Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by PastyGothChick »

Everyone wants Johnny Depp (or be him). What a rare, beautiful, talented freak of nature he is.

He will always work and be welcomed in Hollywood and every where he goes even up into his golden years. He doesn't have to worry about a thing. He's got it all, yet down to earth.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by kinkycat »

A while ago my net went out and I spent a couple evenings watching movie reruns on TBS. "Bruce Almighty" was on back to back with "Wanted" one night and I was kinda surprised at just how much better-looking Jennifer Aniston is than Angelina Jolie, especially from the neck down.[/quote]

I used to do extra work, I was in "Rock Star" (when Mark Whalberg gets his first gig with Steel Dragon, I'm with my ex-girlfriend actually, giving the guy my ticket and going into the concert. My old Trans Am is in the parking lot overhead scene somewhere too,,,ok, whatever, I digress) Anyways, I can tell you first hand that as hot as Jennifer Aniston is, she's really even more beautiful in person. Fucking stunning! Other people I've talked to have said this too.
As for Angelina, I think Brad Pitt really fucked up. She's a mess. I'm sorry, I just don't get her.
Speaking of which, I was also doing extra work in "Gia" which was Jolie's first movie. I'm in the crowd in the runway scene which took over a dozen takes to finish. She couldn't act! The director looked like he was about to have a heart attack. No one knew who she was at the time, other than Jon Voights daughter. The general feeling around the set was that was the only reason she got the part.
Ok,ok, I'm a celebrity gossip junkie, so sue me,,,[/quote]

Thanks for your 'acting' resume...don't call us we'll call you etc...

Angelina Jolie is fucking stunning and intelligent as well...What, a chick has to be a dumb vacant bland homely girl for you to think she is hot? get a life...[/quote]

Wow, kinky cat has her claws out. So Jennifer Aniston is a dumb vacant bland homely girl??? I think you're just jealous. :lol: And Angelina is somewhat stunning but I doubt if she'll age well. And I'm sure she's pure terror to live with.[/quote]

I am more jealous of a stunningly beautiful talented lady like Angelina than a bland fugly like Aniston who is always 'Rachel from friends' in every role she plays. :D
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Out Of Lurk Mode »

She's beautiul yes. Talented? Not really. She won the Oscar for Girl interrupted, but that was a no brainer. She played a beautiful sociopath. All she had to do was show up for that. She's a self centered sociopath.
She's not going to age well at all. She's already starting to show the ravages of time and she desperately tries to hide it by getting too skinny and slapping on a ton of makeup. She's just a vain, grasping control freak. I'm no Anniston fan but at least she seems to be genuine.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Out Of Lurk Mode »

cathousebabe wrote:
Out Of Lurk Mode wrote:She's beautiul yes. Talented? Not really. She won the Oscar for Girl interrupted, but that was a no brainer. She played a beautiful sociopath. All she had to do was show up for that. She's a self centered sociopath.She's not going to age well at all. She's already starting to show the ravages of time and she desperately tries to hide it by getting too skinny and slapping on a ton of makeup. She's just a vain, grasping control freak. I'm no Anniston fan but at least she seems to be genuine.

She's a self centered sociopath?? You are familier with her work right? And I'm not talking about her acting. You might want to do your homework before you go running off at the mouth looking a fool.
Charity? Angie does nothing unless there's something in it for Angie. She throws money around and does photo op tours so that she can come off looking like Saint Angelina. That's the only reason, so she can look like Mother Theresa. But think about it. MT dedicated her life to helping people, and there weren't any cameras pointed at her. I'm not saying Angie has to walk around in sack cloth and ashes. I'm just saying there are people that do a hell of a lot more for charity than she does, and they do it without a gaggle of photographers following them around. She does it to try to make people forget about her blood-drinking, brother-tonguing image. It's all about image for Angie. From acting like the saviour of the world to naming her daughter "The new Massiah" Angie's ego knows no bounds. She doesn't care about anything or anybody. She only cares where the camera is pointed.

Same thing with her kids. Whe she and Brad started having kids together, she said she'd take time off to be a mother, but that never happened. She keeps making mediocre films, one after the next. She creates a media circus with her children front and center. She doesn't cherish and nurture them, she picks one up when there's a camera around. Otherwise, it's up to Brad and nannies to care for the children. Those children are props and accessories to her, items to be used just like everything and everybody else in her life.

But okay. I did my homework and looked it up.
Let's take a look at the characteristics of a sociopath.
Glibness and superficial charm. She's certainly both, right?

Pathological lying. Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
We could start with "I don't sleep with married men." And follow up with all the gossip she spread around about Jennifer Anniston to make herself look better by comparison.

Lack of remorse. A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
That's Angie to a T. Name one friend she's got. Not staff, but one genuine friend she doesn't use for some purpose. Just one. Go ahead, take your time. Cruise the web. We'll wait.

Manipulative and conning. They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Angie will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She wanted Brad and she got him, hitting him where he lives. With kids and sex. He's good for her image and brings her powerhouse status in Hollywood. She saw her popularity and clout waning after she split with Billy Bob and snagged the most powerful man she could find to bolster her drawing power. First she starred with him, then she seduced him.

Grandiose sense of self. 'Nuff said.

Shallow emotions. When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. They are not genuine.
Angie wouldn't know a genuine emotion if it bit her in the ass. What she knows is sex, manipulation and self gratification, not love or compassion.

Incapacity for love.

Need for Stimulation. Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common. Gambling? Not so much. Promiscuity, oh yeah. Starting with her brother.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy. Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Just look at how she treats Brad and her children. She doesn't care what he feels, and she laughs when her children cry, passing them off to a nanny or leaving the room.

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature. Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency. Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
You tell me. What's Angie's history as a wild child?

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity. Promiscuity, sexual acting out of all sorts (like with her brother).

Chameleon-like ability to change their image to suit their narcissistic need to dominate the situation.

Rage. By all accounts, Angie's temper is fast, furious, and carries the wrath of hell itself. She's verbally and physically abusive to Brad, and didn't speak to her own father for a decade because he dared speak the truth about her. He said she's mentally ill, and he's right. A father knows his daughter.

Other related characteristics:
1 Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
2 Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
3 Authoritarian
4 Secretive
5 Paranoid
6 Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
7 Conventional appearance
8 Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
9 Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
10 Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
11 Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
12 Incapable of real human attachment to another
13 Unable to feel remorse or guilt
14 Extreme narcissism and grandiose
15 May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

How is she NOT a sociopath?
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by svgshadowhunter »

cathousebabe wrote:WOW OutOfLurkmode :shock: Obsessed much?
You actually think you know who Angelina is?? Do you even know the meaning of a sociopath?
Here, I’ll help you:

so·ci·o·path  a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
Ha you're way off.

I'm talking about all the charity work she has done, and all her own money she has spent helping other people - that’s the homework you need to research, not trying to poorly size her up through what you read off gossip sites. No Sociopath would be doing all that she’s done. You still know nothing and you still look like a fool.

Sure they would. Sociopaths have charmed their way through society and held powerful jobs and conned the best of them. You don't have to be a serial killer to carry sociopathic characteristics.

HOWEVER. Ted Bundy was active in the Young Republican organization and volunteered his time at a rape crisis hotline center......

John wayne Gacy was a clown for his community parties and active in local politics. He volunteered his time to various organizations.

there are so many people who are lesser known that I could write for hours about their volunteerism, their charity works, their "outstanding reputations" in their neighborhoods for being helpful, friendly, generous, etc. Sociopaths can be whatever their victim needs them to be, and it doesnt make them any less manipulative, controlling, narcissistic, or entitled if they DON'T kill others and make headlines. I agree with OutofLurk.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Skate4RnR »

What does it do for a poor ass kid from SE Asia to get picked up by Angelina? He's raised by nannies and never sees his "mother" except in between breaks from 14 hrs. a day acting and all of the jet setting that comes from being a star.

He could've been a poor ass kid from SE Asia with a cultural and an ethnic identity that he shared with his family and his people in order to work for the greater good for the nation.

Either way the dudes fucked, if he was in Cambodia he wouldn't have to go to rehab in his fucking teens and shit. Fuck Angelina. Children are just props to her.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Out Of Lurk Mode »

cathousebabe wrote:WOW OutOfLurkmode :shock: Obsessed much?
You actually think you know who Angelina is?? Do you even know the meaning of a sociopath?
Here, I’ll help you:

so·ci·o·path  a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
Ha you're way off.

I'm talking about all the charity work she has done, and all her own money she has spent helping other people - that’s the homework you need to research, not trying to poorly size her up through what you read off gossip sites. No Sociopath would be doing all that she’s done. You still know nothing and you still look like a fool.
Your the one that's obsessed. Get over it tard. She's a psycho.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by jens »

chickenona wrote:Yeah, I love how Angie gets this rep while the guys who actually abandon other women for her get off largely blameless. Calling her a whore sells tabloids LAMF, though.

That said - if we're talking strictly about it being a matter of beauty, I think her man-stealing days are mostly behind her. She's looking kinda like crap lately. Haggard and bony.

A while ago my net went out and I spent a couple evenings watching movie reruns on TBS. "Bruce Almighty" was on back to back with "Wanted" one night and I was kinda surprised at just how much better-looking Jennifer Aniston is than Angelina Jolie, especially from the neck down.
Agreed on all three points. Although I don't really get off on lips as big as a loaf of bread.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by JonBonScott »

jens wrote:
chickenona wrote:Yeah, I love how Angie gets this rep while the guys who actually abandon other women for her get off largely blameless. Calling her a whore sells tabloids LAMF, though.

That said - if we're talking strictly about it being a matter of beauty, I think her man-stealing days are mostly behind her. She's looking kinda like crap lately. Haggard and bony.

A while ago my net went out and I spent a couple evenings watching movie reruns on TBS. "Bruce Almighty" was on back to back with "Wanted" one night and I was kinda surprised at just how much better-looking Jennifer Aniston is than Angelina Jolie, especially from the neck down.
Agreed on all three points. Although I don't really get off on lips as big as a loaf of bread.
Trout pout? Yea, those Daffy Duck lips look bad.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Nicole76 »

A real classy lady, that Angelina.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Out Of Lurk Mode »

chickenona wrote:Yeah, I love how Angie gets this rep while the guys who actually abandon other women for her get off largely blameless.
I'm not leaving the guys blameless at all. They're the ones cheating and leaving their wives and girlfriends. They'll get what's coming to them when the Karma train rolls around.
All I'm saying is that it won't happen with Johnny Depp because he's got something with Vanessa that Angie will never have with anybody. Love and trust.
dangerdiabolique wrote:
svgshadowhunter wrote: there are so many people who are lesser known that I could write for hours about their volunteerism, their charity works, their "outstanding reputations" in their neighborhoods for being helpful, friendly, generous, etc. Sociopaths can be whatever their victim needs them to be, and it doesnt make them any less manipulative, controlling, narcissistic, or entitled if they DON'T kill others and make headlines. I agree with OutofLurk.
Just chiming in to add that Angelina gets huge tax breaks and free publicity for her charity work. The new "In Touch" has a cover story quoting a former bodyguard, a former nanny, and a maid at the Waldorf-Astoria saying all the things Out of Lurk Mode mentioned.
I'm not surprised. She reads like a laundry list of the symptoms. Her picture should be next to the definition of Sociopath in the dictionary.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by ThePiratess »

Yep, this song suits Depp to a T.Paradis has him trained and Jolie doesn't stand a chance "stealing" Depp from Vanessa.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Tommy2Tone84 »

Out Of Lurk Mode wrote:He got a family but those kids didn't get parents they got a gaggle of nannies and a press crew. Brad and Angie are a terrible couple and they're tarrible parents. They're just a bad joke that needs to go away.

I agree with that. If you can't be good parents then don't have kids. Jennifer should have been more honest about it though and even cut the marriage off herself if it was that big of a sticking point between the two of them. Even I could tell she was talking out of both sides of her ass at the time. But I would have stayed if I was Brad just because she is a Greek fucking Goddess and I never thought Angie was all that hot. I guess watching her and Billy Bob making out on the red carpet helped that.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Out Of Lurk Mode »

Watching her and her brother make out on the red carpet was fun, in a sick, incestuous kind of way. Angie's all that, if your into megalomaniacal crack whores.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

I loathe aniston So fuck her and she deserved everything she got
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film


BaGawker2.0 wrote:I loathe aniston So fuck her and she deserved everything she got
I'd do both of them... together
I want Angie in the front and Aniston in the back.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Tommy2Tone84 »

Out Of Lurk Mode wrote:Watching her and her brother make out on the red carpet was fun, in a sick, incestuous kind of way. Angie's all that, if your into megalomaniacal crack whores.

Thanks for reminding me*BARF*

The two reasons I could see some guy either cheating on Aniston or not wanting to live into old age with her is if she's stuck up and selfish, which supposedly she's really down to earth and always has been. Or if she was really boring in bed.

I find it interesting that alot of women make no bones about calling out guys when they aren't all that in the sack but the guys are suppose to be loyal and devoted with chicks that have sexual hang ups.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Rich-Bich »

Tommy2Tone84 wrote:
Out Of Lurk Mode wrote:Watching her and her brother make out on the red carpet was fun, in a sick, incestuous kind of way. Angie's all that, if your into megalomaniacal crack whores.

Thanks for reminding me*BARF*

The two reasons I could see some guy either cheating on Aniston or not wanting to live into old age with her is if she's stuck up and selfish, which supposedly she's really down to earth and always has been. Or if she was really boring in bed.

I find it interesting that alot of women make no bones about calling out guys when they aren't all that in the sack but the guys are suppose to be loyal and devoted with chicks that have sexual hang ups.
When married to Jen, Brad Pitt was on a talk show literally crying b/c he had it all-but wanted kids. Jen was just starting her movie career at the time and wanted to wait. Brad was around 40 at the time and wanted kids then, not in the future. Enter Angelina and Maddox-the rest is history.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by rockgirl68 »

The first thing I think of when I see a picture of Angelina Jolie is the fact that she has her own little EPCOT going at her house...or her own version of "It's A Small World"...
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Tommy2Tone84 »

Rich-Bich wrote:

When married to Jen, Brad Pitt was on a talk show literally crying b/c he had it all-but wanted kids. Jen was just starting her movie career at the time and wanted to wait. Brad was around 40 at the time and wanted kids then, not in the future. Enter Angelina and Maddox-the rest is history.
Jen was like 35 at the time. They still had a couple years
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Rich-Bich »

Tommy2Tone84 wrote:
Rich-Bich wrote:

When married to Jen, Brad Pitt was on a talk show literally crying b/c he had it all-but wanted kids. Jen was just starting her movie career at the time and wanted to wait. Brad was around 40 at the time and wanted kids then, not in the future. Enter Angelina and Maddox-the rest is history.
Jen was like 35 at the time. They still had a couple years
He said he wanted kids right away b/c he didn't want to be too much older to raise them.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Out Of Lurk Mode »

Jen never said she didn't want kids. That's a rumor Angie made up to make Jen look like shit and make herself look better.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by nubiankey »

No one said Jennifer didn't want kids. Brad said he couldn't wait to start a family and that they were supposed to start after Friends ended. That obviously didn't.

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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Skate4RnR »

Well Brad has a family now. Why have a family if you're just gonna have nannies raise them?
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Out Of Lurk Mode »

That's how her majesty queen Angie does it. She calls all the shots. Brad's just whipped.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by krismetal »

I've read some articles that say Angie and Brad's twins have down syndrome.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Tommy2Tone84 »

Rich-Bich wrote:
Tommy2Tone84 wrote:
Rich-Bich wrote:

When married to Jen, Brad Pitt was on a talk show literally crying b/c he had it all-but wanted kids. Jen was just starting her movie career at the time and wanted to wait. Brad was around 40 at the time and wanted kids then, not in the future. Enter Angelina and Maddox-the rest is history.
Jen was like 35 at the time. They still had a couple years
He said he wanted kids right away b/c he didn't want to be too much older to raise them.

It's not like the guy was 53 at the time. He wasn't even 45 besides, Jen was the one that was going to be the one with the bun in the oven. Not pretty boy Brad.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Stratman2008 »

Aniston is one of the hottest women to ever walk the earth.

Jolie is okay, if you like the type you see digging through trash for leftover. AHH... that's a bit exaggerated, but she's no where NEAR the hot of Jen!

All of this talk of honesty... between Pitt and Aniston is one we can't really add to. We don't know what was really said. There have been two sides to the story. But Jolie did HELP wreck a home. I don't think it was her and her alone... there's no way. She happened to the be the woman there when it was going through Brad's mind I'd guess. And being that she seemed to not care to steal a man away from a woman, it helped fuel the fire.

Brad loses! He had the best.. damn!!! Maybe I'll get a turn. Ehh.. probably not.
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by SuchaDelite »

It's hilarious to see some bored housewife claiming to know exactly what's going on in a relationship between people she doesn't even know and will never meet... put down that Star magazine, click off Perez Hilton, and live a life...
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Re: Johnny Depp's gf tells him to quit Angelina Jolie film

Post by Rich-Bich »

SuchaDelite wrote:It's hilarious to see some bored housewife claiming to know exactly what's going on in a relationship between people she doesn't even know and will never meet... put down that Star magazine, click off Perez Hilton, and live a life...
Well most people on here don't know anyone they post about either so then we should just close down this whole site :lol:
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