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Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:32 pm
by GirlUnderwater
CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:Where did that bronzecookie chick go?
Fifteen minutes on the elliptical following her twice weekly Jenny Craig meeting.

Who the fuck knows? I'd take a stab and say that now that these batty bitches lost their anonymity, it's no fun to point and laugh at Trent and his wife. Shame, too, because this part where they turn on eachother is the bestestest.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:33 pm
by GirlUnderwater
Grendel wrote:Is there a consensus as to whom is the nuttiest broad currently posting on this thread?
You're asking the nutty broads to figure out who is the nuttiest among them?

Circular firing squad.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:58 pm
by jar
cathousebabe wrote:
GirlUnderwater wrote:
CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:Where did that bronzecookie chick go?
Fifteen minutes on the elliptical following her twice weekly Jenny Craig meeting.

Who the fuck knows? I'd take a stab and say that now that these batty bitches lost their anonymity, it's no fun to point and laugh at Trent and his wife. Shame, too, because this part where they turn on eachother is the bestestest.
No it's still fun to laugh at them and you. Not everyone has been "outted". The two that were mentioned were already known for posting here. I know you think this an inglorious act but really It's lame.

Why do you care what people say and think of Trent and Mariqueen? Can no one have their own opinion? Oh wait, yes we can. This is NOT
Oh come now.

I think it should be obvious by now that no one in the world is allowed to think ill of Tront. LET ALONE SPEAK IT!

I am starting to think that there may be a concerted effort to "remove" NIN unsubs so when the new (lololololololol) tracks drop negativity about the "product" will be minimized.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:02 pm
by bronzecookie81
Up your Mom's pussy....that's where I am. It's yeasty. The hell are you worried about my whereabouts on a message board???

It's still plenty of fun. I"m about you?? Why is it that you, your fake husband, your fat ass friend, and your OTHER friend who had the account here first... that are all posting here can't understand that YOU are the joke?? You like abuse obviously and aren't too bright. If I got my ass handed to me the way ANY of them have, no way would I come here. Special needs having mutherfuckers. Keep posting though, your pseudo "I"m here to call people out for Trent and his fake wife that's locked in the closet" routine is priceless. You give yourselves away whenever you post. Get it through your head, nobody is jealous, fat, or wants anything that any of you have. You're posting here, you're not better than anyone. In fact, you're THE MOST retarded. We are here to clown the court jesters, you are here to clean up the shit. #FAIL
lolo66 wrote: This. Warmleatherblah's cohort is mysteriously missing???

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:47 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
warmleatherette wrote:^Why don't you kiss my
big black ass

Bitch, don't you wish you had an ass like that... know that shit's backwards and all that junk's in the front, not the back LMAO

Immature comments about what I ultimately don't know aside, Leatherette - are you done acting a damn fool yet, or can we all expect comedy gold until this thread gets zapped too?

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:00 pm
by Metal Sludge
No she isn't.

I deleted the last thread just to show cherokeepony how easily I could or some stupid shit like that.

Now... I hear there is personal info being posted in this thread?
I didn't see anything I would consider as such, but I didn't look too hard either.

So please...tell me what you are thinking "personal info" is, and who's it's supposed to be, and I will see whether or not the thread needs to be deleted over it and if anyone needs to go.

Be specific and please understand, I don't care what members of this board are posting elsewhere. I am only concerned with what is posted here.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:08 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
Warmleatherette insists that the young lady in the picture is me, but it isn't, so the only thing that bothers me is some girl being unknowlngly roasted by strangers on a metal board...gladly, the girl's very pretty, so it backfired on her.

As far as I've read, no one has posted personal info here on anyone else...

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:15 pm
by Metal Sludge
That's why I'm asking.
You see, lots of times people think things like their screen name from another board, or their MySpace link that's all over the place, are considered personal info.
They aren't.
Personal info is, a first and last REAL name, address, phone number, SSN #, an actual picture that was sent in confidence, not posted all over the rest of the internet know...REAL things.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:17 pm
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
bronzecookie81 wrote:Up your Mom's pussy....that's where I am. It's yeasty. The hell are you worried about my whereabouts on a message board???

I had a feeling you liked baked goods.

And I'm not worried about your whereabouts - just wondering why you finally shut the fuck up.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:36 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
warmleatherette wrote:Let's call a spade a spade shall we? Didn't someone *ahem* OrionslaveGirl1 posted on the second or first thread that some of you could meet the band members of nin by standing around by the tour bus in a sexy dress...well we all know that majority of you are not going to be up anyone's alley they might like some fugly bitches.
I can bet my Prius no one that's ever been in Nine inch Nails (even Jeordie) have any interest in the likes of any of you malice your momma was meth smoking while pregant with you one genetic mutation away from anecephalic bitches.

What the fuck is that about??

Orion. Good grief, Girl seriously get your act together I see why your "ex-boyfriend" (made up boyfriend in her mind, probably thinking its Trent Reznor) dumped you wideload ass. Get over it! Trent Reznor would rather marry the dumbest bitch on the face of the earth Mariqueen than be with you or the rest of the dumb bitches on this board.

I want to know this why do you support this donkey aka Trent Reznor when he call you names and said to kill yourselves? Please give me an answer?

AMFOS220 you are the very one who got the last thread zapped...bitch keep telling on yourself.
See, I was going to ignore you but I'm bored.

I'll say it ONE.MORE.TIME...that girl ISN'T ME!!!

Again I ask - who the fucking fuck are you to know what the mercenary musicians who make up the traveling NIN band are into, and furthermore, what makes you think any of the regular posters in this thread would actually put on a
purty dress and stand by a goddamned tourbus to attract the amorous attentions of the unwashed?

I'm sure any woman worth her salt would leave that desperate shit for the untried teenagers with nothing in their heads. I've never had to beg a dude to let me blow him, but let me stop right there, since I don't want to bring up painful highschool memories for you...

Anyways - stop it with the fat obsession. People are into different things, and there are a whole mess of gorgeous, fit, yummy men who are takes all sorts to make a world. Your narrow minded insults are immature and
, just, blah fuck it you're a goddamned simpleton I'm done.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:43 pm
by Metal Sludge
Okay personal info? I don't have to read anymore of this crap.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:49 pm
by Smashkill
Metal Sludge wrote:Okay personal info? I don't have to read anymore of this crap.
You know, you could just delete the thread... for the sake of humanity.

Just a thought.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:53 pm
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Or not.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:53 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
Smashkill wrote:
Metal Sludge wrote:Okay personal info? I don't have to read anymore of this crap.
You know, you could just delete the thread... for the sake of humanity.

Just a thought.
Then what would you have to jerk it to??

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:56 pm
by Metal Sludge
Smashkill wrote:
Metal Sludge wrote:Okay personal info? I don't have to read anymore of this crap.
You know, you could just delete the thread... for the sake of humanity.

Just a thought.
Why? It never bothers me until you people venture out if it.
If you have an issue with it...Please let me know what it is. It may not be cause to delete it, but at least I'll know what all the fuss is about.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:30 pm
by Smashkill
Metal Sludge wrote:Okay personal info? I don't have to read anymore of this crap.
This looks like some pretty personal information to me.
Wikkedsyn wrote:umm ok....


@youareonourlist @trollbeauties @trollspotter who's ur Daddy dumbass? (address removed) I suggest u stop or I'll scratch.. about 8 hours ago via web in reply to youareonourlist

lol some people have too much free time on their hands

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:32 pm
by Orionslavegirl1
Metal Sludge wrote:That's why I'm asking.
You see, lots of times people think things like their screen name from another board, or their MySpace link that's all over the place, are considered personal info.
They aren't.
Personal info is, a first and last REAL name, address, phone number, SSN #, an actual picture that was sent in confidence, not posted all over the rest of the internet know...REAL things.
They posted links to my full name and to my fathers address.

Pictures are on my Facebook and my yahoo email i don't care

Also, when i venture out of this thread,i try to make a contribution.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:37 pm
by amouthfulofsin220
That wasn't *originally* posted here...and it was already on Twitter and the Insider thread.

To be safe, I'd suggest whoever posted and quoted the original post delete it. I certainly wouldn't want that address to remain here, fake or not.

Lipbalmm does deserve to get fucked with a broken glass dildo for being so horrible though...

Crazy bitch.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:44 pm
by Smashkill
cathousebabe wrote:Wow WIkkid copy & pasted a tweet from Twitter :roll:
Yeah, because repeating someone's address information off twitter is totally kosher here! So if I could post information from someone's facebook page here with their phone number, that would be ok too? Cool!
cathousebabe wrote:Smashkil how do YOU know who's address is? How do YOU know it's even a real address?Obsessed with us much? Try again spazz
I'm sorry? What were you saying? I was too busy fapping to the amount of stupidity in this thread.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:48 pm
by jar
Smashkill wrote:
I am a big fat faggot

Why, yes! Yes, you are Ternt!

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:49 pm
by citrinecastle
Any information on me posted is on the web. I was more disturbed by the fact some asshat decided to 'call me out' and spent ALL that time hacking into my photobucket (ain't that hard to do) and making some nasty comments. Woo. All I want to know is who it is. That's all. Also the fact my full name was posted was annoying. Not unexpected, but annoying. If my name is googled you get my home address being a new home owner. This shit starter needs to shut their cockholster and get a life beyond stalking people who say 'bad things' about the stompy little turd. That's all.

Don't see how as closing this thread is pertinent. That's exactly what they are aiming for. For that reason I'd leave it up until Taylor Swift is old, wrinkled and has to sling her tits over her shoulders. :lol:

I say, don't close it. They can post whatever they can find. Just proves how desperate they are to close a wittel fwead.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:49 pm
by Orionslavegirl1
jar wrote:
Smashkill wrote:
I am a big fat faggot

Why, yes! Yes, you are Ternt!
Don't insult the gays like that!

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:58 pm
by Smashkill
Metal Sludge wrote:Personal info is, a first and last REAL name, address, phone number, SSN #, an actual picture that was sent in confidence, not posted all over the rest of the internet know...REAL things.
Posting real first and last names?

Here's one that makes Orionslave look to be the giant CUNT that she is:
Orionslavegirl1 wrote:!/ ... ash?ref=ts This is papagulosh. He is dating Amber Miller who is also A_sourgirl. The reason why i know this is because she and I were NIN aquantences. I deleted her off my twitter and Fb a LONG time ago.

Also she lives in UT he lives on Long Island. Long distance much?
And the funny part is that Amber isn't even A_sourgirl or related to any of this shit. Orionslave was just posting information about someone who had NOTHING to do with this circus. What a fucking laugh.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:59 pm
by Orionslavegirl1
But i didn't post her address like they did to my dad did I?


Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:00 pm
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Smashkill wrote:Yeah, because repeating someone's address information off twitter is totally kosher here!

It is.

So if I could post information from someone's facebook page here with their phone number, that would be ok too? Cool!

It actually would be, if the phone number were on the Facebook page.

Roll again.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:01 pm
by jar

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:02 pm
by jar
Smashkill wrote:I am full of my own self-importance and can't sleep at night until everyone has been made aware of how awesome I am.]

Why, yes! Yes, you are Ternt!

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:07 pm
by citrinecastle
Smashkill wrote:
Metal Sludge wrote:Personal info is, a first and last REAL name, address, phone number, SSN #, an actual picture that was sent in confidence, not posted all over the rest of the internet know...REAL things.
Posting real first and last names?

Here's one that makes Orionslave look to be the giant CUNT that she is:
Orionslavegirl1 wrote:!/ ... ash?ref=ts This is papagulosh. He is dating Amber Miller who is also A_sourgirl. The reason why i know this is because she and I were NIN aquantences. I deleted her off my twitter and Fb a LONG time ago.

Also she lives in UT he lives on Long Island. Long distance much?
And the funny part is that Amber isn't even A_sourgirl or related to any of this shit. Orionslave was just posting information about someone who had NOTHING to do with this circus. What a fucking laugh.
Uh yeah, and like the other side of this jolly little fun camp ain't doing the SAME FUCKING THING to some degree or another?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:15 pm
by Wikkedsyn
Smashkill wrote:
Metal Sludge wrote:Okay personal info? I don't have to read anymore of this crap.
This looks like some pretty personal information to me.
Wikkedsyn wrote:umm ok....


@youareonourlist @trollbeauties @trollspotter who's ur Daddy dumbass? . about 8 hours ago via web in reply to youareonourlist

lol some people have too much free time on their hands

Little mod..or wanna be mod... I pasted that from Twitter, that Lipbalm replied to the whole thing next was twitter, way before I posted it here.

Re: NIN Got Some Crazy Bitches, Part Trois

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:17 pm
by Wikkedsyn
amouthfulofsin220 wrote:That wasn't *originally* posted here...and it was already on Twitter and the Insider thread.

To be safe, I'd suggest whoever posted and quoted the original post delete it. I certainly wouldn't want that address to remain here, fake or not.

Lipbalmm does deserve to get fucked with a broken glass dildo for being so horrible though...

Crazy bitch.
