whitebread wrote:I have always hated Vick even before the dog thing.
Now to put it easy to understand. There are all types of niggers in this world. Black, White and every other color. Nigger is a word for some piece of shit with no morals or one the acts in a ignorant and irresponsible manor. Mike Vick is indeed a fucking nigger of his own race just like Jesse James is a fucking nigger of the white race. Plain and simple. I know some people dont like the word but it is probably the most powerful word to describe something bad. That is why it is used. PERIOD
Ahh, the whole "Nigger is the Asshole of the World" argument.
This is generally the argument I heard - from people who bothered to defend their use of the word - when I lived for 5 years in South Carolina.
It's kind of your "enlightened racist's" argument.
Well, it's the same one Axl Rose used to make, so you are in good company with it I guess.
It's really a pretty worthless and transparent argument though. You can't re-write the nigger handbook at this late stage of the game - we all know what the word means. And call a white person a nigger - even a real assholish white person, like that dasterdly Jesse James - and I don't think you'll really get the reaction you are looking for.
Any reason you can't just call him an asshole? That word isn't good enough?