wrote: ↑Fri Feb 07, 2025 10:27 am Some good dirt here: ... was-let-go
When EXODUS parted ways with Souza in 2004, EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt blasted the singer over the circumstances that led to his departure, calling Zetro "human crap" and claiming Souza "pulled out of going to Mexico City only about twenty-four hours before were ready to leave". Gary added at the time: "If only you could have heard some of the shit that has come out of his fat pie hole over the last couple of years. Things like, 'Why does [bassist] Jack [Gibson] get the same money as me, who the hell is he anyway?' 'We should hire a bodyguard for South America,' 'If the fans want more than 12 songs out of me they should pay more money, they are getting their money's worth already!,' 'Why is Gary in the front of this promo picture, I should be in the front, that's copyright infringement!', (true! he said that!). There is soooo much more shit you wouldn't believe it. This motherfucker sat backstage and cried at Provinssirock fest in Finland like a pussy. Waaaaaah! Now you can keep your fat fuckin' ass at home and go off your Atkins diet (like it's working, lard ass!) and blow up as much as you'd like!"
In a separate posting, Holt elaborated on the circumstances that led to Zetro's 2004 dismissal from the group. "It's like this," he wrote. "Who in their right mind would put up with this kind of bullshit? Yes, he did a killer job on the new album, but mainly because we did not allow him to fuck everything up with his stupid Bon Scott impersonations anymore. We made him sing more like [previous vocalist Paul] Baloff. I tried to make it work. More than you can imagine. But he was (is) the most miserable pile of crap to be around.
"I ended the band in '93 because I could not stand the motherfucker. I vowed I'd never be in a band with him again. This time it seemed he had changed. For a while. In 2002 when we returned from Europe he called our booking agent and had him send the remaining deposits to [him] and he promptly stole the rest of our money. He was paid more than anyone for our U.S. tour. These shows would have paid him, us, and helped get us caught up to him but since his ass wasn't getting all the money he bailed on us, thinking he would take his ball and go home, ending the game. Well I've got some news motherfucker. Gary Holt does not go down that easily!
"But as for Zetro, he does think he could always go solo. (I've heard him say it myself!) Well best of luck! You're gonna need it fat-ass!"
Zetro is pretty much right ... Who the hell is Jack? ... he could be replaced, and no one would blink an eye. 12 songs are enough for a set... Why is Gary in front? The singer should be out front. Yes, its Garys band but the singer is the frontman.
And I will again post this hilarious take on Exodus...
"We used to do the monkey but now it's not cool"