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Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:03 pm
by Eddie_Van_Heineken
zzzzzzz wrote:So if "Lisa" is Donnie's love, why doesn't he have any pictures of her on his Myspace page? This one is sure scary. :lol: :lol:

Kiss the clown!

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:03 pm
by Nicole76
are his legs shaved?

:lol: :lol:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:17 pm
by Eddie_Van_Heineken
IDIAMINDADA wrote:The people of this thread are as dumb as YADA's father is full of worms.
Tell us your side of the story

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:27 pm
by Eddie_Van_Heineken
yadayada wrote:
IDIAMINDADA wrote:The people of this thread are as dumb as YADA's father is full of worms.
And this guy is actually wondering why he has no friends IRL, spends all his days and nights on here and has to cling on to a fake internet persona. A real psychopath who gets a kick out of posting stuff like that. Says a lot about "Lisa" (whoever she is) as well, no one in their right mind would associate with a psycho like that.
Now tell us how you really feel!

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:46 pm
by cantstopthemusic
Eddie_Van_Heineken wrote: Tell us your side of the story
What more is to be told??? Lisa used a fake picture, I fell for it and then lied repeatedly, ad infinitum, in my usual attempt to cover my own humiliating life of failure.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:58 pm
by El Bonzo Loco
Kiss THIS Yada...

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:41 pm
by justinjc7
beat me to it

and idiotmindumbass has been on this forum for 1-2 years less than all those other posters and still has more posts than anyone else. yet this jack ass constantly attempts to insult others for having no life.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:41 pm
by SoulsOfBlack
enter your username wrote:There are 9,900 members of this forum. You have more posts than every single one of them.

Holy shit. Is that for real? The funny part is that he joined much later than the others. It's obvious quantity doesn't equal quality since those other posters listed are funnier and more entertaining than IDIMANGINA.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:56 pm
by LetUsPrey
yadayada's obsessiveness over this subject is kinda frightening.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:02 pm
by El Bonzo Loco
yadayada wrote:
So "Lisa" actually did steal this picture (which was set to friends only) from my Myspace page and forwarded it to all kinds of people while she was in my friend's list last year. I never gave anybody the ok to post it anywhere in public, not even with some kind of sign over the face. You people are a gang of stalkers. Creepy psychopaths. To think that I trusted that little bitch enough last year to accept her friends request ... would I have known just half of what I know now ...

Here is a post by Roxxy and my reply where she admitted that all kinds of people sent me friend requests to get access to my page and to stalk me and that she did a lot of stalking herself:

No you fucking retard... I stole it before you set your profile to private just after meltdown #1!!!

So it's ok to post private pm's, pics of Lisa's sis, but NOT yours?

Schizo much?

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:55 pm
by UtahRatt
El Bonzo Loco wrote:So it's ok to post private pm's, pics of Lisa's sis, but NOT yours?

Schizo much?
How do you know that's lisa's sis?

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:56 pm
by Nicole76
UtahRatt wrote:
El Bonzo Loco wrote:So it's ok to post private pm's, pics of Lisa's sis, but NOT yours?

Schizo much?
How do you know that's lisa's sis?
if they believe's true.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:58 pm
by UtahRatt
El Bonzo Loco wrote:So it's ok to post private pm's, pics of Lisa's sis, but NOT yours?

Schizo much?

Maybe you should be asking Lisa those same questions?

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:00 pm
by UtahRatt
Nicole76 wrote:
UtahRatt wrote:
El Bonzo Loco wrote:So it's ok to post private pm's, pics of Lisa's sis, but NOT yours?

Schizo much?
How do you know that's lisa's sis?
if they believe's true.

I wonder how many EZN fans still believe in Santa.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:06 pm
by Scaryhead
How can you doubt Santa when you're constantly presented with the gift of laughter...

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:08 pm
by _underscore_
UtahRatt wrote:
I wonder how many EZN fans still believe in Santa.
Is this a good time to discuss my favorite actor, Tim Allen?

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:04 pm
by Hank_Hill
EZN fans are just as fuckin' retarded as their band. :lol:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:56 am
by El Bonzo Loco
yadayada wrote:
Some of my pictures were always set to private.
Well that one wasn't! :twisted: Tsk tsk... how careless of you!

I'm sorry but I must have missed the post where you said it was WRONG to post personal pm's, pics and phone #'s? That didn't stop your speculation and supposition as they were posted though did it? It's ironic how quicky you play the 'victim' card (bullying, stalkers?) as soon as your pic is posted! Keep on looking for 'clues' on t-shirts and the micro-analysis of the pics though 'M'! The more you do it... the more ridiculous you look... and the more your (shit) amateur sleuthing makes me laugh! :lol:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:32 am
by El Bonzo Loco
Sexy_1 wrote:Kindly post said pic. Thanks in advance.
Do I HAVE to?

Oh go on then... :twisted:


Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:40 am
by El Bonzo Loco
Believe me Sexy_1... you DON'T wanna see him!!! :shock:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:28 am
by NSpen1
btw all the post counts were reset with the new board what was it, about a year ago? Therefore for calculating post averages your joining date is only relevant if it was since then, so Idi's posts per day average is much greater than eyu's.
He's probably actually at 20 posts per day :lol:

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:41 am
by SoulsOfBlack
NSpen1 wrote:btw all the post counts were reset with the new board what was it, about a year ago? Therefore for calculating post averages your joining date is only relevant if it was since then, so Idi's posts per day average is much greater than eyu's.
He's probably actually at 20 posts per day :lol:

See? We were all wrong. He IS a winner at something!

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:41 am
by Iron Duck
65ThunderbirdII wrote:
SoulsOfBlack wrote: See? We were all wrong. He IS a winner at something!
He sure is. He pulls ALL the chicks...

There's something wrong with this picture. The lighting on IDI's arm is too bright against the couch. PHOTOSHOPPED! Caught. Exposed. Owned. It's true.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:01 pm
by dolemint
yadayada wrote: Some of my pictures were always set to private. And just in case there was a Myspace glitch at work ... why are you stalking me and even stealing pictures from my Myspace page and post them with a sign over the face as something like a warning or threat on here? You people are incredibly sick in the head. EZN has only about 5 or 6 fans left, and they are all bullies.

And I didn't post any PM's, I didn't post any pictures of Lisa's family members, so you might want to direct that anger at the people who did. But you are just doing what you and your bully friends have been doing for more than a year - blame everything that everybody else does on me and attack me for it. Crazy stalkers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when Lisa's "real" pics were exposed (without her permission) and when any of her private info (right or wrong?) was coming forth, I don't recall you screaming foul or claiming "invasion of privacy?" In fact I seem to remember you relishing it all, and generally acting happier than a pig in shit. You were a-posting away and away with your detailed blueprint theories, while fondling that moldy dicktrap of yours, which I'd wager has gone unoccupied since that one time, during the Reagan administration...

I haven't seen the pic of you without the "Kiss The Clown" graphic, but judging by the ratty looking hair and the fact that you'd otherwise have nothing to lose by it being posted... you must be either rather homely, or are supremely self-conscious and suffer from major esteem issues.

And as always, you're playing the victim, when you're really the instigator. At one point that pic of you in question was public information, as you posted it *publically* yourself. The real "Lisa" didn't get that benefit. Even if it wasn't meant to be "public," neither were the jokes you found offensive on that password protected Vie Message Board you ranted endlessly about. I suppose "that was different," right? I don't care if your real pic is posted or if I ever see it (as I have reason to believe that I'd find it unpleasant)...

But I do find humor in it. If it's posted, will you threaten to sue Stevie and call his ISP to try to get Sludge removed, like you did Vie's site over some off-color Jewish joke? You're a piece of work, and it boggles me as to why you don't think your irrational behavior shouldn't have conseqences.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:31 pm
by dolemint
enter your username wrote:
dolemint wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong, but when Lisa's "real" pics were exposed (without her permission)
He wasn't even going to release the photo until you idiots claimed the pictures matched and Stevie was blind. They pushed him too far and he owned them.
True, though I wasn't one of those idiots who saw the pic originally, or ever claimed it was her... I AM an idiot, but was not involved with THAT idiocy. I do not agree with Stevie's move to show the pic in question publically (although I was admittedly anxious to see it), but I won't criticize him for it. In his shoes, I probably wouldn't put up with bullshit like that either.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:36 pm
by dolemint
LifeguardOfTheGenePool wrote:
dolemint wrote:Lisa's "real" pics were exposed (without her permission)
What real pics? Donnie himself said those pics weren't Lisa.
Donnie Vie wrote:Hey,what the fuck do I need Lisa for when I can round up pretty young chicks at 7 am in Indiana that will gladly hold up signs that contain the titles of my songs.
dolemint wrote:The real "Lisa" didn't get that benefit.
Why should the real "Lisa" get any benefits? We know now that she used 2 different girls' pictures who weren't her, pretending to be them. Hayley Graul and the girl holding the sign. Did Hayley Graul get any "benefits" when Lisa stole her pics w/out her permission and posted them all over the internet saying it was her, while degrading Hayley's character by acting like a whore & talking about how good Donnie's cum tasted? Fuck Lisa Vie.
I put the word "REAL" originally in quotes for that very reason, so you and I aren't in disagreement. And I'm also not criticizing the perception of Lisa Vie on this board... but that yadayada can suck a dick, not that anyone in real life would actually let that homely psycho do so.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:06 pm
by rikraffmrktng
The thread that will NEVER die.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:16 pm
by UtahRatt
I find it funny that all these EZN nerds are going after Yada while defending a dirty slut like Lisa in the same breath. Fact is they're pissed that Yada gets to laugh at Lisa being exposed and they don't like it.

There is no excuse, Lisa is a lying tramp and at this point she could burn down a orphanage and their fuck head fans would still suck her rotting dick. It's pathetic.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:18 pm
by UtahRatt
If Lisa burned down an orphanage it would be to hide her true identity.

Re: Donnie Vie happy to set facts strait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:21 pm
by SoulsOfBlack
Holy shit, IdiMANGINA can't hit "refresh" fast enough on this thread once he logs on!