NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="bronzecookie81"]I like you, but I disagree.[/quote]

No problem, Miss Cookie. The debate is always fun. :)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by artsparkle »

Tony's in a better place. He won't have to be subjected to Mariqueef's screeching while she molests him for the camera.
vladtepes wrote:What human dumps their animal, their love for a man/women? I would dump the man before the animals! Now I really dislike her..
Love_heals wrote:FYI (since he was mentioned a few times) - Tony is with F10. MQ ditched him when she "moved on up to the Westside". Jeez, and here I thought she was sincere when she ooohed and aaahed about him being the love of her life...reminds me of all the creeps who discarded their pets at shelters and rescues where I've worked (some of them older animals with lower chances of getting new homes) and gave the reason of new BF/GF/spouse not liking cats/dogs. Or worse yet, because the discarded pet didn't get along with the BF/GF/spouse's pet, which I suspect may be one of the reasons Tony was dumped like so much trash.

I'm glad he's with Francis, at least he has a good home. And I hope when she's dumped like so much trash and she comes crying to F10 to give her back her "baby", he laughs in her face before he slams the door in it.

As far as the wedding goes...well, he's an addict with untreated or poorly treated mental illness. If you've ever known anyone like that, he needs no explanation. If you haven't, no explanation will suffice.

And she's a garden-variety opportunist.

Only one of two outcomes, IMO - he wakes up one day and is horrified at what's happened and fixes it ASAP, or he stubbornly stays put and continues the exercise in futility of trying to tell the entire world to fuck off by doing things that the entire world doesn't give a shit about.

BTW, those photos are of one of the tackiest poor excuses for a wedding that I have ever seen...they had months to plan a gala event with a beautiful setting, elaborate decor, and guests who actually dressed like they were going to a formal once-in-a-lifetime ceremony instead of showing up looking like they were going to an afternoon movie, and this is all they could pull out of their asses? PATHETIC.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

bronzecookie81 wrote:Tony was always Francis' dog, so MQ wouldn't have taken him. I'm sure Tony would've run away anyway had she have tried--even dogs know this Bitch is full of shit. At any rate, she'll be back sleeping on the floor with Tony in a shitty apartment in LA very soon--if she's not already there. MQ has in no way, shape, or form "made it" and if anybody thinks Phantom Goth Babies are coming out of this "union", I"ve got a mansion on Fantasy Island to sell you. What's a cheap tacky "wedding" mean in Hollyweird? Nothing, as there is no respect for marriage. Everything wrong with the world begins out here!!!!! I'm waiting to meet a real, non fake person out here......I think I"ll be waiting a long time. LA corrupts people.

LOL of course he would have ran away from her, shit, have we forgotten that poor abusive video of her pinning the dog to the bed, having to listen to her sing? That would make any animal, man or beast run!!...I wonder what is Fluffy then? ;-)
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Wikkedsyn wrote:
bronzecookie81 wrote:Tony was always Francis' dog, so MQ wouldn't have taken him. I'm sure Tony would've run away anyway had she have tried--even dogs know this Bitch is full of shit. At any rate, she'll be back sleeping on the floor with Tony in a shitty apartment in LA very soon--if she's not already there. MQ has in no way, shape, or form "made it" and if anybody thinks Phantom Goth Babies are coming out of this "union", I"ve got a mansion on Fantasy Island to sell you. What's a cheap tacky "wedding" mean in Hollyweird? Nothing, as there is no respect for marriage. Everything wrong with the world begins out here!!!!! I'm waiting to meet a real, non fake person out here......I think I"ll be waiting a long time. LA corrupts people.

LOL of course he would have ran away from her, shit, have we forgotten that poor abusive video of her pinning the dog to the bed, having to listen to her sing? That would make any animal, man or beast run!!...I wonder what is Fluffy then? ;-)

A dumbass?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Since the thread is dead, I guess I'll babble about nothing....

Wow, so I guess Pink Trent is contractually obligated to post EVERYthing he does with Goth Uncle and the rest of Goth Uncle's 30 years of age and under Hipster buddies........ :roll:
Oh, and looks like TR and MQ are taking everyone's advice about at least TRYING to look like they like, hell, even know each other. I see a connection kids....keep up the good work! I guess horror houses bring out what even your own wedding can't. :mrgreen: Looks like TR's Botox is settling too...... :wink:
I'm trying to figure out how Pink Trent's man manages to have the same facial expression in every photo. Must be magic.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Krustyland about sums it up LMAO. That made me laugh. The last pic.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Can you say PLUG??? Dildo Pink Trent is totally plugging Goth Uncle....not with his pink dildo--yet--but just plugging him for Hollywood publicity. Only problem is, nobody is paying attention to Pink Trent. Notice how he had to just throw in there how the "newlyweds" planned the outing. :lol: Entertainment Weekly, no USweekly, no InTouch......just Pink Trent and his wanna be hipster blog. TR.....just go the fuck away forever. Sitting right in the front to be seen by the cameras of course.

Seriously Leatherette......does TR take EVERY woman--stunt or not--to an amusement park?? Wow.......
What is he?? 45?? Cocaine really REALLY does stunt your brain development I guess.

Very good point about MJ.

warmleatherette wrote:BWHAHAHAHAHAHA Geez Rez do you always have to go to anything halloween/funpark related to the women you have sexual relations with???? Its getting boring spice it up holmes why don't you so called trendy intellectual hipsters that front all the time how they know about art go to a museum or something more grown up.....irks me that people prior to MJ's death that he was weird to have an obsession with amusement parks but its ok for wax museum wayne newton reznor to waltz around the fun house all the time.
bronzecookie81 wrote:Since the thread is dead, I guess I'll babble about nothing....

Wow, so I guess Pink Trent is contractually obligated to post EVERYthing he does with Goth Uncle and the rest of Goth Uncle's 30 years of age and under Hipster buddies........ :roll:
Oh, and looks like TR and MQ are taking everyone's advice about at least TRYING to look like they like, hell, even know each other. I see a connection kids....keep up the good work! I guess horror houses bring out what even your own wedding can't. :mrgreen: Looks like TR's Botox is settling too...... :wink:
I'm trying to figure out how Pink Trent's man manages to have the same facial expression in every photo. Must be magic.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Short Inseams sure was trolling on his *ahem* Honeymoon. I mentioned after Dildo Trent posted the "exclusive" pics how TR looked happier at Epcot from a few years ago with Nyke in his "I'm at the prom with my date pose" standing behind her, than he did in his own damn ghetto, countrified wedding pics.....and lo and behold, what do we get a week later?? Shots of him happy as a lark at another amusement park with Dragon Lady. I guess rollercoasters bring out emotions that the most wonderful woman in the world just can't, even on your special day. :twisted: :lol:

Somebody should ask past bandmates how long it's gonna take TR to start treating Pink Trent shitty and not returning his texts and E-mails. Those bright ass pink stars probably hurt his old eyes anyway. :mrgreen:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by dustbunny »

bronzecookie81 wrote:Since the thread is dead, I guess I'll babble about nothing....

Wow, so I guess Pink Trent is contractually obligated to post EVERYthing he does with Goth Uncle and the rest of Goth Uncle's 30 years of age and under Hipster buddies........ :roll:
Oh, and looks like TR and MQ are taking everyone's advice about at least TRYING to look like they like, hell, even know each other. I see a connection kids....keep up the good work! I guess horror houses bring out what even your own wedding can't. :mrgreen: Looks like TR's Botox is settling too...... :wink:
I'm trying to figure out how Pink Trent's man manages to have the same facial expression in every photo. Must be magic.
FAIL! Looks like they cut and pasted Q's and Trent's heads on other people's bodies, although Q with her mouth open, well, no surprise there. Why is everything these two do either a) lacking emotion or b) grossly overacted? Hollywood Halloween Horror sums this fiasco up nicely.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

warmleatherette wrote:Thanks BC81

ATTENTION Goth N' Waxy Reznor.....You cant stir up emotion from these Heffas that was and still on Metal Sludge when you were dating Nyte Dawg...They are not going to sqwalk and go crazy like they did prior because everyone knows everyone is watching them & that they will bitch and cry in silence or PM's amongst each but not post on the public messageboards.
Au contraire, Warmleatherette, you know there's no shame in my game -

>priming the waterworks< *ahem*



(I'm just playing with you, girl :mrgreen: I appreciate your posts )

Anyways, what is with Pink Trent chronicling each and every little thing they do together? It's a bit lame, to be honest - next, he'll post the super exclusive pics of the time that he went to the ears/nose/throat doctor with TR...

P.S. - don't know about y'all, but I think Trent looks good. Married life must agree with him :twisted:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

No Girl.....Rollercoasters agree with him. :twisted:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by smittenkitten666 »

Has anybody SEEN the marriage licence yet? Has this farce even been registered?

It's starting to stink a lot like the Mick Jagger/ Jerry Hall " commitment" service that wasn't legally binding when Hall tried to serve "divorce" papers.

Engagement, "wedding", wave goodbye... whatever... their God is dead , and no one cares.

His next job will be designing a range of clothes for the vertically challenged and Napoleon complexed...

BTW... whoever came up with "short inseams"... Jesus - I'm still choking at THAT one, thank you.
Last edited by smittenkitten666 on Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

YA know at first I didnt see it but fuck trent really does look like fucking wayne newton. problem is wayne is about one hundred and fucking fifteen and trent is 45...thats sad.

OH and LMFAO at the wtf is with him and amusement parks. true that! oh and wtf werent they not even married 2 weeks ago? trent is one CHEAP FUCKING BASTARD if I married a millionaire i would want like a 3 week honeymoon, where the fuck they go the hilton for one night? well I guess when you give it up on the 1st date nothing really is special on the wedding night.

oh and no married life isnt agreeing with trent its the amusement parks. I bet we would get his biggest and brightest smiles at any seaworld, disney, buschgardens, or as evidence shows univeral. I hope dragon lady likes the new mantra ride

oh and why the fuck does rob now always look like he is on valium. every picture looks like some good drugs kicked in then and there.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by apple_of_soddom »

since there isn't so much going on in the lives of t and q i came across some tweets by lady bunghole Adrienne Curry !
in my opinion, these few tweets truly display the great depth of her imbecility. comparing plastic surgery with abortion. i wish i could slap her - twice ! :twisted:

but you know it'S always the same. stupidity tries ...

said tweets:

just city doesnt allow us to own more than 3 cats& why can people like the duggers have 400 kids??about 16 hours ago from txt

IF abortion gets public funding,we r forcing those who dont believe in it2pay for it.if thats the case,i want coverage4my next tit jobabout 16 hours ago from txt

my views on abortion&healthcare r this-abortion is an elective thing,like plastic should NOT b covered under healthcare.

spending a lot of my time right now blocking assholes who like to tear me apart for speaking my mind. Dont follow me then, you dillholes
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by smittenkitten666 »

"It seems like this wedding was completely under the radar"


- "Congratulations!" posts will be removed.


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or "Why couldn't it have been me?!?!"


LOL! Seems like somebody's sense of relevance was out of control![/quote]

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by UtahRatt »

I'm looking for a new online girl friend. Did I come to the right thread?
poizond13 wrote:I have been very bummed out, sad and shocked for most of the night
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

I found this on Josh's twitter..I wonder if we will ever see Fluffy and Queef put out a pic like this??
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

just_curious wrote:
Wikkedsyn wrote:The rules on are pathetic when it comes to discussing the wedding!,906781 ... n-maandig/

As most of you are already aware, Trent and Mariqueen were married this past weekend (October 17th) and thanks to a couple different sources, the media quickly picked up on it. A little later down a post says "It seems like this wedding was completely under the radar"

- "Congratulations!" posts will be removed.
- Any posts containing speculation, gossip, or fantasy scenarios will be removed.
- Any threats of suicide or "Why couldn't it have been me?!?!" types of posts will be removed

LOL! Seems like somebody's sense of relevance was out of control! mean, now you can't go to and congrats Trent? LOL wtf.

Sounds like another sheep gone mad...shoot and put it out of its misery. How much longer till they close down they did with the Spiral when NIN was on a break. I still can't believe that they are running that board, considering Trent made it a fact that it cost over 20,000 a month to keep it running. Sure, he's starting putting ads on there, which at first started out to be NIN you can see ads popping up for anything that Apple makes, and anything else that Fluffy promotes. If the fans are not paying to keep that board going, I can't believe he has that extra money to throw around...

Then again, when he goes on a honeymoon to an amusement park...says a lot.
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

You have got to be kidding?!!! ... 2_7197.jpg


I needed some good laughs..and went and looked at these! haa haa

They are poster people for true and loving happiness :-) ... ent+Reznor

Last edited by Wikkedsyn on Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

LMAO @ "fantasy scenarios" what?? Creating a ghetto, countrified PR nightmare with a Filpino Twat where all the while you drop fake clues and innuendos about orgasms, cupcakes, ass fisting, and anything else lame....Oh, and you tell the goth Bitches in your fanbase to slit their wrists. :lol: Trent is no longer qualified to say shit about shit. He IS the joke he always talked shit about previously and doesn't even realize it. Damn, it's bad when everyone you railed on 10 years ago, ie Fred Durst, looks like a mellow Dude who is about his business as a man in his 40s should be and you look like Jackass/Tool of the new millenium because aging gracefully isn't in your vocabulary. Anytime you've got to resort to using Pink Trent for's bad.

I wonder how they didn't laugh like hell when they posted those rules....they are seriously funny. The last rule should've read, "We know Goth Uncle and MariCunt look like Idiots, but please for the love of GOD don't say know it, I know it, they know, drink your Kool-aid and pretend it's 1994 and you're headed to Sam Goody to pick the Downward Spiral......"
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

bronzecookie81 wrote:LMAO @ "fantasy scenarios" what?? Creating a ghetto, countrified PR nightmare with a Filpino Twat where all the while you drop fake clues and innuendos about orgasms, cupcakes, ass fisting, and anything else lame....Oh, and you tell the goth Bitches in your fanbase to slit their wrists. :lol: Trent is no longer qualified to say shit about shit. He IS the joke he always talked shit about previously and doesn't even realize it. Damn, it's bad when everyone you railed on 10 years ago, ie Fred Durst, looks like a mellow Dude who is about his business as a man in his 40s should be and you look like Jackass/Tool of the new millenium because aging gracefully isn't in your vocabulary. Anytime you've got to resort to using Pink Trent for's bad.

I wonder how they didn't laugh like hell when they posted those rules....they are seriously funny. The last rule should've read, "We know Goth Uncle and MariCunt look like Idiots, but please for the love of GOD don't say know it, I know it, they know, drink your Kool-aid and pretend it's 1994 and you're headed to Sam Goody to pick the Downward Spiral......"

LOL omg, that is awesome..copy and paste on! haa haa
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

:lol: :lol:
Fuck yeah!!!!!
I don't have an account at Kool-aid Drinkers Central or I would.

Wikkedsyn wrote:
I wonder how they didn't laugh like hell when they posted those rules....they are seriously funny. The last rule should've read, "We know Goth Uncle and MariCunt look like Idiots, but please for the love of GOD don't say know it, I know it, they know, drink your Kool-aid and pretend it's 1994 and you're headed to Sam Goody to pick the Downward Spiral......"

LOL omg, that is awesome..copy and paste on! haa haa[/quote]
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

LMAO @ "fantasy scenarios" what?? Creating a ghetto, countrified PR nightmare with a Filpino Twat where all the while you drop fake clues and innuendos about orgasms, cupcakes, ass fisting, and anything else lame....Oh, and you tell the goth Bitches in your fanbase to slit their wrists. Trent is no longer qualified to say shit about shit. He IS the joke he always talked shit about previously and doesn't even realize it. Damn, it's bad when everyone you railed on 10 years ago, ie Fred Durst, looks like a mellow Dude who is about his business as a man in his 40s should be and you look like Jackass/Tool of the new millenium because aging gracefully isn't in your vocabulary. Anytime you've got to resort to using Pink Trent for's bad.
Did you see the stats they posted on the Insider? That has to sting...-33% megafail.

There's still a part of me that wants to believe this was all an experiment, and that there's a method to his madness, but I don't know. I still think he should just say "Psyche, motherfuckers! Aren't I a shit?" apologize heartily to his small army of shellshocked fans, go on to say "I told you not to believe everything you see on the 'Net" and lock himself away in his fortress of solitude for a while.

Because of the crazy shit he's done in the past, he might just get away with it if he's clever enough - rock n' roll's ka-ray-zee!

P.S. - that doll a couple of posts up is creepy as shit. I'd be afraid that it would come alive in the night a la "Freddy Krueger" and try to kill me in my sleep. ::shudder::
I found this on Josh's twitter..I wonder if we will ever see Fluffy and Queef put out a pic like this??
I just had to say it...that is one gorgeous ring! How'd that fucker get so tasteful lol?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LonelyGirl »

Wikkedsyn LOL,thanks for posting that picture of pinnochio with the makeup on from the webby awards, it is funny every time

It is truly pathetic how trent's life has been reduced to this
hanging out with some gossip queen so he keeps gossiping about you to stay relevant in Hollywood. i don't even recognize the guy who i used to admire so much, it's like an alien has taken over his body, and maybe it has. if you look in the halloween horror night photo on the rollercoaster,
another funny person is the woman in the second row with the much older man, genstarchild on twitter, that's the woman who is friends with the queef and opened up the box of feathers for everyone on youtube. her tweets are hilarious, and i can only imagine that she is only 1/100 as annoying as it must be to live with the queef. once genstarchild made a craigslist ad renting out her silverwear from her wedding
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by dustbunny »

LonelyGirl wrote:Wikkedsyn LOL,thanks for posting that picture of pinnochio with the makeup on from the webby awards, it is funny every time

It is truly pathetic how trent's life has been reduced to this
hanging out with some gossip queen so he keeps gossiping about you to stay relevant in Hollywood. i don't even recognize the guy who i used to admire so much, it's like an alien has taken over his body, and maybe it has. if you look in the halloween horror night photo on the rollercoaster,
another funny person is the woman in the second row with the much older man, genstarchild on twitter, that's the woman who is friends with the queef and opened up the box of feathers for everyone on youtube. her tweets are hilarious, and i can only imagine that she is only 1/100 as annoying as it must be to live with the queef. once genstarchild made a craigslist ad renting out her silverwear from her wedding
Would someone please tell these muthafuckers that it's not 1984 anymore?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

I love Stephen Colbert. - full episodes - 10/29/2009

Go to 06:27 (then go back and view the whole segment, it's funny as hell).

One of my NY cousins has a client who's a writer on the Colbert Report, and he says Stephen was a huge NIN fan...he's been trying to work in a legit politics-related (and therefore not gratuitous to the show) slam on Trent ever since Trent managed to devolve into Mr. Nasty Angry Uninteresting Midlife Douche.

I can almost feel the raging frustration on Trent's part. His IQ would have to go up 200 points for him to be able to compete with Colbert on a satiric level playing field.


Those pics would be cute if Treen hadn't already abundantly displayed its true nature. What next, a video of them running hand in hand through a field of wildflowers? Too late for damage control, kids.

TR is SO desperate to pretend he's evolved in the same way his two idols, Perry and Bowie, have (I don't need to point out the obvious parallels he believes would give him equal cred). His immaturity is showing in his delusions. Playing dressup and marrying a stereotype don't count.

Perry succeeds at being relevant, fan-friendly, yet not embarrassingly too-hip, by just being who he is. Good or bad, he's always been 100% genuine and in the moment.

Bowie...well, hell, he was born elegant, I wouldn't be surprised if he popped out in a tophat and tails. He's also completely genuine. Neither one of these guys is striving to make any particular impression. You can't manufacture that kind of charisma and staying power. And both gentlemen clearly love their fans, especially the ones who've stuck around through thick and thin, brilliant material and crappy. You know, the ones who bought their fucking houses and sweet lifestye for them.

On their spouses - Iman is gorgeous, sweet, down to earth, and has beautiful manners. Etty (Perry's wife) is annoying as shit sometimes, but almost always completely gracious to the fans, and when she's stageside at Perry's shows she gets into it as any other audience member. I was close enough at the two shows I saw on the "Wave My Middle Finger" tour to clearly see MQ offstage, pouting and being bored. She looked like she had a gun to her head. She applauded ONCE. I can't even imagine Iman or Etty slinging racial slurs or posting candid pics of unsuspecting strangers to make fun of the way they dress on Twitter or whichever dumb social networking site. How low-rent.

Anyway - hey, Trent, you had a style of your own, and you did it well. You had your own special brand of charisma. Being reclusive and silent (especially the silent part) worked for you. Then a year or so ago you started getting chatty. Then your ego ballooned to astronomic proportions and your chattiness became talking major shit just to be talking. Then a certain someone orchestrated a meeting with you and some plan was put together, my money is on late at night and under the influence. I was directed to an archived Twitter post in which MQ typed words to the effect that she agreed with you and that you should join forces and start a revolution. And things went all to hell from there. I hate when I click on links to posts by dimwits but that one was pretty interesting in the context of all the sorry ass events since then.

Like attracts like and if you really are that dumb and hateful, then I hope it all works out and both of you stay occupied with your games and don't bother any of the innocent decent single people whose radar you might fly under. And don't spawn. I pray to whatever is out there that one or both of you is sterile from all your drug and alcohol abuse. Kids are always casualties of toxic pairings like Treen. You have no right to bring kids into such a poisonous environment.

[If you read this before it was edited...erm...sorry for the headache you probably have now.]
Last edited by Love_heals on Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »


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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

You have class or you don't. He's playing at it as well as Queef. Even sadder is he's 45 playing about with youngster hipsters. He's now nothing more than a wanna be 20 yr old hanging out with youngsters and being cool because he feels OLD. Wonder how SHE will feel being...ooooh...'old' with kids.

These 2 really make me sick.

Love_heals wrote:I love Stephen Colbert. - full episodes - 10/29/2009

Go to 06:27 (then go back and view the whole segment, it's funny as hell).

One of my NY cousins has a client who's a writer on the Colbert Report, and he says Stephen was a huge NIN fan...he's been trying to work in a legit politics-related (and therefore not gratuitous to the show) slam on Trent ever since Trent managed to devolve into Mr. Nasty Angry Uninteresting Midlife Douche.

I can almost feel the raging frustration on Trent's part. His IQ would have to go up 200 points for him to be able to compete with Colbert on a satiric level playing field.


Those pics would be cute if Treen hadn't already abundantly displayed its true nature. What next, a video of them running hand in hand through a field of wildflowers? Too late for damage control, kids.

TR is SO desperate to pretend he's evolved in the same way his two idols, Perry and Bowie, have (I don't need to point out the obvious parallels he believes would give him equal cred). His immaturity is showing in his delusions. Playing dressup and marrying a stereotype don't count.

Perry succeeds at being relevant, fan-friendly, yet not embarrassingly too-hip, by just being who he is. Good or bad, he's always been 100% genuine and in the moment.

Bowie...well, hell, he was born elegant, I wouldn't be surprised if he popped out in a tophat and tails. He's also completely genuine. Neither one of these guys is striving to make any particular impression. You can't manufacture that kind of charisma and staying power. And both gentlemen clearly love their fans, especially the ones who've stuck around through thick and thin, brilliant material and crappy. You know, the ones who bought their fucking houses and sweet lifestye for them.

On their spouses - Iman is gorgeous, sweet, down to earth, and has beautiful manners. Etty (Perry's wife) is annoying as shit sometimes, but almost always completely gracious to the fans, and when she's stageside at Perry's shows she gets into it as any other audience member. I was close enough at the two shows I saw on the "Wave My Middle Finger" tour to clearly see MQ offstage, pouting and being bored. She looked like she had a gun to her head. She applauded ONCE. I can't even imagine Iman or Etty slinging racial slurs or posting candid pics of unsuspecting strangers to make fun of the way they dress on Twitter or whichever dumb social networking site. How low-rent.

Anyway - hey, Trent, you had a style of your own, and you did it well. You had your own special brand of charisma. Being reclusive and silent (especially the silent part) worked for you. Then a year or so ago you started getting chatty. Then your ego ballooned to astronomic proportions and your chattiness became talking major shit just to be talking. Then a certain someone orchestrated a meeting with you and some plan was put together, my money is on late at night and under the influence. I was directed to an archived Twitter post in which MQ typed words to the effect that she agreed with you and that you should join forces and start a revolution. And things went all to hell from there. I hate when I click on links to posts by dimwits but that one was pretty interesting in the context of all the sorry ass events since then.

Like attracts like and if you really are that dumb and hateful, then I hope it all works out and both of you stay occupied with your games and don't bother any of the innocent decent single people whose radar you might fly under. And don't spawn. I pray to whatever is out there that one or both of you is sterile from all your drug and alcohol abuse. Kids are always casualties of toxic pairings like Treen. You have no right to bring kids into such a poisonous environment.

[If you read this before it was edited...erm...sorry for the headache you probably have now.]
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Sure »

I'm watching a special on the creepiest couples of all time.

Just wondering how long it'll be untill Grandpa Goth and his pet pig make it on there.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="Love_heals"] Then your ego ballooned to astronomic proportions and your chattiness became talking major shit just to be talking. [/quote]

His ego was always ballooned to epic proportions. What you have been seeing this year is nothing.

He's ALWAYS been Mr. Nasty Angry Uninteresting Douche. He's just older now & it's more public.

People don't change as they get older, they just get worse.

Since a large portion of his loyal fan base has always been hopeful girls, I'll be interested to see what his future sales are like.

Evolving from laughing at the women who want him privately to laughing at them publicly is always a brilliant career move.

I continue to look forward to watching him trying to keep up with an indifferent recording industry as well as trying to hold on to a significantly younger wife.

Middle age can be so trying. Ha ha ha ha.
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