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Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:45 pm
by Space Bear
Don't forget, next Monday the Muppets are in the house


Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:55 pm
by Space Bear
Unless Trips has a legit injury they're covering for, why have him return to the ring and kill Punk's push only two be taken out of action like this?
Injury update: Triple H
By: Kara A. Medalis October 25, 2011
Tags: WWE Raw SuperShow: October 24, 2011, Triple H, Kevin Nash

Dr. Chris Amann has provided with an injury update on Triple H.

The WWE COO has suffered a fractured vertebrae from the two sledgehammer attacks he received from Kevin Nash on Raw SuperShow. Amann told that The Game will be out of action for at least six weeks due to the injuries he sustained. The diagnosis was made at the Austin, Texas, medical facility that Triple H was rushed to after the attacks.

Stay tuned to for updates on Triple H's condition.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:58 am
by nakedmadman
Angry Jew wrote:
Space Bear wrote:I think this sums it all up

Cena goes home to his big house,hot wife & millions of dollars. I am sure he isn't losing any sleep. I'll never get the hate for Cena other than people feel he's shoved down our throats. As if he is supposed to say to Vince McMahon "No,Vince, I don't wanna be the biggest star in the company,make movies & get paid tens of millions of dollars because some dorks on the Internet might resent me for it"

The guy busts his ass, does every promotional appearance that WWE asks him to do and has earned his spot perhaps more than anyone else on the roster.
AS much as I do agree with you on Cena ( and I do ) the problem with Cena (and this is another horse that's been beat to death) the creative team. They've built him into such a rediculous superhero, there's really no where else for him to go.
Can't turn heel (they'd loose MILLIONS in merch)
Can't be beaten straight up in a fair match. Ever notice how every one of Super Cena's losses come because of a run in, interference, etc? Only CM Punk has been able to top Super Cena in a legit win, in recient memory. With that, who can he feud with?
Really lacks the skill set to pull off the "I'm the best wrestler in the world" thing that Punk's running with.
And so on, and so on, etc.
Even if a heel turn is totally out of the question, they've flirted a few times with the idea of a darker "anti-face" slant at times... Let the guy talk shit, let him beat the piss out of a few people, give him a legit run in or two, and give him a heel who can soundly beat his ass to feud with.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:19 am
by eddie lee roth
C'mon Space Bear you should know better than to report wrestling(news)coming from the mothership.

Those fuckers aren't going to report the real news unless they have no choice I.E. legit injuries,Benoit,Guerrero.

Hell I don't blame ya though I bit on the JR being fired in his hometown angle from a few weeks ago until I realized they've even got JR to play along with their new version of kayfabe.

HHH jumpin on Punk's coattails only to derail Punk's success is nothing new, the story of the booker booking himself on to the next big storyline is nothing new its been done countless times in the past.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:26 am
by ParaDime77
eddie lee roth wrote:C'mon Space Bear you should know better than to report wrestling(news)coming from the mothership.

Those fuckers aren't going to report the real news unless they have no choice I.E. legit injuries,Benoit,Guerrero.

Hell I don't blame ya though I bit on the JR being fired in his hometown angle from a few weeks ago until I realized they've even got JR to play along with their new version of kayfabe.

HHH jumpin on Punk's coattails only to derail Punk's success is nothing new, the story of the booker booking himself on to the next big storyline is nothing new its been done countless times in the past.
HHH in 2011 = Dusty Rhodes as booker mid 1980's

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:02 pm
by Space Bear
eddie lee roth wrote:C'mon Space Bear you should know better than to report wrestling(news)coming from the mothership.

Those fuckers aren't going to report the real news unless they have no choice I.E. legit injuries,Benoit,Guerrero.

Hell I don't blame ya though I bit on the JR being fired in his hometown angle from a few weeks ago until I realized they've even got JR to play along with their new version of kayfabe.

HHH jumpin on Punk's coattails only to derail Punk's success is nothing new, the story of the booker booking himself on to the next big storyline is nothing new its been done countless times in the past.
Oh, I know they're full of shit. It just boggles my mind how they consistently ruin angles that start out strong. I guess I keep hoping they'll do it right for once. But it's said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Therefore, I am clearly insane.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:14 pm
by eddie lee roth
Ahh don't feel bad we all are aren't we I mean we're still watching after all.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:00 pm
by LAglamrocker
HHH is "hurt"
Punk wasnt "signed" at Money in the bank
James Storm isnt TNA Champ..wait that is true!

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:55 pm
by Kid-Wicked
Space Bear wrote:Don't forget, next Monday the Muppets are in the house

santino will try to bang miss piggy

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:27 am
by eddie lee roth
Well I don't really give a shit about TNA but for those that do tonight's impact wrestling sees Robert Roode turn into a heel and beat James Storm for the title,also that steriod infested douchebag from Jersey Shore makes his way into a match.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:09 am
by ozzyrulz777
It would take longer than 6 weeks for HHH's injuries to heal than that.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:24 pm
by ParaDime77
The "injury" to HHH is a work, the WWE doesn't want his and Big Sexy's storyline to interfere with The Rock coming back for Survivor Series and feels it doesn't need another "headliner" to go with the main event on that card.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:46 pm
by Captain Morgan
ParaDime77 wrote:The "injury" to HHH is a work, the WWE doesn't want his and Big Sexy's storyline to interfere with The Rock coming back for Survivor Series and feels it doesn't need another "headliner" to go with the main event on that card.
The best part of that is that they feel a HHH/Nash match would be a headline worthy match. Yikes. :shock:

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:00 pm
by paule5150
Barry Windham hospitalized, apparently in critical condition
Oct 26, 2011 - 11:41 PM


Wrestling legend Barry Windham, who is mostly known for his time in the old NWA/Jim Crockett days and stints in the WWF, is in the ICU at a Florida hospital. According to Slam! Sports, Windham's father Bob (a/k/a Blackjack Mulligan) posted on Facebook, "I have a son near death," and that further posts indicate it was a stroke.

Shore's Slant: Wow. Windham was a big part of wrestling for me growing up. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:23 pm
by Space Bear
Poor John Cena...
From humble beginnings growing up in West Newbury, Mass., to his nearly 10 years as a WWE Superstar, John Cena has absorbed more punishment than he’d probably care to recall. Whether he’s squaring off with The Miz & R-Truth in a Handicap Match on Raw SuperShow or competing in front of a hostile crowd, the stalwart Superstar doesn’t just shrug off animosity, he rises above it.

At Vengeance, on the same night his mission to capture Alberto Del Rio’s WWE Championship ended at the hands of the diabolical tandem known as The “Awesome Truth,” Cena’s new attire and the self-empowering message emblazoned in red, white and blue on the front – “Rise Above Hate” – provided the members of Cenation with some much-needed inspiration as their hero faced seemingly insurmountable odds.

John Cena“I wanted to make a positive statement,” Cena told in describing his latest shirt, which features the logo of the anti-bullying “be a STAR” campaign printed on the sleeve. “I have a varied group of loyal fans out there that will literally back me through thick and thin. I’m known for crazy graphics and colors on my shirts, and I’ve pretty much run through the entire rainbow. I didn’t want the message to be drowned out with a graphic or anything like that, so we went real simple [with a black shirt] and put the words ‘Rise Above Hate’ with ‘Hustle, Loyalty, Respect’ on the back.”

Cena continued, “It really dawned on me when the phrase ‘Never Give Up’ became popular. I’ve never really said it on TV – maybe once – but everyone kind of associated it with me because it was on my T-shirts. I get so many messages on Twitter and questions like, ‘Hey, I’m being bullied at school. What do I do?’ Those are very personal situations, and each requires a unique approach to handle, but ‘Rise Above Hate’ is a way to tell someone to be the bigger person. Because if anyone gets bullied around here [in WWE], it’s me.”

At Vengeance, Cena also debuted new ring gear, replacing his iconic “jorts” with shorts featuring a variety of camouflage designs.

“The jean shorts, for the moment, have been retired,” Cena said assertively. “These are military-issued camo, and I think they will stand out. I have every U.S. Military service branch represented: Army, Marine Corps., Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard. I’ll be changing it up from time to time.”

However, Cena was quick to clarify that he hasn’t ditched the denim completely.

“They’re always in the closet,” Cena said. “Maybe when they come back in style 30 years from now I’ll bust them out for the WWE Hall of Fame or something.”
'Cause you know, overcoming superhuman odds while dickishly mocking opponents is the very definition of being bullied.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:29 pm
by LAglamrocker
Rocks new shirt should be orange, and start mocking SuperCena new "toughman look"

i think Cena growing up bullied many kids. Him and his friends played football and lifted weights all day. Then tortured the nerds at school

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:46 pm
by KneelandBobDylan
Just saw this online.
-- At last word, wrestling legend Barry Windham is still in ICU at a Florida hospital. Windham has been described as "near death" by his father. Windham was reportedly found by current WWE agent Mike "IRS" Rotunda at his home.
I grew up with CWF and NWA, Barry Windham was everywhere back in the 80's.

Damn good worker.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:42 am
by eddie lee roth
Slightly off-topic I didn't realize until a few months a go on a thread in another section of this website that jorts or jean shorts as I call them had fallin out of fashion.

I've been wearing them for years and I espically like the carpenter-style ones because of all the pockets.

Imagine my suprise when I found that out, oh well I consider myself to old to be chasing whatever is hip I like to wear jean shorts and t-shirts of anykind although my favorite ones are of bands I like.

To hell with fashion I'm wearing what I feel comfortable in besides that I can't stand young kids anyway :lol:

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:20 am
by ozzyrulz777
ParaDime77 wrote:The "injury" to HHH is a work, the WWE doesn't want his and Big Sexy's storyline to interfere with The Rock coming back for Survivor Series and feels it doesn't need another "headliner" to go with the main event on that card.
I do not doubt it.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:50 pm
by Angry Jew
WWE's website has an article up where they're pushing for the return of the Hardcore Title, after Cody Rhodes recently brought back the classic white Intercontinental Title. Here's part of their hype:

"If the Hardcore Title ever does make a comeback, alliances will crumble and insanity will rule in its place, with an iron fist stronger than any potential Raw General Manager could ever dream of wielding. Whoever will place it around their waist will instantly be painting a target on their back. Everybody will be their enemy. Big, small, Superstar, Diva: all will be potential challengers, ready to pounce to win their own piece of glory. says: Bring back Hardcore havoc!"

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:39 pm
by LAglamrocker
for road to Wrestlemania have a tournament on Raw and Smackdown. The final 4 for each have a Wreslemania match to crown.

If FOley is back he could ref it

congrats to TNA first show in 49ers town...400! but Hardy was "over" with the crowd!

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:52 pm
by Angry Jew

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:21 pm
by nakedmadman
Angry Jew wrote:WWE just released Maryse.BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
let us hope her "future endeavors" include a playboy spread.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:50 am
by eddie lee roth
nakedmadman wrote:
Angry Jew wrote:WWE just released Maryse.BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
let us hope her "future endeavors" include a playboy spread.
Those playboy pics she took in the past were hot as hell esp. the one that showed her tities and all she had on was a pair of socks I think I must have threw away a whole villiage of potential kids in a kleenex down the toilet :oops:

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:12 am
by Space Bear
Hope you've been saving your pennies... a ringside seat at WM28 is gonna run you $1500...


Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:21 am
by Space Bear
Why don't we see stuff like this on WWE shows?

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:40 am
by ozzyrulz777
The Muppets on Raw tonight!

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:36 pm
by LAglamrocker
why did WWE, smackdown Ryders show this week?

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:14 pm
by paule5150
Barry Windham update...

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross wrote the following on his Twitter page regarding Barry Windham. "Talked to Mike Rotunda today here in Atlanta, and he said Barry Windham was improving from heart attack and liver issues. Still hospitalized." Follow Ross on Twitter at

Powell's POV: I had not heard that Windham was experiencing liver issues before, but it still sounds like he's making progress based on what Ross wrote. For those who missed it, Windham suffered a heart attack last week, and his brother in-law Rotunda was the person who found him.

Re: The New (Spam Free) Never Ending Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:18 pm
by ParaDime77
LAglamrocker wrote:why did WWE, smackdown Ryders show this week?
He's getting too over with the crowd and being that that they did not develop his character it's time to job him the fuck out to punish him.