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Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:13 pm
by Alabama Slammer ... ?eref=sihp

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has been accused of sexual assault by a young woman in Georgia, TMZ has learned. The alleged incident occurred early this morning at Capital City -- a club in Milledgeville, Georgia. According to law enforcement sources, the alleged victim -- who has already been interviewed by police -- was treated at a local hospital and released. In addition to the Milledgeville Police Dept, we've learned the Georgia Bureau of Investigations is also investigating. As we previously reported, Roethlisberger is being sued by a Reno woman, Andrea McNulty, who claims the QB sexually assaulted her in 2008. We're told Roethlisberger has already been interviewed by police. We're also told no formal charges have been filed at this point. A rep from the Steelers tells TMZ, "We are gathering information on this incident - until then we have no further comment."

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:22 pm
by KillDevilHill
He is like one of my favorite NFL QBs, I really hope he is not a rapist piece of shit

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:20 pm
by WhiteHouseSubsAC
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
KillDevilHill wrote:He is like one of my favorite NFL QBs, I really hope he is not a rapist piece of shit

Well guess what? He is. The Steeler organization and The Rooney's will buy him out of trouble and the retarded Steeler fans will go out of their way to support him. He could rape a Steeler fan's daughter, and it would be ok.
I wish he would sodomize your hands until you couldn't type anymore.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:10 pm
by gr8twhte
GypsyDog5150 wrote:I wish you and your family would be brutally murdered.

Good stuff, GypDog. You are a flame warrior.

Maybe Ben Roethlisberger could then violate his family's corpses. Right?

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:58 am
by thejuggernaut
They need to cut ties with the moron and start over.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:19 am
by Punk
Not gonna happen.

Oooh Gypsydog is so edgy! Wishing murder on another poster is so hardcore and against the grain!

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:37 am
by Sinderella
I ran into a gal I used to work with this weekend. She told me she was working in Ky and had sex with Big Ben. She met him at a club last weekend, they partied, went back to a hotel and had sex for hours. She didnt seem like she was forced. She was more than excited to tell me about it.
Perhpas he just likes copious amounts of pussy. But if he is a rapist I hope his dick falls off!

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:01 am
by Punk
Your friend sounds awesome. Put in a good word for me.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:03 am
by Sinderella
Punk wrote:Your friend sounds awesome. Put in a good word for me.

I will do that! Do you like women with large fake breasts and tattoos?

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:10 am
by Punk

Check your PMs

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:21 am
by Sinderella
Check your PMs :D

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:32 am
by Punk
Ben was already my favorite player. Now he's my fucking hero.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:08 am
by Sinderella
Punk wrote:Ben was already my favorite player. Now he's my fucking hero.
:D :D

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:25 pm
by Punk
When talking about others that are retarded, you should probably refrain from shit such as "Steeler fans are all retarded, but the almost everyone on the team are actually dumber"

You and your obviously extremely intelligent followers are the asshats we make fun of the most, douche.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:56 pm
by WhiteHouseSubsAC
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:They need to cut ties with the moron and start over.
Yep. Even if he is innocent both times. He was stupid enough to put himself in another circumstance where he could be accused. Do you see Kobe Bryant being this stupid? Steeler fans are all retarded, but the almost everyone on the team are actually dumber.
So you're saying that pro athletes shouldn't get laid. Laughable that YOU would call anyone dumb.

BTW, my family was brutally murdered yesterday. Thanks.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:11 am
by thejuggernaut
WhiteHouseSubsAC wrote:
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:They need to cut ties with the moron and start over.
Yep. Even if he is innocent both times. He was stupid enough to put himself in another circumstance where he could be accused. Do you see Kobe Bryant being this stupid? Steeler fans are all retarded, but the almost everyone on the team are actually dumber.
So you're saying that pro athletes shouldn't get laid. Laughable that YOU would call anyone dumb.

BTW, my family was brutally murdered yesterday. Thanks.
I agree with him. It's not like he's a WR. The guy's a QB. He's expected to be the team leader. Part of that leadership is exercising good judgment. Clearly the guy is lacking in the department. It's not just the seemingly constant rape allegations; remember a few years ago a big deal was made about him not wearing a helmet while riding his bicycle, he took a defiant stance saying it was his right to not wear a helmet then got himself fucked up because of it ? Same thing. Piss poor judgment.

It's funny, because a while ago I compared him to Bledsoe with regards to his dumb off field choices (and his tendency to hold the ball and take a pounding)

More and more it's looking correct.

thejuggernaut wrote:By and large, he's been a good decision maker, but he does have cement head tendencies and a gunslinger's mentality.

It has resurfaced the past 2.5 years (since Cowher's been gone....hmmm).

Last year ended VERY well, but it wasn't a good year for him. His playoffs were uninspiring. Even the SB, he DID lead a great drive to win the game, but he was aided by spectacular catch that capped off a very mediocre day.

Keep in mind I am also factoring in his college days where he tossed it all over, and I am also factoring in his defiant "I'm not wearing a fucking helmet on my motorcycle" stance, plus this recent offseason - I do not believe him to be guilty, but he sure does have a habit of finding himself in horrible situations, which speaks to his judgment, or lack thereof.

My concern for him is he is starting to mirror Bledsoe's path - kept it reasonably in check under the task master, let it all hang out after task master left, makes questionable off field decisions and holds the ball too long and takes a beating.

Now, he's obviously miles better than Bledsoe, and thus has much further to slide, but I do see a very slow and subtle regression on his part that does mirror Bledsoe.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:30 am
by Punk
As a fan, I really couldn't care less about these "off the field" decisions. If someone would've told me on draft day that this man would quarterback Pittsburgh to 2 Super Bowl victories, I would've been thrilled. The man's now in company with Starr, Staubach, Bradshaw, Plunkett, Aikman, Elway, Brady, and Montana...can't ask for more than that. If he wants to go helmetless, so be it.

As far as the rape allegations, I don't believe them. The first chick in Vegas or wherever was obviously out to get him. Until I see some iron clad proof from this next loon, I'm not buying it.

And that's not just coming from a fan...if it was any quarterback, I'd feel the same way.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:52 am
by thejuggernaut
Punk wrote:As a fan, I really couldn't care less about these "off the field" decisions. If someone would've told me on draft day that this man would quarterback Pittsburgh to 2 Super Bowl victories, I would've been thrilled. The man's now in company with Starr, Staubach, Bradshaw, Plunkett, Aikman, Elway, Brady, and Montana...can't ask for more than that. If he wants to go helmetless, so be it.

As far as the rape allegations, I don't believe them. The first chick in Vegas or wherever was obviously out to get him. Until I see some iron clad proof from this next loon, I'm not buying it.

And that's not just coming from a fan...if it was any quarterback, I'd feel the same way.
It's not a matter of whether they are true or not. It's a matter of him constantly putting himself in retarded situations.

At the end of the day, he's the leader and he keeps putting himself in situations that end up being a distraction to the team. A QB is supposed to be the the one guy who is NOT a distraction.

P.S. You can ask for more than that. Had he not been a defiant jackass and wasted a whole season because his head got crushed, who knows where the Steelers would be. Had he not played 2009 having to also worry about dealing with lawyers, who knows where they'd be.

I'd love to see his contract to see what kind of language is in it.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:07 am
by Punk
Can't argue with him putting himself in those situations. I'm just saying at the end of the day I'm happy with his career so far. The dude's only 28!

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:42 am
by SkyDog112046
Athletes are targets because of their fame and money. I'm sure that lots of people try to take advantage of them on a continual basis. And I'm sure plenty of women want to sleep with them and then once they realize it's "one and done" that they can be vindictive about it.

Ben Roethlisberger is a highly paid QB who has won a couple of superbowls. I'm sure he can get all the pussy he wants without having to force himself on women. He probably has multiple women throwing themselves at him as soon as he walks into a club. I seriously doubt that he has ever raped anyone.

But it also comes down to a player who has been in the situation continuing to put himself back into the same situation. It's already happened a couple of times that we have heard of, and I'm sure it's been hushed a couple of more times as well. It's the NFL which has a code of conduct to adhere to, and he is a QB who is supposed to be a leader in the locker room. He should know better, especially after the flack he took over his motorcycle accident. part of being an athlete and getting the benefits means that they have to be willing to give up a few things along the way such as dangerous behavior(sky diving, etc...). I'm sure that he risks losing endorsements because of this. He is certainly guilty of having poor judgment.

Juggernaut is right about his comparison to Bledsoe. I could see Drew and Ben stage diving together.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:51 am
by johnk5150
thejuggernaut wrote:
Punk wrote:As a fan, I really couldn't care less about these "off the field" decisions. If someone would've told me on draft day that this man would quarterback Pittsburgh to 2 Super Bowl victories, I would've been thrilled. The man's now in company with Starr, Staubach, Bradshaw, Plunkett, Aikman, Elway, Brady, and Montana...can't ask for more than that. If he wants to go helmetless, so be it.

As far as the rape allegations, I don't believe them. The first chick in Vegas or wherever was obviously out to get him. Until I see some iron clad proof from this next loon, I'm not buying it.

And that's not just coming from a fan...if it was any quarterback, I'd feel the same way.
It's not a matter of whether they are true or not. It's a matter of him constantly putting himself in retarded situations.

One need only look at how Jordan and Jeter banged hot broad after hot broad to see how to do it the right way. Surround yourself with good people to set up/handle those situations. Ben's a moron.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:30 pm
by TheImpaler9
I am Steelers fan and before this season started i said they needed to get rid of him. I kept saying he makes such poor decisions on and off the field. This year his play on the field proved me right. The defense this year wasn't good enough to make up for his mistakes. He is overrated as hell. I believe 100% he raped both of these women. I can't remember what poster called him a "Cement Head" but that is perfect.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:49 pm
by TheImpaler9
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
TheImpaler9 wrote:I am Steelers fan and before this season started i said they needed to get rid of him. I kept saying he makes such poor decisions on and off the field. This year his play on the field proved me right. The defense this year wasn't good enough to make up for his mistakes. He is overrated as hell. I believe 100% he raped both of these women. I can't remember what poster called him a "Cement Head" but that is perfect.
Whoa, a Steelers fan who thinks for himself. Maybe I need to retract my statement.
With the money he is paid, they are stuck with him until he finally fucks up really good or goes to prison. I believe he raped them both too. And The Steelers/Rooney organization dilluted facts and paid to make it look like she was after money. Back when Jerome Bettis attempted to go too far with a girl, but did stop. They bought the local police department new cars and equipment to make it go away.
I am just a realist. Just cause they are my favorite time i won't follow them blindly. It pains me to say it. Here i thought they finally had a QB worthy of being compared to Bradshaw. I'll take Cliff Stoudt,Mark Malone,Bubby Brister, & Neil O'Donnel over him. Hell even throw in Mike"I'll throw into triple covereage"Tomczac.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:04 pm
by TheImpaler9
Now that a second woman has come out i suspect this list will grow. One i could see going after money but not two. Maybe we can have a list as long as Tiger Woods.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:19 pm
celebrities like him tend to think that they can have any pussy they want and feel that no woman has a right to say no to them. If he is carrying that sort of attitude, it's gonna get him into more trouble.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:15 pm
by tin00can
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
HAIRFORCEONE wrote:celebrities like him tend to think that they can have any pussy they want and feel that no woman has a right to say no to them. If he is carrying that sort of attitude, it's gonna get him into more trouble.
It seems like he does. There are so many stories of him being a prick. He is the Axl Rose of The NFL.

...and you're the Jessica Simpson of this board. Congratulations, dumbass.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:12 pm
by johnk5150
HAIRFORCEONE wrote:celebrities like him tend to think that they can have any pussy they want and feel that no woman has a right to say no to them. If he is carrying that sort of attitude, it's gonna get him into more trouble.
How the fuck do any of us posting here know how celebrities tend to think?

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:32 pm
by WhiteHouseSubsAC
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
tin00can wrote:
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
It seems like he does. There are so many stories of him being a prick. He is the Axl Rose of The NFL.

...and you're the Jessica Simpson of this board. Congratulations, dumbass.
Did I hurt your feelings putting down the man you jack off thinking about? You fucking piece of garbage. You can't even give evidence why or how he isn't a prick. Go fucking die, do your family a favor and put them out of their misery. Your Mom still feels bad she missed with the coat hanger.
Got anger? :lol:

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:44 pm
by tin00can
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
Did I hurt your feelings putting down the man you jack off thinking about? You fucking piece of garbage. You can't even give evidence why or how he isn't a prick. Go fucking die, do your family a favor and put them out of their misery. Your Mom still feels bad she missed with the coat hanger.

Wow. Ol' Ben really buggered you hard, didn't he? I guess he didn't fuck any sense into you, unfortunately.

And for the record, my mom tried to abort me with a vacuum hose, not a coat hanger. If you're going to disparage my dear departed mom, at least try to get your facts straight.

Further for the record, it wasn't Ben who (had consensual sex with) raped my mom and impregnated her with me, just in case you were gonna go there next.

Re: Ben Roethlisberger: "No" Means "Yes"?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:58 pm
by tin00can
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
tin00can wrote:
GypsyDog5150 wrote:
Did I hurt your feelings putting down the man you jack off thinking about? You fucking piece of garbage. You can't even give evidence why or how he isn't a prick. Go fucking die, do your family a favor and put them out of their misery. Your Mom still feels bad she missed with the coat hanger.

Wow. Ol' Ben really buggered you hard, didn't he? I guess he didn't fuck any sense into you, unfortunately.

And for the record, my mom tried to abort me with a vacuum hose, not a coat hanger. If you're going to disparage my dear departed mom, at least try to get your facts straight.

Further for the record, it wasn't Ben who (had consensual sex with) raped my mom and impregnated her with me, just in case you were gonna go there next.
I am glad your piece of shit mother is dead. So is that why you first blew your daddy to keep him happy?

Quite the wild one, with the filthy mouth, aren't ya? No wonder Roethlisberger wanted you, he seems to go for the crazy broads.