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Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:55 pm
by Caustic Queen
Dont be mad at me cause you dont like what you see in the mirror dearest.

I didn't tell your DAD to leave home when you were a kid.

OHHHH.. hurt my feelings... *pfft*

GO Lie about someone else.. it's what you do best...

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:59 pm
by dolemint
Yeah so at the end of the day IDI is still played. Yadayada still represents her screen name perfectly (zzzzz...) and no one really knows anything relevant about the matter. Way to waste several pages, Sludge. Come up with something or R.I.P. on this truly EPIC thread that turned everyone's brains to shit.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:04 pm
by MickeyG
So IDI, seeing as everyone here is dumb, why don't you enlighten us with the real facts?

I hear what you're saying about proof or what is actually the truth. So why don't you give your version of the truth?

And dude, you know if this had happened to anyone else you'd be all over their shit like others here. You were all over that Horrorholic thread like many others were.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:05 pm
by brak

ur fat.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:10 pm
by PoisondOne
MickeyG wrote:So IDI, seeing as everyone here is dumb, why don't you enlighten us with the real facts?

I hear what you're saying about proof or what is actually the truth. So why don't you give your version of the truth?

And dude, you know if this had happened to anyone else you'd be all over their shit like others here. You were all over that Horrorholic thread like many others were.
Of course I was...HORRORHOLIC was REALLY dumb.

I have already given my version of the truth...NUMEROUS times...there is no story...LISA used fake pics in an attempt to be didn't work out that way...and I thought the whole thing was ludicrous...and here we are 100 pages later.

There is no story...that is the story.
I have no horse in this race, but that isn't the whole story. You left out the part where you LIED about knowing her, defended them both and got busted doing it. It's pretty pathetic, even by Sludge standards.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:18 pm
by UtahRatt
Not fooled.


Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:20 pm
by MickeyG
enter your username wrote:
I have already given my version of the truth...NUMEROUS times...there is no story...LISA used fake pics in an attempt to be didn't work out that way...and I thought the whole thing was ludicrous...and here we are 100 pages later.

There is no story...that is the story.
LMFAO @ anonymous. You forgot about the part where she gave out her last name and claimed that her father was Steve Cohen, Congressman from Tennessee. You're such a fucking idiot.
LisaVie wrote: hahaha... it was a jew joke... and we ignorantly thought it was allowed since my name is cohen...
LisaVie wrote: i wish i could video record donnie and my dad (the JEWISH congressman) talking... it is HILARIOUS... donnie is so sweet... and respectful that my dad has to be nice... and he really likes donnie...but... you can imagine...

So you still don't have a point...only an opinion...besides she lies...she is only 14...that couldn't POSSIBLY be her DAD!!!! Plus look...says he is SINGLE!!!!!

Back to google for you I guess, cherry.
His point is why protect her identity when she already told her last name and who her dad was.

You gotta admit, it looks dodgy, dude.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:21 pm
by dolemint
IDIAMINDADA wrote: you really are a loony.
probably the only real truth i can quote you for. for the record, you can both suck one though (meaning you, yadayada).

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:22 pm
by UtahRatt
IDIAMINDADA wrote:Not relevant...but sort of interesting.
It's totally relevant, he spent the entire show being bullshitted.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:27 pm
by SoulsOfBlack
Grendel wrote:Image

"I am charming as hell....ask any woman."
I was living with a stripper who paid all my bills when that picture was taken.

Can't argue with matter how hard you try.

What was his name?

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:30 pm
by svgshadowhunter
Grendel wrote:Image

"I am charming as hell....ask any woman."
I was living with a stripper who paid all my bills when that picture was taken.

Can't argue with matter how hard you try.
let's leave your mom out of this...porr woman has enough problems

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:33 pm
by dolemint
MickeyG wrote: His point is why protect her identity when she already told her last name and who her dad was.

You gotta admit, it looks dodgy, dude.
Some people shouldn't drink and post...would be her response.
Hey fags, it's me, IMADUMBASS. I totally macked on some girl on the internet and my e-penis grew THIS BIG. Holy Cow! But at the end of the day, I was played and totally had. But this napkin I continuously jerk it into still loves me!

Yeah, if I were you, that's how my apology would start. Feel free to use portions of it.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:50 pm
by dolemint
until they publish a pic of them together, this is all horseshit, and who really knows or cares except for them. The thread had periods of it's fun, and i'm amazed at the passion shown on an Enuff Z-Fucking-Nuff thread. Steve "Sex" Summers must be crying in a corner somewhere.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:53 pm
by Bourbon Cowboy
I would buy the whole "wanting to remain anonymous" thing and use Haley's picture for an avatar, but when you post bullshit things like this:


You're not trying to be anonymous. You're trying to make idiots on Sludge believe you're that person.

And obviously many did there for a while. :lol:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:59 pm
by brak

still - ur fat.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:02 pm
by UtahRatt
IDIAMINDADA wrote:Do you remind blind people that they can not see?
I can see making fun of them.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:03 pm
by jaimest.lane
Man..., there sure are some ugly mother fuckers on this here sludge. We have googly eyes, even people with googly eyes calling other people googly eyed, chins galore, cue balls, fatness etc..., just sayin get off the net and work out a little bit.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:09 pm
by Geoff Taint
jaimest.lane wrote:Man..., there sure are some ugly mother fuckers on this here sludge. We have googly eyes, even people with googly eyes calling other people googly eyed, chins galore, cue balls, fatness etc..., just sayin get off the net and work out a little bit.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:59 pm
by MickeyG
enter your username wrote:
IDIAMINDADA wrote: I mean me and LISA are is showing what we wrote proof of anything???
Idi, LOL, you were lying to us about Austin, not each other. Is it really that hard for you to grasp such a simple concept? She lied to you about her identity and you got played. So of course she lied to you but you obviously weren't lying to each other about not knowing each other in Austin.

To suggest that you were lying to each other in that PM shows how crushed you are by the overwhelming piece of very credible evidence.

Are you seriously trying to claim you knew her from the Austin days? Come out and say it so we can all laugh.
IDIAMINDADA wrote: Why would a 14 year old girl do such a thing?
Her account is active. Why doesn't she explain herself instead of using you as her puppet?

Your obsession with this whole thing is precious.

It gave you something to live for, for once in your life.

Gonna be ashame when it goes away and you go back to being the guy that does the shitty photoshops, not the guys who do the great ones like SATANHIMSELF and BEDDIE WEDDER...see, not only do they do great jobs with their photoshops...they make their's funny....very funny...they understand subtle nuance and create art, something with wit, tangible sometimes biting wit.

You are like BENNY HILL...sure the first time he hit the old guy in the head it was funny...but after awhile you realize...meh.
In other words, you got nothing. Pwned plain and simple. Not only by EYU, but by a wittle girl called Lisa.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:05 pm
by radiobed
I can't believe IDI keeps taking this beating. EYU is continually making you look like a bigger and bigger fool yet you keep coming back for more.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:06 pm
by zzzzzzz
So why is it cool for a women to pay all the bills Idiamindada? You sound like Donnie with his girl (if she is real). :lol: :lol:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:07 pm
by Bourbon Cowboy

Everytime I see this photo I think of Tom Hanks in Dragnet pretending he is the Emil Muzz in the photo, claiming he's just been sick. :lol:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:10 pm
by aceshigh
zzzzzzz wrote:So why is it cool for a women to pay all the bills Idiamindada? You sound like Donnie with his girl (if she is real). :lol: :lol:
Thats what mothers do.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:10 pm
by SoulsOfBlack
zzzzzzz wrote:So why is it cool for a women to pay all the bills Idiamindada? You sound like Donnie with his girl (if she is real). :lol: :lol:

My guess is it's only cool when the guy doesn't have a college degree, can't hold a steady job and at 37 has never owned a car or driver's license.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:13 pm
by LovePowerFromTheMamaHead
radiobed wrote:I can't believe IDI keeps taking this beating. EYU is continually making you look like a bigger and bigger fool yet you keep coming back for more.
Yeah he is gonna give me his opinion over and over again...what a shellacing I am taking.
Dude, I thought you weren't going to post again until I sent you a pm saying that it was ok? I still haven't sent that pm yet. Please stop posting in this topic until further notice.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:16 pm
by Nicole76
radiobed wrote:I can't believe IDI keeps taking this beating. EYU is continually making you look like a bigger and bigger fool yet you keep coming back for more.
Yeah he is gonna give me his opinion over and over again...what a shellacing I am taking.
It's not an opinion. He has screen captures of your PMs where YOU AND LISA reveal all. How is that an opinion? It's right there in black and white dude!

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:27 pm
by VeryVictoria
enter your username wrote:
IDIAMINDADA wrote: Yeah he is gonna give me his opinion over and over again...what a shellacing I am taking.
You still don't know the difference between an opinion and a fact.

FACT: You and Lisa do not know each other from Austin.

FACT: You and Lisa said you knew each other from Austin.

FACT: You are both liars.
really??? Is that HONESTLY all you have in a hundred pages??? Evidence from a private conversation that was handed to you by some bald spy???

What if we were lying though???

What if DONNIE was upset about LISA and I knowing each other in person...and we had a conversation in private knowing that DONNIE would read it, to throw DONNIE off the scent about the fact that we knew each other in person???

Seriously......give it up

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:31 pm
by LovePowerFromTheMamaHead
really??? Is that HONESTLY all you have in a hundred pages??? Evidence from a private conversation that was handed to you by some bald spy???

What if we were lying though???

What if DONNIE was upset about LISA and I knowing each other in person...and we had a conversation in private knowing that DONNIE would read it, to throw DONNIE off the scent about the fact that we knew each other in person???
ok, I will play your game for a minute, knowing that you will have a retarded answer that will just make other obvious questions to show that it is another lie, then you will give another retarded answer and......

Anyway, if this is true, then you are not being a good friend to her and she is not being a good girlfriend to him to continue to openly chat with each other on this board and talk the way you did, knowing that it got Donnie mad.

The best way to "throw" Donnie off the scent would have been to be honest, and keep all you talk friendly without all of the sexual innuendos that apparently upset Donnie.

Okay, that is my last post I am going to make in the game you are playing now. It's really not funny, in fact it's pretty lame. I keep hoping when I come to this thread to see something else revealed about the true story in this, and all I get are endless pages of your babble. You win, I am done. Hopefully, others will ignore you on this from now on, and you will have to play your game by yourself.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:37 pm
by Hank_Hill
IDIAMINDADA wrote:really??? Is that HONESTLY all you have in a hundred pages??? Evidence from a private conversation that was handed to you by some bald spy???

What if we were lying though???

What if DONNIE was upset about LISA and I knowing each other in person...and we had a conversation in private knowing that DONNIE would read it, to throw DONNIE off the scent about the fact that we knew each other in person???

You sure got us!

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:37 pm
by LovePowerFromTheMamaHead
enter your username wrote:
LovePowerFromTheMamaHead wrote:Hopefully, others will ignore you on this from now on, and you will have to play your game by yourself.
I'm going to keep throwing fuel on the fire as he melts down.
He's not going to melt down. Trust me, you won't break him. He's enjoying this now and laughing at all of us that confront him with the truth. He's actually playing us right now by continuing to deny the obvious and waiting for us to respond so he can make up another story to keep it going.

I'm not sure why he thinks it's amusing, but he does, and will continue to do it.