The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by Captain Morgan »

I think it'll be Undertaker...BUT...let's run with another idea...

Say it's Jericho. It ties in perfectly. Even if the deal fell through for a more permanent contract, if he shows up for Raw, he could easily have a Wrestlemania feud with Punk (it'll be just the right time after Punk will have ended his feud with Del Rio).

I'd love to see Jericho, but I think at the least it's American Bad Ass Undertaker. We had a discussion at work about that today...

Look familiar?
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by Captain Morgan »

Seeing rumors that it's for Jericho...guess we'll just have to wait and see...
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by nakedmadman »

Yut343 wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:Seeing rumors that it's for Jericho...guess we'll just have to wait and see...
Yup. Word is going around that Jericho going to Hawaii on Jan 2nd is bs and that Vince wants him for Raw... although that doesn't really make any sense cause Jan 2nd is a Friday (Smackdown).

We shall see indeed.

Oh, they'd piddle fart him around on smackdown, and "Raw Supershow" until the draft. Then Jerico would be Raw bound.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

Yut343 wrote:"It Begins, 2012"


I Be Sting

:lol: :lol: :lol:
If I'm not mistaken, Sting's TNA contract ends on December 31. Also, once again he's wrestled more matches than contractually obligated and it's doubtful we'll see him wrestle more than once more before the end of the year for TNA whether he's staying or going.

The popular rumor is that he's leaving at the end of his contract, waiting out the 90 day non-compete and debuting at Wrestlemania possibly against Undertaker in what would be either Undertaker's last match or comeback.

It's mainly internet marks babbling as far as I'm concerned but the rumors have started to become cohesive and make sense so we'll see I guess.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

The Cusack wrote:
Yut343 wrote:"It Begins, 2012"


I Be Sting

:lol: :lol: :lol:
If I'm not mistaken, Sting's TNA contract ends on December 31. Also, once again he's wrestled more matches than contractually obligated and it's doubtful we'll see him wrestle more than once more before the end of the year for TNA whether he's staying or going.

The popular rumor is that he's leaving at the end of his contract, waiting out the 90 day non-compete and debuting at Wrestlemania possibly against Undertaker in what would be either Undertaker's last match or comeback.

It's mainly internet marks babbling as far as I'm concerned but the rumors have started to become cohesive and make sense so we'll see I guess.
Personally I think the Jericho rumor makes more sense. He's said recently that he's coming back so it wouldn't surprise me at all if the 2012 thing is about him, especially with him coming in as Y2J in the first place and 2012 being the Mayan "end of the world" so that angle would certain fit his "savior" image that he came in with the first time around.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by TheInfiniteStaircase »

if Jan 2nd is a Friday, I really hope they're not going to bring Jericho back to feud with Orton on Smackdown. That would suck. In fact, I think I'd rather this be The Undertaker than jericho if it means a Smackdown return.

Do you think there's a possibility that it's going to be Vince McMahon coming back?

I honestly don't think Sting will ever wrestle for WWE. He just seems like the one hold out guy who will never leave the WCW/TNA ship. And I really don't see Undertaker vs Sting at Wrestlemania happening at all. And from what I've read, Internet fans have been spreading the Sting vs Undertaker rumor for a long time.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

TheInfiniteStaircase wrote:if Jan 2nd is a Friday, I really hope they're not going to bring Jericho back to feud with Orton on Smackdown. That would suck. In fact, I think I'd rather this be The Undertaker than jericho if it means a Smackdown return.

Do you think there's a possibility that it's going to be Vince McMahon coming back?

I honestly don't think Sting will ever wrestle for WWE. He just seems like the one hold out guy who will never leave the WCW/TNA ship. And I really don't see Undertaker vs Sting at Wrestlemania happening at all. And from what I've read, Internet fans have been spreading the Sting vs Undertaker rumor for a long time.
I think Orton is going to be a face for a little while even if it's really not working for him (which in my opinion, it's not) so they'd have to bring in Jericho as a heel if they were going to work those two into a program of some sort. I don't know how Jericho fits in at this point but he always makes it work so I'm not worried, I just want him back.

As for Sting, considering his career achievements and where he is in his career you have to think that the WWE title is on his bucket list. Also consider the merchandising of DVDs and action figures that WWE has probably wanted to do for a long time but simply couldn't because even though they had the rights to WCW's video library and other intellectual properties, they didn't have Sting himself. If Sting were to make an attempt to "cash in" before retiring, now would be the time to do it. And yeah I know the rumors about him coming to WWE have been floating around for a few years now but until his career ends, he's always closer to fulfilling those rumors. I'm a huge Sting fan and I'm not sure which way I'd like to see him go but I imagine the WWE would have to roll out the red carpet to get him on board.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by TheInfiniteStaircase »

If it is Jericho coming back, and it's on Smackdown, I just assume it would be to feud with Orton because that's how Jericho left, by getting kicked in the head by him. And if we're supposed to read between the lines of the video, by January Orton could very well be champ again, which would fit right in with that whole thing. But like you said, it all depends on what direction they're looking to take both characters.

Good point on the whole merchandising aspect of bringing Sting to WWE. I used to LOVE Sting, but he lost me when he started acting like The Crow. And I tried watching TNA one night not too long ago and he was then trying to be Heath Ledger's Joker. Maybe I'm lame because I grew up with and miss the "Glory Days" of Wrestling, but Sting with the Ultimate Warrior style make-up will always be great. As for rolling out the red carpet, if what I've read is true, Vince did already offer him Wrestlemania with The Undertaker in the past and Sting said no. That's a pretty huge red carpet considering if I had to guess, Sting would win - especially if that's presumably his big debut in WWE. I just hope they ignore the HHH speech that he gave after the last Wrestelamania where he said he wanted a rematch at next WM.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

Yut343 wrote:
Monty610 wrote:Rumored Fatal Four Way at Wrestlemania: Ric Flair vs Batista vs Vader vs JBL.

I am no wrestling insider, so this is probably bullshit. But that's a decent match even though Flair has no business in a ring anymore, let alone at Mania. Don't know about Leon, haven't seen him in years...
Didn't Ric Flair cut ties with WWE by jumping ship to TNA? I haven't seen Vader in a while so that would be cool. This is definitely 100% bullshit but still, it's a cool idea.
The WWE has brought back former stars at Wrestlemania quite a few times recently. The gimmick battle royal and Jericho's match with Snuka, Piper and Steamboat and WM25 are a couple of examples. Batista should still be a WWE star as far as I'm concerned. Flair is contracted by TNA currently but that could change depending on his contract status of course. Vader has only wrestled a handful of matches in the last 5 years but he did wrestle in Japan earlier this year and JBL is probably available to do a match at WM. The billing seems odd but it sounds like a gimmick match anyway so I'm sure people would just be glad to see them.

The thing about it though is that Flair can't go anymore. His match against Sting on TNA iMPACT recently was horrible. He can barely take a bump anymore and you can tell he doesn't even want to be in the ring. He's lost almost everything that made him The Nature Boy. I really never thought I'd see the day where I said this but I don't want to see him wrestle anymore. It's just sad. The other guys yes, but Flair is done in the ring. Maybe WWE can fix his character and make it work outside the ring though? He still needs the money which is the only reason he's still on TV at all.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by TheInfiniteStaircase »

Yut343 wrote:I think when Sting is finished with TNA (whenever that is) he's done from wrestling for good. He's always going to be that one wrestler that Vince never got. I'd be shocked if he made his way over to WWE.
That's pretty much how I feel too. Kinda what I was getting at a few posts back.

Sting will always be the one non-WWE related wrestling Icon. I think he'll leave it that way.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

TheInfiniteStaircase wrote:If it is Jericho coming back, and it's on Smackdown, I just assume it would be to feud with Orton because that's how Jericho left, by getting kicked in the head by him. And if we're supposed to read between the lines of the video, by January Orton could very well be champ again, which would fit right in with that whole thing. But like you said, it all depends on what direction they're looking to take both characters.

Good point on the whole merchandising aspect of bringing Sting to WWE. I used to LOVE Sting, but he lost me when he started acting like The Crow. And I tried watching TNA one night not too long ago and he was then trying to be Heath Ledger's Joker. Maybe I'm lame because I grew up with and miss the "Glory Days" of Wrestling, but Sting with the Ultimate Warrior style make-up will always be great. As for rolling out the red carpet, if what I've read is true, Vince did already offer him Wrestlemania with The Undertaker in the past and Sting said no. That's a pretty huge red carpet considering if I had to guess, Sting would win - especially if that's presumably his big debut in WWE. I just hope they ignore the HHH speech that he gave after the last Wrestelamania where he said he wanted a rematch at next WM.
I haven't watched Smackdown more than 2-3 times a year in at least a decade so I have to admit that I didn't see how Jericho left. In fact from 2002-2011 I rarely watched any wrestling and just got back into it a few months ago. Jericho was one of my all time favorites though so I definitely want to see him come back.

Sting's merchandising through WWE would be epic, especially if it's the Crow Sting. I did like that version but I agree with you that his Joker Sting just didn't work. He tried to be Heath Ledger at first and turned it into a second rate Ceaser Romero. WWE would probably fix his character though, they're good at that sort of thing. I don't think it'll be HHH vs Taker this time, I think it's Nash vs HHH.

Yut343 wrote:I think when Sting is finished with TNA (whenever that is) he's done from wrestling for good. He's always going to be that one wrestler that Vince never got. I'd be shocked if he made his way over to WWE.
I sort of hope this is what happens to be honest. We'd always wonder about what could have been but for Sting to go out without so much as taking one red cent from Vince and still be considered one of the greatest wrestling icons of all time would be quite an accomplishment in itself.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

Yut343 wrote:
The Cusack wrote:The WWE has brought back former stars at Wrestlemania quite a few times recently. The gimmick battle royal and Jericho's match with Snuka, Piper and Steamboat and WM25 are a couple of examples. Batista should still be a WWE star as far as I'm concerned. Flair is contracted by TNA currently but that could change depending on his contract status of course. Vader has only wrestled a handful of matches in the last 5 years but he did wrestle in Japan earlier this year and JBL is probably available to do a match at WM. The billing seems odd but it sounds like a gimmick match anyway so I'm sure people would just be glad to see them.

The thing about it though is that Flair can't go anymore. His match against Sting on TNA iMPACT recently was horrible. He can barely take a bump anymore and you can tell he doesn't even want to be in the ring. He's lost almost everything that made him The Nature Boy. I really never thought I'd see the day where I said this but I don't want to see him wrestle anymore. It's just sad. The other guys yes, but Flair is done in the ring. Maybe WWE can fix his character and make it work outside the ring though? He still needs the money which is the only reason he's still on TV at all.
It is sad. I know he needed money and everything but couldn't he have just stayed with WWE and work behind the scenes or do some sort of marketing plan with them? It's like when he went to TNA, that whole big goodbye he had on Raw was all for nothing and looking back at it, it just looks silly.

Speaking of TNA, I find it really difficult to watch. They try too hard.
The problem with Flair's finances is an ongoing one and with another divorce and other stuff recently added to his burden, he had to continue making a large amount of money. Part of the problem too is that he won't downsize his lifestyle and I guess he figures as long as he's able to make money he'll continue to live as he pleases. Honestly he's either going to die before he retires or end up living penniless for a number of years before he dies. There doesn't appear to be any proper retirement in his future.

As for the TNA product itself, lately I like it. I think with some of the older guys out of the way the guys that have come up through the ranks of TNA are starting to shine. For example, Robert Roode is going to make a good heel champ. Their Knockouts are better than the Divas. Jackie is training those girls and it shows. The X Division guys have always been good and their tag team division is stronger than WWE. Unfortunately anything segments with either Jeff or Karen Jarrett are unwatchable. Overall TNA is starting to improve though.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by Angry Jew »

The IWC rejoiced briefly as Bryan Danielson won the belt last night cashing in his MITB shot on Mark Henry only to have Teddy Long take it away.

In other news, this man needs to be in the HOF.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by LAglamrocker »

i saw that, so is his Money In Bank shot count? does he still have the briefcase for another shot?

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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by Tommy » ... r_embedded

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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

Yut343 wrote:Interesting.

How come a lot of the veteran wrestlers jumped ship from WWE to TNA? The whole thing just seems bitter and weird considering the WWE made them what they are today (Hulk Hogan, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle etc.). Say TNA ended tomorrow, wouldn't they crawl back to Vince looking for a job? It just seems like a huge nasty bitter thing between the WWE and their ex-employees that are now working for the WWE's competition.
There are a number of advantages for veteran talent to go to TNA.

1. TNA's schedule is much easier to work than WWE. iMPACT is taped weeks in advance and multiple shows are taped in the same day. That's one of the reasons you may only see a certain wrestler on TV more than once or twice a month.

2. WWE's management is much more hands on when it comes to a wrestler's character. They practically micro-manage every facet of the on-screen talent's persona.

3. TNA management is much easier to work with. They let their guys freelance a lot more than WWE does.

4. TNA wellness/drug policy isn't as strict as WWE.

Overall, TNA is just an easier gig than WWE.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by eddie lee roth »

The Cusack wrote:
There are a number of advantages for veteran talent to go to TNA.

1. TNA's schedule is much easier to work than WWE. iMPACT is taped weeks in advance and multiple shows are taped in the same day. That's one of the reasons you may only see a certain wrestler on TV more than once or twice a month.

2. WWE's management is much more hands on when it comes to a wrestler's character. They practically micro-manage every facet of the on-screen talent's persona.

3. TNA management is much easier to work with. They let their guys freelance a lot more than WWE does.

4. TNA wellness/drug policy isn't as strict as WWE.

Overall, TNA is just an easier gig than WWE.
All good and valid points but its still like triple a baseball compared to the big leagues.

Although there are some on the roster I can't figure out why the WWE won't give a chance too,such as Matt Morgan-a big guy with talent we all know Vince has a hard-on for the big guys,maybe Samoa Joe-theirs no doubt he can go in the ring but he needs a totaly different ring attire cover up his man boobs and that line right underneath them perhaps a Undertaker style outfit.
I just have a hard time watching him wrestle with those man boobs sticking out.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by alecjonsludge »

eddie lee roth wrote:
The Cusack wrote:
There are a number of advantages for veteran talent to go to TNA.

1. TNA's schedule is much easier to work than WWE. iMPACT is taped weeks in advance and multiple shows are taped in the same day. That's one of the reasons you may only see a certain wrestler on TV more than once or twice a month.

2. WWE's management is much more hands on when it comes to a wrestler's character. They practically micro-manage every facet of the on-screen talent's persona.

3. TNA management is much easier to work with. They let their guys freelance a lot more than WWE does.

4. TNA wellness/drug policy isn't as strict as WWE.

Overall, TNA is just an easier gig than WWE.
All good and valid points but its still like triple a baseball compared to the big leagues.

Although there are some on the roster I can't figure out why the WWE won't give a chance too,such as Matt Morgan-a big guy with talent we all know Vince has a hard-on for the big guys,maybe Samoa Joe-theirs no doubt he can go in the ring but he needs a totaly different ring attire cover up his man boobs and that line right underneath them perhaps a Undertaker style outfit.
I just have a hard time watching him wrestle with those man boobs sticking out.

Joe was in the WWE,albeit as a jobber.:
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by ParaDime77 »

Tommy wrote: ... r_embedded

Sorry if this was posted.

Warriors new reality show.

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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

alecjonsludge wrote:
eddie lee roth wrote:
The Cusack wrote:
There are a number of advantages for veteran talent to go to TNA.

1. TNA's schedule is much easier to work than WWE. iMPACT is taped weeks in advance and multiple shows are taped in the same day. That's one of the reasons you may only see a certain wrestler on TV more than once or twice a month.

2. WWE's management is much more hands on when it comes to a wrestler's character. They practically micro-manage every facet of the on-screen talent's persona.

3. TNA management is much easier to work with. They let their guys freelance a lot more than WWE does.

4. TNA wellness/drug policy isn't as strict as WWE.

Overall, TNA is just an easier gig than WWE.
All good and valid points but its still like triple a baseball compared to the big leagues.

Although there are some on the roster I can't figure out why the WWE won't give a chance too,such as Matt Morgan-a big guy with talent we all know Vince has a hard-on for the big guys,maybe Samoa Joe-theirs no doubt he can go in the ring but he needs a totaly different ring attire cover up his man boobs and that line right underneath them perhaps a Undertaker style outfit.
I just have a hard time watching him wrestle with those man boobs sticking out.

Joe was in the WWE,albeit as a jobber.:
For a veteran though, the money is still pretty good and the work is much easier. Plus working for Dixie Carter and the Jarretts isn't like working for Vince McMahon aka the Montgomery Burns of wrestling.

As for Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe, both have had stints in WWF/E. I don't know what happened with Joe but I know they didn't like Matt on the mic and he was slow to develop in the ring. He basically was like Jindrak and O'Hare, skilled big man that didn't develop fast enough. I really like both guys but I think when you watch either of them on TNA, they both work really softly. You can watch their matches and see where they're holding back and it looks fake. Matt Morgan is too big for the TNA ring though, he needs to be in a WWE ring.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by The Cusack »

Anybody got WWE '12 yet? My roommate got it Tuesday but I haven't played it yet. It looks awesome though. I just haven't played video games that much in the last several years so I haven't gotten around to it yet.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by silent_eyes »

Getting kinda anxious to see what the plans are for Kane when he comes back. Fairly certain that's he's bringing the mask back, which I think is awesome. This will probably be his last run before calling it a day so hopefully he'll go out looking like a beast.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by TheInfiniteStaircase »

Yut343 wrote:
silent_eyes wrote:Getting kinda anxious to see what the plans are for Kane when he comes back. Fairly certain that's he's bringing the mask back, which I think is awesome. This will probably be his last run before calling it a day so hopefully he'll go out looking like a beast.
I heard that this is his last run. If he does return with the mask, I wonder how they would put that into a storyline.
I was never really into the whole 'Kane' thing at all, so it doesn't bother me if he retires, but if I recall correctly, right before they took him out with the injury, he started talking about how he was losing matches because he wasn't a monster anymore - something like that.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by silent_eyes »

Yut343 wrote:
silent_eyes wrote:Getting kinda anxious to see what the plans are for Kane when he comes back. Fairly certain that's he's bringing the mask back, which I think is awesome. This will probably be his last run before calling it a day so hopefully he'll go out looking like a beast.
I heard that this is his last run. If he does return with the mask, I wonder how they would put that into a storyline.
There's actually a lot of really hard to spot stuff in the promo video they showed on Raw.

1. There's a quick shot of him walking, wearing the black towel over his head. Also, he has his original glove on.
2. There's a blink and you'll miss it shot of a picture of him right after he took his mask off for the first time (black eyes, tufts of hair& all) and it's on fire.
3. The mask at the end isn't one that he's worn before either.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by Captain Morgan »

silent_eyes wrote:
Yut343 wrote:
silent_eyes wrote:Getting kinda anxious to see what the plans are for Kane when he comes back. Fairly certain that's he's bringing the mask back, which I think is awesome. This will probably be his last run before calling it a day so hopefully he'll go out looking like a beast.
I heard that this is his last run. If he does return with the mask, I wonder how they would put that into a storyline.
There's actually a lot of really hard to spot stuff in the promo video they showed on Raw.

1. There's a quick shot of him walking, wearing the black towel over his head. Also, he has his original glove on.
2. There's a blink and you'll miss it shot of a picture of him right after he took his mask off for the first time (black eyes, tufts of hair& all) and it's on fire.
3. The mask at the end isn't one that he's worn before either.
It's not the mask he had back in '02/'03? I'll have to go back and take a look. Either way, I'm REALLY excited for the next few months heading into Wrestlemania.

They really should have given Kane an Inferno Match before he "left" - that way they could really bring up the mask again.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by silent_eyes »

Captain Morgan wrote:It's not the mask he had back in '02/'03? I'll have to go back and take a look. Either way, I'm REALLY excited for the next few months heading into Wrestlemania.
It's actually a combo of that mask and his original mask.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by eddie lee roth »

I thought the mask somewhat looked liked the mask Brutus Beefcake wore when he teamed with Hogan at the Las Vegas Wrestlemania right after he returned from that parasailing accident.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by Angry Jew »

Am I the only one who doesn't care about Kane with or without the mask?
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by eddie lee roth »

Ahh come on now Angry Jew I don't question your fandom of the Hardy's give the big man some respect.
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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Post by silent_eyes »

Angry Jew wrote:Am I the only one who doesn't care about Kane with or without the mask?
I've been in the same boat as you for a long, long time. They've had the guy stuck in rut and nearly ruined his character (Katie Vick, setting JR on fire, Shane McMahon feud) for years now. Before they took his mask off, I liked his character a lot. I'm just hoping that they actually do something with him and let him go out on a high note, because he deserves it.
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