Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

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Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings


Mad Over Marriage: Religious Right Responds To Today's Supreme Court Rulings
Wed Jun 26, 2013 at 12:39:42 PM EST

You could say that the American Family Association (AFA) isn't pleased about today's Supreme Court rulings on marriage equality.

By a 5-4 vote, the high court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), meaning that same-sex couples who are lawfully wed in states with marriage equality will have access to a range of federal benefits. This is a pretty big deal.

The court also dealt with a legal challenge to California's Proposition 8, a ballot initiative that banned same-sex marriage. The case was dismissed on procedural grounds. Most legal observers believe the practical effect of this will be to restore same-sex marriage to the Golden State.

In short, this is not a good day for the Religious Right.

Check out this tweet from Bryan Fischer, resident theocrat-in-chief at the Tupelo, Miss.-based AFA: "With the DOMA decision, we have ceased to be a constitutional republic. The words "We the people' are now meaningless."

Fischer then followed up with this gem: "The DOMA ruling has now made the normalization of polygamy, pedophilia, incest and bestiality inevitable. Matter of time."

Fischer's boss, Tim Wildmon, issued a statement that read in part, "We are deeply saddened by today's decision to not only allow but encourage same-sex marriage in our country - a country that was founded on biblical principles. We mourn for America's future, but we are not without hope."

Wildmon added, "The homosexual lobby and agenda is running rampant across America, and is even pervading our elementary schools....Now, we must warn against the coming persecution, the barrage of criticism and the aggressive action of the homosexual agenda to indoctrinate and change the thoughts and convictions of Americans to accept this lifestyle as the new normal."

Out in Arizona, the Alliance Defending Freedom also has a case of the grumpies: "This effectively means we will no longer have a national definition of marriage," carped the group in a statement. "The federal government may now be required to accept any legal definition of marriage that a particular state invents. This leads to many unanswered questions, new government burdens, and consequences that we will have more to say about in the coming days and weeks ahead as we analyze and further unpack this disappointing decision."

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, attempted an outrageous spin.

"While we are disappointed in the Supreme Court's decision to strike down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the court today did not impose the sweeping nationwide redefinition of natural marriage that was sought," Perkins said in a statement. "Time is not on the side of those seeking to create same-sex `marriage.' As the American people are given time to experience the actual consequences of redefining marriage, the public debate and opposition to the redefinition of natural marriage will undoubtedly intensify." (Dude, what polls are you looking at?)

Even the Christian Coalition (yep, that group is still around) got in on the act. Roberta Combs, president of the group, issued a petition supporting "traditional marriage" that reads in part, "[T]he Court has put state marriage laws at risk as well as the religious liberties of tens of millions of America's Christians....The simple fact is that liberals cannot get their way at the ballot box, so they try to push their radical agenda through our nation's courts by convincing judges to overturn the will of the American people."

The Liberty Counsel, a project affiliated with Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Liberty University, has been dilatory in getting out a statement. But earlier this week, the group opined, "No matter what the Supreme Court decides, the battle over marriage will continue. This is the defining culture line."

I actually kind of agree with Liberty Counsel on that one. This is a defining line - and the Religious Right is on the wrong side of it.

Today's rulings won't be the last word on this matter. The Religious Right is pledging massive resistance. Recently, dozens of luminaries from that movement came together to sign a statement asserting that any high court ruling backing marriage equality would be illegitimate.

"As Christian citizens united together, we will not stand by while the destruction of the institution of marriage unfolds in this nation we love," asserts the statement. "The Sacred Scriptures and unbroken teaching of the Church confirm that marriage is between one man and one woman. We stand together in solidarity to defend marriage and the family and society founded upon them. The effort to redefine marriage threatens the proper mediating role of the Church in society."

The statement is a tad unclear about what these groups plan to do (hold their breath until they turn blue?) but concludes darkly, "[M]ake no mistake about our resolve. While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the true common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross."

Americans United sees it differently. We're pleased that the narrow religious views of fundamentalist Christians won't govern civil marriage law. At the same, we've pointed out repeatedly that no houses of worship anywhere will be forced to provide a ceremony for a same-sex couple. That sounds like real freedom to us.

If the polls are right, the Religious Right appears to be on the losing end of this battle. But it's pretty clear that these groups don't intend to go down quietly. Brace yourselves; I see plenty of turbulence ahead.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by tin00can »

Twenty years from now when the US is filled with goat-marrying, kid-raping polygamists you'll regret your lack of foresight.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Luminiferous »

"The DOMA ruling has now made the normalization of polygamy, pedophilia, incest and bestiality inevitable. Matter of time."

What an idiot...
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

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Michele Bachmann opened her corn dog crammer up about it..

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) railed against the Supreme Court on Wednesday, blasting the justices for declaring the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and allowing gay marriages to resume in California.

Appearing with other House conservatives during a press conference, Bachmann said the rulings were "offensive on so many levels."

"This decision is one that is profound because the Supreme Court not only attacked our Constitution today, they not only attacked the equal protection rights of every citizen under our Constitution, they attacked something that they have no jurisdiction over whatsoever, the foundational unit of our society, which is marriage," Bachmann said.

She continued, "That is something that God created. That is something that God will define. The Supreme Court, though they may think so, have not risen to the level of God."

Earlier Wednesday, Bachmann issued a written statement condemning the court's decisions:

Marriage was created by the hand of God. No man, not even a Supreme Court, can undo what a holy God has instituted.

For thousands of years of recorded human history, no society has defended the legal standard of marriage as anything other than between man and woman. Only since 2000 have we seen a redefinition of this foundational unit of society in various nations.

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to join the trend, despite the clear will of the people’s representatives through DOMA.

What the Court has done will undermine the best interest of children and the best interests of the United States.

Repealing DOMA, a law that restricts gay people from marrying is not a violation of other people's rights, it is the very opposite of rights violation, it is the repeal of a law that took people's rights from them.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Dr J Jones » ... 93480.html

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Wednesday’s Supreme Court ruling striking down the Defense of Marriage Act “a great, historic day for equality in America.”
He went on: “The idea that allowing two loving, committed people to marry would have a negative impact on anyone else, or on our nation as a whole, has always struck me as absurd.”

Pretty strong words from a guy who voted for the Defense of Marriage Act.

But Reid isn’t the only one. There was a long line of prominent Democrats Wednesday who all queued up to applaud the Supreme Court for striking down DOMA — even though they voted for it when it passed in 1996.
Even Bill Clinton — who signed the bill into law — heralded the court’s decision.
“By overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, the Court recognized that discrimination towards any group holds us all back in our efforts to form a more perfect union,” Clinton said in a statement also signed by Hillary Clinton.
Virtually all of the Democrats say, “move on, nothing to see here” — they dropped their support for DOMA years ago. But the Supreme Court ruling allowed them to blast their words of praise to the world without a hint of regret over DOMA — or even an acknowledgment that they had any role in making it the law of the land.
(Also on POLITICO: SCOTUS gay marriage rulings reshape landscape)
Like Sen. Chuck Schumer, who declared that “the Supreme Court did the right thing here and helps us understand that the march to equality in America is unstoppable.” He voted for DOMA as a House member in 1996.
So did Sen. Dick Durbin, who said the ruling “reaffirmed a founding principle of our nation: equal justice under the law.”
And what about Patrick Leahy, who was ready to put the immigration bill at risk over an amendment to let same-sex couples sponsor immigrant spouses to get their green cards — and who declared that the ruling “confirms my belief that the Constitution protects the rights of all Americans”?
He voted for DOMA in the Senate, too.
They’ve got plenty of company in the club. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer cheered on the Supreme Court even though he voted for DOMA. So did Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who’s rarely, if ever, accused of being a moderate Democrat. And so did Sens. Ben Cardin and Robert Menendez, both of whom were in the House when they voted for the law.

Their changes of heart were the latest example of how thoroughly the politics of same-sex marriage have turned around for Democrats since President Barack Obama announced his support for it in May 2012. It’s not that these Democrats voted for the law themselves, of course — they had plenty of other Democrats on their side, as well as the wall-t0-wall support of the Republicans who were in Congress at the time.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings


Dr J Jones wrote: Their changes of heart were the latest example of how thoroughly the politics of same-sex marriage have turned around for Democrats since President Barack Obama announced his support for it in May 2012. It’s not that these Democrats voted for the law themselves, of course — they had plenty of other Democrats on their side, as well as the wall-t0-wall support of the Republicans who were in Congress at the time.
DOMA was passed in Sept 1996, a few months before the presidential election. The Democrats got crushed in the 1994 election. One of the reasons the Democrats lost so badly in 1994 was because Clinton started "don't ask don't tell" in Dec 1993 to allow gays to serve in the military. Clinton opposed DOMA but signed it into law because the bill passed the House and Senate with enough votes to override a veto.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by KneelandBobDylan »

Luminiferous wrote:"The DOMA ruling has now made the normalization of polygamy, pedophilia, incest and bestiality inevitable. Matter of time."

What an idiot...
They have said the same tired old trope about everything they didn't agree with.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

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You guys can find more ways to apologize for the idiocy of our government... :lol:

It's fucking funny as hell to watch.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings


Dr J Jones wrote:You guys can find more ways to apologize for the idiocy of our government... :lol:

It's fucking funny as hell to watch.
Nobody is apologizing for anything, dunce. Merely trying to help you understand how the system works. Most of your problems arise from your ignorance. You have the mind of a child.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Dr J Jones » you have given me your reasoning for Bill (I did not have sex with that woman, I did not inhale) Clinton signing a bill that he didn't agree with...

Why did all the other Dem Senators and Congress idiots pass it?
You conveniently forgot to explain that.

I anxiously await your words of infinite wisdom.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by brotherplanet »

Dr J Jones you have given me your reasoning for Bill (I did not have sex with that woman, I did not inhale) Clinton signing a bill that he didn't agree with...

Why did all the other Dem Senators and Congress idiots pass it?
You conveniently forgot to explain that.

I anxiously await your words of infinite wisdom.
They sort of did the same thing when it came to the Welfare reform bill that Clinton signed. I remember watching the Dem convention when he was running for re-election and one of the speakers said along the lines of, We have to re-elect Bill Clinton so he can overturn the welfare reform act.... And the crowd went wild.


Sure it was a Repaublican plan and they put the Bill together, but Clinton agreed with it and never over turned it.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings


Dr J Jones you have given me your reasoning for Bill (I did not have sex with that woman, I did not inhale) Clinton signing a bill that he didn't agree with...

Why did all the other Dem Senators and Congress idiots pass it?
You conveniently forgot to explain that.
No, I did not forget to explain that. Discriminating against homosexuals was popular with the voters they were representing so they supported the bill. Opposition to "don't ask don't tell" sent them a message. Sad that I have to spell it out to you as if I was talking to a 3 year old.
birtherplanet wrote:They sort of did the same thing when it came to the Welfare reform bill that Clinton signed. I remember watching the Dem convention when he was running for re-election and one of the speakers said along the lines of, We have to re-elect Bill Clinton so he can overturn the welfare reform act.... And the crowd went wild.
LMFAO, you're a liar. Clinton signed welfare reform the week before the Democratic convention in 1996. He was running on welfare reform. Nobody stood in front of the convention hall and bad mouthed his "achievement." During a convention everyone is reading off the same script and supporting the same platform.

Clinton bragged about welfare reform during his 1996 acceptance speech:

"On welfare, we worked with states to launch a quiet revolution. Today, there are 1.8 million fewer people on welfare than there were the day I took the oath of office. We are moving people from welfare to work.

I want our nation to take responsibility to make sure that every single child can look out the window in the morning and see a whole community getting up and going to work. We want these young people to know the thrill of the first paycheck, the challenge of starting that first business, the pride in following in a parent's footsteps.

The welfare reform law I signed last week gives America a chance, but not a guarantee, to have that kind of new beginning. To have a new social bargain with the poor, guaranteeing health care, child care and nutrition for the children, but requiring able-bodied parents to work for the income. "
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Luminiferous »

brotherplanet wrote:I remember watching the Dem convention when he was running for re-election and one of the speakers said along the lines of, We have to re-elect Bill Clinton so he can overturn the welfare reform act.... And the crowd went wild.
Reminds me of almost every one of the candidates during the GOP's primary debates except instead of welfare reform act it was "Obamacare."...
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Luminiferous »

Perry makes sure the label "the stupid party" is still firmly and safely attached to his party..

Gov. Perry: Wendy Davis hasn't 'learned from her own example'

Texas Gov. Rick Perry said on Thursday that the Democratic state lawmaker who halted a restrictive abortion law “hasn’t learned from her own example” after having been born into adversity and becoming a teenage mother before going on to success as a Harvard law grad and legislator.

Speaking at the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas, Perry accused Wendy Davis, a Texas Democrat who on Tuesday spoke for 11 hours to filibuster a bill that critics said would have virtually done away with abortions in the state, of “hijacking the democratic process.

Perry, who has called for a second special session of the state legislature to pass the measure, told those gathered that it was lawmakers’ duty to prevent abortions, regardless of the conditions into which a child may be born.

“Even the woman who filibustered in the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances," Perry said. "It's just unfortunate that she hasn't learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters."

Perry, a one-time contender for the GOP presidential nod, cited Davis’ list of accomplishments, including graduating from Harvard Law School and becoming a state senator in Texas.

Democrats have championed Davis’ efforts, which required her to stand and speak for hours without ever leaning or using the bathroom.

“Rick Perry’s remarks are incredibly condescending and insulting to women,” Planned Parenthood said in a statement. “This is exactly why the vast majority of Texans believe that politicians shouldn’t be involved in a woman’s personal health care decisions.”

Along with banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, the measure would have required all clinics to be graded as surgical centers, with all doctors required to have admitting privileges at hospitals. Many of the state’s clinics would likely fail to meet the new standards.

But on Thursday, Perry called the filibuster “mob tactics” that prevented the passage of a bill supported by the residents of Texas.

Perry vowed to pass the legislation setting strict new limits on abortions in the state during the special legislative session slated to begin July 1.

Is this fucking idiot serious?? Hijacking democratic process?

This idiot's party proceeded to rack up the highest number of filibusters in American history in Obama's first term.. All with the notion to stall any progress in pulling America out of the hole it was in and further their to quote Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Compare this bill to the bills the GOP filibustered.. Hijacking democratic process? :lol:

H.R. 12 - Paycheck Fairness Act
H.R. 448 -- Elder Abuse Victims Act
H.R. 466 - Wounded Veteran Job Security Act
H.R. 515 - Radioactive Import Deterrence Act
H.R. 549 -- National Bombing Prevention Act
H.R. 577 - Vision Care for Kids Act
H.R. 626 - Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act
H.R. 1029 - Alien Smuggling and Terrorism Prevention Act
H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act
H.R. 1171 - Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization
H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act
H.R. 1429 -- Stop AIDS in Prison Act
H.R.5281 -- DREAM Act
S.3985 -- Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act
S.3816 -- Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act
S.3369 -- A bill to provide for additional disclosure requirements for corporations, labor organizations, Super PACs and other entities
S.2237 -- Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act
S.2343 -- Stop the Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Act
S.1660 -- American Jobs Act of 2011
S.3457 -- Veterans Jobs Corps Act
H.R. 847-- James Zadroga 9/11 Health Bill
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Danzig in the Dark »

Thanks GOP.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by brotherplanet »

Luminiferous wrote:
brotherplanet wrote:I remember watching the Dem convention when he was running for re-election and one of the speakers said along the lines of, We have to re-elect Bill Clinton so he can overturn the welfare reform act.... And the crowd went wild.
Reminds me of almost every one of the candidates during the GOP's primary debates except instead of welfare reform act it was "Obamacare."...
Pretty much. Romney Care wasn't all that far removed from Obamacare - except that it was approved by a Republican so it was okay. :roll:

Luminiferous wrote:
"This decision is one that is profound because the Supreme Court not only attacked our Constitution today, they not only attacked the equal protection rights of every citizen under our Constitution, they attacked something that they have no jurisdiction over whatsoever, the foundational unit of our society, which is marriage," Bachmann said.
This woman is a fucking loon. How is giving people the same rights as other people an attack against EQUAL rights of every citizen????

Then again this is the same woman who thought a vaccine caused mental retardation.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Bourbon Cowboy »

The constitution was not written by the Lord like the 10 Commandments supposedly were. Why do these goofballs on the right keep throwing God's being ashamed or disappointed every time one of their sillyassed bills do not pass or is overturned by a higher court?

God did not summon John Dickinson, Gouverneur Morris, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Thomas Paine, Edmund Randolph, James Madison, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, and George Wythe to Mount Sinai and hand them down the passages and amendments to create the US Constitution.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Bourbon Cowboy »

Now they now have some Kansas Republican wanting to add to the constitution to include a Federal Marriage Amendment? Obey and worship your fucking biblical laws and beliefs that gays are evil and Invisible Superman doesn't like gays, but don't fuck with our constitution just because you want to violate another American's rights just because you don't like their life.

Who the fuck are these assholes think they are telling people who they're allowed to marry? What is next? No interracial marriages? No Caucasian and Oriental unions? Mexicans can only marry Mexicans? Where does it end?

Seriously these stupid politicians want to ban the Westboro Baptist Church from protesting funerals with their hate speech towards homosexuals, but yet by them attempting to violate someone's rights over their sexual orientation pretty much the same thing the Phelps family are doing?
muppet butt wrote:You're an idiot if you think he has the ability to ban me.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by KneelandBobDylan »

Bourbon Cowboy wrote: Who the fuck are these assholes think they are telling people who they're allowed to marry? What is next? No interracial marriages? No Caucasian and Oriental unions? Mexicans can only marry Mexicans? Where does it end?

They tried to stop interracial marriage decades ago, it didn't pan out for them then either.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Tommy2Tone84 »

tin00can wrote:Twenty years from now when the US is filled with goat-marrying, kid-raping polygamists you'll regret your lack of foresight.
But the US has always been filled with goat-marrying, kid-raping polygamists.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by vlad »

Tommy2Tone84 wrote:
tin00can wrote:Twenty years from now when the US is filled with goat-marrying, kid-raping polygamists you'll regret your lack of foresight.
But the US has always been filled with goat-marrying, kid-raping polygamists.

One of the best headlines ever:

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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Johnny Van Wadd »

Congrats to Death Row Joe!!! Joe and his boyfriend could now get married. I wish nothing but happiness to the two fags.
Fuck you
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by Stoner »

The way you're following him around, it sounds like you wish he'd give you a reacharound.

Just sayin'.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by *flick* »

Johnny Van Wadd wrote:Congrats to Death Row Joe!!! Joe and his boyfriend could now get married. I wish nothing but happiness to the two fags.
A post like this is always an admission of defeat.
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by *flick* »

Stoner wrote:The way you're following him around, it sounds like you wish he'd give you a reacharound.

Just sayin'.
I say he gets his own reacharound.
nycrue wrote:Magic Wand Original ‏@HitachiMagic 14 Feb 12
RT @hollywoodrose: the more I look at dating websites the more I know its gonna be just me and my @HitachiMagic for my whole life
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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by brotherplanet »

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Re: Religious Right Melts Over Today's Supreme Court Rulings

Post by refundpolicy »

Here in Minnesota we had a funny story recently. We voted last November on the gay marriage issue and in recent months it has been revealed that one of the leading opponents of gay marriage has been having an extra-marital affair. So, the gay community in Minnesota sent her a letter to apologize for ruining her marriage.

Good stuff...
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