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Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:39 am
by Vcalfina
OMG look at the little winky in that avatar. heh

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:49 am
by Carmanowar
Vcalfina wrote:OMG look at the little winky in that avatar. heh


Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:07 pm
by KurtStaleyVedder
are you talkin' about beaners 'cause my buddy denver works with a lot of 'em. he says that late at night when the work is done they go out and buy a pack of rodeo brand hot dogs and rape themselves in every single orifice they got. then stick them cold ass dogs up they butts and squinch 'em out on the floor and eat 'em.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:04 am
by The_Creep
Because Skate4RnR is such an enigmatic poster is in the first place. :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:56 am
by SeminiferousButtNoid
Headcheese wrote:
giallobelly wrote:KurtStaleyVedder is actually Skate4RnR.
And i'm the ghost of jim morrison. Just shut your dick suckin' hole already.

Whatever you are its not funny[/b]

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:35 pm
by The_Blue®™
I know what you mean, girl. The mods deleted those pussies that made fun of me and they didn't do a very good job either. Its a good thing we are the only normal people here!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:46 pm
by If.You.Knew.Me
TheMetalChick wrote:
Headcheese wrote: i'm the ghost of jim morrison.
Oh REALLY? THAT is interesting.

On another topic, I noticed that mystery mod deleted the posts of the alternym that was after Carmanowar- not like they were even doing much of a job at it, anyway. Well, kudos to mystery mod... proving yet again that she is only wants *certain* alternyms around here. Too bad there are still 50 fucking threads of black people being murdered that she never even bothered to take down... OR ban many of the nyms that were doing it. Guess she has her priorities, huh? THAT's entertainment.
Hey look it's an attention whore pulling up an old thread.


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:10 pm
by The_Creep
If.You.Knew.Me wrote:
TheMetalChick wrote: Hey look it's an attention whore pulling up an old thread.


That's to be expected.

I bet she just lays in her stall at night stewing over alternyms....

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:01 pm
by The_Irony®™
you just cant break the fucking addiction. Disagree? Prove me the fuck wrong, then. I dare you... because from what I have seen you just cant do it.

I just laughed so hard that I nearly defecated.
Oh, the me.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:58 pm
by Efilnikufesin
TheMetalChick wrote:
Goddamn your fucking dumb..........
LOL... classic.

I posted on this thread about the actions of our MysteryMod, which had absolutely nothing to do with me. There is nothing "attention seeking" about it, and no amount of bullshit can change that. Anyone can see that, as usual, it was one of YOU who start talking about me.

Trust me alternym, I know a lot more than you think. You dont know ANYTHING about me. You dont know where I live, who I have and havent fucked, what I do for a living, and most importantly, who I AM friends with. Some of you actually THINK you know... thats the sad part. Youre all puffed up on some gay imagined internet badass power trip. Youve even fooled a number of people, but all that does is show the weakness of THEIR character. Its easier for the weak-minded to simply be followers.

Remember, if one posts lies as the truth it does not MAKE them the truth, it is simply libel. But, with the blessings of this board and DRS, you will certainly keep on trying. Apparently I am your favorite topic... you just cant break the fucking addiction. Disagree? Prove me the fuck wrong, then. I dare you... because from what I have seen you just cant do it.

Don't worry TMC I'm pretty sure they all really think you are totally
sane,and that you are a cool person.They are only hatin on you
so they get mentioned in that giggle fest of a quote calendar....

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:49 am
by deathcurse

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:05 am
by gr8twhte
Pile of lies?

Yeah, like the lies you made about DRS.

Like the lies you stated about your pics. Maybe not "hundreds" but you've got over two dozen floating around. Unless their "stolen."

Like the lie that your job was never in trouble? There was never an investigation? Now you are/were an incredibly succsessful teacher?

Like the lie way back in Aug 2004 that we were dipshits for thinking Franken-sludge was going suck. (You can let go of that one now).

Like the lie that it's all alternyms that fucking hate you? I think Hungwell has it up to 45 individual posters (not alternyms) that have chimed in, stating, you're cracked!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:11 am
by SanityClause
Biggie wrote:I ain't reading all that.

I suspect few others are, either.
I got a few sentences into it before I got distracted by something more interesting. I found a bit of earwax.

Somebody steal her fucking soapbox and burn the fucker.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:37 am
by deathcurse
TheMetalChick wrote:Whoever doesn't like me is an alternym!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:03 am
by Hungwell
tmc wrote:For the public record, I have never been fired from a company/business/etc in my life. I got a (much) better job offer and I took it.
tmc wrote:See, it was found by a guy at my job who didnt like me (I think the problem is that he DID like me, the fuck) and went to my principal with the information, saying that I shouldnt be around children. Hungwell note: God Bless this man. Talk about your 'Unsung Heroes'. In the end the charges were unfounded but it left a stain on my character that I couldnt erase. It is probably the reason that I was excessed this year from my district and am not in a classroom right now.
Scroll halfway down the page until you see the urin colored novel, "Everything NO ONE ever asked for or wanted to know" ... c&start=30

'Fired': to dismiss from a position

'Excessed': to eliminate the position

The only way you could have been 'excessed' would be if the position you held, no longer existed. We must believe that someone had to accept the long and daunting task of rehabbing those poor children, crippled by your madness.

The same children who in your own words had to tell you to "turn down that metal shit", when you would force them to listen to Disturbed.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:08 am
by SanityClause
He didn't like her. He just got sick of going to the staff room and finding that horsey had stolen all the sugarcubes.
Thats why he put a complaint in.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:28 am
by deathcurse
You would think that someone constantly being referred to as a horse wouldn't use "straw-grasping" so liberally.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:07 am
by Hungwell
tmc wrote:I did try teaching English but it just wasnt me
Do tell.
tmc wrote:Why do you lie and slander me the way you do and beg for details about my life? Why???
HAHAHAHA! That's rich.

I have already proven you a liar many times now. We are all still waiting for ANY proof of me lying about you anywhere. Your own quotes slander you, dumb ass. Where is a SINGLE example of me asking, let alone 'begging', for a single detail about your life?

You could sooner find a way to get your lips to cover your teeth, than back up any of the above.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:30 pm
by The_Creep
TheMetalChick wrote:Apparently you cant even grasp the meaning of the word "unfounded". Its right there. Youd think with the FOUR HUNDRED TIMES you have posted that quote in various forms that you MIGHT have understood the big words by now.

Hungwell, you are nothing but an obsessive, straw-grasping character and you dont know SHIT about what it means to be excessed from a subject area. NYC's Balanced Literacy program called for massive restructuring in the middle and upper grades of the public schools which has taken place over the last three years. Science went from 6-7 periods a week to 3-4 periods a week. Since all teachers teach the same number of periods, they therefore needed half the number of science teachers. Do the math. When I was excessed I didnt want to teach other subjects and turned down the offer. I did try teaching English but it just wasnt me and so I began looking elsewhere. That is why I took the excellent recommendations I had been given by the schools in which I was employed (which I never would have been given had I not been an excellent teacher) and accepted the job I have now where I can focus on science. I could be teaching right now, but I opted for something better and I am very happy that I did.

Again, why do you CARE about my professional life? Why do you lie and slander me the way you do and beg for details about my life? Why???
That's classic.

If it was unfounded then why did you get fired?

I love how you keep using the word "excessed" when we all know damn good and well you got the axe because the school officials,like us, realize your fucking mind is toast and you're not fit to be around children.

You're so stupid you expect us to believe some guy just went to the principal and said some "unfounded" shit and he went "Oh she's fired"?

Schools do extensive investigations of accusations of teacher misconduct otherwise half the teachers in the country would be fired because of pissed off students or faculty making up shit.

You got fired because they realized you're out of your fucking mind.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:41 pm
by deathcurse

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:45 pm
by deathcurse

I was hoping for one of your word salad responses.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:16 pm
by deathcurse
TheMetalChick wrote:Well if you ARE new to the boards then thats even sadder... you are trying WAY too hard to "fit in". Why would you hate someone about whom you know absolutely nothing? How many of your posts are about me? Pfft- if you ARE new you dont know me and you dont know anything about me. That makes YOU the fucking attention whore, jumping all the fuck over someone you dont even know for no reason. I guess your attempt to get noticed paid off- congrats. Now fuck off.
You hide yourself so well in your essays, no one could possibly understand a complicated soul such as yourself.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:52 pm
by Hungwell
tmc wrote:Pfft- no you havent. You have never proven me a liar about ANYTHING, ever.
Indisputable lies.

1. You said I changed and/or made up your quotes. That has never been done and that's why you can't give a single example of it.

2. You said I "beg" you for details of your personal life. Show us. You can't 'cause it's never happened.

3. You have said repeatedly that there are only 1 or 2 alternyms that believe you are deranged. Not counting a single alternym, the list is fast approaching 4 dozen.

4. You originally said you only sent out a couple pm's in a vain, misguided and uber-gay attempt to garner favor. Then, out of the woodwork comes one poster after the next, saying you are blowing up their inbox.

5. You said I "pulled the phrase completely out of my ass" yet I posted the link to prove they are your words verbatim.

Point for point you have never addressed these issues, because you simply cannot. I have asked you multiple times to back up your accusations. It's obvious to all but you, that you can't bring The_Proof, because no such thing exists. Much like your imaginary friends.

This does not take into account countless other 'semantics' lies. Like you didn't "get" banned from DRS. Every last poster tells you that you are as wanted as the ebola virus, and to please fuck off and die. You then reply with the "if you really want me gone, just ban me" line. No shit! Ban follows and you then say it was your idea, therefore it is not an actual banning. You are truly insane.

You are obviously a nothing in real life, otherwise you wouldnt be trying so fucking hard on here. Don't flatter yourself, it ain't hard. Watching someone like you is so pathetic... you actually start to believe you are this gay little character you made up, you mean like when all you really are is an uninteresting person in a crowd. I love it when you talk like a 3rd grader. Keep goin'!
You are overlooked in real life so you are determined to be, well, anything, here. You mean like the "Omega" sumthin' or other and the "Alpha" whatnotter?

Look, bottom line is that you are a proven liar who wouldn't know "cool" if you were walkin' around with a case of Klondike bars stickin' out your fartbox.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:59 pm
by deathcurse
She needs to tilt her head the other way and let some knowledge accumulate in the part that posts.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:12 pm
by The_Irony®™
Gums R Us wrote:I would not bring up that DRS shit if I was you. Ive had the class not to talk about what I happen to know on these boards out of the remaining respect I have for a few of them. You arent going to get me in to a shit talking fest no matter how hard you all try.
Is that a fact?

Hahaha... aaaand back to this alternym. The one who doesnt learn is you. I didnt "get" banned from DRS. Go look for yourself (unless Red's already bullied them in to taking down the evidence)- I am the one that offered a banning as a solution for Red's pathetic "I paid for this board, its my money, post who invited you here, blah blah blah" whining. Im just shocked that the owners were so willing to compromise the ideals of the board for her. I feel bad for the rest of them, though. They are better people than "Red", but they are unfortunately afraid of upsetting her. I myself would rather get banned for absolutely nothing than lower myself to posting people's PMs and using alternyms. Nobody can change the fact that I was invited to that board, even if the one that invited me is afraid to admit that simple fact to Ms Sugar Mamma. They must really feel $he is worth it. I, knowing EXACTLY who she is, know better. Shes not.
gr8twhte: I would not bring up that DRS shit if I was you... From what I have heard they are STILL talking about me on that board- apparently I am supposed to care. I am the one taking the high road, and if youd look around youd notice that many of them are doing the same... excluding a bit of spin doctoring, of course.
Remember, if one posts lies as the truth it does not MAKE them the truth, it is simply libel. But, with the blessings of this board and DRS, you will certainly keep on trying.
PS earlzkarma*flexes*: Use of the pronoun "I" is quite normal, especially when one is responding to a load of shit that keeps being perpetuated as the truth. There was no "personal information" there, simply enough truth to expose these lies for what yhey are. Just go back to DRS. Yeah, yeah... I know, you arent from DRS. Whatever.

That's an awful lot of shit talking for someone who claims to be above saying anything. I haven't seen this much gumflapping since a conveyor belt broke at the Wrigley's plant.

Cold busted......again.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:22 pm
by deathcurse

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:39 pm
by The_Blue®™
It happens every single time you and the dumb alternyms you support propagate lies about my job, my sex life, my friends, etc. You post libel intentionally, with malice, AND with impunity thanks to the moderator of this board. Why else do you make up the things that you do? You have in the past few months focused the majority of your little made up persona on me. You will say anything and make up anything, and you will promote blatant lies as facts. When those psychos were posting lies about me and Trashy and me and JJ you were right there cheering it all on. When people were wishing death on Ette's poor mom and I said how mean that was you harassed ME for saying so. You are damaged fucking goods.

I hear you Metal Chick. I get libelious accusations all the time from some of the same people. Can you believe that they actually insinuated that a gorilla shot his semen into my mouth and that I have a vagina that drips into the mouth of the rock star that shares my namesake? Its unbelievable that they can get away with comparing you to Francis the Talking Mule and not get arrested. They are just pussies that hide behind alternyms cause they are too afraid to post themselves. I'm glad we are the only ones that aren't crazy on this board.

PS Can you spot me some cash, Im a little low on funds this month.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:39 pm
by The_Creep
Damn you're on a roll today, Trigger! :lol:

You just gave Hung the entire 2006 Daily Quote calendar in one post!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:39 pm
by slash4pres
Hungwell wrote:3. You have said repeatedly that there are only 1 or 2 alternyms that believe you are deranged.
More lies.
tmc wrote:I would bet anything it is the same 1-2 idiots doing ALL of it // "Everyone" meaning you and the rest of your OWN nyms, talking to yourself like a friggin mental case.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:49 pm
by slash4pres
TheMetalChick wrote:Exactly, Tard. How is THAT me saying there are "only 1 or 2 alternyms"? There are plenty. That is also a pretty old quote... at the time this stupidity didnt have as many sheep trying desperately to join in.
It doesn't get any clearer than that. How did you get through college?