DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

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DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by MetalSludgeCEO »

My office is in the front of my house, right outside my driveway and garage... a perfect view of the street, sidewalk, front of the property, etc...

I have to say, 80-90% of people walking their animals are cool, and pick up after their dog, but... there are a few who deserve to be Karen'd!

I gotta admit... most younger people, meaning teens to 20-30 somethings, ALL pick up after their animals. Bravo!

The ones who leave it, are older people and it's way more women than men.

The average Dog Sh!t rule breaker are women in their 50's and 60's... who think it's beneath them to do this.

There is 1 c@ck sucker who also regularly does this on my terrace, and half the time it's on the side-walk too! At least 1-2x a week, I wake up to find fresh dog sh!t on my front terrace or side-walk.

The day I see her do it again... I am tempted to quickly jump in my car, and slow roll it and follow her home... then... I will return to my house, pick it up, bag it, and return.

I will politely ring the door bell, and when they answer, I will politely explain to them that they forgot something in front of my house... and yes, I will have my phone filming from the car in their driveway. I am that guy!

If they play stupid, I will be very firm to explain to them I have them on camera doing it... and if they continue, they will be on Facebook in the neighborhood watch page!

I am annoyed with a$$holes like this....

Speaking of @ssholes... I recently was at Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch... go ahead and laugh, yes Wal-Mart...

Anyway, it's early in the day, like 10:00am, and I am walking back to my car... and I see an old guy, like late 60's, maybe 70's and he gets out of his car, and grabs a few bags of random stuff... he looks around and throws it under a car.

He didn't see me see him do it... and as I got closer, he was walking towards the store as I was leaving... just as he got about 10 feet in front of me, I said "Sir... I saw what you did... do you think that's okay to throw your garbage in the parking lot under a car?"

He immediately had an arrogant look on his face and mumbled under his breath and kept walking. I laced him with a few more firm words, but didn't cuss, just told him something like, "You're an older man sir, shouldn't you be setting an example?"

He ignored me and kept walking.

Wrong answer....

As I got to my car, I loaded my stuff and then calmly walked over and picked up all the garbage he threw under the neighboring vehicle. I quickly realized it was full of something wet, moist, spilling, etc.. yuck... oh well.. I am committed now.

I then went and set all of it directly onto his front windshield on the driver's side.

Returned to my car, washed my hands with wipes and drove off.

Have a nice day.

$tEvil :D
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by Black Stuff »

MetalSludgeCEO wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:21 pm

Speaking of @ssholes... I recently was at Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch... go ahead and laugh, yes Wal-Mart...

Anyway, it's early in the day, like 10:00am, and I am walking back to my car... and I see an old guy, like late 60's, maybe 70's and he gets out of his car, and grabs a few bags of random stuff... he looks around and throws it under a car.

He didn't see me see him do it... and as I got closer, he was walking towards the store as I was leaving... just as he got about 10 feet in front of me, I said "Sir... I saw what you did... do you think that's okay to throw your garbage in the parking lot under a car?"

He immediately had an arrogant look on his face and mumbled under his breath and kept walking. I laced him with a few more firm words, but didn't cuss, just told him something like, "You're an older man sir, shouldn't you be setting an example?"

He ignored me and kept walking.

Wrong answer....

As I got to my car, I loaded my stuff and then calmly walked over and picked up all the garbage he threw under the neighboring vehicle. I quickly realized it was full of something wet, moist, spilling, etc.. yuck... oh well.. I am committed now.

I then went and set all of it directly onto his front windshield on the driver's side.

Returned to my car, washed my hands with wipes and drove off.

Have a nice day.

$tEvil :D
hahahah ajagoff deserved it.

Havent had a problem like that at my place in a while. Neighbors dog used to come into our yard (no fence) and crap on our lawn, neighbor was nice enough to come over and pick it up, but thats not the point. Dog ended up behind a fence on his patio, after going after a few other neighborhood dogs. No more dog crap in my yeard! Now if I could get him to round up the deer :lol: !
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by metalslayer »

MetalSludgeCEO wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:21 pm My office is in the front of my house, right outside my driveway and garage... a perfect view of the street, sidewalk, front of the property, etc...

I have to say, 80-90% of people walking their animals are cool, and pick up after their dog, but... there are a few who deserve to be Karen'd!

I gotta admit... most younger people, meaning teens to 20-30 somethings, ALL pick up after their animals. Bravo!

The ones who leave it, are older people and it's way more women than men.

The average Dog Sh!t rule breaker are women in their 50's and 60's... who think it's beneath them to do this.

There is 1 c@ck sucker who also regularly does this on my terrace, and half the time it's on the side-walk too! At least 1-2x a week, I wake up to find fresh dog sh!t on my front terrace or side-walk.

The day I see her do it again... I am tempted to quickly jump in my car, and slow roll it and follow her home... then... I will return to my house, pick it up, bag it, and return.

I will politely ring the door bell, and when they answer, I will politely explain to them that they forgot something in front of my house... and yes, I will have my phone filming from the car in their driveway. I am that guy!

If they play stupid, I will be very firm to explain to them I have them on camera doing it... and if they continue, they will be on Facebook in the neighborhood watch page!

I am annoyed with a$$holes like this....

Speaking of @ssholes... I recently was at Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch... go ahead and laugh, yes Wal-Mart...

Anyway, it's early in the day, like 10:00am, and I am walking back to my car... and I see an old guy, like late 60's, maybe 70's and he gets out of his car, and grabs a few bags of random stuff... he looks around and throws it under a car.

He didn't see me see him do it... and as I got closer, he was walking towards the store as I was leaving... just as he got about 10 feet in front of me, I said "Sir... I saw what you did... do you think that's okay to throw your garbage in the parking lot under a car?"

He immediately had an arrogant look on his face and mumbled under his breath and kept walking. I laced him with a few more firm words, but didn't cuss, just told him something like, "You're an older man sir, shouldn't you be setting an example?"

He ignored me and kept walking.

Wrong answer....

As I got to my car, I loaded my stuff and then calmly walked over and picked up all the garbage he threw under the neighboring vehicle. I quickly realized it was full of something wet, moist, spilling, etc.. yuck... oh well.. I am committed now.

I then went and set all of it directly onto his front windshield on the driver's side.

Returned to my car, washed my hands with wipes and drove off.

Have a nice day.

$tEvil :D
please follow up with the dog-shitters like you did with the old man. Unfortunately I have a feeling you will get a non-response once again.

Too many people go unchecked nowadays. I rescue abandoned huskies and of course have to walk them miles a day, we are respectful of our neighborhood. It pisses me off when people disrespect others and give us good people in the animal loving community a bad name.

It is almost as annoying as incels that say things like “keep it heavy” and then criticize actual heavy bands artwork.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by ALMOSTsaved »

We just moved into a neighborhood with a plethora of dog owners. We love dogs, but we don't have any of our own. Most of the people around here carry bags to pick the shit up, but there are a couple of old timers with large dogs that I've noticed with empty hands. Our yard is really nice and we enjoy sitting outside. Whenever these guys walk by with their dogs, I make it a point to make myself visible so if their dogs attempt to pop a squat in my yard, they'll pull their leash and keep walking. Another problem I have is people who pick up their dog shit and have no problem throwing it in other people's trashcans. Case in point, I put my trash out by the road the night before pick up. One evening I was outside and this bitch had her dog's shit in a bag and was walking right up to my trashcan to toss it. I said, "Please don't put that in there." She was flabbergasted / offended, "Are you serious?!?!?" I said, "Yep. I don't want my cans to smell like shit." (I live in south Mississippi and this was in the dead of summer. It's like putting the shit in a microwave). She continued mumbling under her breath as she walked away.

As for your other point, I hate people who litter. We were in an Arby's drive thru one evening and this redneck asshole in front of us was steadily throwing his trash out of his passenger side into the parking lot. After he threw the third thing out, I got out of the car, picked up the cups and other shit that he threw out there. I put some on his car's roof and the rest back in his through his passenger side window while saying, "I think you dropped something." He blew a gasket shouting at me while I got back in the car. Probably not the smartest thing to do as I'm sure if he'd been packing he would've found a reason to shoot me. Sometimes, it's hard to keep yourself in check.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by Wild Obsession »

In my old neighborhood this fat ass 50 something lady would walk her dog/let it shit on my lawn. I bagged it and hung it on a sign with a note asking her not to let her dog shit on my yard. Next day watched her read the sign, she laughed, but took her bag and stopped letting her dog shit on my lawn.

I fucking hate "dog people".
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by BernieTaupson »

New viral clip of Steve Rachelle yelling at someone incoming in 3, 2,
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by MetalSludgeCEO »

ALMOSTsaved wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:49 pm We just moved into a neighborhood with a plethora of dog owners. We love dogs, but we don't have any of our own. Most of the people around here carry bags to pick the shit up, but there are a couple of old timers with large dogs that I've noticed with empty hands. Our yard is really nice and we enjoy sitting outside. Whenever these guys walk by with their dogs, I make it a point to make myself visible so if their dogs attempt to pop a squat in my yard, they'll pull their leash and keep walking. Another problem I have is people who pick up their dog shit and have no problem throwing it in other people's trashcans. Case in point, I put my trash out by the road the night before pick up. One evening I was outside and this bitch had her dog's shit in a bag and was walking right up to my trashcan to toss it. I said, "Please don't put that in there." She was flabbergasted / offended, "Are you serious?!?!?" I said, "Yep. I don't want my cans to smell like shit." (I live in south Mississippi and this was in the dead of summer. It's like putting the shit in a microwave). She continued mumbling under her breath as she walked away.

As for your other point, I hate people who litter. We were in an Arby's drive thru one evening and this redneck asshole in front of us was steadily throwing his trash out of his passenger side into the parking lot. After he threw the third thing out, I got out of the car, picked up the cups and other shit that he threw out there. I put some on his car's roof and the rest back in his through his passenger side window while saying, "I think you dropped something." He blew a gasket shouting at me while I got back in the car. Probably not the smartest thing to do as I'm sure if he'd been packing he would've found a reason to shoot me. Sometimes, it's hard to keep yourself in check.

""""""""""""""""""I put some on his car's roof and the rest back in his through his passenger side window while saying, "I think you dropped something." He blew a gasket shouting at me while I got back in the car."""""""""""""""


I have tried... to tame my temper... as in the past, I have done the same.

One time about 8-10 years ago I watched a guy do this at stop light, as he pulled away, I quickly stopped and grabbed it.

I then sped up and cut him off at the next street, (he had no idea where I came from) full PD stop in front of his car sideways... I got out with the bags in my hands and was coming at his car like I was a Friday the 13th movie. Lol.

Seriously... the guy was freaking out as I had the look of anger and I was destroying him verbally... he threw his car in reverse and quickly bailed.

Like a psycho, I turned around and chased him for a few blocks and then I said to myself... "Hold it Hanseter... you might eat a bullet over this litter..." and I gave up.

In the end... I hate this stuff... I seriously believe if I am ever in a store, and see some smash n' grab going down, I will not be able to contain myself... I've already tried to talk myself out of what might happen, but it's just in my blood.

I have envisioned it endless times, as usually there are 4-5 or 10 of them... I just want 1... let me get my hands on 1 of these punks... it will not be good.

My main goal is to first off, rip off the mask and hood to expose their face... and I will be coming in like a HAMAS missile, Jack Lambert style... unless the guy is 6'5" and 275... he is meeting me when he least expects it.

Wish me luck...

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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by MetalSludgeCEO »

BernieTaupson wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:55 pm New viral clip of Steve Rachelle yelling at someone incoming in 3, 2,
""""""""""""""""New viral clip of Steve Rachelle yelling at someone incoming in 3, 2,""""""""""""""

Excellent. :D

Update on that homeless guy... he moved about a month ago... I could not be happier... F#@k that piece of garbage!

Last edited by MetalSludgeCEO on Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by Wednesday 13 Fan »

I'll read all of that later. I'm only here to here to post this....Image
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by Charles Bukaki »

The only reason it doesn't happen on my lawn is that there's no sidewalk in front of my house and it's a fairly busy street, so someone would have to be pretty exposed and brazen to do it but I walk a lot in my neighborhood and the surrounding neighborhoods and see dozens of signs people put in their yards asking people to clean up after themselves, some even put up dispensers with bags for people to use. The amount of laziness and entitlement some dog owners are capable of is infuriating. I've lived in multiple different neighbors in the the ten years I've been walking regularly and can't count the number of times I've had a "friendly" dog jump up on me, or a not so friendly dog charge me and not once has a dog owner apologized to me. Sometimes they laugh it off, sometimes they call their dog back, sometimes they're not even around, and I fucking hate it. I've been tempted to carry bear spray but I just know if I ever had to use it, there would be some kind of repercussions where I'd likely end up being the one at fault, so I just carry a dog whistle. I don't have anything against well behaved dogs, but it's a very dog centric world out there. Why is it so difficult to keep your dog leashed in public, and pick up it's shit and keep it from getting out and basically it everyone's problem?

end rant, other than to say I'm with the CEO on this 100%. Your dog, your responsibility, leave the rest of us out of it.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by ALMOSTsaved »

MetalSludgeCEO wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:38 pm
ALMOSTsaved wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:49 pm We just moved into a neighborhood with a plethora of dog owners. We love dogs, but we don't have any of our own. Most of the people around here carry bags to pick the shit up, but there are a couple of old timers with large dogs that I've noticed with empty hands. Our yard is really nice and we enjoy sitting outside. Whenever these guys walk by with their dogs, I make it a point to make myself visible so if their dogs attempt to pop a squat in my yard, they'll pull their leash and keep walking. Another problem I have is people who pick up their dog shit and have no problem throwing it in other people's trashcans. Case in point, I put my trash out by the road the night before pick up. One evening I was outside and this bitch had her dog's shit in a bag and was walking right up to my trashcan to toss it. I said, "Please don't put that in there." She was flabbergasted / offended, "Are you serious?!?!?" I said, "Yep. I don't want my cans to smell like shit." (I live in south Mississippi and this was in the dead of summer. It's like putting the shit in a microwave). She continued mumbling under her breath as she walked away.

As for your other point, I hate people who litter. We were in an Arby's drive thru one evening and this redneck asshole in front of us was steadily throwing his trash out of his passenger side into the parking lot. After he threw the third thing out, I got out of the car, picked up the cups and other shit that he threw out there. I put some on his car's roof and the rest back in his through his passenger side window while saying, "I think you dropped something." He blew a gasket shouting at me while I got back in the car. Probably not the smartest thing to do as I'm sure if he'd been packing he would've found a reason to shoot me. Sometimes, it's hard to keep yourself in check.

""""""""""""""""""I put some on his car's roof and the rest back in his through his passenger side window while saying, "I think you dropped something." He blew a gasket shouting at me while I got back in the car."""""""""""""""


I have tried... to tame my temper... as in the past, I have done the same.

One time about 8-10 years ago I watched a guy do this at stop light, as he pulled away, I quickly stopped and grabbed it.

I then sped up and cut him off at the next street, (he had no idea where I came from) full PD stop in front of his car sideways... I got out with the bags in my hands and was coming at his car like I was a Friday the 13th movie. Lol.

Seriously... the guy was freaking out as I had the look of anger and I was destroying him verbally... he threw his car in reverse and quickly bailed.

Like a psycho, I turned around and chased him for a few blocks and then I said to myself... "Hold it Hanseter... you might eat a bullet over this litter..." and I gave up.

In the end... I hate this stuff... I seriously believe if I am ever in a store, and see some smash n' grab going down, I will not be able to contain myself... I've already tried to talk myself out of what might happen, but it's just in my blood.

I have envisioned it endless times, as usually there are 4-5 or 10 of them... I just want 1... let me get my hands on 1 of these punks... it will not be good.

My main goal is to first off, rip off the mask and hood to expose their face... and I will be coming in like a HAMAS missile, Jack Lambert style... unless the guy is 6'5" and 275... he is meeting me when he least expects it.

Wish me luck...

I totally get it. My problem is not that I don't think it through. My problem is, I don't think it through in the way of "Hey, I could end up getting hurt." Instead I think it through in the sense of, "I'm gonna be pissed at myself later if I don't do SOMETHING." Thing is, I absolutely recognize this about myself, but it still happens. It isn't until after the incident that I kind of cringe and think of how it could've totally gone south.
Last edited by ALMOSTsaved on Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by BernieTaupson »

MetalSludgeCEO wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:38 pm
I have tried... to tame my temper...

I then sped up and cut him off at the next street

and was coming at his car like I was a Friday the 13th movie

the guy was freaking out as I had the look of anger and I was destroying him verbally...

Like a psycho, I turned around and chased him for a few blocks
I think you need to double your CBD oil dosage. And probably add a THC prescription.

Yeah we all get fucked off with classless trash (rapidly becoming the majority in western society) but you shouldn’t be acting like a fucking psycho dude. Especially in America, the home of unhinged idiots with loaded firearms.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by Cindy Buzzedimisa »

This is why I won't get a dog even though I like them. I just can't fathom picking up a fresh turd. I can't even tolerate the smell I still think I smell it long afterwards. Residents leaving dog shit in the landscaping became such a problem at my building that dogs are now banned unless they're registered companion animals. I feel bad that responsible dog owners now have one less place that will rent to them because of these Aholes. Its hard enough finding affordable housing having a cat.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by Nate S Axel »

MetalSludgeCEO wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:21 pm Anyway, it's early in the day, like 10:00am, and I am walking back to my car... and I see an old guy, like late 60's, maybe 70's and he gets out of his car, and grabs a few bags of random stuff... he looks around and throws it under a car.

He didn't see me see him do it... and as I got closer, he was walking towards the store as I was leaving... just as he got about 10 feet in front of me, I said "Sir... I saw what you did... do you think that's okay to throw your garbage in the parking lot under a car?"

He immediately had an arrogant look on his face and mumbled under his breath and kept walking. I laced him with a few more firm words, but didn't cuss, just told him something like, "You're an older man sir, shouldn't you be setting an example?"

He ignored me and kept walking.

Wrong answer....

As I got to my car, I loaded my stuff and then calmly walked over and picked up all the garbage he threw under the neighboring vehicle. I quickly realized it was full of something wet, moist, spilling, etc.. yuck... oh well.. I am committed now.

I then went and set all of it directly onto his front windshield on the driver's side.

Returned to my car, washed my hands with wipes and drove off.

Have a nice day.

$tEvil :D
ATTA BOY HARPER! A+. I like it when people confront and embarrass others for doing stupid shit. Fun for the whole family! People hate conversation, attention, or confrontation when they're out in public -- so calling them out or embarrassing them in front of a group of people is awesome.

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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by Bono Nettencourt »

I have a corner lot across from the cul-de-sac island, so my yard is canine central. It was really bad when I 1st moved in, then it got better, likely not because the owners got cooler, but because their dogs got old and died.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by keyofgee »

at 58 the CEO is definitely becoming that "get off my lawn"
But, same here but its shopping carts. lazy americans can't even put the shopping cart up. They leave it in the parking lot for me to have to dodge, retrieve and take to the Carrol or back into the store.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by MetalSludgeCEO »

keyofgee wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:48 am at 58 the CEO is definitely becoming that "get off my lawn"
But, same here but its shopping carts. lazy americans can't even put the shopping cart up. They leave it in the parking lot for me to have to dodge, retrieve and take to the Carrol or back into the store.
I am 57... quit trying to push me into the grave early!

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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by daveg »

keyofgee wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:48 am at 58 the CEO is definitely becoming that "get off my lawn"
But, same here but its shopping carts. lazy americans can't even put the shopping cart up. They leave it in the parking lot for me to have to dodge, retrieve and take to the Carrol or back into the store.
Some dude is going after these cart at a time.

Someone posted about Cart narcs here a while back. Very entertaining, although dude is gonna get himself shot one day.
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by keyofgee »

MetalSludgeCEO wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:50 am
keyofgee wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:48 am at 58 the CEO is definitely becoming that "get off my lawn"
But, same here but its shopping carts. lazy americans can't even put the shopping cart up. They leave it in the parking lot for me to have to dodge, retrieve and take to the Carrol or back into the store.
I am 57... quit trying to push me into the grave early!

my bad. I guess I will need to buy a beanie...
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by MetalSludgeCEO »

keyofgee wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:19 am
MetalSludgeCEO wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:50 am
keyofgee wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:48 am at 58 the CEO is definitely becoming that "get off my lawn"
But, same here but its shopping carts. lazy americans can't even put the shopping cart up. They leave it in the parking lot for me to have to dodge, retrieve and take to the Carrol or back into the store.
I am 57... quit trying to push me into the grave early!

my bad. I guess I will need to buy a beanie...


Do it... thanks in advance!

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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by TheCULTofMANSON »

MetalSludgeCEO wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:21 pm My office is in the front of my house, right outside my driveway and garage... a perfect view of the street, sidewalk, front of the property, etc...

I have to say, 80-90% of people walking their animals are cool, and pick up after their dog, but... there are a few who deserve to be Karen'd!

I gotta admit... most younger people, meaning teens to 20-30 somethings, ALL pick up after their animals. Bravo!

The ones who leave it, are older people and it's way more women than men.

The average Dog Sh!t rule breaker are women in their 50's and 60's... who think it's beneath them to do this.

There is 1 c@ck sucker who also regularly does this on my terrace, and half the time it's on the side-walk too! At least 1-2x a week, I wake up to find fresh dog sh!t on my front terrace or side-walk.

The day I see her do it again... I am tempted to quickly jump in my car, and slow roll it and follow her home... then... I will return to my house, pick it up, bag it, and return.

I will politely ring the door bell, and when they answer, I will politely explain to them that they forgot something in front of my house... and yes, I will have my phone filming from the car in their driveway. I am that guy!

If they play stupid, I will be very firm to explain to them I have them on camera doing it... and if they continue, they will be on Facebook in the neighborhood watch page!

I am annoyed with a$$holes like this....

Speaking of @ssholes... I recently was at Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch... go ahead and laugh, yes Wal-Mart...

Anyway, it's early in the day, like 10:00am, and I am walking back to my car... and I see an old guy, like late 60's, maybe 70's and he gets out of his car, and grabs a few bags of random stuff... he looks around and throws it under a car.

He didn't see me see him do it... and as I got closer, he was walking towards the store as I was leaving... just as he got about 10 feet in front of me, I said "Sir... I saw what you did... do you think that's okay to throw your garbage in the parking lot under a car?"

He immediately had an arrogant look on his face and mumbled under his breath and kept walking. I laced him with a few more firm words, but didn't cuss, just told him something like, "You're an older man sir, shouldn't you be setting an example?"

He ignored me and kept walking.

Wrong answer....

As I got to my car, I loaded my stuff and then calmly walked over and picked up all the garbage he threw under the neighboring vehicle. I quickly realized it was full of something wet, moist, spilling, etc.. yuck... oh well.. I am committed now.

I then went and set all of it directly onto his front windshield on the driver's side.

Returned to my car, washed my hands with wipes and drove off.

Have a nice day.

$tEvil :D

Ok boomer, get off my lawn lol jk
RockSkar wrote:
Patton could sing anything that those other singers have ever sang. But none of them could sing Patton's catalog.
Itwalksamongus wrote:
Dude - did you, like, just get ass-fucked by Patton or something? You're really off the hook here.
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eddie lee roth
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Re: DOGS SH!TTING ON YOUR LAWN ... Any problems with Jackoffs walking their Pets, and leaving sh!t behind?

Post by eddie lee roth »

I’m 54 and I still want to be a young troublemaker but I’m 54.

So now when I’m at Walmart when I’m done with my cart I go looking for that “reserved for our law enforcement figures” spot that should be for handicapped only people and park it sideways right in the middle of the spot.

Fuck The Police!
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