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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:24 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
citrinecastle wrote:
And sad to say...and I'm repeating what all ya gals said, she won't get jack shit. He took a no talent, somewhat young nobody and he's going to stomp her ass DOWN. He'll have her ass licking his damn dogs clean, in love my ass. He wanted a nobody so he could exploit her and take advantage of her. Next you hear on her Twitter is...."Neighbor's car slowed down outside my house and T accused me of fucking him." and..."T is thinking the accounts are all wrong even though he made me take care of them...and he never gives me money and I have no cards...he's blaming me for money missing even though I have no money because he won't let me have any." And my favorite...5 years from now..." He took away my Valium and my sleeping pills because he doesn't trust me...yet he's popping them all the time. I am so depressed."

This chickadee is getting herself into a BAD situation. As if he's going to like her when she's wearing granny panties and pjs all damn day because she can't leave the house and can't have any friends. Matter of fact, she probably will have to hide her internet use from him or he'll go all apeshit.

That is what she has in store for her.
Damn, Citrine, this is bleak, but unless this is some Expert level trickery on his part, it's pretty much what she's in for if she doesn't put a stop to it. The sad thing is, she's in his world now, and she won't win - even if she does have the Holy Grail between her legs, the Rez has made it abundantly clear throughout his career that he's not a believer. It's a sick game of "how low will you go", where he's testing to see how much she'll endure for a pay day that might never come...

He would have absolutely no power over her, or anything to hold over her head if she was interested in him, and not his money. What he's doing is passive aggression finely honed into an art - can't she see it? His actions suggest intense loathing, and maybe lust, but not love.

I think she should pick her dignity out of the shitter with a toilet brush, go home to mummy and daddy and drink this sordid little situation into oblivion.

All of this has left me wondering where his heart is...I've known men to be less cruel breaking slaves - and those women asked for it, while I sincerely doubt the Q knew what she was getting into. Right now, he's making the Marquis de Sade look like Mr. Rogers...


Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:36 pm
by Onions
Trent will marry Mariqueef just like he married this twat:

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:45 am
by A Zombie
amouthfulofsin220 wrote: Trust all these words were written by a woman who, for better or for worse, thinks there still remains a modicum of intelligence, integrity and talent underneath that jelly spine, unwarranted vanity, and the layers of bullshit you've wrapped around yourself...stop being content with the dregs darling, and stop acting so butthurt all the time, you're a grown assed man, and it doesn't become you...

"Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker"

if beauty is sunlight
and vanity warmth,
sadly, sweet boy,

your sun is slowly setting - and you're not wisely preparing for the night ahead...

if you convinced yourself that
your value was defined by those things,
you'll soon find out the vast treasure you've stored up has become worthless in the dark.

moss 2009

That is all
i lol'd hard

you seriously put in the time to write a gay poem? SERIOUSLY!?


Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:13 am
by A Zombie
Onions wrote:Trent will marry Mariqueef just like he married this twat:
wtf... i always thought that denise chick was pretty but when you see her in regular pictures that arent shopped to shit she's REEEALLY not even good looking.. gross.. her makeup looks really shitty in the pics with her and her friends.. manson was definitely right about him liking ugly bitches

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:14 am
by bronzecookie81
Denise is a beautiful woman, I don't know what you two are seeing. Twat my ass....Trent messed that up big time by not doing the right things.
Manson looks like a stroke victim and a pizza dough with lipstick. The women he likes look as though they roll in baking powder before they get dressed....he's in no position to judge anyone's women. Dita is not gorgeous, I don't care what the media says. She needs sunlight......let's not even get into the rest of Manson's Bitches.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:15 pm
by dustbunny
cathousebabe wrote:Denise is the only true beauty he's been linked to.
I think she's quite pretty, but no way in hell she's 23, am I reading that shit correctly?

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:06 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
The race thing has been done to death...and the corpse is still being beaten on the Insider

I'm all for brutal honesty, and I can understand why those lovely lissome white ladies are butthurt that their Goth deity doesn't like pasty and must feel like false advertising to them. Even the fanfic carries with it the assumption that he's a squeaky pants wearing, latex fume huffing, paddle owning, pussy whipped beeyotch who weeps when he cums ::shivers with disgust::

They suggest it's the white man supremacy syndrome - that he's dating these women because he's too insecure to date a "strong white woman". Also, even after this short amount of time, I'm sick of the "what about Tori?" faction of Trenttards. Yes, she's an interesting poet, an amazing musician, and seems to be a lovely woman...but what if Tori was Teresa instead, with black hair and pale brown skin? They wouldn't be sweating her figurative nuts then, now would they? It would be like, well, they were from two different worlds, best leave that alone...

It's so hurtful and offensive to hear that, as if the color of my skin automatically means that I will kow tow to any white man who will have me...Pffft. Suggesting that anyone is interested in me as merely a fetish object, an acquiescent brown skinned doll made flesh solely for a white man's unnatural, slightly shameful desires makes me furious. God forbid a brown woman have anything else to offer but cooking, cleaning, and sucking a mean dick...I don't think the people that say those things realize how dehumanizing it feels to hear it.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:24 pm
by Crystal_sphere

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:40 pm
by Crystal_sphere
A Zombie wrote:
Onions wrote:Trent will marry Mariqueef just like he married this twat:
wtf... i always thought that denise chick was pretty but when you see her in regular pictures that arent shopped to shit she's REEEALLY not even good looking.. gross.. her makeup looks really shitty in the pics with her and her friends.. manson was definitely right about him liking ugly bitches

There are some photos floating around the internet where you get a more honest view of what she looks like.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:53 pm
by snarky0
A long, long time ago there was a post on by some apparent friend of a friend that they met in Chicago back in ~2000. TR/Q are probably fo' real, its her hipster band that wasn't, yet they been together since 2004 go figure what they were doing 5 years recording one album

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:27 pm
by bronzecookie81
What??? Seriously.........

snarky0 wrote:A long, long time ago there was a post on by some apparent friend of a friend that they met in Chicago back in ~2000. TR/Q are probably fo' real, its her hipster band that wasn't, yet they been together since 2004 go figure what they were doing 5 years recording one album

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:29 am
by amouthfulofsin220
cathousebabe wrote: What the hell are you talking about? No one said anything regarding woman of color. If anyone is using the race card it's you. I think you are confusing this place for The Insider.
And that's why I mentioned the Insider, genius. I understand the aversion with race issues here, and I apologize for bringing it up. Moving on...

Anyways, interesting stories, danger, and definitely doesn't put either Manson or Reznor in a flattering light. At all. But then again, that's rock and roll for ya, and these girls put themselves in that position...they could've told them to go fuck themselves when they suggested it, right? But they didn't. I bet they were, in a small measure, proud to have been humiliated by these men...telling their envious groupie friends at the strip joint they're working at exactly how far they shat. It's a mad world.
snarky0 wrote:A long, long time ago there was a post on by some apparent friend of a friend that they met in Chicago back in ~2000. TR/Q are probably fo' real, its her hipster band that wasn't, yet they been together since 2004 go figure what they were doing 5 years recording one album
Another interesting story, but it puts TR and Q in an even worse light. If she's been around him for going on ten years, she would have a very good idea of his fan base and what they're capable of, making their antics of this summer seem mind numbingly stupid and hinting at career suicide...why lie and say they met in April, instead of just telling "the truth", saying they'd known each other for years and it developed from a long term friendship? If anything, it would've made them seem halfway sincere.

What about all those women he was seen with throughout the years? What about all those compromising pics with different men with Q? Are they suggesting TR likes getting cuckolded over and over again? What about F 10? What about that fake me out diamonique engagement ring she's been sporting, doesn't she deserve better after so long? It was all a clever ruse to put people off the scent? If so, they sure had an inflated sense of their own importance, it's pretty hilarious.

No matter how long they've known each other, it doesn't change the fact he threw her to the wolves, and they're tearing her reputation apart. It might explain some other things though - maybe since they've been there and done that, they're already bored with each other, that might be why they seem to be completely devoid of chemistry. A normal person might believe that after so long they would act comfortable and natural around each other, but I guess we're not dealing with normal people here - they are an unstoppable force of maybe the rules are different.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:33 am
by apple_of_soddom
I don't remember if I've mentioned this before, but to bring up old news... anyone remember the shit that went on backstage when Trent was touring with the Jim Rose Circus during Lollapalooza? It was reported that Trent, Jim, and company had girls lined up backstage, eating Cherrios or Fruit Loops and taking laxatives so they could see who could projectile shit the farthest, or shit through a hoop, or whatever they were doing. In a subsequent interview, Trent tried to distance himself from it, and said that he was mostly an "observer," and that the situation was one of people constantly upping the ante to see how far people would go. In his book, "The Long Hard Road Out of Hell," Manson recalled a videotaped encounter called "Kelly's Cornhole." Trent and Manson met two girls who Manson described as "whales," and got them drunk on vodka while Trent and Manson drank beer that they pretended was vodka. They blindfolded the girls, and told them to guess who was touching them while they were being videotaped. One of the girls, Kelly, had recently eaten corn, and had a piece of undigested corn near her anus, hence the video title, "Kelly's Cornhole." Presumably, Manson's mentioning this story was one reason Trent was pissed off about the book. So, yeah, it sounds like Trent has a long history of degrading women just because he can.

antic stories. manson was the instigator. reznor was the accelerator. a lot of drug-induced stupidity ....

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:53 am
by Lydia
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:But then again, that's rock and roll for ya, and these girls put themselves in that position...they could've told them to go fuck themselves when they suggested it, right? But they didn't. I bet they were, in a small measure, proud to have been humiliated by these men...telling their envious groupie friends at the strip joint they're working at exactly how far they shat.
"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers; That you do unto me." (Matthew 25:40)

Much of the content in Manson's book is fictionalized. The times I was backstage at Marilyn Manson concerts, I have never seen him or his crew mistreat or even be rude to a woman. I have seen Trent Reznor's crew ("roadies") try unsuccessfully to get women to debase themselves, so I would believe that kind of bullshit is endorsed by Trent on tour.

You're the type of person who would blame a rape victim.

I question why you read the Insider since you claimed you just happened to start posting on the NIN thread for entertainment value. People who read the Insider for this stuff are taking it to the next level, and are probably all long-time NIN fans.

My conclusion? You are a liar and you have a miserable life.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:28 am
by amouthfulofsin220
Lydia wrote:
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:But then again, that's rock and roll for ya, and these girls put themselves in that position...they could've told them to go fuck themselves when they suggested it, right? But they didn't. I bet they were, in a small measure, proud to have been humiliated by these men...telling their envious groupie friends at the strip joint they're working at exactly how far they shat.
"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers; That you do unto me." (Matthew 25:40)

Much of the content in Manson's book is fictionalized. The times I was backstage at Marilyn Manson concerts, I have never seen him or his crew mistreat or even be rude to a woman. I have seen Trent Reznor's crew ("roadies") try unsuccessfully to get women to debase themselves, so I would believe that kind of bullshit is endorsed by Trent on tour.

You're the type of person who would blame a rape victim.

I question why you read the Insider since you claimed you just happened to start posting on the NIN thread for entertainment value. People who read the Insider for this stuff are taking it to the next level, and are probably all long-time NIN fans.

My conclusion? You are a liar and you have a miserable life.
Yep, because no one here reads the crazy shit on the Insider, especially you - after all, you fucked Ally, so you're in the know and are above all of this, unlike any of us :roll: Oh dear.

Bible quotes on the Ho

...Just, wow.

I am in no way endorsing abject humiliation of groupies, but I've been at rock shows, seen the sights and smelled the smells and know for a fact that these ladies have a choice - they can either participate, or choose to tell whoever wants those horrible things done to them to fuck off, and walk away. No harm, no foul - they just don't get to "hang out". My question always was "why would you want to "hang out" with some musician who wants you to fuck another groupie in the ass with a double dildo in some grungy room backstage?" I always got a shrug and a "dunno...they're hot?" as an answer, and nothing I said would dissuade them. IT WAS CONSENSUAL, no matter how disgusting but...

...How could you bring rape into it?? That's some next level shit right there, and you've actually made me do a facepalm.

Lydia, you know nothing about me - about what I think and my experiences except what I have chosen to share... and saying those those things are pretty awful, but I will leave you to choke on your own're reaching for the sake of a "sick burn" and you just look foolish and a tad ignorant, with a generous sprinkling of bitterness.

I have nothing against you, and I've explained more than once where I'm coming from, and won't repeat myself yet again...if you need a refresher, just hit the "back" button.

Peace be with you, my child.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:11 am
by snarky0
Wait who's Nyke?


Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:39 am
by A Zombie
bronzecookie81 wrote:Denise is a beautiful woman, I don't know what you two are seeing. Twat my ass....Trent messed that up big time by not doing the right things.
Manson looks like a stroke victim and a pizza dough with lipstick. The women he likes look as though they roll in baking powder before they get dressed....he's in no position to judge anyone's women. Dita is not gorgeous, I don't care what the media says. She needs sunlight......let's not even get into the rest of Manson's Bitches.

this is coming from someone who shits her pants and calls everyone racist.. i guess most of trent women look like they roll themselves in mudd

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:39 am
by Crystal_sphere

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:54 am
by Crystal_sphere

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:52 am
by bronzecookie81
Go Wash Your Cunt.

A Zombie wrote:

this is coming from someone who shits her pants and calls everyone racist.. i guess most of trent women look like they roll themselves in mudd

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:59 am
by bronzecookie81
Crystal, I don't know what one of your friends told you about the "real" situation or why you would believe such rubbish--but whatever, and I never even intended to address it with you, but what you just said is some pure bullshit. Denise didn't have to "win" anything when it came to Trent. You are so out of the loop it isn't even funny.....I mean it was funny the first time you mentioned it so I ignored you, but stop the madness and get your facts straight. Denise and Trent were engaged. FACT. You'd love nothing more than to sit up here and act like this young girl had to chase Trent because he didn't want her and I'm not going to let you.
If you were in New Orleans during the 90s and knew either one of them, you'd know what you said is a lie. You and other people on this board like to skirt the facts and it's truly annoying and sad. I"m not even gonna touch what you just said about his house and other lies you typed.....your game is up, and btw if you knew anything you'd know those pics Nyke posted were taken from the old house in California, NOT the NOLA house. Your game is up....and if you think Denise is ugly, I"d like to see any of you. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but why you feel the need to harp on her looks is beyond me...talking about wigs, lighting, and whatever else. She didn't criticize anyone's looks like Q did--which is why Q is fair game.
Seriously stop the lies because I know the truth.......
The End.
Crystal_sphere wrote:

I am not defending Trent because his behavior of late is atrocious, but, Bronze, he didn't mess anything up with Denise. She pursued him, he never wanted her. In fact, she even flew the entire way to Australia to try and be by his side when he was on the Fragility tour to try and win his affections. Trent doesn't have any regrets when it comes to her. I can assure you. And, I am sorry, but I really think that she is unattractive.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:16 pm
by Wikkedsyn
cathousebabe wrote:Whats crazy is her Daddy tweeted saying "Come back everyone needs you." That kid is ruined for life. Yeah it's fun at first being a star but she's becoming a teenager and she's wanting to live her life and find out who she is and she can't. The outlook doesn't look good.
Cashmere wrote:Did I not get the memo? Someone tell me who approved the actions of deleting your online accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, blogs, etc. because your insecure boyfriend told you so? Has Miley been reading MS? It's not like Miley was tweeting anything daring or sexual, I assume (ie she would lose her lucrative endorsements).

Miley Cyrus quits Twitter
US teen star Miley Cyrus has followed in the footsteps of Trent Reznor – and that’s not a sentence we ever thought we’d write. No, she hasn’t covered Nine Inch Nails’ Closer: she’s deleted her Twitter account. ... s-twitter/

Now that the media/society has beaten the masculinity out of our young boys and turned them into metrosexuals, females must now listen to them emo cry and moan about their insecurities and delete online accounts? Do they delete the accounts to stop the crying?
She'll end up like Brittany Spears or Christina Aguleira I'm sure. They both started out sweet and innocent and then look what happened? lol

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:56 pm
by EvilNTent
[quote="Crystal_sphere"]I am not defending Trent because his behavior of late is atrocious, but, Bronze, he didn't mess anything up with Denise. She pursued him, he never wanted her. In fact, she even flew the entire way to Australia to try and be by his side when he was on the Fragility tour to try and win his affections. Trent doesn't have any regrets when it comes to her. I can assure you. And, I am sorry, but I really think that she is unattractive.[/quote]

Well, of course you are entitled to your opinion although I disagree. Denise is a beautiful woman.

However, the rest of this is dead wrong on every count. Believe me. Pure fantasy.

BTW-Bronze, I've met Dita & you are right, she is not beautiful. But she is probably the best put together woman I've ever seen in my life. Just really amazing looking in every way.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:45 pm
by BaGawker2.0

i have no clue but from looks alone denise is really pretty and he should have grabbed her to marry. though she suffers from the same imaginary 23 age as dairyqueen (she couldnt have sang on the fragile at 11). just looking at photos she is classier looking.

Nyke was kinda pretty, but seemed really dumb/ but i dont recall her being nasty to fans, just blabbing about what she got and posting photos of his house. she seemed more dumb less vindictive then dairyqueen who is both. the deaf thing was a little odd especially since he is a musician but hey whatever floats your boat

and then good old stupid vapid Q who looks alright from a distance and with lots of photoshopping, but in reality is very average with no talent. at least the former two have something better going for themselves. Q has JACK SHIT.

PS and unless MQ was like "14" (her imaginary age) she didnt meet trent in 2000

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:03 pm
by A Zombie
bronzecookie81 wrote:Go Wash Your Cunt.

A Zombie wrote:

this is coming from someone who shits her pants and calls everyone racist.. i guess most of trent women look like they roll themselves in mudd

yeah that's what i thought.. way to fail at pretending to not be racist faggot

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:43 pm
by bronzecookie81
You're a special ed Whore........
You say "i guess most of trent women look like they roll themselves in mudd" and you're calling someone else out for being racist?? BTW, if you're trying to build a case on discrimination of ANY kind, it's best not to use the terms "faggot." You Lose Honey... Go sit in your corner....and GO WASH YOUR CUNT.

A Zombie wrote:
yeah that's what i thought.. way to fail at pretending to not be racist faggot

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:37 am
by A Zombie
bronzecookie81 wrote:You're a special ed Whore........
You say "i guess most of trent women look like they roll themselves in mudd" and you're calling someone else out for being racist?? BTW, if you're trying to build a case on discrimination of ANY kind, it's best not to use the terms "faggot." You Lose Honey... Go sit in your corner....and GO WASH YOUR CUNT.

A Zombie wrote:
yeah that's what i thought.. way to fail at pretending to not be racist faggot
you're retarded.. i was obviously saying what YOU said the only the other way around.. i guess according to you if you talk shit about white peoples skin it's not racist.. you're only racist if you talk about black people i guess.. also.. never claimed to be against racism OR any kind of discrimination.. i say nigger daily.. i call my gay friends faggots.. sorry "honey" but i dont lose.. i'm not claiming to be what i'm not like you are.. a closet racist cunt. stop posting here all your posts are incredibly worthless and delusional.. you should go post on the insider.. that's where the crazies like you go

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:33 am
by bronzecookie81
Take a look again at all you just wrote.....Yeah Bitch, you LOSE. You're the laughing stock of this thread so the only person who should leave is your ridiculous, non-grammatical posting ass. Did your mother drink--HEAVILY--with you?? Wow........
Pull your panties up, grab your Trent Doll, cut "Hurt" off, and stop peaking through Trent's window. If you were smart--but special ed people usually don't know when to stop--, you'd save yourself any more stupidity by not responding because it's obvious to everyone reading you just go OWNED. Nobody is gonna devote anymore time to you. I don't *like* you......I"m tired of you. You bore me and you're not worthy of anymore responding to.
Once again, GO WASH YOUR CUNT.

A Zombie wrote: you're retarded.. i was obviously saying what YOU said the only the other way around.. i guess according to you if you talk shit about white peoples skin it's not racist.. you're only racist if you talk about black people i guess.. also.. never claimed to be against racism OR any kind of discrimination.. i say nigger daily.. i call my gay friends faggots.. sorry "honey" but i dont lose.. i'm not claiming to be what i'm not like you are.. a closet racist cunt. stop posting here all your posts are incredibly worthless and delusional.. you should go post on the insider.. that's where the crazies like you go

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:27 pm
by Wikkedsyn
A Zombie wrote:
bronzecookie81 wrote:You're a special ed Whore........
You say "i guess most of trent women look like they roll themselves in mudd" and you're calling someone else out for being racist?? BTW, if you're trying to build a case on discrimination of ANY kind, it's best not to use the terms "faggot." You Lose Honey... Go sit in your corner....and GO WASH YOUR CUNT.

A Zombie wrote:
yeah that's what i thought.. way to fail at pretending to not be racist faggot
you're retarded.. i was obviously saying what YOU said the only the other way around.. i guess according to you if you talk shit about white peoples skin it's not racist.. you're only racist if you talk about black people i guess.. also.. never claimed to be against racism OR any kind of discrimination.. i say nigger daily.. i call my gay friends faggots.. sorry "honey" but i dont lose.. i'm not claiming to be what i'm not like you are.. a closet racist cunt. stop posting here all your posts are incredibly worthless and delusional.. you should go post on the insider.. that's where the crazies like you go
anyone who uses words like you have used above is the racist one. Go away already.
and calling someone else "retarded"... how old are you? 9 or 10?

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:35 pm
by bronzecookie81
I bet so--them being at Josh's shower....or possibly someone else's shower. There have been TONS out in LA every freakin weekend it seems. Everytime I look up, another friend is having a shower/wedding. I'm glad this season is over! Too much money. :P

So fucking lame though.....give it up Idiots. Nobody is buying what you're selling. Q looks like she'd rather be getting a pap smear, and TR looks like a Father saying "congrats on finishing cosmetology school" in the pic. You can't fake chemistry......
I never saw her caption under the photo but notice how everything she does is stupidly planned?? I don't caption things with just "wedding shower", I'd say, "so and so's wedding shower"...Q didn't say a name because she wants people to believe it was HER shower....FAIL Dirt Devil.
I imagine they showed up many places together as of late--her friend's stuff in particular too--because she has to be getting drilled and questioned out the ass and is probably feeling very stupid right now. Shit is different when you're heading out on a tour and in a publicity stunt, everything is a whirlwind...but once you get home, people have questions and doubts because you're finally stationary. He's still participating--possibly--because he's trying not to look like a joke for even pulling this shit....not working.

ETA: Danny just Tweeted a pic of Charlie at Josh's wedding.....I wonder if Trent said a big hearty "Hello"??......
cathousebabe wrote:BACK to the good stuff-

Danny Lohner tweeted today :
pls send @joshfreese and his bride Nicole sumLuv- FINALLY removing the 'bastard' from the kid's names! weird wedding photos soon!!!! (via @dannylohner)

Could the Q and Big Daddy been at their wedding shower when they got the Blue Light Special portrait pic taken? Q did put they were at a wedding shower under that pic.

Discuss... :mrgreen: