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Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:14 pm
by Hungwell
enter your username wrote:Six Pack of Melty McGoo



Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:16 pm
by Hungwell
LeatherSnake wrote:Ah, so you can magically see through my computer and know Ive been 'lurking' eh?

You are amazing. Wow. Incredible.


Carry on with your douche-baggery. Who knows, maybe there are some little girls around you could go and make cry.

Good times, eh?

Someone help this imbecile out. He's dumb enough to join Helix.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:28 pm
by Scaryhead
TrouserSnake wrote:THIS makes me a no-life Sludge addict like you?
No, the fact that you posted your daily itinerary in order to prove to someone else on the internet that you're not glued to this board like Mackenzie Phillips to a copy of Flowers In The Attic does.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:31 pm
by alexharvey
enter your username wrote:Six Pack of Melty McGoo

Holy Jesus,that is fucking funny.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:03 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:
Hungwell wrote:
LeatherSnake wrote:Really? So I was posting and browsing while I was out all day and my lap top was at home?


That would be sorta cool were it true, but it's not.

You're lying.

Spin again.

That's all youve got, huh? Man, your losing it...

Ok, Ill play-why not?
Please show me what I posted in those 16 hours....I'll wait.

I get up in the morning, turn my lap-top on, check my e-mail, and open Facebook and MSN. Sometimes I open this to browse/post...then I leave all open all day while I go out and live my life.

THIS makes me a no-life Sludge addict like you?

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:11 am
by thejuggernaut
enter your username wrote:Image

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:31 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:Ah, so it's the fact that I leave my sites open so I dont have to re-open them later if I feel like looking. Cause NO ONE does that... Man, you got me there!


Starting your day off with Facebook and MSN, while suggesting other people have some sort of internet addiction.

Heck, throw in a Twitter and/or Myspace page and we'll have ourselves a complete E-Lifer.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:02 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
LeatherSnake wrote:Ah, so it's the fact that I leave my sites open so I dont have to re-open them later if I feel like looking. Cause NO ONE does that... Man, you got me there!


Starting your day off with Facebook and MSN, while suggesting other people have some sort of internet addiction.

Heck, throw in a Twitter and/or Myspace page and we'll have ourselves a complete E-Lifer.

So, if I start the day with coffee and newspaper, I am addicted to THEM to? Or if I watch tv news first thing in morning?

How about if I shower? Shower addict?

I happen to do my business online-so what is your point? I communicate though MSN with people I work with, and also FB.

Nice try, though.
So the only people you communicate with via internet social programs are co-workers ?


Riddle me this - if your business is online, and your only communication via internet social programs is with co-workers, what life are you going out and living ?

Let's see -

Up all night posting.

No friends, just coworkers.

Registered around the same time Mr Willeatitself vanished.

Has a problem with Hungwell.

Displays a certain "moodiness" in his posts.

Similar login/lurking habits to Mr Willeatitself.

Does not understand that merely remaining logged in with no activity logs one out, just like Mr. Willeatitself.

Interesting. Sure is reminiscent of a certain wobbly eyed bust-out shut-in that frequents the site.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:05 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:
enter your username wrote:
LeatherSnake wrote:white-trash ball cap tumps someones stage clothes, Im afraid.
LMFAO @ "stage clothes"

Iggy must think life is a stage then because there are countless photos with arm warmers and face flour. Forgotten child is one of them.

I'm not going to waste my time going back and forth with an obvious internet addict. Go ahead and have the last word. If that's hungwell in the photo, he looks like a normal person at a sludge party having some fun with people who post here frequently. Big fucking deal.


And it's MR. Internet addict to you, pal!

So Hungwell looks 'normal' to you eh?

I can only guess what you look like then.

p.s. You have over 1300 posts here-pot meet kettle.
Don't you mean pot meet shot glass ? I don't understand what you mean by pot meet kettle.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:17 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:Yeah, cause it isnt at ALL possible that someone might actually be on Iggy's side. :roll:

You chumps piled up on him, and just like in life, when I see someone being beaten by a pack of idiots, I lend a hand.

Not to mention he seems like a good guy.

Do you honestly believe I am Iggy? Seriously...?

As for my business, tis none of yours-suffice to say sometimes I need to contact people off of work hours-and yes, I use the internet for social networking too.

You cant really have such a hard time grasping that people actually leave their computers on all day when they arent home, with websites open, can you? You know NO ONE that does this? Including yourself? Really...?

And moody? Really? I think this place is a hoot.
So how can you possibly know he seems like a good guy and be on his side when you only joined around the same time he vanished ?

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:20 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:p.s."Does not understand that merely remaining logged in with no activity logs one out, just like Mr. Willeatitself."

So you've actually been on here for 7 hours overnight posting, quite similar to Mr Willeatitself.


Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:45 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
LeatherSnake wrote:p.s."Does not understand that merely remaining logged in with no activity logs one out, just like Mr. Willeatitself."

So you've actually been on here for 7 hours overnight posting, quite similar to Mr Willeatitself.


Nope, but I HAVE remained signed in.

You arent very bright, are you?
You posted at 1217 am.

You kept posting/replying until now, EIGHT hours later now.

Speaking of being not too bright.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:48 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:double froze.
Hmm, a busted ass shitty computer that freezes ?

Sounds like something pulled from a dumpster diving session.

You do your business online yet you have a busted ass computer that freezes ?

That's believable.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:50 am
by thejuggernaut
LeatherSnake wrote:Yeah, cause it isnt at ALL possible that someone might actually be on Iggy's side. :roll:

You chumps piled up on him, and just like in life, when I see someone being beaten by a pack of idiots, I lend a hand.

Not to mention he seems like a good guy.

Do you honestly believe I am Iggy? Seriously...?

As for my business, tis none of yours-suffice to say sometimes I need to contact people off of work hours-and yes, I use the internet for social networking too.

You cant really have such a hard time grasping that people actually leave their computers on all day when they arent home, with websites open, can you? You know NO ONE that does this? Including yourself? Really...?

And moody? Really? I think this place is a hoot.
I don't remember asking what line of work you're in.

However, I am still waiting for you to explain what you mean when you said pot meet kettle to EYU. I don't understand what you meant by that.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:39 am
by Luminiferous
LeatherSnake wrote:Ok, Ive said all I have to say in this thread-bye bye.

Shades of AbeFreshley...

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:48 am
by Ham Stroker's Ejacula
LeatherSnake wrote:Ladies and gentleman, HUNGWELL>>>


HE made fun of Iggy's eye? Check that sucker out!

So this is really you, Hungwell? (this person appears to be wearing a 'Hungwell University' shirt, so I figure either it's you or one of your 100 million fans)

Four topics you repeatedly bust Iggy on is
  • his hair
  • his double chin
  • his choice in clothing
  • the positioning of his eyes
Let me know if you would like to have your physical attributes and accoutrements critiqued by the Sludge unwashed masses - I'm sure you might have some takers. I'd wager that some might take as much delight as you and some others here do when it comes to bashing folks you'll never encounter in a face-to-face meeting. :)

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:06 am
by SoulsOfBlack
LeatherSnake isn't Iggy, he's Abe. The reason he registered just recently is because he keeps getting banned. Wouldn't be surprised if he disappears again sometime soon.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:19 am
by thejuggernaut
SoulsOfBlack wrote:LeatherSnake isn't Iggy, he's Abe. The reason he registered just recently is because he keeps getting banned. Wouldn't be surprised if he disappears again sometime soon.
Not much wonder he defends the shut in - his posting tendencies almost make it seem like he's modeling himself after Iggy.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:29 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Pill wrote:Image

Where the fuck is his nose?

It got lost in glamrokkgirl-land.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:45 am
by Hungwell

With that fat fuck ace's help, Helix boy throws up another Fail-Mary.

Hopefully I get even more tit-shots sent to me then the first time they were posted!

Stupid, allow me to let you in on something that's not even remotely a secret.

I have met many Sludgers in real life. Many times. I have had them over to my house. I have had them stay for weekends. I am actually a very nice guy. Those pics and others have been shown before on many occasions. No one cares.

The truth is I have never publicly shared anything meaningful (personal) about myself on these boards or anywhere on the intrawebz. I don't have the slightest need for validation from strangers. I also have never posted pics of myself to prove that I'm capable of stealing away your boyfriend.

Because I don't give a fuck what you think. About Anything. Get it? :wink:

Now, I'm sorry I destroyed you with one post earlier but you will have to step your game way up if your dreams of joining The Tard Army are to be realized.

PS. I love how you still don't understand what being "logged on" means. You actually believe that by clicking the "auto log" button that you are always "logged on". You put in 23 hours yesterday without refraining from clicking on something for 20 minutes. You must be plum tuckered out by now.

edited for P.S.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:01 am
by Hungwell
Helix Dumbass wrote:You and your cronies are a bunch of pussies...bottom line.

Wrong again.

There are no "cronies".

We are all State Certified, Licensed and Bonded Independent Ownmeisters.

Lic number CA2556017

Get it right.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:02 am
by JakeYonkel
Hey, I'd never seen those pics before.

If somebody tells me there are photos of deathcurse floating around here... well, knock me over with a feather.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:07 am
by Hungwell
JakeYonkel wrote:Hey, I'd never seen those pics before.

If somebody tells me there are photos of deathcurse floating around here... well, knock me over with a feather.

Don't fret! I'll be glad to send you a signed 8 by 10 ( if you buy 100 dollars worth of Hungwear).


Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:18 am
by JakeYonkel
I bought a no-frills t-shirt, hooded sweatshirt, and custom baseball jersey back in like 2003... doesn't that count for anything?

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:23 am
by Hungwell
JakeYonkel wrote:I bought a no-frills t-shirt, hooded sweatshirt, and custom baseball jersey back in like 2003... doesn't that count for anything?

Um..well I would have sent them to you but you wouldn't give me your address. Yeah, that's what happened.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:30 am
by uptheass
iggypoop wrote:Once we had some more songs written, we recorded an early demo entitled "Autopsy Turvey" that was never released...I own the only copy, and I'm not even sure where it is, in a box of tapes in the attic I believe.
:lol: :lol:

i bet that one is the only thing that is in his collection that is actually in mint condition

iggypoop wrote:We received strong reviews from a lot of different websites, and had orders for our cd from all around the world...England, Germany, etc.
by orders from england and germany he means people like stinkynightgown from leeds or mstydrmr69 from whales who he met at 3 in the morning on a beer night and offered to send them one of his burned cdrs with cut out inserts that are pasted together with craft paper and miniature craft store cloth bats

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:12 am
by uptheass
LeatherSnake wrote:The gang bang continues...
do you still think that kiss is the only reason that there is a record of what the germans did to the jews and there is no record of it in the history idiot

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:16 am
by Luminiferous
LeatherSnake wrote:You cant really have such a hard time grasping that people actually leave their computers on all day when they arent home, with websites open, can you? You know NO ONE that does this? Including yourself? Really...?
Actually I know many people who keep their web browsers open all day..

I just don't know ANY one who leaves it open on.... Metal Sludge??? :lol:

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:41 am
by MurrayFiend
LeatherSnake wrote:I love that you guys seem to think Im Iggy...

Ok, Ive said all I have to say in this thread-bye bye.
No one thinks you're Iggy. You stick out like a sore thumb each and every time you reappear, leaving a trail of spittle behind on each and every thread in which you post.

Re: Where is Iggy?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:55 am
by grishnak boss
LeatherSnake wrote:I love that you guys seem to think Im Iggy...

Ok, Ive said all I have to say in this thread-bye bye.

What's up Abe?

I mean your life in general, not just your new developed chin :lol: