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Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:47 am
by deathcurse
I'll let The Mummy in on something.

Even though there's a world of difference between The Mummy and my dad, I wouldn't make age jokes if he posted here.

But I would slowly poison him if he posted here.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:41 am
by Thrash Gordon
Mumra just has to be masochistic. He has to be. There would be no other explanation for his continued showing up to be beaten like a $5 whore. What's worse is the thought that somewhere out there is some window licking, helmet wearing retard cheering him on.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:03 pm
by Itwalksamongus
deathcurse wrote:I'll let The Mummy in on something.

Even though there's a world of difference between The Mummy and my dad, I wouldn't make age jokes if he posted here.
Sorry, Booze-boy - this little gambit just isn't working.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:48 pm
by deathcurse
Itwalksamongus wrote:Sorry, Booze-boy - this little gambit just isn't working.

What gambit? It's the honest to God's truth. I wouldn't make age jokes in front of my dad. I'm not a scumbag like you.

And let's be honest - is that really all you have on Stoner? Kinda like this "booze boy" thing. If someone took away either of those things, you'd have nothing. That's why you're trying your damnedest to convince yourself you're not insulting cookie. You don't want to lose the one tired insult you have in your arsenal.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:11 pm
by Itwalksamongus
deathcurse wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:Sorry, Booze-boy - this little gambit just isn't working.

What gambit? It's the honest to God's truth. I wouldn't make age jokes in front of my dad. I'm not a scumbag like you.

And let's be honest - is that really all you have on Stoner?
I don't have anything on Stoner - sorry. it's just one of those flash-point things - like you calling me a drunk driver even though you know I don't drive. It's Sludge, bro - try not to think about it so much.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:19 pm
by CliffByford
Itwalksamongus wrote:Like you calling me a drunk driver even though you know I don't drive.
But you are a drunk driver. You admitted to it on a thread about the law concerning open drinks containers in cars.


We have photographic evidence.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:23 pm
by Itwalksamongus
CliffByford wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:Like you calling me a drunk driver even though you know I don't drive.
But you are a drunk driver.
No, I'm not. I had an incident in LA a couple of years ago - it was my last. So calling me a drunk driver is like calling me a smoker.

Get a grip.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:25 pm
by CliffByford
Itwalksamongus wrote:So call me a drunk driver.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:44 pm
by Itwalksamongus
CliffByford wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:So call me a drunk driver.
Don't mind me - I'm a fucking moron.


Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:48 pm
by SebastianLeeDanzig
Leave my board, you stupid fucking cunt. I've had it with you.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:20 pm
by SebastianLeeDanzig
Yeah, steal his shtick, that's gonna help. Seriously, that's like insulting Lickety's wife for being a fat whore.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:27 pm
by Itwalksamongus
Stop_I'mAlreadyDead wrote:

We know.
Well, I could have something on Stoner, but that would involve caring.

So, no.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:31 pm
by SebastianLeeDanzig
This is the only time I'll ever say this, but take it the fuck to the Lounge. You don't belong. You can get your ass kicked all over the place. Why use this freshly gentrified place?

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:33 pm
by Itwalksamongus
SebastianLeeDanzig wrote:This is the only time I'll ever say this
So - a plus.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:51 pm
by MurrayFiend
Wow, he's up to his old (heh) antics once more.

I'm sure Randog is entertained by it, at least.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:09 pm
by Gritt
His tricks may have helped him survive the Spanish Inquisition but they're not doing him any favors here.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:05 am
by CliffByford
Itwalksamongus wrote:Don't mind me - I'm a fucking moron.
See, the difference is that, whilst you had to type something new and attribute it to me, with a little judicious editing I managed to supply you with a quotation without adding additional letters.

Like in this instance...

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:03 pm
by MickeyG
deathcurse wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:Well, you're 30 - how far off could he be? Five years? Or, WAIT - "you're old but my dad ISN'T"????

Is he a drunk too?
I'm not 30. You're lying to suit your own agenda.

And there's a world of difference between you and my father.

You look like SHIT. Your teeth are all rotten, your gaunt as shit, your hair looks like corpse hair - the list is endless. Chicks I date think my dad is a handsome dude. Ask Stoner - she said my dad is HOT.

I've never heard my dad say an abusive thing towards any woman EVER. Never called a woman a "bitch" and he certainly never commented on their weight. You? You'll send anonymous women harassing e-mails over misspelled words.

My dad is an extremely educated man. If you were to ask my dad about any subject - be it botany, Shakespeare, U2, cicadas, firearms, Robert Mitchum, how to properly smoke a ham - he'll give an encyclopedic rundown of that subject. You, on the other hand, are on the opposite side of that spectrum. You don't seem to know shit about dick.

My dad's an incredibly gifted visual artist. You're a hack.

My dad doesn't go on the internet saying things like "Bro, what's up, bro? Yo dog, you're a douchenozzle. Word up, homeslice."

My dad's a great guy, he's liked by just about everyone. He's a quiet guy who never toots his own horn even though he has every reason in the world to.

You? You're loathed by everyone who crosses your path and you don't shut the fuck up about your life's meager accomplishments.

So no. I'm not talking about my dad.
I'm 35 and my dad is 53 and will be 54 in Sept. I think that makes him younger than the mummy.

Oh, and he's never been done for drink driving......

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:38 pm
by Itwalksamongus
CliffByford wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:Don't mind me - I'm a fucking moron.
See, the difference is that, whilst you had to type something new and attribute it to me, with a little judicious editing I managed to supply you with a quotation without adding additional letters.

Doesn't matter. It's called editing a post.

You did it. I did it.

Anything else?

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:24 pm
by CliffByford
Itwalksamongus wrote:Don't mind me - I'm a fucking moron.

Anything else?
Not right now. I'll let you know if and when something crops up though.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:04 pm
by Itwalksamongus
CliffByford wrote:
Itwalksamongus wrote:Don't mind me - I'm a fucking moron.

Anything else?
Not right now. I'll let you know if and when something crops up though.
Thanks for illustrating my point.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:51 am
by CliffByford
Itwalksamongus wrote:Don't mind me - I'm a fucking moron.

Thanks for illustrating my point.
You're welcome.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:22 am
by Son_of_Sam_I_Am
deathcurse wrote: You look like SHIT. Your teeth are all rotten, your gaunt as shit, your hair looks like corpse hair - the list is endless.

Tim makes Mick Mars look like George fucking Clooney.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:38 pm
by Itwalksamongus
It's always good for a chuckle when people take the time to dig through my MySpace for pics or go though making clips of my videos to post here - and then somehow think they don't seem sad and obsessed by doing so.


Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:43 am
by Itwalksamongus
Craig1168 wrote:Glad to see buisness as usual here.

Glad to see you still can't spell simple words like "business" you fucking moron.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:12 pm
by Itwalksamongus
Craig1168 wrote: Glad to see the one trick pony is still kicking.
Hey, as long as you stay as stupid as you obviously are it's an easy lob in from the corner.

And, no - it was not a grammar error. Dumbass.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:25 pm
by Itwalksamongus
Craig1168 wrote:But keep telling all of us how educated you are.
Wow - hey dumbshit, here's a hint -

Truth>made-up stuff.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:31 pm
by Itwalksamongus
Craig1168 wrote:Okay so your whole life is a lie
Wow. How fucking stupid are you, Fake Soldier Boy?

Try making sense next time.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:42 pm
by Itwalksamongus
Craig1168 wrote:Dude you're a fucking sham.
Opinion given all the respect it so truly deserves.

That would be none.

Re: I know this sounds like the Mummy but...

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:02 pm
by Itwalksamongus
Craig1168 wrote::lol: :lol:

You're the circus clown of sludge
That's cute how you post that like your opinion matters.

Earth to dumbshit:

It doesn't.

Deal with it quietly.