NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

He's not going to have to nor would he fight to hang on to MariCunt. He sure didn't fight to protect "the most amazing woman in the world" from taking the brunt of the shit starting way back in May. In true passive aggressive fashion, he got a woman who was ignorant and fame hungry enough to do that.
Where is she gonna go? Who would sign up for
this shit anyway that had a life, goals, self esteem, and anything else positive going for her...?
If she weren't such a nasty Bitch, I'd feel sorry for her. She got PWNED every which way possible
by Goth Uncle and his fans.

People don't change, they just get older and meaner...very true.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

bronzecookie81 wrote::lol:
He's not going to have to nor would he fight to hang on to MariCunt. He sure didn't fight to protect "the most amazing woman in the world" from taking the brunt of the shit starting way back in May. In true passive aggressive fashion, he got a woman who was ignorant and fame hungry enough to do that.
Where is she gonna go? Who would sign up for
this shit anyway that had a life, goals, self esteem, and anything else positive going for her...?

If she weren't such a nasty Bitch, I'd feel sorry for her. She got PWNED every which way possible
by Goth Uncle and his fans.

People don't change, they just get older and meaner...very true.
The thing is, any woman with those qualities simply wouldn't "sign up" for anything remotely like what he's doing.

On the Insider *sigh*eyeroll* they're saying that maybe he's trying to prove to some lover that jilted him that he can settle down.

I really hope not, because although I don't hate the Q, she's nothing any woman would be envious if she were a lawyer working for Legal Aid for next to nothing, who takes care of her mentally challenged brother because they've been orphans since their parents died in a car crash when she was 12 and still volunteers at the orphanage her and her brother grew up in blah blah blah...that's something to be jealous of, and any woman would have to say "Wow, he really won the lottery with that one...

Maybe the Q wasn't expecting to be so hated...maybe the Rez assured her that his sheeple would just accept her because he had "endorsed" her as the most amazing woman in the world. I can't say whether TR lied explicitly or not, but something has to be said about his intimate knowledge of the idiosycracies of his fanbase, and their ideal of the superwoman they thought he'd end up with :roll:

If this, in fact, is all just a sordid little game, I would strongly suggest he stop it this very moment. The longer he waits, the worst the fallout will be, and since people like Colbert are commenting, other people will follow, and he will become the laughing stock of the decade...

Pray tell, how is that "prudent planning"?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

EvilNTent wrote:
His ego was always ballooned to epic proportions. What you have been seeing this year is nothing.

He's ALWAYS been Mr. Nasty Angry Uninteresting Douche. He's just older now & it's more public.

People don't change as they get older, they just get worse.
Of course. But for a few years there he actually seemed to be getting it and moving forward as a clean, sober, developing adult (and artist). He even came across as somewhat humbled. Addicts = lying manipulators, so it could have been all smoke and mirrors. Great act, if it was one.

I've been following his career since PHM so I've seen the ebbs and flows. He was doing very well circa WT. Something blew up between then and now, pre-MQ.

Still looks like relapse to me, even if it's mostly relapsed thinking and behavior. But, you know, what a tool. The targets of his lame flaming must be laughing their asses off daily. I can just picture the collections of Post-Its on their fridges and bathroom mirrors. "Hey, lookit what that hack Reznor said about me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!"
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

warmleatherette wrote:He's trying to piss off a former lover, his hardcore misguided fans that thought he was mr goth and hes not, and trying to piss off MS.

Any normal fan dont give an rat's ass what you do in your personal life its the cat shit crazy ass fans that take you and your music extremely personal like you are part of their life....which is a mild form of psychosis.
Trying to piss off ALL his former lovers/flings/rejectors, real or imagined.

I'm disappointed whenever someone who's blessed with talent and all the right breaks goes boring. He's a snore now, and he's not even old yet. You can't be cutting edge and a sellout simultaneously. He's taking the lazy road yeah, it's personally nauseating to me, whether he's some guy whose music I've admired or my best friend. The last thing the world needs is more lowest common denominator pandering mediocrity. But maybe that's just me.

Speaking of is it just me, anyone else finding it way creepy that he has ONE facial expression any more? I swear they're taking the same headshot and pasting it on his body in every picture for the past year or so.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LonelyGirl »

i'm trying to forget that i ever listened to nin or admired trent. now he's just become a source of entertainment for people to laugh at, and most of the time he doesn't even realize that he is the joke. it is interesting that he did turn off most of his female fanbase by telling people to slit their wrists and throwing his relationship in their faces, because those are the same people who support him by buying his tickets and albums. i predict trent will just continue with his mediocrity, going down a downward spiral,make shitty music with his alleged wife or whatever she is, produce a mingnping album and dj troublemaker, and all these other people whose music sucks just because they are friends with her. it will make it even easier to forget about him.

what did his music ever do for me? he got me through the lowest points of my life, when I felt like giving up. i thought i could relate to what he went through, and that he could relate to what i was going through. sometimes i felt that he was one of the few people in this world who could understand me. now trent's mr. hollywood media attention whore and i can't relate to a materialistic person like that at all. the person i once cared about is gone.
Last edited by LonelyGirl on Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

warmleatherette wrote:I'm sorry but I can't admire someone who doesn't motivate, inspire, and change the world for the best. U2 waaaay before they got popular he's telling a musical story about MLK, Prince singing nothing compares to you something anyone on this earth can relate to in their own lives a person(s) thats been there for them......What the fuck did Trent Reznor done personally for anyone and a cause...b/c some of you are pissed off and taking it like he's a relative or lover or some screwy ass shit...who buy his albums or listened to his music head over hills over the man TR.... but himself.....and thats why I really dont have a hardcore attachment to his music.

Actually he should be kissing his fans dookie flake ridden assholes....(because you know some of them can reach back far enough to wipe their own asses) for bending over backwards to see his ass and his over priced concerts, buying his junky ass shotty made limited editions and shit.....and they still stay around those fuckers are weak, pitiful, and cat shit crazy.
Pretty strong statement, Warmleatherette...where's all this anger coming from?

I believe any celebrity owes thanks to their audience - the very people that allow them to live in Bev Hills bungalows and drive expensive cars - but we also have to remember that they are human, just like us, prone to fucking up just as badly, if not more...must every celebrity have a pet cause, attempt to be preternaturally charming, good, kind? It sounds exhausting, and not worth the money they get paid...

...ultimately, we have to realize that we are paying these people to entertain us, to be our dancing monkeys, and is that really essential? Is it a life or death issue whether the person that sings some songs that people like, and others fantasize fucking, is an asshole in reality?

It's supposed to be smoke and mirrors, an escape from a dull reality - lies, deceit... that's the whole fucking point. Celebrity has been blown entirely out of proportion, and it's fucking stupid, but it does break my heart when i see people genuinely affected by the behavior of some fuckin' famous dildo who decided not to take a Xanax that day :evil:

EvilNTent insists that he's been a couple donuts short of a dozen for a long time - and that he's egotistical and immature, and I tend to believe her.

Why make fun of the women that desire you backstage with your prepubescent behaving cohorts? Especially when you engineered it that way, carefully groomed your music and image to arouse desire, even *sigh* love in some of these weak, lost women?

He's either horribly insecure, or a monster. He might be both, but I hope he's neither...

Needless to say, he needs to take the cure. Yesterday.

P.S. - Have a safe Hallowe'en everyone... :twisted:
Last edited by amouthfulofsin220 on Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

warmleatherette wrote:Any normal fan dont give an rat's ass what you do in your personal life its the cat shit crazy ass fans that take you and your music extremely personal like you are part of their life....which is a mild form of psychosis.
Not really. How many people stopped liking/buying Michael Jackson's music after the pedo allegations (whether true or not)?

While I don't care what TR (or anyone else) does in his private life, one of the few ways I can voice my opinion and have any influence, even if it is small, is the way in which I spend my money or what I support & recommend to friends. There are certain stores where I won't shop and certain brands I won't buy because I don't agree with their business practices, etc. This is no different.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

Jesus H. Christ, what did Mozart do to change the world or "for a cause"? Hmmm. Created great art, that's all - WHAT A FUCKING LOSER! News flash, that's all any artist has to do, what kind of argument is that, that U2 or Prince have more gravitas than TR because of songs about socially relevant figures or emotions people can relate to? HUH?

TR's best songs are big on political commentary and raw emotion, but that isn't even the point. The cause of art is to create art. Period. His selling out is what bothers me, way more than his bizarre rants and poor taste in females.

I have no problem with what people like to listen to, read, look at, art is subjective, but selling out to hipsterdom I can't excuse.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by snarky0 »

goths... hipsters... pot meet kettle :wink:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="Love_heals"]Speaking of is it just me, anyone else finding it way creepy that he has ONE facial expression any more? .[/quote]

Welcome to the wonderful world of Botox. Vanity, thy name is Trent.

But then, he wouldn't want to look like her father, would he?

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

snarky0 wrote:goths... hipsters... pot meet kettle :wink:
The age-old blood feud...

I think TR wants to surround himself with the polar opposite of his mostly erstwhile fanbase.

The problem with that is that he was never truly goth...and he isn't a hipster either.

Such a crisis of identity should've been least 25 years ago.

Why can't he be satisfied with being broody angry musician dude who is neither goth nor hipster, but just himself?

That formula's worked for him so far...and deviating from it has proved devastating.

*food for thought.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Sure »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:
snarky0 wrote:goths... hipsters... pot meet kettle :wink:
Why can't he be satisfied with being broody angry musician dude who is neither goth nor hipster, but just himself

Because I think he's finally accepted that he's just too damn old for that shit anymore. Seriously, the broody, angry musician thing is something that peaks at 25.

Kinda like him :wink:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

Hope everyone had a great Hallowe'en. I rarely log onto myspace, but when I did today, I was taken aback...I received a friend's request from:

LOL, the name had me thinking..oh oh did join some sort of Support-Trent's-Trainwreck on myspace?? lol
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

I have a serious question:

What do you all really think of that tweeting woman Maria?

I don't want to stir up an old issue, but she continues to sound, I don't know, as if TR is supposedly constantly bothering her, even tweeting something about requesting a "druggie counselor letter stating that [he] sees them 5 times a week before she'll talk to [him] again"...and that isn't even the worst of it...

Is this woman a stark, raving lunutic or is she for real, and TR is the nutty one??

If he really is trying to contact her, why couldn't she just tell him then to leave her be, not tweet it (fuck Twitter!) to the free world? Why would she be as lame as to put it out there, and why would he hang her ass out to dry last May/June to the NINternet if he was really "in love" with her?

In any case, poor woman is most probably certifiable >shaking head<

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by RichardL »

On the insider board, they are saying that trent got a vasectomy, a clip.
I can see him doing that so he doesn't breed with the heshe, but what if he later ends up marrying someone else who is talented, beautiful, and isn't mentally ill? His kids could have been good looking, like he was up until 6 months ago when he puffed out like the staypuff marshmellow man, and musicially talented, like he was in the 1990's.
What are people's opinions on his getting clipped?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Maybe they don't breed like normal humans. Maybe all he has to do is insert his hobbit foot up her ass to impregnate her and she pops the alien babies out that big mouth of hers. They'll have lots of little hairy big mouthed hobbit babies. :|
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Love_heals »

I don't know where the goth label even came from. His music is industrial, if you have to put a label on it. There isn't even really such a genre as goth, it's a wastebasket name for anything dark/angsty/angry and bands who attract audiences dressed like wannabe vampires.

Nobody wants their music called "goth". It's more of an insult than anything.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Cashmere wrote:
citrinecastle wrote:Maybe they don't breed like normal humans. Maybe all he has to do is insert his hobbit foot up her ass to impregnate her and she pops the alien babies out that big mouth of hers. They'll have lots of little hairy big mouthed hobbit babies. :|
:lol: LMAO and the hobbit babies are on a quest to find the elusive engagement RING.

Heh heh...the One Ring To Make Him Tall. :lol: A force of nature to be reckoned with indeed. On their quest to find the One Ring To Make Him Tall with his legion of alien butt sockmonkey babies, Trodo (Trent/Frodo) can even enlist the help of his friend Robwise, who else will wipe his ass and listen to his little bitchfests?

Or maybe that should be Queefwise? She, afterall, eats like a hog.

They must avoid attracting the Brown Eye of Whoredor. :lol: That would be his chubby wrist slitting fan base and Marilyn Smeagol Manson who wants his precioussss back.

Oh lord.....the possibilites are endless.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Oh yeah....instead of an army of Ents helping with the quest, he'll have an army of mods with their Trent dolls in fishnets. These sheep will be called Trents. :wink:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

citrinecastle wrote:Oh yeah....instead of an army of Ents helping with the quest, he'll have an army of mods with their Trent dolls in fishnets. These sheep will be called Trents. :wink:

LOL, I love your comments! haa haa
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="amouthfulofsin220"][b]I have a serious question[/b]:

What do you all really think of that tweeting woman Maria?

I don't want to stir up an old issue, but she continues to sound, I don't know, [i]as if TR is supposedly constantly bothering her[/i], even tweeting something about requesting a "druggie counselor letter stating that [he] sees them 5 times a week before she'll talk to [him] again"...and that isn't even the worst of it...

Is this woman a stark, raving lunutic or is she for real, and [i]TR[/i] is the nutty one??

If he [i]really[/i] is trying to contact her, why couldn't she just tell him then to leave her be, not [i]tweet[/i] it (fuck Twitter!) to the free world? Why would she be as lame as to put it out there, and why would he hang her ass out to dry last May/June to the NINternet if he was really "in love" with her?

In any case, poor woman is most probably certifiable >shaking head<

[i]The NINternet: Where Wonders Never Cease[/i][/quote]

I hate to be rude but she isn't really the type to catch a rock star's eye. (cough cough) Not even one with such questionable taste as TR's.

And he's not exactly the type to fall in love with a woman's intellect.

Obviously. Heh.

My opinion? The lights are on but nobody's home.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

RichardL wrote:On the insider board, they are saying that trent got a vasectomy, a clip.
I can see him doing that so he doesn't breed with the heshe, but what if he later ends up marrying someone else who is talented, beautiful, and isn't mentally ill? His kids could have been good looking, like he was up until 6 months ago when he puffed out like the staypuff marshmellow man, and musicially talented, like he was in the 1990's.
What are people's opinions on his getting clipped?
wow its fucking awesome the things that board comes up with

though i heard through the grapevine that YZ was passed over again for premium tv
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Love_heals wrote:I don't know where the goth label even came from. His music is industrial, if you have to put a label on it. There isn't even really such a genre as goth, it's a wastebasket name for anything dark/angsty/angry and bands who attract audiences dressed like wannabe vampires.

Nobody wants their music called "goth". It's more of an insult than anything.
To be fair, yes, his music is industrial, but the way that he put himself out there in the 90's - his presentation - was decidedly goth, and since it was his "heyday", it's the way most people remember him. For the average joe on the street, if someone mentions NIN, they might not recognize it. If you play "Closer" for them, they'll go "Ohhhh" and say "that's the song with that dude in handcuffs, right?"

Exhibit A:
If you were walking down the street and you saw this otherworldly creature, I bet the first thought in your head (besides how beautiful he is) isn't going to be "Well, he's soo industrial"

I get what you're saying, but it's just the way of the world >shrugs<

He looked goth, so his music was informally labeled goth by association...he shed that pretty fast though, by 99' he'd learned his lesson and slowly began to change his image lmao

I have another question: I was just watching Queen of the Damned - do you think Lestat's persona in the film was modeled after 90's Trent? For that matter, what of Tommy Gnosis in Hedwig and the Angry Inch? (which is one of my top 10 favorite movies) Please excuse me if this has been discussed before, I'm new :mrgreen:

P.S. - "Trent Reznor: The Dude With the Black Rubber Gloves" ...

... a possible name for his biography? :wink:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by smittenkitten666 »

Exhibit A:

Heres a suggestion TR - Quit the steroids, lose five stone, grow your hair, and take lessons from Depeche Mode. How to grow old with style...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

TR was not hot nor fine to me during those "I look like I haven't had a meal in weeks" TDS days. He looked soft as hell and he was in fish nets. Who wants a man that looks like you could kick his ass?? Oh yeah.....I"m positive I could've taken TR from 1989-1999. I mean, blow on him and he looked like he'd fall over--nothing scary about him so I don't understand why people gave him that reputation.
Also, I"m glad he cut his hair. Men look ridiculous with long hair as they age. He'd be great if he'd chill with the Botox, get back on his fitness program, oh, and stop being an asshole....but that isn't happening.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by EvilNTent »

[quote="amouthfulofsin220"]If you were walking down the street and you saw this otherworldly creature, I bet the first thought in your head (besides how beautiful he is)[/quote]

Uh huh.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

But Dave Gahan is not a pussy and had gotten tats as opposed to Trent who doesn't like needles.

But Dave has his Martin Gore to even him out.. Who does Trent have besides a couple of LA hipsters half his age who kiss his ass on a daily basis?

...But do i really need to Trent him with his shitty "Head Like a hole" dreadlocks and nose ring?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by smittenkitten666 »

That's one of TR's biggest problems right there.

Who does TR have in his life who is prepared to stand up, man up, be a TRUE friend, and tell him the truth - AND keep on doing it until he listens? Who cares about him enough to do that?


No. They all know who pays the bills.

Not a single one of them brave enough to be honest with him. Poor bastard.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Well TR wouldn't want to see me coming because I wouldn't give a damn about his moods nor his attitude. He designs it so he's around people with no spine that don't have the nerve to challenge him. Kinda sad that at his age, he has no real friends, no people who aren't on his payroll that he calls "friends." Also, the people he's around aren't in his age group--which is the major problem. People who are ten years younger and more than you will naturally revere you in some respect...and you are pretty much always the one in charge. On those pics of him at the amusement park, he looks about as sane as I'd look as a 20 something woman playing in the sandbox with preschoolers. It's sad when it's obvious to everyone else that you don't belong. He's truly that "old man in the club" in the young guy clothes looking like Bobo the Fool doing the running man.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois


wouldnt that be funny if all of his angry fans sent all his albums and NIN shit back to him and demand the money back!
and say something like this to him

"I want all the money I saved up from my lunch money school starved so I could go to a NIN concert"


"I lost 50 pounds buying NIN shit, could not afford to feed myself or my kids, because of my pricey NINE INCH NAILS habit! Could not slit my tiny skinny wrist" lol
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