NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Serious question that you can answer or not.....if this is beating a dead horse to you, why do you lurk or come back? Honestly. I hate the idea that prevails around here that is anybody is better than anybody else when we're all here because we're messy, like to watch a trainwreck, and come here for shits and giggles to pass time while doing other work online. At least I do. I don't get this looking down the nose on some that your post wreaks of. This is MS, this is a thread, and it's made to be posted in. The message board concept exists for it to be used. :roll: This thread is to pick Goth Uncle apart, and if that bothers you, I don't know why you'd even open this thread. No sarcasm, just keeping it honest. It's like going to a steakhouse and you're a Peta supporter. Why the fuck are you there??
He doesn't mind bashing people who call themselves his fans, who cares if a picture of him is bashed?? Who cares if he's bashed in general?

Second, you don't know who knows anybody on this board or what they really know about the situation at hand. You also don't know what's inaccurate and what's not. Just because you don't know about it, doesn't make it inaccurate you may have just heard something else. Some of us actually know the people in question in this thread, and others on MS. LA is a very *small* place for such a major city. That's all I"m going to say.
A post from a person doesn't tell the entire story of who they know, or what they know. I"m not saying there hasn't been nonsense on MS before because that would be a lie--as there are truly some ignorant, racist, lying Bitches in this thread and all over MS.I am however saying for you to sit up on thrown like you're all knowing is a tad pretentious.
Have a good evening.

misanthropia wrote:Well, I see the crazy in here is still as thick & sticky as napalm (and just as irritating) :P

I think Mariqueen lacks that inner 'common sense' filter. (Yeah, yeah- duh. Understatement of the decade.) I looked at the picture of her with that creepy-looking, pseudo-bible thumper dude - I don't think she has the ability to discern how one should appear or conduct themselves in different situations, or any sense of what is inappropriate.

But I have to agree with AMFOS here regarding the hypocrisy of religious fanatics. (Y'know, like Larry Craig doing the Teahouse Tapdance for cock while voting to keep same-sex marriage illegal, and the thousand other examples of which you are all aware.) That's not sticking up for Mariqueen; that's just calling a prick a prick.

And, that 'gift' is just embarrassing. That's the kind of thing your almost-blind, senile old aunt gives you- which you stash away in the attic unless she's visiting, heh.

On another note: I've done my share of bitching about & making fun of this crazy situation, no doubt about that. But, really- some of it's just getting old. Pink Trent is annoying, definitely- but I don't quite grasp the repeated, vitriolic bashing of them in that picture. Sure, it looks like a stupid place (and Rob does look like he's doubling-down on the Xanax there), but Mariqueen looks surprisingly nice in that picture, and what the hell is wrong with how Tamar looks? She may be a bit vapid IRL, but she's not an ugly woman. Eye of the beholder, I guess...

News from Camp Crazy Train has been a bit slow lately, but beating a dead horse is boring and passe. Laughing at some of it is one thing, and there've been some very funny photoshops and song parodies in this thread (to which I have admittedly contributed)- but constantly picking them apart is just boring. TR is bloated and seems to have gone off the deep end; Mariqueen is an untalented, crass attention whore; this shit makes no sense; ad nauseum. We know! But there's only so many times and so many ways that the same damn things can be said.

Side note: I must say, it's very amusing to see some people in here talk as if they know these people personally, or accuse those who disagree with their wacky conspiracy theories of secretly wanting to fuck TR, etc. etc.

Well- some people who post here have been there, done that, would not do it again. There are some who know or have known some of the people in question, IRL- and some of you would be surprised at the inaccuracy the majority of the nonsense spewed here.

Been holding that in for a while now, and it's the only time I'm going to address it in that manner. *returning to my insignificance in lurk mode*
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

I started posting here (well, in the old thread) for the same reasons as you and everyone else here. To express my bewilderment at this fuckery, to bitch about it, and to laugh. The latter is why I still visit this thread (as I said, the photochops and songs are truly funny!)

I certainly don't think I'm better than anyone- in fact, I'd be the first to say that I'm not. I like talking & joking with most of you here and I have contributed my share to this thread. And as for Some of us actually know the people in question in this thread, and others on MS - that was my point, exactly. Not everyone likes or feels the need to blast their personal business or history to the world, and no one knows just who is who behind a nym.

A post from a person doesn't tell the entire story of who they know, or what they know. Indeed. And that's all I'm saying.

Mine was an honest question as well- I'm not personally affected by it, nor do I really care- I just don't understand it. I'm here for the laughs, like you and everyone else. When I see the funny, I applaud it, and contribute when I can. It has just ceased to be funny in most instances, and so I stated my opinion. That's all.
bronzecookie81 wrote:Serious question that you can answer or not.....if this is beating a dead horse to you, why do you lurk or come back? Honestly. I hate the idea that prevails around here that is anybody is better than anybody else when we're all here because we're messy, like to watch a trainwreck, and come here for shits and giggles to pass time while doing other work online. At least I do. I don't get this looking down the nose on some that your post wreaks of. This is MS, this is a thread, and it's made to be posted in. The message board concept exists for it to be used. :roll: This thread is to pick Goth Uncle apart, and if that bothers you, I don't know why you'd even open this thread. No sarcasm, just keeping it honest. It's like going to a steakhouse and you're a Peta supporter. Why the fuck are you there??
He doesn't bashing people who call themselves his fans, who cares if a picture of him is bashed?? Who cares if he's bashed in general?

Second, you don't know who knows anybody on this board or what they really know about the situation at hand. You also don't know what's inaccurate and what's not. Just because you don't know about it, doesn't make it inaccurate you may have just heard something else. Some of us actually know the people in question in this thread, and others on MS. LA is a very *small* place for such a major city. That's all I"m going to say.
A post from a person doesn't tell the entire story of who they know, or what they know. I"m not saying there hasn't been nonsense on MS before because that would be a lie--as there are truly some ignorant, racist, lying Bitches in this thread and all over MS.I am however saying for you to sit up on thrown like you're all knowing is a tad pretentious.
Have a good evening.

misanthropia wrote:Well, I see the crazy in here is still as thick & sticky as napalm (and just as irritating) :P

I think Mariqueen lacks that inner 'common sense' filter. (Yeah, yeah- duh. Understatement of the decade.) I looked at the picture of her with that creepy-looking, pseudo-bible thumper dude - I don't think she has the ability to discern how one should appear or conduct themselves in different situations, or any sense of what is inappropriate.

But I have to agree with AMFOS here regarding the hypocrisy of religious fanatics. (Y'know, like Larry Craig doing the Teahouse Tapdance for cock while voting to keep same-sex marriage illegal, and the thousand other examples of which you are all aware.) That's not sticking up for Mariqueen; that's just calling a prick a prick.

And, that 'gift' is just embarrassing. That's the kind of thing your almost-blind, senile old aunt gives you- which you stash away in the attic unless she's visiting, heh.

On another note: I've done my share of bitching about & making fun of this crazy situation, no doubt about that. But, really- some of it's just getting old. Pink Trent is annoying, definitely- but I don't quite grasp the repeated, vitriolic bashing of them in that picture. Sure, it looks like a stupid place (and Rob does look like he's doubling-down on the Xanax there), but Mariqueen looks surprisingly nice in that picture, and what the hell is wrong with how Tamar looks? She may be a bit vapid IRL, but she's not an ugly woman. Eye of the beholder, I guess...

News from Camp Crazy Train has been a bit slow lately, but beating a dead horse is boring and passe. Laughing at some of it is one thing, and there've been some very funny photoshops and song parodies in this thread (to which I have admittedly contributed)- but constantly picking them apart is just boring. TR is bloated and seems to have gone off the deep end; Mariqueen is an untalented, crass attention whore; this shit makes no sense; ad nauseum. We know! But there's only so many times and so many ways that the same damn things can be said.

Side note: I must say, it's very amusing to see some people in here talk as if they know these people personally, or accuse those who disagree with their wacky conspiracy theories of secretly wanting to fuck TR, etc. etc.

Well- some people who post here have been there, done that, would not do it again. There are some who know or have known some of the people in question, IRL- and some of you would be surprised at the inaccuracy the majority of the nonsense spewed here.

Been holding that in for a while now, and it's the only time I'm going to address it in that manner. *returning to my insignificance in lurk mode*
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

warmleatherette wrote: The bottom line of a messageboard is to let loose and speak your opinions
...and, that's just what I did. I didn't insult anyone or tell anyone to amend their posting habits, I just stated my opinion. Problem?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Under500 »

I can't believe I'm saying this. But why? Seriously, why? I've been attacked, my "fake" me has been attacked, my friends and family. Why? If you want my info, ask. If you want to know about TR, ask him. Seriously, its old.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

What's going on here?
Under500 wrote:I can't believe I'm saying this. But why? Seriously, why? I've been attacked, my "fake" me has been attacked, my friends and family. Why? If you want my info, ask. If you want to know about TR, ask him. Seriously, its old.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Yeah, what in the hell?
bronzecookie81 wrote::shock:
What's going on here?
Under500 wrote:I can't believe I'm saying this. But why? Seriously, why? I've been attacked, my "fake" me has been attacked, my friends and family. Why? If you want my info, ask. If you want to know about TR, ask him. Seriously, its old.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

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That's hilarious- I love the mod :D
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Under500 »

I have children online. They see this shit. They are hurt by it, Please stop. Again you want my info, ask. TR has nothing to do with my family. Please leave them alone.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Under500 wrote:I have children online. They see this shit. They are hurt by it, Please stop. Again you want my info, ask. TR has nothing to do with my family. Please leave them alone.
Ok: who the fuck are you? And I don't recall anyone attacking children in this thread.

Unless your son is pushing 45 and needs his mom to fight his battles? :lol:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Just got this piece of shit working again and only read the last page: need to catch up....

1. WHAT is up with people attacking/harassing your children? :shock:

2. I am only here for entertainment/fuck with people reasons. Alas, I've never been able to get someone mad at me (minus that whacko that claimed she was married to Robin of Ratt)

3. If anyone has any question ever as to who I my screen name. It doesn't change. Ever. Unless you play Disney games online then ya, LMAO, I have another name.

4. Just a weird point to make...just because....Q ain't prostitute material because she's far too old.....last I knew, the prime age of a popular high paid one was TWELVE FUCKING YEARS OLD. Sad but true. Hitting 16, you lose your value.

Hmmm...maybe that's why a certain someone is probably lurking about Toy's R Us this fine season. :lol:

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

posted a tad late and missed that
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

cathousebabe wrote:Shes that chick on Twitter that Kurt Blunt asked if she had Trent's Crackhead baby.
And no one wants your fucking information under500
Thanks. I was just schooled on this, lol. I stay out of Twatter drama so I just know what's posted for the lulz here, but it looked like no one took it seriously anyway.

Don't know, don't care :mrgreen:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

cathousebabe wrote:Meh from what I hear it's just another stunt for attention just like her saying she's had his kid. The Holidays always bring out the crazies :D
'Tis the season! "Fa-la-la-la... oh, fuck it!" (From Milk & Cheese, one of the greatest comics ever produced :D )

I just don't want any more PMs, please. I have nothing to do with it, Under500, and I seriously don't want to be involved.

I'm home sick tonight and want to catch up on Dlisted, damn it! :D <3 Michael K.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

You are a wise man, Sludger. :cool:

Um- I had no idea about the Under500 details. And the PMs just keep coming! Sigh...
sludger wrote: Mis, I think you are just tired of Fatso and chuckybride, not Metal Sludge. Every board has it's tone and culture, so jump in and continue to throw the sludge on Fatso. Let it all hang out.

Under500, stop writing about your kids online and no one will comment on it. Go to one those "Mommy & Me" websites and write about your kids there. Why are you telling people you are the adopted mother of Trent Reznor's son from a crackhead mother? Did you think you could let that one rip and no one would question it? Go get your head checked out and stop giving NINtards and exfans crazy ass gossip. Of course, people are going to watch you and see what other crazy ass things you do and say. Persecution complex, ask your doc what that is.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Under500 »

I do not have any children with TR. So please leave them alone. I don't know where any of you got your info. But please.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

I'm not going to be a bitch and post private messages, but- is there any reason for someone to keep repeating that "they know TR"? LOL!

If you are trying to impress us, you're barking up the wrong tree, sister. So do many of the people who post here, and not all of us are proud of it :P
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »


I take a couple of hours to bask in the winter wonderland and this thread had taken a sharp turn to becoming entertaining again 8)

What's Under500 on? She reminds me of that chick Foofighter that's causing all kinds of drama on other parts of this board...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Under500 »

I am simply asking the people that are messaging my children from here to leave them alone. I don't care what you think of me. But the kids are off limits. Thanks.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

sludger wrote:AMFOS, your writing style is not direct that is why people think you lust after Fatso. It's not our responsibility to try to figure out what you are writing. It has nothing to do with intelligence. My point regarding the religious people is - No religion promotes hooker behavior so they are not prudish. Speaking of prudishness, where online is your nude photos? I wanna see them, just post the link.
Touche, good buddy, touche.

Consider me verbally spanked. :P
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:What's Under500 on?
I think it's more a question of what she's NOT on :D (I know, that was too easy.)

Hey Under500, you just said it was Twatter people you were having a problem with and not Sludgers. So why keep posting this stuff here?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Under500 »

Sorry if you misunderstood, but no. People from here. They post on both.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Under500 wrote:Sorry if you misunderstood, but no. People from here. They post on both.
Check the 4th PM you sent to me. That's not what you said. Don't make me be a bitch and post screen shots of PMs!

And fuck, I had no part in it and don't even care about this! That's the last time I attempt to be nice to the asylum inhabitants. Geez.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Under500 wrote:Sorry if you misunderstood, but no. People from here. They post on both.
Fuck it, I'm bored and I'll bite.

Honey, sweetheart, darling -

If your children are being bothered by the big bad bitches of MS...or Twitter (fuck Twitter)

<<wait for it>>

...tell them to turn off the fucking computer, and filter their mail. They shouldn't be on this late anyways.

Problem solved. :?

I find it hard to believe anyone who normally posts here is desperate enough for entertainment to bother the likes of you - or your progeny.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Thanks, sludger. Yeah, this has "recommended: lithium carbonate" written all over it, lol. Maybe Ding Dong can write her an Rx :D

I'm backing away slowly from the whole thing. Although, I did grab and upload the PM where she states it was Twitter ppl, not Sludgers, who are emailing her kids & I will post it if she keeps lying about it. I'm generally not in the habit of posting PMs, but don't send a bunch of incoherent BS and then turn right around and post something contradictory on the board & expect that no one will call you out on your bullshit.

Under500 is not very good at the Internets!

sludger wrote:
BEWARE Mis, this Under500 is a real NIN nutjob. Over the past 6 months, she has already contacted and pm six people on MS telling them far fetched stories of Trent and herself. Besides the adopted Trent son routine (which she admits Trent doesn't know he has a son), she has told people she went to high school w/Fatso and was in his high school band. But, one of her twitter friends bought her a meet and greet for a NIN show, if she knew him from high school why the meet and greet. She says she used to hang with Fatso in Cleveland at bars and clubs but Fatso doesn't acknowledge her and blocked her on twitter. She is like Fatso, lots of lies to draw you into the circus, then you realize nothing they say makes any sense or is real. I always thought she was an exjunkie.

Under500 post those emails with the properties details. Just click on file > properties > then copy and paste the properties details and we can tell if they are real emails. I doubt anyone is contacting your kids.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

WHOA THIS IS GETTING INTERESTING... is under500 the crazy bitch from who claims she is on disability but used to fuck trent? Complete with kids and a husband she followed nin everywhere last year?

is this who I think it is?

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Oh dear.

Apparently she's told people that she went to school with him, and even blew in the band with him...and that she had his baby - which, if what she is saying is to be believed and she used to hang with him when he was nine and a half inch nails in Cleveland - his firstborn child isn't much of a child anymore, are they?

Whether this is just manufactured bullshit or a real woman on the edge, she set herself up to get attacked by randomly PMing people on here and on Twatter - sure, there are those who would just dismiss her as another nutter and move one with their lives, but there are bullies out there with serious hacking skillz and nothing better to than to fuck with a woman barely hanging by a thread.

She's the one that was allegedly bothering TR's nephew, right? Family's off-limits, don't the NINtards know that?? I don't want to say she brought it on herself, but...

She may have brought it on herself.

@ BaGawker - This lady might be different from the blonde with the disability checks and the NINnyvan :lol: - she was just garden variety obsessed, and by what I read of her she hadn't had a taste of his goodies.

This gem is going out to the great TR himself - he's still got da bitchez jockin' his N-U-T-Z yo!
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:This lady might be different from the blonde with the disability checks and the NINnyvan
NINnnyVan! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, man. See what I miss out on by not visiting more often?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

misanthropia wrote:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:This lady might be different from the blonde with the disability checks and the NINnyvan
NINnnyVan! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, man. See what I miss out on by not visiting more often?
I got that juicy bit of info from the second incarnation of this thread...they even posted a video of the lady on some judge show getting her ass handed to her.

Did she post a lot at

Yeah, NINnyvan is :P What will those clever fuckers think of next? LMAO

NINternet Hate Machine: TR's nickname for his Mac Pro laptop...I'm sure that fucker's got some sweet flames stenciled on it too - along with a Prince love sign and a "Buddy Christ" sticker stuck right over the apple behind the screen.

Too fuckin' awesome :twisted:
Last edited by amouthfulofsin220 on Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

LOLZ ninnyvan. wasnt it a VWbug?

anything new with andreaurbanfuck up and creepy maria?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

I dunno, I'd just assumed she was one of the "kool-aid drinkers." I haven't hung around on a regular basis since before it became the Spiral. Damn, I wish I'd have seen that video (oh gawd, please let it have been Judge Judy! LOL)


I fuckin' LOVE Buddy Christ!
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: I got that juicy bit of info from the second incarnation of this thread...they even posted a video of the lady on some judge show getting her ass handed to her.

Did she post a lot at

Yeah, NINnyvan is :P What will those clever fuckers think of next? LMAO

NINternet Hate Machine: TR's nickname for his Mac Pro laptop...I'm sure that fucker's got some sweet flame stenciled on it too - along with a Prince love sign and a "Buddy Christ" sticker stuck right over the apple behind the screen.

Too fuckin' awesome :twisted:
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