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Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:49 pm
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
MitziDupree wrote:
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:

"Section 43A. (a) Whoever willfully and maliciously engages in a knowing pattern of conduct or series of acts over a period of time directed at a specific person, which seriously alarms that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress......."
Okay, you guys, back off!

We don't want bad-assed Marine boy Rev to get seriously alarmed or suffer substantial emotional distress. AGAIN.

LOL. Pussy.
Ya, except I got a 4 year old and a baby-mama that are also being harassed by Pretzel and since I do not live in the same household, you are damn straight I am alarmed for them. He has called the house... You nasty, stank mound of Jabba The Hut lookin' flesh melding with the bedsheets you've been living in for years.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:55 pm
by exitflagger
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote: I got a 4 year old and a baby-mama that are also being harassed by Pretzel and since I do not live in the same household, you are damn straight I am alarmed for them. He has called the house...
And yet you just can't seem to stop yourself from yapping about him, huh? You must not be ALL THAT concerned for their safety.



Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:03 pm
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
exitflagger wrote:
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote: I got a 4 year old and a baby-mama that are also being harassed by Pretzel and since I do not live in the same household, you are damn straight I am alarmed for them. He has called the house...
And yet you just can't seem to stop yourself from yapping about him, huh? You must not be ALL THAT concerned for their safety.


I tried complete silence. He only contacted everyone around me instead. I've tried *almost* everything.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:15 pm
by exitflagger
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:I tried complete silence. He only contacted everyone around me instead. I've tried *almost* everything.
he HAS stopped calling and bothering me and my people in every way except his silly 3rd grade digs on the Internet. He's neutered.
I doubt you've ever been "silent" seeing as you have two whole sides of your mouth spewing claims nonstop.

And this all started on this board, correct? Seems like a super-smart idea to come back here and start stirring shit up again.

Verdict: You obviously don't care what happens to your people or you would STFU.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:04 pm
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
exitflagger wrote:And this all started on this board, correct? Seems like a super-smart idea to come back here and start stirring shit up again.

Verdict: You obviously don't care what happens to your people or you would STFU.
Don't know if it started here or Protest Warriors really. My people are all set. Don't you waste your little mind thinking about my people, Anal Pore.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:22 pm
by exitflagger
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote: Anal Pore
:lol: Hint: If your insults come off more like mad libs on acid, they're not effective insults.

Just remember that, you rubber coated lima bean!

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:25 pm
by Calexxia
exitflagger wrote:
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote: Anal Pore
:lol: Hint: If your insults come off more like mad libs on acid, they're not effective insults.

Just remember that, you rubber coated lima bean!
Oh, come on....syrup tits was classic.

Not to mention, am I missing something? Because the ONLY person I EVER remember DC and/or Stoner sticking up for, really, was HMZ. So, ummm, yeah, it's not like they "protected" anyone.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:20 pm
by *flick*
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:
exitflagger wrote:And this all started on this board, correct? Seems like a super-smart idea to come back here and start stirring shit up again.

Verdict: You obviously don't care what happens to your people or you would STFU.
Don't know if it started here or Protest Warriors really. My people are all set. Don't you waste your little mind thinking about my people, Anal Pore.
Got any pictures of you and your people staying out by the airport living the good life? People here like to see how the other half lives.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:06 am
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
*flick* wrote:Got any pictures of you and your people staying out by the airport living the good life? People here like to see how the other half lives.
Sure! Here you go!

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:42 pm
by MitziDupree
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:You nasty, stank mound of Jabba The Hut lookin' flesh melding with the bedsheets you've been living in for years.

LOL. You mad, pussy?

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:35 pm
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
MitziDupree wrote:
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:You nasty, stank mound of Jabba The Hut lookin' flesh melding with the bedsheets you've been living in for years.

LOL. You mad, pussy?
Nah! You fat, nasty?

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:18 pm
by Luminiferous
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:
*flick* wrote:Got any pictures of you and your people staying out by the airport living the good life? People here like to see how the other half lives.
Sure! Here you go!
Maybe I'm missing it, but where is the steak and lobster?

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:29 pm
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
Luminiferous wrote:Maybe I'm missing it, but where is the steak and lobster?
Nobody asked to see the lobster. Do you want to see the lobster? 'Cuz I'll show you the lobster. I'll show you all three of my meals if you like. We can build the excitement that way. You know I'm here for you, Lumi. :D

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:41 pm
by Luminiferous
Get in line, champ..

Hey is that Pretzel on the far right?

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:47 pm
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
Luminiferous wrote:Get in line, champ..

Hey is that Pretzel on the far right?
Ya, man. We were just kiddin' you guys! It was a big pre-owning party!

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:05 am
by MitziDupree
Dear Shame of the Marines,

Since you seem to have trouble with truth and tenses, I'll try to break this down so your lizard-brain can comprehend.

Do you remember this quote?
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:Why not step up your game, step over the line with me and tell me if it feels like nothing happened when I get done with you? Think about all the laughs you can have when nothing happens to you but a warrant for your arrest! FUN!
Of course you do. That was you, threatening Sludgers with the same bad-assery that Pretzel got (LOL) if we "step over the line."

To back up your righteous indignation, you sucked in that ridiculous pot belly and posted some LEGAL STUFF! FOR REALZ!
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:Section 43A. (a) Whoever willfully and maliciously engages in a knowing pattern of conduct or series of acts over a period of time directed at a specific person, which seriously alarms that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress......."
At which point, I laughed until my gelatinous fat rolls jiggled, and called you out for being a pussy for being "seriously alarmed" or suffering "substantial emotional distress" over internet bullying (mainly because you're not smart enough to walk away from a computer...ever).

Cue pot belly sucking/thin chest puffing once again, when you asked us to squeeze out a tear for you because mean, old Pretzel was threatening your BABY MAMA (gross) and your legal action was just daddy Lizard Grizzly protecting his cub.

To the best of my knowledge, no one here (a) has threatened your BABY MAMA (gross) or (b) gives a flying fuck about you once we log off of Sludge (unlike you, who evidently keeps a webcam rolling and monitors Sludge viewer hits. Again, gross).

Therefore, we are only left with two possible conclusions:

1. You're woofing shit about the legal action you're threatening.

2. Since no one here has any inclination to interact with you beyond these boards, YOU were the one seriously alarmed and suffered substantial emotional distress at the hands of an internet troll and are terrified to have it happen again, so you must threaten legal action. Which would mean the whole Pretzel faux-suit had nothing to do with your minimum wage groupie whore, your fuck trophy or your uber lucrative ex-driving instructor job.

So which is it? Are you a liar, or are you a pussy? I'll just sit here and massage Little Debbie cream filling into my hail-damaged thighs while you decide which is less despicable.

P.S. Save yourself the trouble of posting " 'stepping over the line' I meant you guys hassling my precious loved ones!" Because you and I both know that's not true: you had absolutely no indication that someone here would do that. You were just trying to look tough. Which is what pussies do.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:41 am
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
Damn, Sasquatch, that was a long way to go to be wrong and end up owning yourself and getting schooled.
Garbage-smellin' circus freak wrote:I laughed until my gelatinous fat rolls jiggled, and called you out for being a pussy for being "seriously alarmed" or suffering "substantial emotional distress" over internet bullying (mainly because you're not smart enough to walk away from a computer...ever).
This is what happens when you a.) mainly are not smart enough to have basic reading skills or comprehension, or b.) mainly are not smart enough to not talk shit about something you are completely uneducated on and ignorant to. Which is it? I'll be dipped, but you nailed 'em BOTH! Didn't think that was possible.

Let me demonstrate both how schooled you are about this being over Internet bullying AND what "stepping over the line" means... For clarity... For retards like you...

Click Here To Be Owned

Now try to comprehend that. Watch the video and when you figure out where you fucked up and self-owned, went to class and got schooled by Rev and that rush of embarrassed blood rushes to that fat, greasy, zit-covered pie-eating machine of yours, come back and say hi, Douche Juice.

*Edited to remove link that had Pretzel's name in it.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:19 am
by MitziDupree
Bless your dishonorably discharged heart. It all gets muddled together in your head, doesn't it?

My post had nothing to do with anything that was said, quoted, posted, recorded, videotaped or belched upon over there in "Rev is a Badass Muthafucka!" world.

It was exclusively about the histrionic outbursts, threats, little man swagger and obfuscation that you've been exhibiting right here in this very thread of your own making.

Posting links to your self-indulgent pap as a defense to my accusations just makes you look stu.....oh wait.....we already knew that.

Are you going to eat the rest of those chips? If not, pass them over here.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:50 am
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
MitziDupree wrote:I got owned by Rev 'cuz I speak from my ass.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:13 am
by Ham Stroker's Ejacula
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which "people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it." The unskilled therefore suffer from illusory superiority, rating their own ability as above average, much higher than in actuality.

Kruger and Dunning noted a number of previous studies which tend to suggest that in skills as diverse as reading comprehension, operating a motor vehicle, and playing chess or tennis, "ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge" (as Charles Darwin put it). They hypothesized that with a typical skill which humans may possess in greater or lesser degree:

1. Incompetent individuals tend to overestimate their own level of skill.
2. Incompetent individuals fail to recognize genuine skill in others.
3. Incompetent individuals fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy.
4. If they can be trained to substantially improve their own skill level, these individuals can recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill.

The authors draw an analogy with anosognosia, a condition in which a person who suffers a physical disability due to brain injury seems unaware of or denies the existence of the disability. This may include unawareness of quite dramatic impairments, such as blindness or paralysis.


Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:26 am
by exitflagger
More applicable to this particular person in question, I'd be interested in a cognitive behaviour study that pinpoints causes for a person's inability to stop himself from further endangering himself and his loved ones through compulsive public jackassery and blowhardery.

Why do I get the feeling the disorder comes from a steady diet of cheap beer and mayonnaise sandwiches? (Herein referred to as "steak and lobster")

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:30 am
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
You guys are being kinda hard on Mitzi.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:19 am
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
Shitzy Dumpy sucked in that ridiculous pot belly...Cue pot belly sucking/thin chest puffing once again...
Thank you for another opportunity to promote myself, put myself in your face, prove you wrong, post a picture of myself, own and school you.

See, here's where I have all the power and you have none. I am not anonymous. I am a real person and you can't paint a false picture of me in someone's mind using this message board. I'll always be able to own and school you when you do. I, on the other hand, can paint you any which way I please and it's a true portrait until proven otherwise, Giguntor.

Click for a photo gallery full of pics of me in the Warrior Dash this past summer


Have a healthy day and next time you want to see my body, don't beat around the bush. Just ask! :D

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:07 am
by exitflagger
:lol: All that's missing is the bird finger and the shower curtain partition.

Getting you in a huff enough to post goofy standing in the mud, flexing in wife beater pictures is called WINNING in the normal people world, you know. See, you don't know from the normal world. You're in the clueless world. But go ahead and stay there. It's hilarious to peak into it from time to time.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:15 am
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
exitflagger wrote::lol: All that's missing is the bird finger and the shower curtain partition.

Getting you in a huff enough to post goofy standing in the mud, flexing in wife beater pictures is called WINNING in the normal people world, you know. See, you don't know from the normal world. You're in the clueless world. But go ahead and stay there. It's hilarious to peak into it from time to time.
Oh, so you guys got me to post pics of myself flexing? :lol:
I posted the gallery in June, smurf dick. Don't flatter yourself.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:28 pm
by MitziDupree
exitflagger wrote::lol: All that's missing is the bird finger and the shower curtain partition.

Getting you in a huff enough to post goofy standing in the mud, flexing in wife beater pictures is called WINNING in the normal people world, you know. See, you don't know from the normal world. You're in the clueless world. But go ahead and stay there. It's hilarious to peak into it from time to time.

Honestly, let's not miss the big picture here.

I posted the pot belly remark.

It rankled him.


He couldn't get it out of his head. He couldn't let it go. I flat out owned his brain for a whole day.
He's just that weak, folks.


Skinny chested, pot bellied circus monkey. And short, I'm thinking....

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:39 pm
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
Here's what we know, folks...

I scream for attention, you guys LOVE to give it to me and this is a great place to come get my fix.
How's it feel to know you are my tits?

What's the name of the band in the pic you posted? That's right, babay... You know. You know intimate details of that band. You know everything down to the banter spoken from stage. You know where we played and how many times. You know about the "sluts" that hung around the band. You know so much. It's like you're all a bunch of teenage girls keeping diaries of Justin Beiber.

Who's the monkey? 8) You are HUGE fans! Bigger fans than any little screaming Beiber fan. Oh...The pictures and videos you lovingly crafted for me. PRICELESS!

And you'll know all the NEW stuff I want to program into your brain next. Your programming has already begun, chumps. Sit back. Relax and just soak it in. There is no use in fighting it.

Lastly, I did not stew over the pot belly comment in the least. I just wanted my tits and nobody was keeping my thread going for me and paying attention to me. I had to go back and look for something that would call out the bringers of my tits and you came. Thank you.

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:52 pm
by exitflagger
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:I posted the gallery in June,_ smurf dick _.
Rev. Johnny Tyler wrote:How's it feel to know you are my _ tits _?
Just curious: Are you using an actual Mad Libs game or do you do the William Burroughs thing where you cut up a bunch of type copy, toss it all in the air, pick a random scrap and use that word?

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:54 pm
by MitziDupree
Nice edit, parking brake. It's hilarious that your fury has you in such a choke hold.


Better take off those Frankenboots and pedal a little faster, Johnny boy.

For what it's worth, I'd rather be a tit than an asshole any day of the week.

ETA: Can someone help me understand Lizard Man's parallel universe of "Nuh UH! I did NOT just post that picture of me flexing in this thread. You is retarded LOLZ"?

Re: You Don't Have Stoner and Deathcurse Here To Protect You

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:04 am
by Rev. Johnny Tyler
MitziDupree wrote:Can someone help me understand Lizard Man's parallel universe of "Nuh UH! I did NOT just post that picture of me flexing in this thread. You is retarded LOLZ"?
You IZ retarded though. I said I didn't need any of you to make me post a picture of myself. I have a whole freakin' web site dedicated to myself! I'm Rev, remember? I posted those pics of myself on my "ME" web site in June, with no prodding from anyone. I did it because I am AWESOME and I believe the world should see my awesomeness. I am an attention whore plus I like to be able to log in from anywhere in the world and gaze at pictures of myself. I am constantly looking for and waiting for my next opportunity to post an image of myself on this message board. Matter of fact, you dinks are kinda slow. I wish you would do MORE prodding because I'm busting at the seams to plaster myself all over your screen.