NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Holy shit AMFOS, you must be on your meds because that post made lots of sense.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Orionslavegirl1 wrote:Holy shit AMFOS, you must be on your meds because that post made lots of sense.


There's a difference between being respected as a person and getting it on vs being an easy lay with no respect and you're a 'sure thang'. Such a 'sure thang' that they'll tell everyone about you and have NO respect for you as a person.

Frankly, I choose to be respected and liked as me. Instead of some asshole thinking he can have a go at me because one of his mates said I was 'easy'. And 'hey, have a go'.

It's called self respect.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Orionslavegirl1 wrote:Holy shit AMFOS, you must be on your meds because that post made lots of sense.


is that a roundabout way of making nice? I'll bite :wink:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

@ Citrene. True that. Sure you could have had a lay with everyone in the NIN camp. Doesn't mean you are hot shit. Just means you are an easy lay.

@AMFOS....maybe...*raises eyebrow*
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Courtesy of Earlive on Twitter.

This is the from the showing of TOIOU in the Kniting Factory in Brooklyn NY- Brownsville/Buschwick- a lousy area. After yet another snow storm. There are no seats so these people STOOD UP and treated this like a concert. FAIL

Earlive is the dirty blond in the checkered shirt next to Papagoulash(in the grey)

I gave earlive a lift to a NIN show once. All she talked about was Robin Finck. She then proceeded to attempt to score drugs and was so wasted (and afraid of the portopottys) she tried to pee in a bottle-failed miserably- and ended up peeing on my wheels. I heard she got a ride from one of Riots crew to the New Hampshire show and ended up,not helping to pay for the room and going to every floor leaving pictures of Robin and her address so he can sign it and send it back to her.Even Riots crew won't touch her. She won the "?" contest by finding the one in Central park and met the band @ Jones Beach

Papagoulash-the dude in grey- has been all over the country to see NIN. He is in his mid thirties and still lives at home with his parents and is a nin/ets mod. He has met trent through the EDLC donations-but that was his moving out/donations from ETS money. Pushing further into debt and duping ETS members into donating. Did i mention he has liver problems but still continues to drink?

The dude dancing is Hippie Geek. Another ETS/nin member

The dude in the red is Johnathan. He travels with his GF and is a member of Riots crew. He has the knack of being 5 foot nothing and fighting with security all the time. We nearly got into a fist fight in NH

Riot made that banner. She must be taking the picture.

THIS IS WHY I HATE NIN FANS. I know in every single band following there are the crazy people but NIN fans are mostly comprised of crazy assholes and obese woman obsessed with Trent. They have to make dresses,dolls,collages and stalk every member of the band/backstage crew. Its sick. Yes.SICK. I have seen the video myself-its edited horribly because its shaky and blurry. It gave me a headache. And the fact these people trekked to a shitty area of Brooklyn-Papagulosh lives on Long Island- to see a video of a concert and treat it like a concert is SAD and PATHETIC.

edit: This is what it looked like
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

The pic isn't showing up, but goddamn it if what you just described isn't the most ridiculous fucking thing I"ve ever heard......Sweet Jebus, all these mutherfuckers need to be committed.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

What is that shit about? I don't go to the forum, but the other day when he posted that "?" photo I read a few comments......why are the majority of posters at only a few posts and always say things like, "You're the best Trent!!!" or some other stupid ass comment. I don't think I saw but a few people with a post count above say 100. Some of the screen names are suspect too.

[quote="cathousebabe"]The extremists annoy the piss out of me too but there's no way around them at a Nails concert.
And just think there is a whole new gaggle of them begging for new music on the forum.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Waaa i wanted Rail for the Screening/scarcasm

@ Cathouse. Every.single.concert. you go to they were there. Same assholes. And yes,during LITS i went to multiple. That show was great. It was the waiting all day just to get a decent place in the pit is annoying. Add to the fact that Riots Crew multiplies as the day progresses

Oh i forgot to mention a hysterical thing about Earlive. She accused me of stalking her (to a nin mod of all people)because she saw me @ the New York Comic Con. Um. Honey-half of NY was there you dumbass.

--Besides i know where you live, If i wanted to stalk you...
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

LMAO! Good for you!
LITS was a whole lot better than NIN/JA except when it came to the opening band. I liked SSSC a whole lot better than most of the bands that opened during LITS.

I got center at the special Atlantic City show -even after having a regular pit ticket- not because i got there early (because they kept ejecting people who tried to form a line) but by sheer force of will.

You may get the rail-but it doesn't matter unless you KEEP the rail.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »


I had a Big Brother-ish moment there, heh. (The 1984 kind.) That whole thing is just sad.

Also, I recognized a few of 'Riot's crew' in that picture. Those kind of crazy ETS/ people and their behavior are why I only went to one LITS show, even though that tour rocked.

I'd skipped the W_T tour because I didn't care for more than 3 songs on that CD & I have to be really motivated to go to concerts now that I'm not 20 anymore, heh. So my last NIN concert experience(s) before LITS were during Fragility 2.0. There have always been obsessively crazy fans and stuff, but I don't recall it being quite that bad back then.

Maybe I'm just getting old & memory is beginning to fail me, but there seemed to be much more camaraderie while waiting in line (among everyone- not just certain cliques.) We got yelled at by one of Riot's minions for walking up to talk to people we hadn't seen in years while waiting in the loosely-gathered LITS line, and it was still hours before the show! (Even before they stuck us in the 'wrist band holding pen'.)

Btw, the only reason I used to 'get rail' is because I'm hopelessly short. Crazy-ass loons have made that an unpleasant experience now. And I got so tossed around from the pit spilling over at the LITS concert that I eventually just went upstairs and found an empty seat.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Im sorry about your experience Misanthropia.But you didn't miss much - the later concerts/NIN/JA tour had the Riot crew start unofficial lines and marking peoples hands with sharpies way earlier in the day.

I can say that i had the pleasantest experiences at Tampa during the NIN/Ja tour because i saw people i had never seen before who were there way earlier than Riot and her crew and basically ignore the stupid bitch in the dress. No other concert for no other band i went to had was a bad experiences (except Morrisey because he was late and a douche) Every NIN show i went to- except the one above- i had a problem.

I wish i had gone to Fragility-but i was too young.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

My momma said NO too. She said " The fuck you like an animal guy? For petes sake-They cover themselves in CORN STARCH!"

I LOL till this day

She would go down the line- Hand out an ARG flag and mark your hand

I wonder if there were juice boxes too?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by svgshadowhunter »

what a bunch of snippy bitches.

Calling someone a "whore" on a groupie board for fucking musicians. That makes sense......if you're fucking crazy.

Mob Mentality at it's finest.

and "whores" get paid....groupies are in it for the fun....

Stupid NINtards
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

svgshadowhunter wrote:what a bunch of snippy bitches.

Calling someone a "whore" on a groupie board for fucking musicians. That makes sense......if you're fucking crazy.

Mob Mentality at it's finest.

and "whores" get paid....groupies are in it for the fun....

Stupid NINtards
Oh looked who dropped in.

Yea its a groupie board. Most of us don't give a shit about the groupies. Its the NIN groupies that we are suspect about because they will do anything to get backstage for what?


He isn't worth their effort.

Anything new you wanna add before you go away again?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

Orionslavegirl1 wrote:the later concerts/NIN/JA tour had the Riot crew start unofficial lines and marking peoples hands with sharpies way earlier in the day.
I only WISH she'd have tried pulling that shit at the show I attended, heh. It was a very hot day and I was already pissed-off at her antics. Riot would've gotten a boot to the taco! Would've been worth it just to smear that ugly 'The Slip' dress the mentally-challenged dipshit was wearing.
Orionslavegirl1 wrote:I can say that i had the pleasantest experiences at Tampa during the NIN/Ja tour because i saw people i had never seen before who were there way earlier than Riot and her crew and basically ignore the stupid bitch in the dress.
I lol'd. I honestly couldn't imagine how anyone could take her seriously, much less let her pretend to be Line Dictator. Lol.

Despite my bitching, I enjoyed the show itself. That had to be one of the best concerts I've ever seen, production-wise. I had no desire to see NIN/JA, but I kind of wish I'd seen JA. They're always good.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Omg she was wearing a psuedo wedding dress @ the Atlantic City show. It had black birds on it and was a "Ghosts" dress. I still don't understand why she cries during Hurt (every time) and how she survives each pit intact

LMAO@ boot to her taco.

I loved LITS. Although NIN/JA had its moments. JA was great in NY but shitty in Tampa-and those are the only two concerts i went to.^^ and what Cathouse said. LOL its true!
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by svgshadowhunter »

Orionslavegirl1 wrote:
svgshadowhunter wrote:what a bunch of snippy bitches.

Calling someone a "whore" on a groupie board for fucking musicians. That makes sense......if you're fucking crazy.

Mob Mentality at it's finest.

and "whores" get paid....groupies are in it for the fun....

Stupid NINtards
Oh looked who dropped in.

Yea its a groupie board. Most of us don't give a shit about the groupies. Its the NIN groupies that we are suspect about because they will do anything to get backstage for what?


He isn't worth their effort.

Anything new you wanna add before you go away again?
No, not really, thanks. Pretty much summed it up in the first post you quoted.

Kinda shitty how everyone jumps on Lydia for having an opposite opinion than the majority and starts tossing around "whore" and "groupie" like thats a bad thing on this board. This site came to national recognition on the basis of a "Penis Chart" for fuck's sake.

But whatever. I'm sure she's deeply wounded and regrets every indescretion in her past thanks to the wisdom of a herd of NINtards pointing out she has "low self esteem" and is "STD riddled" Good job. <sarcasm mode off>
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

If she fucked NIN,any of its backstage crew or even a Security guard: She is all those things.

But you do have a point- but most of us just post in this thread..
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

Personally, i didn't jump on her for admitting to being a free wheelin' woman - it was her crass assumptions about the other ladies (including myself) that post here in this particular thread. She started it - It's that simple.

She can fuck who she wants when she wants however and wherever, I don't give a damn - I've stated on many occasions that this is the Ho Board, so all bets should be off - just don't presume to tell me who I am and what I'm worth...She's proud to be a strumpet? Good for her, just as long as she doesn't get into it with me or mine.

TBH, I don't know why you're putting your $.02 in anyways, I don't think she cared that much that a bunch of "NINtards" were ganging up on her like a bunch of fat kids to the last piece of birthday cake - she's too busy smokin' a flock of cocks, is she not?

P.S. - I love that term, saw it here in an old thread - it had me laughing 'till I teared up.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by svgshadowhunter »

orion, I've never had a problem with you or your posts, I was a bit surprised you were the one to pick up the gauntlet. You, better than most on this thread, seemed to "get" this Board.

That being said, I was just bored and missing the original thread, with Keggy and Grendel and Iggy and ALJ and the amazing photos.

and nostalgic for the real stories and catfights that used to dominate this board. I felt like reading through my fingers and would actually wince at the beatdowns.

Lydia has nothing to be ashamed of. Why can guys nail whatever trim gets offered their way and it's celebrated, while women get labels and sneers? If she likes chasing rock bands, fuck it, it's her cooch. I work with a chick who goes out on Fridays and saturdays and nails whatever 20 something is willing to buy her a drink. She just like variety. She's also turning 50 this year. Go her. Not for me, I'd wind up with a slasher who would dump me in the river, (and I also don't have her bra size)
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

No problems SV. I'm not dissing groupies or this board. Hey I have been backstage myself and its all cool. Sorry if i came across as bitchy.

I just don't get how people can can groupie for NIN. As AMFOS said-Lydia trolled in here so people had to argue with her. As you can see,i didn't even participate.

As Cathouse said- Jeordie.Really? (he;s really easy just fyi)

I missed the first thread- All that drama was fun to watch. I miss Keggy and her conch fritters.

But i do agree with your point.Its the ho board
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by svgshadowhunter »

amouthfulofsin220 wrote:
TBH, I don't know why you're putting your $.02 in anyways, I don't think she cared that much that a bunch of "NINtards" were ganging up on her like a bunch of fat kids to the last piece of birthday cake - she's too busy smokin' a flock of cocks, is she not?

P.S. - I love that term, saw it here in an old thread - it had me laughing 'till I teared up.
My "$.02" was thrown in because I felt like it, simple enough.

I wasn't defending her as much as pointing out the ridiculousness of calling someone a "whore" when she is clearly a "groupie".

There's been some seriously marginal fucks talked about on this board through the years, so her nailing that Jeordie guy and whomever else is kinda inconsequential. I've read stories about guys from Bang Tango and Bulletboys on here.

"She started it"......ah yes. All the jusification in the world, right there.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

svgshadowhunter wrote: My "$.02" was thrown in because I felt like it, simple enough.

I wasn't defending her as much as pointing out the ridiculousness of calling someone a "whore" when she is clearly a "groupie".

"She started it"......ah yes. All the jusification in the world, right there.
Let's not get into semantics LOL You've got a right to your two cents, I'm just expressing the doubt that she needs - or even cares - to be defended.

P.S. - Oh, and "she started it"? oldie, but a goodie. :wink:
Last edited by amouthfulofsin220 on Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

cathousebabe wrote:
Orionslavegirl1 wrote:
I missed the first thread- All that drama was fun to watch. I miss Keggy and her conch fritters.
*Whistles* Those were the days :mrgreen:

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Lydia »

Orionslavegirl1 wrote:I just don't get how people can can groupie for NIN. As AMFOS said-Lydia trolled in here so people had to argue with her. As you can see,i didn't even participate.

As Cathouse said- Jeordie.Really? (he;s really easy just fyi)
I wasn't trolling. I find AMFOS really annoying, and I think that warmleatherette and bronzecookie81 are the same person!

I didn't "groupie" for NIN. I knew Jeordie before he was in NIN and just continued sleeping with him while he was in NIN. As for Alessandro, I already told that story--before I ended up sleeping with him, I truly thought he was gay.

I am surprised by the handful of people who took it to be so offensive that I have slept with 2 members of NIN, considering I have mentioned these things before. I haven't added any new information with these last few posts, just regurgitated stuff I've already said on past threads.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Well now I guess we all know why you never got to fuck Trent!!!!
LMAO LMAO You're 20 years too damn old. :mrgreen: :twisted:
You're old as fuck.......menopausal much??? AARP much??? Dry pussy having Ho.
Now I also know why your eyes don't see very well. The elderly need their spectacles!! Oooooooh, I'm posting after Leatherette......we're totally the same person.........Booo Bitch Boooo. You're talking like Ma from the Golden Girls. Picture old Ho who is pushing 50 yet still believes it's 1977 when her pussy could actually get wet and a man's dick didn't shrivel off at the sight of her snatch.

What the fuck don't you understand about nobody cares/nor is pissed that you fucked Jeordie.....that's some shit a smart person would drink to forget though. Smoke crack, do something.....anything but admit to yourself that you went *there*.

As Cathouse said- Jeordie.Really? (he;s really easy just fyi)[/quote]
I wasn't trolling. I find AMFOS really annoying, and I think that warmleatherette and bronzecookie81 are the same person!

I didn't "groupie" for NIN. I knew Jeordie before he was in NIN and just continued sleeping with him while he was in NIN. As for Alessandro, I already told that story--before I ended up sleeping with him, I truly thought he was gay.

I am surprised by the handful of people who took it to be so offensive that I have slept with 2 members of NIN, considering I have mentioned these things before. I haven't added any new information with these last few posts, just regurgitated stuff I've already said on past threads.[/quote]
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Lydia »

Once again, "you two" posted one after the other. If you two aren't the exact same person, who's copying who?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Wow, Alzheimers starts early. Get the fuck off of it, Ok?
There are very good drugs for dementia you know. You need to tell your doctor that you can't even recognize different writing styles anymore, you're confusing shit, you still think you're hot, etc.
Stop deflecting.....stay on topic. YOU=OLD WHORE, that's the topic.

Lydia wrote:Once again, "you two" posted one after the other. If you two aren't the exact same person, who's copying who?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

Lydia wrote:
Orionslavegirl1 wrote:I just don't get how people can can groupie for NIN. As AMFOS said-Lydia trolled in here so people had to argue with her. As you can see,i didn't even participate.

As Cathouse said- Jeordie.Really? (he;s really easy just fyi)
I wasn't trolling. I find AMFOS really annoying, and I think that warmleatherette and bronzecookie81 are the same person!

I didn't "groupie" for NIN. I knew Jeordie before he was in NIN and just continued sleeping with him while he was in NIN. As for Alessandro, I already told that story--before I ended up sleeping with him, I truly thought he was gay.

I am surprised by the handful of people who took it to be so offensive that I have slept with 2 members of NIN, considering I have mentioned these things before. I haven't added any new information with these last few posts, just regurgitated stuff I've already said on past threads.
Ok ok. Im going to give you the benefit of the doubt. You seem alot saner than Warmleatherette.You may want to ignore her- she rambles alot

I apologize personally for any misunderstanding.

Was Jeordie nice to you? He was a sweety to me.

I have met Ally as well. I also thought he was kinda gay.

You know who was super nice,JT (Security). He always told me stories of the groupies trying to get back stage. I never slept with him or anyone else behind the scene of NIN. I never found any of them attractive (maybe Jerome) *shrugs*
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by hugeslut »

bronzecookie: Why do you keep talking like you're on the Maury Povich show?
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