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Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:57 am
by Hungwell
December 11, 2005

Z9 wrote: Jesus fuck, :roll: everything has to be some big explanation with you.
tmc wrote:I wrote like 8 fucking sentences, I dont needs comments from YOU for doing it. And why the hell are you jumping on my ass for talking about something that everyone else is fucking talking about?

They dont "rap" because they are not in to rap and they are not interested in rap. They are rhythmic. You need proof? Go up to anyone who likes rap and play them Disturbed and they will tell you to turn down that metal shit. I know, that's what my students have said to me! End of story

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:15 pm
by gr8twhte
Hoosier Daddy wrote:Hooray for the Daily Quote Calendar. I have found myself looking forward to it each and every day. I think "well, nothing can top THIS," and yet every day, Hungwell proves me wrong.

Am I the only one that got a little chill envisioning her cornering innocent students, holding a boombox aloft and commanding them to listen to Disturbed?

Yes, thats quite uh, disturbing.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:56 pm
by rubes
Mountain_Girl wrote:Oh crap, I feel a PM coming on.
Well, yeah you are correct! It will start out with "WTF is your problem with me?!?!?!"

When all you did was be entertained and laugh at a post that you thought was funny, and you felt like responding to it, because it was so funny. So now you must pay by being bombarded with the
:shock: "Crazy Yellow Font!"

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:16 am
by The_Yellow®™
What's so funny about an obsessed stalker posting under 573214 names? If you laugh at their jokes, then that makes you just as stupid as all of the other dumbfucks who actually believe that there are really that many people here that hate me, which is completely INSANE! I don't care what you or anyone else on this board thinks, I KNOW I'm right, other people know I'm right, and some of them are YOUR friends.

I KNOW lots of stuff, it's called ACCUMULATED KNOWLEDGE, and I have the PMs to prove it. I would love to tell you guys about what I know, but I'm just too classy to post private messages. I honestly couldn't care less about any of this shit because I HAVE A LIFE, and I've told you guys a million times that I don't even like talking about myself, so I don't understand what the fascination is.

I know you told me to STFU before, but OH WELL. I just wish everyone would quit making every thread around here about me
:roll: :D

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:07 am
by EvelIgVonDurstFish
Seriously, TMC - You need to"accumulate a bit more knowledge" in general, especially regarding interpersonal communication skills; unless you want to continue completing your degree for Masters of Attention Whoring- Leave it alone. Not sure what you are like in a more professional setting, but you usually come off as one of the more uneducated educators working in the system and that's saying something...

I know it means nothing, but you have "accumulated" yet another poster who wishes you would shut the fuck up

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:57 am
by Hungwell
December 12, 2005

tmc wrote:I used to be a waitress and one time when I was like 18 there were these 3 guys in the diner with a little boy about 5yo or so- I presumed one of them was his dad. They were all really friendly with me and were all talking to me and smiling- I took their order and was away doing my thing. // I asked the little boy if his chicken fingers were yummy and he smiled at me again. Then the little boy goes, "We think youre pretty" and one of the guys spit soda all over the table. I got a good tip from them, too LOL!
tmc wrote:Shit... Im attracted to the Brad Pitt type myself, but that doesnt mean that I think Im too good for any guy who doesnt live up to that LOL!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:35 am
by gr8twhte
The Yellow is damn funny!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:20 pm
by EliseThePiece
I am waiting for TMC to come and argue with the yellow.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:41 am
by Hungwell
December 13, 2005

Headcheese wrote:The_Creep knows what he's talking about.
tmc wrote:So do I!!! YOU post FOUR minutes after I do and ALSO follow me the fuck around and jump all over me. You only did it because you saw my nym and The_Creep's nym and you keep on encouraging this stupidity. Ive never bothered with you EVER, you just hate me for telling this dick alternym to leave me alone in the first place. Or maybe for defending Ette in the first place, which is his and Zero's problem. Either way, this shit is getting OLD. Fuck off already!!! People dont want to read this shit on every thread!!!
GlitterQueen wrote:Good grief :roll:
His ragging on you all the time is indeed a tad irritating to have to read, but honest to god, your constant bitching about it all the fucking time (and frequently at long length) is even more irritating. // Stop posting after every post HE makes.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:34 am
by The_Creep
That one is a personal fave of mine.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:13 am
by Hungwell
December 14, 2005

The Canary Diamond of Self-Ownage wrote:I didnt "get" banned from DRS. Go look for yourself (unless Red's already bullied them in to taking down the evidence)- I am the one that offered a banning as a solution for Red's pathetic "I paid for this board, its my money, post who invited you here, blah blah blah" whining.
BBrandy from DRS wrote: TMC in case you can read this ...

I am the chief admin of this board. NOT RED.

I invited you a year ago.

You waited 11 months to show up.

I banned you. Because you proved me wrong and EVERYONE else right: You REALLY are that fucking annoying.

You are now gone.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:40 am
by Hungwell
December 15, 2005

H3yl0 wrote:TheMetalChick IF ITS NOT SUCH A BIG DEAL THEN WHY WONT YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?! Let it go woman.
tmc wrote:Where did I say it was OR wasnt a big deal and who are YOU to tell me to shut the fuck up? If there is a thread discussing something I will join in without hearing JACK SHIT about it from you.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:11 pm
by The_Blue®™
Don't worry Metal Chick. I know how you feel. There are assholes that start threads about me because they are jealous of my record collection and that I look good in make-up and they don't. Don't listen to the Hatas girl! Mwaaaa! Smooches XOXOXOXOX!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:21 pm
by The_Yellow®™
Way to completely jack somebody else's idea.

Hack. :roll:

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:45 pm
by The_Blue®™
I thought we were friends? You are one of my greatest allies whenever my stalkers come after me. Please don't leave me!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:49 pm
by The_Creep

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:03 pm
by Vcalfina
The_Blue®™ wrote:Don't worry Metal Chick. I know how you feel. There are assholes that start threads about me because they are jealous of my record collection and that I look good in make-up and they don't. Don't listen to the Hatas girl! Mwaaaa! Smooches XOXOXOXOX!
The best alternym EVER!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:31 pm
by The_Blue®™
You are so right Metal Chick. I love spoiling the haterz fun on this board. Sometimes us girls have to flaunt what we have. Being young, beautiful, intelligent, and sane has its perks!

PS Can I borrow your eyeliner again?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:58 pm
by Hungwell
tmc, Misstmc, DrTmc..and now SatinDoll? wrote:Links to the quoted threads would be appreciated.
followed 21 minutes later by ol' toothy herself, what a surprise! wrote:Oh, come ON! It would of COURSE spoil the "fun" if he put links. Why would he point out himself that many of the 3+ month old supposed "quotes" he posts are mixed up and altered for the sake of "humor"?
What the fuck are you doin' here? Finding it a tad tough to ignore, heh? Who you bullshittin, everyone knows you are the first to read each and every days gem!

And EVERYONE knows that you check each one as soon as they are posted to verify it's authenticity. If even one word was changed you would have put it up for the world to see.

Don't you ever tire of pwning yourself?

Poor, poor delusional whore. PUBLIC NOTICE! Look at today's quote, and then click the link. ... ht=#788476

There is nothing funnier than the fact that even you can't believe how retarded you sound.

Now then, you said " Why would he point out himself that many of the 3+ month old supposed "quotes" he posts are mixed up and altered for the sake of "humor"?". Show these examples of ANY words, fuck it, even a LETTER changed. Oh yeah, that's right, you can't. Show us the "supposed" quotes, the ones that don't exist. You can't.

Remember before you even think about sayin, "But you don't always quote my entire post", it's a daily QUOTE, not daily POST calendar. Quote, means to repeat a piece of text. I want people to read them and enjoy your lunacy. Not run blindly upon seeing it.

This 200 proof glass of ownage served clean, is not free. I expect, no demand, that you once again send out no less than 150 pm's, asking everyone to forgive your unibrow ass, for your 2 months worth of lies and drivel.

Go on.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:12 pm
by The_Creep
Hungwell wrote: There is nothing funnier than the fact that even you can't believe how retarded you sound.

I concur.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:27 am
by Hungwell
December 16, 2005

DickHollywood wrote:Thank you for the tremendous support out of most of you. I feel sorry you can not voice it on this board because such hateful people. I'm heading off of here, I know 99% of you will still be on here grooving to Nelson and trying to hurt other people while living the fine life in Nebraskahoma. That is a shame. Have a great day.
tmc wrote:Funny, I cant name one actual nym here that has supported you.

In other news, The_Irony just slipped into a coma.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 8:06 am
by Hungwell
December 17, 2005

CrouchingStonerHiddenBong to tmc wrote:
There aren't enough therapists or DSM manuals in the world to even begin to deal with your psychosis, you retarded fucking windbag.

You are without a doubt THE MOST CLASSIC case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that I have EVER come across in my entire life.

You are fucking pathetic. If it weren't so funny, it would be sad.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 7:35 pm
by The_Blue®™
All I know is that all the nyms that talk shit to me and the Metal Chick are all the same person. It probably some loser who all they care about is being mean and bitter. It has nothing to do with us because we are normal

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:16 pm
by SanityClause
Perhaps its blasphemy to post Mentalsped shit on a sunday. I dunno.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 10:32 pm
by Hungwell
December 18, 2005

tmc wrote:What's funny is how many of those very people have told me just to ignore this asshole. And that's exactly what I will keep on doing
The Entirety of the Boards Thought if not wrote:BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAAA!!

Hungwell note:
I am ever so sorry for this very late update. Thankfully it is in ( on the left coast) under the wire. In the future if I am likely to miss a date, I will happily post both days at once to insure that this "e-insulin" will never again come late.

Thank you.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:16 am
by Hungwell
December 19, 2005

Roxy_Roller wrote:jealous?

or was it just me that picked up on that?
tmc wrote:It was just you.
I dont deal with a ton of stereotypes from people, as I am dark blonde, blue eyed, of a normal weight and of a Christian European background. // I guess the sterotype with which that I DO have to deal is that as a woman it is often that my commentary is illogically deemed to be catty and jealous in nature.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:15 am
by Hungwell
December 20, 2005

Picture Appreciation Day!


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:19 pm
by SanityClause
Heed Heed!. Truusers nu.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:16 pm
by SanityClause
Look at that heed. Its like an orange on a toothpick.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:57 am
by deathcurse
Chahlie! Loight a match!