NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

bronzecookie81 wrote:I love it when Goth Uncle pretends like he's confident. :roll:

I could keep doing shows. I'm pretty good at it, but I want to fucking start something that I might suck at and try that. You know, to see what it's like to suck for once.

The sad part is, that wasn't said with the least bit of irony.

I'm not going to empower these fucking cowards to be able to slander me and the people I love around me, because they're exploiting a hole through Twitter's security. So, I just said "fuck you" and that's that.

Way to start shit, then get mad when it's thrown back at you. LMAO @ "the people I love"--Ohhh, you mean LadyBoy who you hired??
If you "love" someone you don't throw them to the wolves via social networking asshole.....admit're used to controversy and you've made a career out of it....Ooops!! You just did admit bad.

cathousebabe wrote: Wow Trent cocky enough?
There was a particularly grotesque camp that decided they were going to attack. They came up with the rudest, meanest shit you could possibly come up with and blasted away

I just noticed this when i skimmed through that WOW IM A NERD interview...Aww is this us? LOL trent really needs to grow a new pair
Last edited by BaGawker2.0 on Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LonelyGirl »

I think fluffy should join a cult,no wait he already leads one, and marry andrea, fred, and all those other people since he's obsessed with them

he said more insults in the article about sony, and coldplay was mentioned. he has to mention twitter in the article because that's all he thinks about because he thinks about andrea and them when he's having sex

he must still be with mariqueef because he said in the article those people I love around me that are still be insulted on twitter
he should just come back on twitter so he can talk with andrea and everyone, those are the people he truly loves and obsesses over
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Holy crap, what a blast from the past. TOM1 drew that almost 10 years ago, christ.

I looked at the screenshots from the dboards too- Bubbles posted in Green, good lord. He'll really be dead 10 years...? Fuck, I'm getting old.

I knew some of those people quite well. Fuck, I practically lived on that board for a while. After we had the "big" earthquake in Seattle, the first thing I did was make sure my computer still worked and I posted it on the dboard within minutes :lol: The phones were out, but broadband was working!

The old was nothing like this current cesspool. Bastards.

Btw, no Rob did not create the Dancing Baby, but he made a page with dozens of variations of it and his page became the one everyone went to for it. He was still in high school just outside Seattle at that point. You can still find remnants of it on the webarchive (his user name was xott back then.)

LonelyGirl wrote:found on annoying mod guilty_'s webpage
they forgot the ugly pumpkin headed whore who doesn't wear any panties who likes to insult us unremarkable people leading unremarkable lives LOL anyways
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Gary means impending marriage. Men don't usually say "wedding"..just what I've observed.
These Idiots aren't matter how many times she writes "husband" on an old myspace photo she puts up today after everyone has called her out on those damn dogs getting a marriage before she will.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Yes. It's an old photo, but her brilliant arse has just put it up on her myspace page and in the caption it says "husband"....give it up Q. Go walk the dogs and stop feeding them's not good for them...and yeah, I know you're gonna see this. Real couples in lust don't have time to troll for stupid shit....they are too busy trolling each other's private parts. lmao

cathousebabe wrote:She put husband on an old photo? Smooth move Q. I'll believe it when he announces it on You can tell she's reading over here & The Insider. I bet they lay in bed at night trolling the web on their iPhones. Ahh true love at it's finest! lol
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LonelyGirl »

that's really convenient that she wrote "husband after the last photo and you had to scroll through so many pictures of that pumpkin headed rent-a-queef with all sorts of pictures of her with other men and women she's screwed. really classy
only a disgusting low class slut would keep up pictures of all sorts of different types of men she's banged in with her husband's pictures
you reap what you sow.

the only thing he'll be waving goodbye is all of his money
Last edited by LonelyGirl on Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

cathousebabe wrote:She put husband on an old photo? Smooth move Q. I'll believe it when he announces it on You can tell she's reading over here & The Insider. I bet they lay in bed at night trolling the web on their iPhones. Ahh true love at it's finest! lol

Good luck waiting for that. He never did say anything official about the engagement on either when it happened. It was all her press.
As for the marriage...supposedly it was in September. Only a few more days to go...anyone wanna throw some cupcakes and bet if they will this weekend?

This interview, regardless of new information or not, is just yet, another way of Fluffy staying relevant ( or in his little head he is). It's been quiet for too long, and now he needs to stir the pot and whine about the attacks. YET..not once does he say what he did to instigate it. How convenient.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LonelyGirl »

he did the same thing that he was talking about in the article,make various anonymous twitter accounts to bother people. if he hadn't called attention to random people online, most people would never have noticed or cared about their comments
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

cathousebabe wrote:I don't know whose the bigger attention whore, him or her.

Why did you just put "husband" Q? Why not my husband? Where's the wedding pics? I figure if you two did really marry you would have Tamar taking the pics so you can rub it in :roll:
Don't forget to make AMFOS your bridesmaid and La Frenchstenchtwat your flowergirl.
>taking deep, cleansing breath<

Cat. Babe. Sweetie. What's your deal?

We've had our disagreements, and I've also had disagreements with other ladies in this tight knit little family of fuckery, but I have realized that it's only you that has gone above and beyond "poking me with a stick" into being creepily fixated on everything that I've posted (and in most cases misreading everything - your reading comp isn't stellar, is it?)

When I don't post, you ask where I am - when I do, I'm sure you nearly jump out of your computer chair, stubby little fingers trembling to type bullshit. You enjoy trying to put me down, and I'm okay with that...Iike I said, I've rebutted all your lame arguments quite well.

Lumping me in with that crazy chick what's her face Frenchie...that stung a little, but I'll get over it. Frankly, it was a cheap shot.

Seriously, you go on about TR and MQ, asshole this, whore that, and I've begun to wonder why you are here, every day, posting *numerous times*- without even a hint of irony- that you couldn't give two figs about either of them, and they can rot in hell for all you care.

Riddle me that. Explain that to me.

Yes, I'm here. Yes, I think he's hot (and why shouldn't I), and I don't particularly have anything to say about the Q beyond the stupid little comments that so obviously get under your skin. It's almost comical.

Anyways, let's just say anyone could see why I might have an interest in him - casual, sexual, intellectual, musical - I'm transparent as crystal, and proud of it, but what's your interest... what's your reason, if you despise them both so much? Is it some secret that I'm not privy to, some kind of internet power trip? Don't even try putting yourself on a pedestal, because in that regard, it's become increasingly obvious that you're no better than he's shown himself to be. In the end, this is all theoretical, because it's not like either of us are on speaking terms with the surly fucker, so why the harsh attacks?

He himself put a stigma on a woman admitting she finds him attractive, and that's strange, to say the least...and now fans everywhere attack anyone who admits to anything more than an intellectual interest in his music with fat ugly or unremarkable blah blah blah. Whether he did it purposefully, because of all the legitimate crazies out there who would hurt him or the Q, or because of a tragically twisted sense of self loathing - no one knows but him, but I'm prone to believe the latter and not the former, judging by his choice of life partner, who's only vested interest in him seems to be his bank statements. Whatever makes his boat float, but I don't want any part of that ugliness, if that's what it boils down to. It's a pity really, but such is life.

Five took only five months to fully understand the utter and complete craziness that surrounds that man like a stinking fog. To make things worse, he instigates it - I genuinely, sincerely would like to know what he gets from all the nastiness being thrown his way.

Jesus, it's just too bizarre.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by dustbunny »

Trent was probably referring to his dogs when he mentioned people he "loves."
And shouldn't Fluffy and the Man-Queen be on their honeymoon?
How much you wanna bet the Man-Whore is gonna post a picture of the Caribbean or some similar shit claiming she's there with Fluffy, since we all know she's reading this page (or having someone read it for her). :lol:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

cathousebabe wrote:I don't know whose the bigger attention whore, him or her.

Why did you just put "husband" Q? Why not my husband? Where's the wedding pics? I figure if you two did really marry you would have Tamar taking the pics so you can rub it in :roll:
Don't forget to make AMFOS your bridesmaid and La Frenchstenchtwat your flowergirl.

Good point! She had no problem posting kissy pics all over the place..why not one in the virginal white gown??
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by dustbunny »

I don't know if someone already posted this, but it's pretty interesting reading: ... ns_24.html
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Sure »

cathousebabe wrote:I don't know whose the bigger attention whore, him or her.

Why did you just put "husband" Q? Why not my husband? Where's the wedding pics? I figure if you two did really marry you would have Tamar taking the pics so you can rub it in :roll:
Don't forget to make AMFOS your bridesmaid and La Frenchstenchtwat your flowergirl.
Kind of funny how she knows that people are following her myspace and she puts that pic suddenly with "husband" as it's title...right after we're all on here talking how it's almost the end of September and there's no news of a wedding.
Last edited by Sure on Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Nymeses »

I'm really loving Sure, dustbunny, and wikkedsyn right now for the absolutely fucking HILARIOUS icons and signatures! LOL! :lol:

This is probably really old news, but have any of you seen Crazy Calderon bitching about the very SAME things that a lot of us were bitching about MONTHS ago? About how the whole Eric donation technically constitutes fraud?

Yeah, funny how that asskisser did a total 180 in a couple of months. :twisted:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="Nymeses"]I'm really loving Sure, dustbunny, and wikkedsyn right now for the absolutely fucking HILARIOUS icons and signatures! LOL! :lol:

This is probably really old news, but have any of you seen Crazy Calderon bitching about the very SAME things that a lot of us were bitching about MONTHS ago? About how the whole Eric donation technically constitutes fraud?

Yeah, funny how that asskisser did a total 180 in a couple of months. :twisted:[/quote]

Frankly, I think anybody who donated a dime to that charity is an unqualified idiot. He threw this together in a matter of weeks. Of course it was going to be a mess. Usually putting together legitimate charities takes months if not years because of the legal ramifications, not to mention finding the right people to administrate it. I'm not going to speculate on Reznor's motives although the timing of the overnight charity is interesting to say the least. The people with all that disposable cash, willing to throw it at a highly questionable charity purely for the purpose of spending two minutes in the master's presence during a recession are far more interesting to me.

Not to mention more than a little pathetic. Especially if they truly believe they got their money's worth. That's what my dad would call more money than sense.

It wouldn't surprise me if Reznor ended up at the receiving end of a law suit over this. The people crying over all of this after the fact get no sympathy. They willingly jumped off the cliff as instructed, checkbooks in hand & not one of them appears to have thought twice about it before jumping.

Moral of this story: Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. And if you don't, at least have the good grace to shut up about it. I for one, do not want to hear it.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

I"m sick of hearing about this (general) gave money to meet your Goth God....don't fucking pretend you care about where the money went because you don't. People are annoyed at Trent about what a dick he is so they are using the Eric shit as the excuse why. I could give a fuck about that money and like you said, if you gave to some ghetto ass unplanned charity, that's on your stupid ass. Shut up about it. That hog AUF has gotten everyone riled up over a charity they wouldn't give two shits about if Reznor weren't attached to it.

BTW, I laugh at people/sheep who actually believe Trent got involved with this Eric shit to help a dying young man...if Trent really cared about helping people and felt like doing meet and greets to further a cause, he would've gotten his sheep to donate all that money they forked over to meet him--under the guise of helping Eric-- for something that should be near and dear to his heart....say, rebuilding NOLA.....funding missions to help dogs....anything. His engagement sham didn't generate the buzz he needed, so to keep him from cussing her out anymore for being a worthless whore, LadyBoy suggested her Filipino homegirl's brother that was dying....hence, ERIC. Point period blank.

EvilNTent wrote:
Frankly, I think anybody who donated a dime to that charity is an unqualified idiot. He threw this together in a matter of weeks. Of course it was going to be a mess. Usually putting together legitimate charities takes months if not years because of the legal ramifications, not to mention finding the right people to administrate it. I'm not going to speculate on Reznor's motives although the timing of the overnight charity is interesting to say the least. The people with all that disposable cash, willing to throw it at a highly questionable charity purely for the purpose of spending two minutes in the master's presence during a recession are far more interesting to me.

Not to mention more than a little pathetic. Especially if they truly believe they got their money's worth. That's what my dad would call more money than sense.

It wouldn't surprise me if Reznor ended up at the receiving end of a law suit over this. The people crying over all of this after the fact get no sympathy. They willingly jumped off the cliff as instructed, checkbooks in hand & not one of them appears to have thought twice about it before jumping.

Moral of this story: Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware. And if you don't, at least have the good grace to shut up about it. I for one, do not want to hear it.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

Nymeses wrote:I'm really loving Sure, dustbunny, and wikkedsyn right now for the absolutely fucking HILARIOUS icons and signatures! LOL! :lol:

This is probably really old news, but have any of you seen Crazy Calderon bitching about the very SAME things that a lot of us were bitching about MONTHS ago? About how the whole Eric donation technically constitutes fraud?

Yeah, funny how that asskisser did a total 180 in a couple of months. :twisted:

Maybe she didn't get a wedding invitation. Or they upped her meds.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

LonelyGirl wrote:that's really convenient that she wrote "husband after the last photo and you had to scroll through so many pictures of that pumpkin headed rent-a-queef with all sorts of pictures of her with other men and women she's screwed. really classy
only a disgusting low class slut would keep up pictures of all sorts of different types of men she's banged in with her husband's pictures
you reap what you sow.

the only thing he'll be waving goodbye is all of his money

I noticed that too. All sorts of whorish pics. I wonder why Fluffy made her get rid of Facebook but not her precious Myspace??
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

Stumbled across this..not sure if anyone else has.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

you know whats odd. (or im insane)

every time I come in this thread that michael jackson song "keep it in the closet" comes into my head.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Ok, I just went to her Myspace and it says nothing about "married"....she put "husband" under the caption in that old ass photo.
Those folks on the Insider are insane.

cathousebabe wrote:I heard Q deleted her MySpace. Ahh stirring the fire to get people speculating. Nice.


I popped over to the Insider and someone says on her profile it says Married. Surely they aren't going down like that. Where's all the photos Q?
Can anyone confirm this? I don't know the link to the profile.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

I went over to her myspace and she changed the page's format and it does say married. I feel like I am pretty much waving trent goodbye if it's true. He must have taken a quick walk over to the suicide house for the ceremony if everything is true that is.
I'm waving him goodbye because now if he makes music with her and she can't even sing, it'll be all crappy music, his weight and appearance will get worse, and he's going to be losing all of his money from her. She's going to be putting him under a lot of stress since she is annoying as fuck and he'll constantly have to keep a watchful eye so she doesn't cheat. It might seem like a marriage for some, but it's actually a funeral in disguise.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

What page are you going to because that's not what I'm seeing on my end.
RichardL wrote:I went over to her myspace and she changed the page's format and it does say married. I feel like I am pretty much waving trent goodbye if it's true. He must have taken a quick walk over to the suicide house for the ceremony if everything is true that is.
I'm waving him goodbye because now if he makes music with her and she can't even sing, it'll be all crappy music, his weight and appearance will get worse, and he's going to be losing all of his money from her. She's going to be putting him under a lot of stress since she is annoying as fuck and he'll constantly have to keep a watchful eye so she doesn't cheat. It might seem like a marriage for some, but it's actually a funeral in disguise.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Yeah, and You can bet he knows exactly what kind of woman he wants to bear his little Phantom Goth Babies, and it isn't someone with the IQ of a canteloupe. lmao
Nor would he give that kind of power over to an Idiot.....a kid means having to give up money to ManQueen. Not gonna happen.
This tramp also "says" she's a model.....anything can be "said."
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

bronzecookie81 wrote:What page are you going to because that's not what I'm seeing on my end.
RichardL wrote:I went over to her myspace and she changed the page's format and it does say married. I feel like I am pretty much waving trent goodbye if it's true. He must have taken a quick walk over to the suicide house for the ceremony if everything is true that is.
I'm waving him goodbye because now if he makes music with her and she can't even sing, it'll be all crappy music, his weight and appearance will get worse, and he's going to be losing all of his money from her. She's going to be putting him under a lot of stress since she is annoying as fuck and he'll constantly have to keep a watchful eye so she doesn't cheat. It might seem like a marriage for some, but it's actually a funeral in disguise.

She has two different myspace pages. One, has that greenish WIG pic, the other is her with some striped shirt, I believe.
The one with the greenish pic, says "engaged to the best person in the world" shit, or something like that.
I see the "husband" comment under the sucking face pic. But, really. She would be posting pics of her wedding all over the damn internet if it actually did happen!!
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »


neither of these say "married"

(well now she will go and change them, since it was mentioned here)
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Yes, and I want pics of the dogs as flower "girls" and ring bearers.....also, Ming and Ping as the bridesmaids.
Countdown until she changes the status and posts another odd, funny shoulder bone looking photoshopped pic!...and the obligatory post on CULT.COM from Goth Man about "finding happiness in a goth universe" or some shit. :mrgreen:

Wikkedsyn wrote:


neither of these say "married"

(well now she will go and change them, since it was mentioned here)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Wikkedsyn wrote:


neither of these say "married"

(well now she will go and change them, since it was mentioned here)

Uh...anyone else notice that the shitty WIG music on that page is now listed as being 'BY MARIQUEEN MAANDIG'? Or has it always been that way?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by dustbunny »

citrinecastle wrote:
Wikkedsyn wrote:


neither of these say "married"

(well now she will go and change them, since it was mentioned here)

Uh...anyone else notice that the shitty WIG music on that page is now listed as being 'BY MARIQUEEN MAANDIG'? Or has it always been that way?
Yeah, Citrine, I caught that awhile ago. The worst is that song, "Little Children," or some crap like that.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by dustbunny »

"Don't call your band Nine Inch Nails if you have a three inch one."
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