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Post by Luminiferous »

I embrace my jealousy...
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Oh good Christ. I've been gone a couple of days, so I'm little behind.

Let me see if I have this right: Rev fixes computers. And makes tons and tons and tons of money doing so.

But he's a great, philanthropical, socially minded guy who cares about the youth of America. So he teaches Drivers Ed, too?

But he makes tons and tons and tons of money teaching Drivers Ed, so is the fixing of the computers his great social act of compassion?

I don't know too many folks who make buckets of money in their careers who have a "second job" just for fun. Particularly jobs that are classified blue collar. However, upon reflection, I don't know too many people that believe in reptilian alien mind control.

So far, I've heard about what a great musical career Rev has had, what a sweet ride he has, how totally awesome the shop is he has access to for cherrying out that sweet ride, how much smarter he is than all of us, how much stronger he is than all of us and how much more money he makes than [most] of us.

Next topics:

How much more educated he is than [most] of us.

What a better musician he is than [most] of us.

What a nicer house he has than [most] of us.

Is it me, or have these topics been conspicuously absent?


Does it means he went to trade school, can't play and lives with mom?

(Gosh darn it, I want to know the WHOLE Rev.)
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Post by Aquanetsuperhold »

Is Andover the Beverly Hills of MA? Did I miss that memo? Compared to Methuen it may seem like that. Get over yourself.
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

I fucking ROCK!
There, there. Of course you do.

ALL 40 year olds that live with mom "ROCK".


(I know, I know - I'm jealous. I have a real jones for "garden art.")
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

Oh - and P.S. -
Wow! Prices can be looked up? NO WAY!!!! How about the price at one of the places I subcontract to instead of the cheapest price your jealous little eyes could seek out? How about the place that Eddie Przydzial keeps calling looking for me? The schools I contract out to are in the Andover, MA area. You know.. Andover... Phillips Academy? You know... Where George Bush went? Where Jay Leno lived?
How about this, dumbass... ($495) ($469.00) ($469.00)

So you're saying that these fine institutions let you keep 100% of the fees? That's a pretty sweet deal! They pay for the facilities, do all the advertising and provide the materials and let you keep all the cash. Totally awesome.
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

Is he really bragging about 18 grand (which probably translates more to 9 grand after taxes and various charges) ?

Oh wait, this is the same guy who brags about eating "steak and lobster" and thinks a SAAB and a LEXUS are the epitome of class, of course he does.

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Post by Aquanetsuperhold »

RockNRev wrote:
Aquanetsuperhold wrote:Is Andover the Beverly Hills of MA? Did I miss that memo? Compared to Methuen it may seem like that. Get over yourself.
Andover is quite a rich town, yes...
(And Methuen is pretty nice too, but I haven't lived there in quite some time now.)
It's ok- there are much richer places. Don't kid yourself, Methuen is just land fill to get to tax free NH.
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

I'm licensed by the state and I work for myself. I can form just one class and drop 40 students into it @ $469.00/each and walk away with $18,000+ in 30 hours every time I do.

"Walk away with" generally means "clear." Now we find out you have to pay taxes and expenses. Funny that.

You provided links to driving instruction schools in the Andover area in the same breath that you stated "places I subcontract to." Now we find out you teach inside public high schools. Funny that.

I'm not saying you're a liar. I'm saying you're a professional obfuscator.

Your crushing insecurities and lack of self-confidence have obviously created a communication pattern that involves alluding to embellishments that may, or may not, be true. You're not actually stating them as fact, but you're hoping people will come to that conclusion.

Take that statement you made a few pages back - something along the lines of "wouldn't you be surprised if I lifted the garage door and showed you a Lexus and a Saab?" Now see, you didn't actually say you had a Lexus and a Saab, but you created the allusion.

Or saying "oh, you saw MY beautiful gardens and MY New England home." I'm sure technically you can say that because your mom lets you live there. But we all know you don't own it. The interior decorating gives that away in a snap. It's all an allusion.

Honest question: Why the hell do you care what Sludgers think about you?

(I'm actually starting to feel a little sorry for you.)
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

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Post by Hungwell »

KryinNLyin wrote:I can form just one class and drop 40 students into it @ $469.00/each and walk away with $18,000+ in 30 hours every time I do.

$469 times 40=$18,760 times 50 weeks a year=$938,000

Sounds about right.

To Rev-Tard's credit, I knew a burn-out that had a hairline damn near as far back as his that wasted the majority of his day on the internet and watchin' Springer that went to Harvard to study Driver's Ed and now makes a mill a year. ( 'course he sells crack, but that's besides the point).

The following are the average professional salaries in Boston from Bizjournal.

Driver's Ed Instrucors: $938,000

Surgeons: $174,270

Sandwhich Artists: $ 468,331

Family and general practitioners:$146,980

Barista's: 352,996

Chief executives: $144,090

Independant Aluminum Recycling Agents: $266,816

Lawyers: $124,860

Panhandlers: $171,337

Financial managers: $112,170
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Post by Hungwell »

KryinNLyin wrote:2Tempting wrote:
Actually, the neighborhood that I live in is more likely considered the Beverly Hills of the Boston area, but that's beside the point.

Don't be jealous.

Trust me. I won't.

CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:

Is he really bragging about 18 grand (which probably translates more to 9 grand after taxes and various charges) ?

Nope. You retards tried to flame again and found out again that I am just plain flame retardant. You tried to bust on driver's ed like it was some sort of shit deal only to learn it is quite a lucrative thing to get into. Congrats on learning your lesson.

Oh wait, this is the same guy who brags about eating "steak and lobster" and thinks a SAAB and a LEXUS are the epitome of class, of course he does.

When I said I had steak & lobster (on good Friday) you poor saps immediately took that simple, matter-of-fact statement and immediately thought to yourselves, "Damn! Steak and lobster?!?! I can't afford that. Therefore, Rev is bragging by mentioning it!"


... In 30 hours. Don't forget that part because it makes it so much better! Say it with me... THIRTY HOURS.

Aquanetsuperhold wrote:
It's ok- there are much richer places. Don't kid yourself, Methuen is just land fill to get to tax free NH.
Boy oh boy Them's some jealous sounding words.
"Rev, you live where? Well, well, umm.. That's like New Hampshires toilet! So there! Nah! "
Poor jealous sap.
But I'll tell you what... I sure do enjoy getting every friggin thing TAX free living so close to the border of New Hampshire like I do. Like I said, I moved out of Methuen a while ago after I jumped another tax bracket, but I still choose to live near tax-free NH. It's awesome. It's one more way I can hang on to my hard-earned money.

Mitzi Dupree wrote:
"Walk away with" generally means "clear." Now we find out you have to pay taxes and expenses. Funny that.

Ya, sorry. I forgot who I was dealing with. I told you the amount each student paid and then multiplied it times the average number of students in a class and came up with that figure. I forgot that morons who work at McDonald's might not be familiar with overhead and taxes and I didn't go into detail about it. I can see clearly now that I need to do so each time for the lesser-educated like yourself.

but ya, anyway, so's ya know... When you own a business, there are some expenses that come with it. We business owners try to keep our overhead as low as possible. I found a way to do it by not having to pay for a space, or A lot, or a fleet of cars or a fleet-of-cars-worth of insurance or any of that. I found the way to get the most benjamins for my bang.

Glad I could educate you a little on business.

You provided links to driving instruction schools in the Andover area in the same breath that you stated "places I subcontract to." Now we find out you teach inside public high schools. Funny that.

I know you would find it funny, and confusing, but that's because you're a dope. I even already posted alink that shows the driving school goes into the high school. The driving school holds classes at Phillips Academy for example, where Bush went. Remember any of that, pothead?

I'm not saying you're a liar. I'm saying you're a professional obfuscator.

Your crushing insecurities and lack of self-confidence have obviously created a communication pattern that involves alluding to embellishments that may, or may not, be true. You're not actually stating them as fact, but you're hoping people will come to that conclusion.

You get what I give you, shithead. I give you surface stuff and even that simple surface stuff is enough for me to accomplish my mission of showing what jealous losers a lot of you are. I make you act jealous and I make you show me all the stuff you think I've shown you, like college eduation stats, movies of pullups, hotrod cars. I have y'all stating that you live in the Beverly Hills of Boston, etc. I never had to state any such things. You just jealously do it yourselves. The only braggarts here so far have been y'all. I'm just a master of words that knows how to make you do it, all day, any day, for days, weeks or months if I feel like it, as has been proven in this thread, which I own.

No, like I said. You get surface stuff. You know, I would NEVER give you guys my greatest accomplishments. You don't rate. You don't deserve that type of info. Serving my country and serving in a war... That's NOTHING compared to my greatest life accomplishments. It's just surface stuff I use as sticks to poke you funny little people. You'll never get the good stuff. You'll get the table scraps I toss you and you'll continue to lap them all up the way you have been since you first laid eyes on me, fixed your focus on me and forgot the rest.

Take that statement you made a few pages back - something along the lines of "wouldn't you be surprised if I lifted the garage door and showed you a Lexus and a Saab?" Now see, you didn't actually say you had a Lexus and a Saab, but you created the allusion.

Right! Now it's your job to immediately state that both of those cars are shit and that having them does NOT mean you have any class or money. It's part of your script and I know that, so like I said... I know how to use the words just right to make you do what I want you to do. I set you up with a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario.

You can either go ahead and predictably state that those cars represent shit and are not considered "nice cars" or signs of class or money, in which case I prove my point about your jealousy, or you can call me a liar, which is on page one of your script, and I can possibly pop open the doors to the garage and possibly prove you OWNED. You already know I like to take pictures and own you sad sacks so now you are afraid to say anything one way or the other. You're all paranoid now. I see you saying things about how "next thing he'll do is..." and "then he's going to..." as if you know what I'm going to do. You're afraid to tell me I don't own those cars because you're afraid that I'll not only own you by proving I do, but that you'll have been the one that let it out that "oh crap! Rev has that shit? Damn! There goes our 'Rev's got nothin' theory."

Look... I posted last week about how sorry you suckers are for not having anything or anyone to do on a Friday night. I posted the names of those who stayed home dreaming and posting of me all night and I posted the times of night that said sorry sacks were doing so, from 9PM to 3AM. I did that to see if it would cause you to NOT post on Friday nights after 9PM. Guess what, suckers?!?!

Or saying "oh, you saw MY beautiful gardens and MY New England home." I'm sure technically you can say that because your mom lets you live there. But we all know you don't own it. The interior decorating gives that away in a snap. It's all an allusion.

Of course I don't live there! Why would I? To admit it is my home would be to admit that Rev is not the poor, uneducated sap you jealous little souls wish he is. I do not take offense to your lame flame that my mommy owns the house in those pictures. What I see is that you considered it a nice New England home, with a nice garden and nice interior decorating. You totally didn't expect ol' Rev here to have that kind of class so therefore, it must be mommy's!

For your info though, mommy lives in southern MA and step daddy is in Iraq fighting. You may have noticed the Roamin' Homer pictures in my gallery. Well, Homer is in Iraq right now with step daddy. That little plastic doll has seen and done more than you sorry suckers have ever imagined yourself doing.

Anyway... It's my house whether you are jealous of it or not. Suck it up. When I bought it, I posted the video of the inspection and the empty house right here on sludge. Too bad you missed that.

Honest question: Why the hell do you care what Sludgers think about you?

Honest answer. I don't care what you think. I don't care that you think mommy owns my house. I only like poking sorry gay rapist mob members like y'all, who like to seek out real people like TMC just to try to bash them and make them feel bad about themselves. I know why people like you do it. I already stated why. Actually, y'all already stated why too. It's because you feel other people need to be knocked down from wherever they are to whatever low level YOU are at, or lower, so you can feel superior. It's a classic psychological issue y'all have there. So I like to come in and show people like you how worthless and weak they really are as they hide there behind their masks talking shit about other people that way. I like to come in and give people like you some surface stuff... Some small, lowly surface stuff, like a certain meal, or a certain car, so said sorry saps can follow the expected script. As they do, I feed out the rope. Each time the rope gets long enough, I tie it off and start hanging you suckers. I do it in stages and what's funniest is that I tell you all along the way EXACTLY what I'm doing and how I will go about doing it and you still fall for it each and every time.

(I'm actually starting to feel a little sorry for you.)

No need, sad sack. Keep up the good work.

DejaVuDoo wrote:
So 40 students, that's 240 hours behind the wheel. My math wasn't off. I misread the course description.

Whatever your excuse for fucking it up was doesn't matter. You fucked it up and I schooled your dumb ass... Again.

Thanks for correcting me Rev. Funny how you wind up being even more wrong after making that correction. Funny how that works Rev? Maybe because you're not all that familiar with how a driver's ed course is taught?

But, but, but... A minute ago I was the big joke for being a driving instructor and now I'm not even a driving instructor? I don't even know how it works? MMmm... Waffles!

So Rev, you live in Andover and teach rich prep school kids?

I didn't say I lived in Andover. I never told you where I live and I won't, but yes, I teach rich prep school kids. Your point?

According to your grand jury testimony, you live in Methuen.

Yes... According to my grand jury testimony from four years ago, I live(d) in Methuen. Damn! And I thought you were stupid!

Lawrence is between Methuen and Andover.

Sim's Driving School in Lawrence charges $299 for a whole course

$299 for a Complete Driver's Ed. Program to get the R.M.V. Driver's Education Certificate.
7B Broadway Lawrence, MA

Lawrence is the biggest asshole in America... Well, next to you that is. But ya, if anyone wants to go to Lawrnce instead of Andover, that's cool. There are all kinds of schools out there that charge less. There are some that charge more too. We've established that, brainiac.

You = full of crap.

No fucking way you are charging $469 for only a class when in Andover they charge $469 to the prep school kids and provide driving instruction as well AND in the town next to you they only charge $299.

You = lying again.

Ya... It's not that you're an idiot who is speaking about towns he knows nothing about. No really.
Hey dummy... Go look up prices of homes in each of those town too while your at this stupidity and tell me why there is such a HUGE difference. See if you can figure it out before another masshole comes and educates you on it.

And it's not that you're the idiot who can't read about taxes and expenses.

And FYI... We also have a class in a town that is not as well-to-do as Andover. It's called NORTH Andover and guess what... We offer them a discount.

Boy... For folks that think driver's ed is so silly and useless, and for folks who say they aren't at all interested in me or what I do, and for folks who aren't jealous.. Y'all sure are digging deep and grasping for the edges, huh?

I already told you... Go ahead and cut the number of students in half then cut the price of the course in half if you want. I STILL would pull in whatever THAT amounts to every 30 hours each time I throw one of these classes together. Thirty hours, folks. That's less than a regular work week. Let's say I only netted, oh I dunno...4 grand. Are y'all telling me that's a scoffable figure? Do tell, Trumps. Do jealously tell.

There is no longer any doubt even in your own minds that you are the most jealous group of forum posters ever. You take the cake! I've dealt with jealous board posters before, but y'all are pips!

CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:


OK... It's a fine day out. Take off those masks and go get some sun on your pasty white faces.


There's NO fuckin' way anyone's readin' that shit!

Look, Rev-Tard, if you really want to sum up this thread just copy and paste this on all your future posts.

Rev-Tard wrote:If you bust on TMC for years, I am going to pop in and bust on you


PS. Nice try with "The School" makes the money, dick-snot.
KryinNLyin wrote:I can form just one class and drop 40 students into it @ $469.00/each and walk away with $18,000+ in 30 hours every time I do
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

I'm still LMGDAO that we're supposed to be jealous of 18 grand. I made more than that last year off of something that took 20 minutes over 2 yrs ago.

The cold hard (and sidesplitting) fact is that the only people who are impressed by $18,000 are people who don't have any money. I think it's safe to say that the same holds true for people who boast about it.
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Post by JakeYonkel »

This is bordering on posting personal information, no..?
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Post by Aquanetsuperhold »

:roll:Yeah- I'm jealous of Methuen and Andover. LOL! Not at all. I'm just fine thank you.
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Post by Aquanetsuperhold »

DejaVuDoo wrote:
JakeYonkel wrote:This is bordering on posting personal information, no..?
Translation: Rev's lies are getting exposed. Leave him alone.

The "whois" information was posted because it obviously is not related to anyone in this thread. That was the point Einstein.
Plus he has claimed that he is a public figure- so as such, no if its a matter of public record. I've seen a list of places you have lived and still not impressed.
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Post by Hungwell »

KryinNLyin wrote:I can form just one class and drop 40 students into it @ $469.00/each and walk away with $18,000+ in 30 hours every time I do
You clearly state that every time you do this YOU make 18,000.

I then laugh at your dillusions and point out what that would equate to were you to do it 50 times in a year. :lol:

Using the exact figures YOU said YOU make every time you do it. :lol:

So, if you do it once, it's what YOU make, but if you were to do it 50 times, it's what the SCHOOL would make. :lol:

But obviously $600 an hour is not worth your time therefore you only do it once or twice a year. :lol:

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Post by Hungwell »

Deja wrote:You have to be trolling. If so, I have a new respect for you. You've done well and we got played.

Back on Thursday I wrote:I bet his next move will be to paste a pm he sent to some chromosome challenged poster dated 10 days ago about how he is going to school everyone by getting pwn3d for two weeks solid.
Deja wrote:If anything should be deleted, let me know.

His last 7,000 posts would be a good start!
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

60 hours of classroom time

:lol: x 439539874984549827598025749082749072452345
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

There's no way in fuck you're laughing harder than me, Mr. I Spent Twelve Five Hour Days In the Classroom.

You're a regular scholar.
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

And yet, Stoner, somehow he claims to be more educated than I am.
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

He thinks DejaVuDoo works at McDonald's, but then again, he thinks he's schooling folks.

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Post by Aquanetsuperhold »

You could make millions every year and it still doen't change the fact that you've bullshitted you way through this entire thread.
People called you on your shit and you've been busted for bending and twisting the truth like Stretch Armstrong. You aren't better than anyone here or so you might like to think. Certainly not smarter, if you were you would see that basically everyone here thinks you are a joke. Hell, even your "friend" Mental Chick is smart enough to stand back and watch you continually kick the chair out from under yourself.

It's cheap entertainment at best to watch you try and puff your average life up to stangers on the internet. Using the Station Fire to do it is just one example. Next time Jack calls and thanks you for being his hero and savior, ask him how he sleeps at night. You should be their bus driver on the next tour. Next to the artisit the bus drivers are one of the highest paid workers on a tour. That should get you in another tax bracket for sure. Then you can tell everyone who you shared a tour with them. Sad and pathetic little man.
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

I do that a lot, with a lot of different licenses and certifications. It's called bettering yourself and making yourself more valuable.
I's just waitin for Rev to tell us how stoopid we was to waist all that time in collage and gradiet skool. D'oh! I jest coulda got me a drivers lisense and a purty ceritificate and spended the money on a wiked cool ride insted!

(I feel so.....non-valuable. Someone hold me.)
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Post by Aquanetsuperhold »

RockNRev wrote:
Aquanetsuperhold wrote:Using the Station Fire to do it is just one example...
...Of one of you losers using the tragedy as a flame tool. That was you guys. not me. Real classy stuff too!
There you go talking out of the other side of your ass again. You were BRAGGING about how you broke the station fire world wide blah, blah, blah. I wasn't using it as a flame "tool". I stated it was an example of your bullshit. You are the ONLY one I have ever seen praising himself about his actions ( or lack there of) regarding the fire.

You were called out as the attention whore that you are. The only loser here is using the Fire is you. Trying to make yourself feel like a hero- when you just an attention seeking, needy, media whore who's best excuse for not taking his info to the Att. General's office was, first : The police and firemen were on you drummer's tape and you were afraid. Then it was, you didn't want to drive "all the way down there to drop the tape off." I can't figure out which is worse a bold faced lie or sheer laziness. Not that I really believe either of your stories. It's clear to everyone you just wanted to see your ugly mug on TV and get a pat on the back. That's what this thread boils down to as well. You just looking for any kind of attention and if you can't get a pat on the back, you are just as happy with a kick in the ass. Pathetic, really.

As far as classy goes....where is that classy photoshop picture you posted of yourself doing push ups with a fake cock. Great example of your class. Good thin g we have you as our "Class Compass". Thanks Miss Manners!
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Post by Mitzi Dupree »

I got kicked out of Liberty University
Let me guess......

you were an archaeology major?
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Post by NickoLeeBenante »

RockNRev wrote:I got kicked out of Liberty University for pulling a knife on someone and telling them I was going to cut their throat.
That doesn't sound very Christ-like, but it sure does explain a lot. Learning about God from Jerry Falwell is akin to being certified in drivers' ed by Eddie Griffin.
"W.W.I.D.? L0Lz!11!"
Anthrax442 wrote:Yeah, I'll take that under advisement, Mr. 88-Post-Alternym.
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

DejaVuDoo wrote:I see now that this is a trait of yours. You use the fire to brag. We call you on it. Then we are assholes for talking about the fire.

You post your work information and tell us that we're broke ass, uneducated losers. Then I ask you if you own the business and post the whois info. You whine and cry that your personal info was posted even though none of the info posted mentioned you. The contact information for that place is posted on their web page, the link you posted yourself to prove you were making big bucks.

Same shit over and over Rev. Now I'm starting to see a pattern.
1) you brag
2) people challenge your claims
3) you cry
This sums it up perfectly.

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Post by Aquanetsuperhold »

You're right, I only have an issue with you when you are the one that brings up how classy something is, how your car is fast, how you were the king shit in the evidence department regarding the fire. I don't have a problem with anyone here. Just you. You were the one that jumped into this thread with "Your Master Plan." You came here looking for attention- well you got it. It doesn't mean anyone is jealous of you, it means that when a jackass comes out looking to make a toolout of himself, especially on sludge, chances are better than good people will gladly point it out to him. Just because people give you attention, doen't mean they like you, want to be your or really even care about you.

The fact that you keep insisting people are jealous of you doesn't make a true in anyone's world but in your pea brain. Its actually pathetic on your part, because your life peaked almost 20 years ago while you paid to play The Whiskey and anyone can do that, so really how special was it? I wouldn't trade a minute of my life of all of your so called "glory moment". Even if I was poor and living in a box, I would still have it better than you, because I'm not you. I have a conscience. I could never put getting attention for myself a head of the death of 100 people.
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Post by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong »

This thread is TMC's thread, tool -- it's not yours just because you say it is, no more than a house is yours just because you stand in the yard and yell "MINE! MINE MINE!"

And this shit is over the minute we get bored with you - believe it.
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