece on Thad Cochran. According to the Clarion-Ledger one of the three people found in the courthouse Scott Brewster, the former coordinator of Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich’s Mississippi operation and current McDaniel campaign coalition director, is loosely connected to blogger scandal. When the scandal first broke Brewster said he was aware of the video. At the time Brewster stated

“I do remember when it came out,” he said. “I think people made some calls (to have it removed). I didn’t personally — nobody personally talked (to Kelly). I don’t know if anybody made phone calls about it. I’m not sure. Just, I remember all of a sudden it was gone.”

(Don’t worry, I’m confused by that statement too.) Yet after Brewster’s comment, McDaniel and other campaign leaders stated they knew nothing about Kelly or the video.

Cochran campaign spokesman Jordan Russell stated:

“It is astonishing that the same people who are up to their eyeballs in four felons breaking into a nursing home are also up to their eyeballs in potentially breaking in somewhere else again.”

“At some point you got to say enough is enough. How many more arrests of allies and McDaniel team members before we can say this has gone too far?”

Election officials and the Sheriffs department have stated that all election materials were secured and in no danger of being breached. Still there remains concerns about how anyone could access the courthouse after hours that easily.Perry said:

“I don’t care who it is, I have a concern with someone being in the courthouse with all the election material down there.”

The McDaniel campaign issued this statement:

“Last night with an extremely close election and Hinds being one of the last counties to report, our campaign sent people to the Hinds courthouse to obtain the outstanding numbers and observe the count.”

“In doing so, they entered the courthouse through an open door after being directed by uniformed personnel. They were then locked inside the building. At this point they sat down and called the county Republican chairman, a close Cochran ally, to help them get out. Eventually a Sheriff’s officer showed up and opened the door to let them out.”

Just when I thought this race couldn’t get any weirder or dirtier it did. If I wrote fiction I couldn’t come up with this stuff. I know I have questions about the stories that the three who were locked in gave. Did the lack of cars at the courthouse when they arrived maybe tip them off that everyone was gone? How about that that the Hinds County ballot results had already been announced on local media? Almost all media outlets were saying nothing else was going to be reported until the next morning by midnight if she was monitoring elections why wouldn’t she know counting had stopped? I could go on and on. Then again maybe Ms. Lane just wanted to go snatch the lady ballots from the box since she doesn’t believe women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

By far this has the makings of the worse planned break in since Watergate. I guess we should be grateful that they are not good alleged criminals. Stay tuned folks!
http://www.liberalamerica.org/2014/06/0 ... ots-video/
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

Sherrif says they're full of shit. :lol:
The Hinds County Mississippi Sheriffs Department is disputing the account of three Tea Party activists in regard to how they gained access to the county courthouse after hours early Wednesday morning shortly after ballot counting stopped in the Tuesday primary election. Hinds County was one of the last Mississippi counties to post returns in the very hotly contested race between Chris McDaniel and Senator Thad Cochran.

Key to their account of how they entered the building is that when they arrived they were let in or shown where to enter by “uniformed personal “. Hinds County Sheriffs Department Spokesperson Othor Cain it that the department does do security for the courthouse during business hours. He also told the Clarion-Ledger that off duty officers are hired to do security during elections but that at the time that Lane, Brewster and Chambers gained entry all security would have been long gone.

“It’s a fabrication that someone pointed them to a door. I think that’s a total misrepresentation of fact,” Cain said. “None of our guys let anybody in.”

Cain stated there are attorneys and courthouse employees with access to the courthouse that are not “uniformed personnel.”

The three Tea Party members Janis Lane, Scott Brewster, and Rob Chambers were found locked inside the Hinds County Courthouse early Wednesday morning. They are all connected to the Chris McDaniel campaign.

The incident is under investigation by the Sheriffs Department. They have requested security footage from the building. Despite the McDaniel campaign claims of partisan attack Cain says it’s the three Tea Party members stories that led to the investigation.

“It’s important to note that Janis Lane’s story and the other officials’ stories continue to change through the investigation,” he said. “They changed within five minutes, which caused us to be even more deliberate and determined to find out what was going on.”
http://www.liberalamerica.org/2014/06/0 ... are-lying/

If only they had voter ID. Then they wouldn't have broken into the courthouse. :lol:
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by Mongo »

WOW. It's extremely controversial to see this story is from Liberal America.org

You really went straight a trustworthy source on this one.
No spin here, move along.
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by Luminiferous »

Mongo wrote:WOW. It's extremely controversial to see this story is from Liberal America.org

You really went straight a trustworthy source on this one.
No spin here, move along.
The local news is carrying it also Mungo..

http://www.clarionledger.com/story/news ... /10008389/

The Hinds County Sheriff's Department has concluded no criminal activity took place when three people, including a staffer for state Sen. Chris McDaniel's U.S. Senate campaign, ended up locked inside the county courthouse hours after everyone had left following the counting of votes from Tuesday's primaries.

Scott Brewster, Janis Lane and Rob Chambers were found locked inside the courthouse early Wednesday. They allegedly entered sometime shortly after 2 a.m. and, after realizing they were locked in, called for help.

A member of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors is questioning the three being alone in the building.

"There is not a circumstance where any individual that doesn't work for the county should be in a county building not accompanied by a county employee after hours," said District 1 Supervisor Robert Graham. "Specifically, not accompanied by an election commissioner on election night. If you're in the building and you have to do with elections, you should be with a commissioner."

The situation took on added significance because of the hotly contested U.S. Senate Republican primary pitting McDaniel against incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran. McDaniel led Cochran statewide by a slim margin, but in Hinds County, Cochran held a 2-1 margin over McDaniel. The two will face off in a June 24 runoff.

Brewster is McDaniel's campaign coalition coordinator. Lane is president of the board of the Central Mississippi Tea Party. And Chambers is a consultant with the Mississippi Baptist Christian Action Commission.

"Our investigation revealed that the three individuals were able to enter the courthouse through a side door marked for employees only," Sheriff's Department spokesman Othor Cain said Thursday afternoon in a statement. "This door was either propped open or was malfunctioning at the time of entry."

Cain said the three had access only to the common areas of the courthouse, including the hallways and restrooms.

"Based on our findings, the door in question closed behind them upon entry and they proceeded to look for individuals that were counting ballots in an effort to assist. After not finding anyone in the building it is then they called for assistance to get out," the statement said.

Ballot counting had ended for the night, and everyone left the courthouse approximately three hours before the trio was locked in.

The Sheriff's Department refuted earlier statements by the McDaniel camp that "uniformed personnel" let the three into the building.

Brewster, Lane and Chambers didn't respond to requests for comment by The Clarion-Ledger.

"The McDaniel campaign, they seem to always be on the wrong side of a door," said former Gov. Haley Barbour. "Have you ever heard of a group of people who were in places they weren't supposed to be more often?"

Barbour referred to the recent controversy in which conservative blogger Clayton Kelly allegedly went uninvited into a nursing home in Madison and took photos of Cochran's bedridden wife, Rose.

Kelly and three others have been charged in that case.

McDaniel said his campaign had no role in taking photos of Cochran's wife. There are no allegations that McDaniel's campaign had prior knowledge of plans for the photo to be taken.

In the courthouse incident, Cain had said inconsistencies in statements given by Lane, Chambers and Brewster led to the opening of the investigation late Wednesday.

The Sheriff's Department works security for the courthouse, but only during business hours, Cain said. During an election, the election commission hires off-duty deputies to work security, but at the time Lane, Brewster and Chambers allegedly entered the courthouse, all security staff would have been gone.

On Thursday, Hinds County Board of Supervisors President Darrel McQuirter sent a letter to Sheriff Tyrone Lewis thanking him for the quick action in launching an investigation. McQuirter asked the Sheriff's Department to provide the board with updates and a final report on the findings of the investigation.

"Without the benefits of all the facts, we consider the events that have reportedly transpired in this past election process to be a potential breech in protocol," McQuirter said. "This is a great concern for the board. Incidents such as these could compromise the integrity and validity of the Hinds County election process tremendously."

Hinds County Circuit Clerk Barbara Dunn says it would be virtually impossible to tamper with ballots after they make it to her office.

All ballots, including absentee ballots, were placed in a vault in her office, which was locked when everyone left between 11 and 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dunn said.

"It would be very hard for anyone to get into my vault," Dunn said. "And I have an alarm system that is turned on that would make a loud sound if anyone opens the vault."

Precinct boxes containing pencils and pens, but no ballots, would have been the only things left unsecured in the hallways of the courthouse, Dunn said.

Cain said there are attorneys and courthouse employees with access to the courthouse but they are not "uniformed personnel."

Cochran spokesman Jordan Russell said he thinks the situation shows a pattern of behavior with the McDaniel campaign.

"I think Mississippi voters need to take a step back from the situation and ask themselves a question: Is this the kind of person that we want to represent our party on the national stage?" Russell said.

The Clarion-Ledger contacted McDaniel spokesman Noel Fritsch, but he had not issued a response to Russell's comments.

Yeah we should wait for more trustworthy and unbiased sources to report this...

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/06 ... ourthouse/

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government ... enate-Race
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by BlackCrypt »

What election fraud was there?

All ballots, including absentee ballots, were placed in a vault in her office, which was locked when everyone left between 11 and 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dunn said.

"It would be very hard for anyone to get into my vault," Dunn said. "And I have an alarm system that is turned on that would make a loud sound if anyone opens the vault."

Precinct boxes containing pencils and pens, but no ballots, would have been the only things left unsecured in the hallways of the courthouse, Dunn said.
Constantine wrote:ur a fkn degenerate,
Metal Sludge wrote:It is after all, only a message board...relax!
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

BlackCrypt wrote:What election fraud was there?

All ballots, including absentee ballots, were placed in a vault in her office, which was locked when everyone left between 11 and 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dunn said.

"It would be very hard for anyone to get into my vault," Dunn said. "And I have an alarm system that is turned on that would make a loud sound if anyone opens the vault."

Precinct boxes containing pencils and pens, but no ballots, would have been the only things left unsecured in the hallways of the courthouse, Dunn said.
You cannot be this stupid in real life yet exhibit enough brain activity to remain alive.
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by BlackCrypt »

Danzig in the Dark wrote:
BlackCrypt wrote:What election fraud was there?

All ballots, including absentee ballots, were placed in a vault in her office, which was locked when everyone left between 11 and 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dunn said.

"It would be very hard for anyone to get into my vault," Dunn said. "And I have an alarm system that is turned on that would make a loud sound if anyone opens the vault."

Precinct boxes containing pencils and pens, but no ballots, would have been the only things left unsecured in the hallways of the courthouse, Dunn said.
You cannot be this stupid in real life yet exhibit enough brain activity to remain alive.
Apparently I am. What election fraud happened?
Constantine wrote:ur a fkn degenerate,
Metal Sludge wrote:It is after all, only a message board...relax!
Trist805 wrote:Chip, You owned me and I will admit defeat. I love big black cocks. Hope you are happy.
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

You're really going with this, aren't you? Because they were too stupid to succeed in voter fraud does not mean they did nothing wrong. Attemting to commit a crime is still a crime.
Lawyer BlackCrypt wrote:Yes, your Honor, my client did try to kill that man but because he failed to kill him, no crime was committed, right? You must dismiss the case and set my client free.
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by BlackCrypt »

Danzig in the Dark wrote:You're really going with this, aren't you? Because they were too stupid to succeed in voter fraud does not mean they did nothing wrong. Attemting to commit a crime is still a crime.
Lawyer BlackCrypt wrote:Yes, your Honor, my client did try to kill that man but because he failed to kill him, no crime was committed, right? You must dismiss the case and set my client free.
So, it was implied fraud. Thank you, drive to the next window.
Constantine wrote:ur a fkn degenerate,
Metal Sludge wrote:It is after all, only a message board...relax!
Trist805 wrote:Chip, You owned me and I will admit defeat. I love big black cocks. Hope you are happy.
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Re: I was wrong. There is election fraud.

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

BlackCrypt wrote:
Danzig in the Dark wrote:You're really going with this, aren't you? Because they were too stupid to succeed in voter fraud does not mean they did nothing wrong. Attemting to commit a crime is still a crime.
Lawyer BlackCrypt wrote:Yes, your Honor, my client did try to kill that man but because he failed to kill him, no crime was committed, right? You must dismiss the case and set my client free.
So, it was implied fraud. Thank you, drive to the next window.
Your obtuseness does not change reality.
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