NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

filamina wrote:[
I used to have faith that the gals on MS were well connected--however, the conclusions that are being drawn from bits of unconnected, twice removed information on this board are completely off. Entertaining, but completely off.
So, filamina, if you are just an innocent bystander in this "trainwreck", how are you privy to insider information? Weren't you just a regular women who (rightly so) felt that most of TR's fanbase was grossly overreacting to the engagement and Twitter hoopla? How, pray tell, would you have an intimate knowledge of what was true, and what was utter bullshit?

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

First off, you should know you're not important enough to check an IP address out.
The only thing half baked is your brain and you lame attempts at whatever it is retarded people do.

GirlUnderwater wrote:
Darling, much like many of your other half-baked conspiracy theories, you're wrong. S'ok. It's almost endearing, how off you ladies are, again and again and again. I'm sure someone will check the IP addys and we'll get another "oops", but no offense taken and no apology needed.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by GirlUnderwater »

bronzecookie81 wrote:First off, you should know you're not important enough to check an IP address out.
The only thing half baked is your brain and you lame attempts at whatever it is retarded people do.
Sure sweets. That's as easy an out as any, I suppose. I mean, if you did actually check IPs and realize how wrong you are, that might require something like an apology. So saying I'm not "important enough" is most definitely a tidy way to wrap it all up.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by amouthfulofsin220 »

GirlUnderwater wrote:
Skill? Right. Skill.

I say you should stop filtering, love. Go back to those rambling, unending screeds. You remember those. Fifteen uninterrupted paragraphs of garbage in six different colors without so much as a line break between then. Everyone here was enjoying those so very much.
I've done this before:

Rinse, Repeat -

The insults I've endured? Here, you mean? Mere love taps, bitch cakes, and I like it rough...

I'll handle the sting, if only to watch vacuous gits like you get're not worth my skill.

>desprecio de perro<


Brief enough for you?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by filamina »

sludger wrote:filamina *cough* Mariqueen, why don't you tell us who Trent is really in love with?
Oh god! The crazies have arrived!!
Clearly, Sludger, Trent is in deep, sensual, everlasting love with you (and your man shoulders, hammer thumb, and three empty cups of Starbucks!)
Last edited by filamina on Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by misanthropia »

I will not repost those horrid "fan" photos due to the ocular trauma we've already suffered-

But that ain't cornstarch!

No, that's a combination of powdered donut dust and the dried jizz-and-snot-rocket-residue they got courtesy of the bums they displaced by sleeping in the alley in the goddamn Bowery, just so they could be close enough to lick the sweat off of Ternt's taint!

p.s. I think you guys are right about FartsUnderwater- *smooches* my ass!
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by bronzecookie81 »

Oh STOP!!.....while you're NOT ahead....and reading is fundamental....I said you're posting from DIFFERENT IP addresses. Of course they wouldn't be the same. look stupid as hell right now.
Lay off the salsa and cupcakes....your brain is getting fried..."Both" of you need to stop it.


Sure sweets. That's as easy an out as any, I suppose. I mean, if you did actually check IPs and realize how wrong you are, that might require something like an apology. So saying I'm not "important enough" is most definitely a tidy way to wrap it all up.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by dustbunny »

Was it something we said? :twisted:

bronzecookie81 wrote:Oh STOP!!.....while you're NOT ahead....and reading is fundamental....I said you're posting from DIFFERENT IP addresses. Of course they wouldn't be the same. look stupid as hell right now.
Lay off the salsa and cupcakes....your brain is getting fried..."Both" of you need to stop it.


Sure sweets. That's as easy an out as any, I suppose. I mean, if you did actually check IPs and realize how wrong you are, that might require something like an apology. So saying I'm not "important enough" is most definitely a tidy way to wrap it all up.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by GirlUnderwater »

cathousebabe wrote:
filamina wrote:
sludger wrote:filamina *cough* Mariqueen, why don't you tell us who Trent is really in love with?
Oh god! The crazies have arrived!!
Clearly, Sludger, Trent is in deep, sensual, everlasting love with you!!!
No seriously Filamina, since you and GirlUnderwater know what's really going on and everyone else on this board is delusional fill us in with the truth.
Ask yourself this: would it really make a difference? If I sat here and typed out the entire story, every painful detail, would you really care?

You gals enjoy this. Reading too much into insignificant details. Theories. Rumor. Speculation. Ladies, you don't give two shits about the reality of the situation, because you've created this elaborate fantasy world where up is down and black is white, and it suits your purposes. You like this crazy universe you've concocted. I wouldn't want to be the one to burst anyone's bubble. Why take away pleasure from any of you darlings? You're clearly enjoying this alternative reality.

If you knew how uncontroversial and frankly uninteresting the reality was, this thread would probably be two pages long instead of almost sixty.

Please, don't let me interrupt. I'm sure someone was just about to post an essay on the Frequency of Manicures and the Indirect Relation to the Frequency Fellatio.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

Ok the fan photos are a little much but the girl in the razorblade necklace is mad cool & not crazy. Not Staci though (one with the pink hair) she is Kinda nuts.

Oh & btw girlunderwater filiphony why don't u enlighten us with some privleged info? Is it cause u have none. Or are u upset we all want Q&T to marry so we can laugh harder?

Here I'll make it easy: what's with the rumor Mari lost her one modeling Contract with smashbox??
Oops did I show I know people in positions too?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

What the--
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by citrinecastle »

Elaborate fantasy world? Ha. Ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ok, you got us. In an hour all us Bitches are going to put on our warlock/witch cloaks and go fight some dragons down in my basement with our cardboard swords and the blacklights. Sludger, being our Dragon Master, is going to teach us how to properly give Epic Blow Jobs using our mighty and glittery Recorders of Power. Tonight we learn the great Magic ability called 'Blow'.

After that we're going to eat Funions and cheez wiz as we watch Harry Potter in order then sort each other into different houses...I bet I'm a slytherin...and concoct potions out of my spice cabinet in a large Halloween cauldron.

Then we can discuss what Kool Aid is better to mix cyanide in. That will be as we put on our PJs and discuss the Twilight series in great detail. As we discuss such important things, we'll be hot gluing our Ninja Turtle costumes together and posting pics of ourselves online in varying shades of fuschia lipstick asking our fellow onliners to vote which of is hottest.

Before we go to bed, we will gather round and shave each other's backs and talk about how next sleepover we will turn the shavings into a life sized Yeti we must attack in next month's fantasy episode.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

bronzecookie81 wrote:EPIC!!!!!!!!!!
You have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now.......scratch know exactly how hard I"m laughing.
This is a hot ass mess. Jesus on a bagel........these people do this shit without even the slightest hint of irony or embarassment, that's what gets me. They are insane!!!!!! I bet they all smell like boiled shit....especially after being in that hot ass pit.

Wikkedsyn wrote:With fans like these morons, I can't see why Trent does not want to tour anymore! ( i hope you can sense the sarcasm).

I bet every aging, balding rock star, wants sheep like these ones.



is that a razor blade around the neck?? omg.. seriously..freaks

Hey look, isn't that the big tittie, ninja chic?


her caption:
Ok, one last thing. My friend got a pic of me in line before we came in. Cornstarch everywhere, mohawk having 3 days of spray, and I was in a weird mood.
Oh my god, I can just imagine the stench meter at that show. I really don't see why these sheep find it necessary to dress and act like it's 1994 for christ's sake. Reznor has grown up...not that he acts his age, but all the same.. these "fans" need to as well. Scary to think, that if he stood before them and handed out the Jesus Juice, they would all take it without batting an eyelash.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

bronzecookie81 wrote:You know talking to yourself is a sign of mental illness "Girl" and "Filawhatever"......that's a first on MS....a crazy Bitch having a convo directly to HERSELF via her other IP address.
We've had our share of fat horse caretakers, psycho nurses, but this........truly is a first.

and don't forget bigfuckingtitties-tshirt wearing plump sheep.. and otter lovers...

hmmm ok.. *smooches*

"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

GirlUnderwater wrote:
Ask yourself this: would it really make a difference? If I sat here and typed out the entire story, every painful detail, would you really care?

You gals enjoy this. Reading too much into insignificant details. Theories. Rumor. Speculation. Ladies, you don't give two shits about the reality of the situation, because you've created this elaborate fantasy world where up is down and black is white, and it suits your purposes. You like this crazy universe you've concocted. I wouldn't want to be the one to burst anyone's bubble. Why take away pleasure from any of you darlings? You're clearly enjoying this alternative reality.

If you knew how uncontroversial and frankly uninteresting the reality was, this thread would probably be two pages long instead of almost sixty.

Please, don't let me interrupt. I'm sure someone was just about to post an essay on the Frequency of Manicures and the Indirect Relation to the Frequency Fellatio.

you know the saying:

Pics or it didn't happen
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Wikkedsyn »

warmleatherette wrote:OH SHIT!!! Y'all have more literally laughing out loud, so loud I'm in tears. Besides hot boiling shit I'll add funky ass mildew and fermented shit and piss.
Who is the fucking big wide ass moose to the right? Geez us in a bottle of chardonnay these bitches aint fat they are morid obese like a fucking coronary @ the age of 25 obese. I'm sorry thats nasty, I've been in humble beginnings and what not but I still had the means not to eat a lot of cheap food to get fat as fuck, plus these bitches are young never been pregnant seem as of now no health disorders whats their fucking excuse. Another reason why Fluffy hates them soo much.

You ask what their excuse is???
Sitting in front of the computer on CULT.COM all day...or twitter..or stalking Reznor everywhere else on the Net that he Trolls around on. If they actually turned the computer off and went outside to roam, maybe they wouldn't be like that sterotypical "plump" fan that Rez hates so much.
"A recent promotional image from How To Destroy Angels is the first solid evidence to confirm rumors that Reznor's nose has gone missing. On a positive note, it appears as if his neck has been reunited after a lengthy absence."~tdc
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

I'm surprised the girl in the glasses went along with all those chicks + bullshit. she is cool as hell.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Sure »

Why the hell are they covered in cornstarch? Fluffy hasn't done that shit since the 90's :roll:
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by lolo66 »

citrinecastle wrote:Elaborate fantasy world? Ha. Ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ok, you got us. In an hour all us Bitches are going to put on our warlock/witch cloaks and go fight some dragons down in my basement with our cardboard swords and the blacklights. Sludger, being our Dragon Master, is going to teach us how to properly give Epic Blow Jobs using our mighty and glittery Recorders of Power. Tonight we learn the great Magic ability called 'Blow'.

After that we're going to eat Funions and cheez wiz as we watch Harry Potter in order then sort each other into different houses...I bet I'm a slytherin...and concoct potions out of my spice cabinet in a large Halloween cauldron.

Then we can discuss what Kool Aid is better to mix cyanide in. That will be as we put on our PJs and discuss the Twilight series in great detail. As we discuss such important things, we'll be hot gluing our Ninja Turtle costumes together and posting pics of ourselves online in varying shades of fuschia lipstick asking our fellow onliners to vote which of is hottest.

Before we go to bed, we will gather round and shave each other's backs and talk about how next sleepover we will turn the shavings into a life sized Yeti we must attack in next month's fantasy episode.

Watch out! There's a Dark Unicorn behind you!

Oh that is some funny shit!!! Especially the glittery Recorders of Power! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't forget that we practice writing our fantasy name too....
Mrs. Trent Reznor.....*orgasm*!!!!!

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by lillfish »

Yeah, there are a vast number of obese females at his concerts... aaaand they're all in groups. It's quite funny.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

BaGawker2.0 wrote:Ok the fan photos are a little much but the girl in the razorblade necklace is mad cool & not crazy. Not Staci though (one with the pink hair) she is Kinda nuts.

Oh & btw girlunderwater filiphony why don't u enlighten us with some privleged info? Is it cause u have none. Or are u upset we all want Q&T to marry so we can laugh harder?

Here I'll make it easy: what's with the rumor Mari lost her one modeling Contract with smashbox??
Oops did I show I know people in positions too?
Hells to the yes!

Man you girls rock. I'm laughing so fucking hard right about now.

Seriously,who the fuck cares about some 90's has been and his tranny beard? Who? Not us.

And if you can't laugh at this- then you need your fucking head examined
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by Orionslavegirl1 »

lolo66 wrote:
citrinecastle wrote:Elaborate fantasy world? Ha. Ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ok, you got us. In an hour all us Bitches are going to put on our warlock/witch cloaks and go fight some dragons down in my basement with our cardboard swords and the blacklights. Sludger, being our Dragon Master, is going to teach us how to properly give Epic Blow Jobs using our mighty and glittery Recorders of Power. Tonight we learn the great Magic ability called 'Blow'.

After that we're going to eat Funions and cheez wiz as we watch Harry Potter in order then sort each other into different houses...I bet I'm a slytherin...and concoct potions out of my spice cabinet in a large Halloween cauldron.

Then we can discuss what Kool Aid is better to mix cyanide in. That will be as we put on our PJs and discuss the Twilight series in great detail. As we discuss such important things, we'll be hot gluing our Ninja Turtle costumes together and posting pics of ourselves online in varying shades of fuschia lipstick asking our fellow onliners to vote which of is hottest.

Before we go to bed, we will gather round and shave each other's backs and talk about how next sleepover we will turn the shavings into a life sized Yeti we must attack in next month's fantasy episode.

Watch out! There's a Dark Unicorn behind you!

Oh that is some funny shit!!! Especially the glittery Recorders of Power! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't forget that we practice writing our fantasy name too....
Mrs. Trent Reznor.....*orgasm*!!!!!

I want to be in Ravenclaw! Please???


Professor Snape= TDS era Trent

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by GirlUnderwater »

BaGawker2.0 wrote:Ok the fan photos are a little much but the girl in the razorblade necklace is mad cool & not crazy. Not Staci though (one with the pink hair) she is Kinda nuts.

Oh & btw girlunderwater filiphony why don't u enlighten us with some privleged info? Is it cause u have none. Or are u upset we all want Q&T to marry so we can laugh harder?

Here I'll make it easy: what's with the rumor Mari lost her one modeling Contract with smashbox??
Oops did I show I know people in positions too?
I don't know any of the people in the pictures personally, but I can't imagine any of them are the crazy fuckers you ladies seem to think they are. They're at a concert having a good time. Much like a lot of the other bullshit you girls like to post here, you're creating an entire mythology about people you don't know. People with jobs, families, interesting lives. Generous of you, though, to deem one of them "mad cool". Despite her weight and her jewelry, you'd be so gracious to call her that. That's class, sugartits.

One snap of happy people at a concert, and you womyn have created an elaborate psychological profile of them. Talent!

Privileged info? Why? You do so well with publicly available info. What need would you have for privileged information?

Besides, I'm a nobody. I don't know anyone in any "positions" like you.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by LonelyGirl »

They should get married, at least for a few months. he almost deserves the punishment of sharing his mansion with a vapid, annoying ugly whore and losing all his money as payback for how he's treated his fans and insulted fellow artists. with a gurantee of crappy music with him and her. she can't even sing and the only intelligent thing she's even done is latch onto him like a "lust encrusted bird. the worst of it is that he'll be wasting his creative talent on such a lousy person. if he's smart, he won't get married at all
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by GirlUnderwater »

LonelyGirl wrote:GirlUnderwater,
They should get married, at least for a few months. he almost deserves the punishment of sharing his mansion with a vapid, annoying ugly whore and losing all his money as payback for how he's treated his fans and insulted fellow artists. with a gurantee of crappy music with him and her. she can't even sing and the only intelligent thing she's even done is latch onto him like a "lust encrusted bird. the worst of it is that he'll be wasting his creative talent on such a lousy person. if he's smart, he won't get married at all
He's stupid, she's hideously ugly, the fans are stupid sheep, blah blah blah.

The humanity! Who will think of the children??

lolz. You ladies and your histrionics are amusing.
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by GirlUnderwater »

warmleatherette wrote:Here's one you can take home to the bank and sleep on, GirlUnderWater go put on some concrete shoes and jump into a large body of water at night so you can live up to your name, and get the fuck out of here.
Don't worry, I'll cut along the vein.

Oh wait.

Didn't you womenfolk get your panties in a twist about suicide suggestions?

Never mind.

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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

GirlUnderwater wrote:
BaGawker2.0 wrote:Ok the fan photos are a little much but the girl in the razorblade necklace is mad cool & not crazy. Not Staci though (one with the pink hair) she is Kinda nuts.

Oh & btw girlunderwater filiphony why don't u enlighten us with some privleged info? Is it cause u have none. Or are u upset we all want Q&T to marry so we can laugh harder?

Here I'll make it easy: what's with the rumor Mari lost her one modeling Contract with smashbox??
Oops did I show I know people in positions too?
I don't know any of the people in the pictures personally, but I can't imagine any of them are the crazy fuckers you ladies seem to think they are. They're at a concert having a good time. Much like a lot of the other bullshit you girls like to post here, you're creating an entire mythology about people you don't know. People with jobs, families, interesting lives. Generous of you, though, to deem one of them "mad cool". Despite her weight and her jewelry, you'd be so gracious to call her that. That's class, sugartits.

One snap of happy people at a concert, and you womyn have created an elaborate psychological profile of them. Talent!

Privileged info? Why? You do so well with publicly available info. What need would you have for privileged information?

Besides, I'm a nobody. I don't know anyone in any "positions" like you.
Uh since when did I mention weight? are you saying she cant be a nice person due to her being a big girl? wow arent you a sweetheart , and doesnt that sound awfully familiar. Oh and you dont like the slang term "mad cool" guess you never lived in NYC, well here is an english one your completely full of bollocks, your more upset everyone here wants them to marry and laugh at them, instead of wishing them well and kissing their ass. Oh and hahaha people going to NIN concerts in dresses and cornstarch are super dee duper normal? Have you been to one? aside from jimmy buffet assholes NIN doesnt cater to a normal crowd.

Oh and im sorry did I hit a nerve? with the smashbox comment HAHA. Want another secret?

and I havent heard anyone say womyn since litith fair was popular what year do you live in?
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by BaGawker2.0 »

exactly everyone takes this shit so seriously. ITS FUCKING FUNNY to watch such a self made pointless meltdown
warmleatherette wrote:Sure don't forget to use a dull rusty scapel, girl. Trent will love you for it.
I didn't get my draws in a wad about what he says, the more he call his fans big tittied fat funky cunts or grow up and move on from the cornstarch I get a kick out of it. You should as well.
GirlUnderwater wrote:
warmleatherette wrote:Here's one you can take home to the bank and sleep on, GirlUnderWater go put on some concrete shoes and jump into a large body of water at night so you can live up to your name, and get the fuck out of here.
Don't worry, I'll cut along the vein.

Oh wait.

Didn't you womenfolk get your panties in a twist about suicide suggestions?

Never mind.

Loves ya!
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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Post by lolo66 »

GirlUnderwater wrote:
BaGawker2.0 wrote:Ok the fan photos are a little much but the girl in the razorblade necklace is mad cool & not crazy. Not Staci though (one with the pink hair) she is Kinda nuts.

Oh & btw girlunderwater filiphony why don't u enlighten us with some privleged info? Is it cause u have none. Or are u upset we all want Q&T to marry so we can laugh harder?

Here I'll make it easy: what's with the rumor Mari lost her one modeling Contract with smashbox??
Oops did I show I know people in positions too?
I don't know any of the people in the pictures personally, but I can't imagine any of them are the crazy fuckers you ladies seem to think they are. They're at a concert having a good time. Much like a lot of the other bullshit you girls like to post here, you're creating an entire mythology about people you don't know. People with jobs, families, interesting lives. Generous of you, though, to deem one of them "mad cool". Despite her weight and her jewelry, you'd be so gracious to call her that. That's class, sugartits.

One snap of happy people at a concert, and you womyn have created an elaborate psychological profile of them. Talent!

Privileged info? Why? You do so well with publicly available info. What need would you have for privileged information?

Besides, I'm a nobody. I don't know anyone in any "positions" like you.
We are here for shits and giggles. Nothing more serious than that. It's a fucking gossip board?! Gossip is idle talk or rumor from the information that is gathered. See how that works? The thread is called "NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches" so of course we are going to comment on the crazy bitches that follow his ass around. It's fun and they ARE bat shit crazy! It doesn't take a psychiatrist to figure that out. If you want to contribute then please do, if you don't then GTFO.
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