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Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:06 pm
by LocoOno
MonkeyBars80 wrote:
Out Of Lurk Mode wrote:Got your nausea pills ready?

Phil's "Eve" in paradise.

This picture looks a lot like one Shawyaha posted does't it?
What's even more sickening than her cutesy preadolescant pictures is the dozens and dozens of Def Leppard fans that flock to her page kissing her ass over each and every photo and sucking up. The same Def Leppard fans that suck up to Anita and Camillah and Michele and Shawyana, and the same ones that will suck up to whoever Phil brings home next. These fans don't give a shit about these girls they just suck up to whoever he's fucking because he's Phil. What phoneys!
Ugh, totally agree on the annoying fans. Helen posted something about how to help the Haiti victims, some link or something, and some idiot Lep fan wrote her Twitter saying something like, "Helen, you are the most caring, loving and kind person I think I've ever known" or some other barf-worthy nonsense like that. Helen was like, "That's always been me, and you're just seeing it for the first time."

What's so extra-charitable and "loving" about posting some link to the Red Cross? And why would a fan even bother sucking up like that? Do they think it's a way to get to Phil?
I think he's gay. What real man wears girlie shoes like that?

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:56 pm
by Out Of Lurk Mode
Lots of guys wear converses.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:35 am
by Out Of Lurk Mode
Helen's having tantrums on her facebook about her pictures ending up over here talking about how cruel and evil fans. I don't know what fantasy planet she lives on but if she's going to make such a fucking idiot out of herself she'd better get used to getting called out on it. She can get her Brooklyn going on all she wants, whatever the hell that means it's not going to change the fact that she's engaged to a guy thats cheating on her left and right laughing at her right along with the women he's fucking when she's not around and hell even when she is like in London. I felt sorry for her at first but she's acting so high and mighty now I'm just going to laugh my ass off when ends up like yesterday's news just like all his other booty calls. Hell I'm laughing now. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What's next? She goes on forums to argue with fans who are supposed to be to stupid to know it's her? She's the worst Lep Tard of all. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:24 am
by LocoOno
Helen is here?

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:32 am
by Out Of Lurk Mode
It wouldn't be the first forum she trolls around on. :roll:

What's really funny is how Phil's going to react when she goes pissing and moaning to him about how mean his bad old fans are being to his poor widdle Evie Weevie on the internet. I wish I was a fly on the wall for that.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:16 pm
by bronzecookie81
He definately has something goin on. His oral game must be MIND boggling...probably gives them seizures or some shit. :lol:
He's gonna drive Helen crazy before it's all over with. :mrgreen: Better marry her or she might kick his ass.

warmleatherette wrote:I agree Phil does have great abs, Geez Phil's got something going on he needs to have his own reality show called Big Love how many Black Chicas he have, besides his wife Anita.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:56 pm
by DimeBagRIP
Out Of Lurk Mode wrote:It wouldn't be the first forum she trolls around on. :roll:

What's really funny is how Phil's going to react when she goes pissing and moaning to him about how mean his bad old fans are being to his poor widdle Evie Weevie on the internet. I wish I was a fly on the wall for that.
You get far too much pleasure out of other peoples suffering or personal issues. You must troll the same exact places she does if you are so certain she does too.
How much time and energy does it take for you to work yourself up into these hate frenzy's?
Be careful- it will all show up on your face and ass one day- or it may already have. :twisted:

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:18 pm
by Out Of Lurk Mode
You wish FAGboy. Your the worst troll of all.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:15 pm
by MonkeyBars80
Out Of Lurk Mode wrote:Helen's having tantrums on her facebook about her pictures ending up over here talking about how cruel and evil fans. I don't know what fantasy planet she lives on but if she's going to make such a fucking idiot out of herself she'd better get used to getting called out on it. She can get her Brooklyn going on all she wants, whatever the hell that means it's not going to change the fact that she's engaged to a guy thats cheating on her left and right laughing at her right along with the women he's fucking when she's not around and hell even when she is like in London. I felt sorry for her at first but she's acting so high and mighty now I'm just going to laugh my ass off when ends up like yesterday's news just like all his other booty calls. Hell I'm laughing now. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What's next? She goes on forums to argue with fans who are supposed to be to stupid to know it's her? She's the worst Lep Tard of all. :roll: :roll: :roll:

This is my biggest pet peeve of all: stupid rock girlfriends who post personal information and pictures of life with the husband or boyfriend online and then gripe about people invading their privacy or writing mean things about them. Frankly, you give up your right to privacy when you keep a personal blog or twitter feed with pics and details of you and a famous guy. No sensible woman who's dating a famous man would ever keep an online presence like that, when you consider all the weirdos out there who have who knows what motive or agenda, and when you consider the sheer embarrassment of what ultimately becomes a public breakup. These women who do this (and it's not just Helen) are brainless and poorly intentioned, as far as I'm concerned. I believe that 99 percent of the time they are self-promotional gold-diggers who are striking the publicity iron while it's hot. If I were a rock star, the first time some b*tch posted pics of me or my houses online, I would dump her so flipping fast, because she would have exposed herself for the user she is.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:27 pm
by bronzecookie81
I agree 100%, and not even about this pertaining to Helen, but just in general. I'm convinced that whenever "girlfriends" get online to brag, post pics, whatever, and it's with/about a famous guy, they are staging their own little personal publicity stunt. It gets hard fighting off attacks so they make it out like they're innocent and want to argue back, shut down their social networks, or do whatever....but the door is already wide open and frankly they brought it on themselves. You start that shit, you know what's gonna happen. You're going to get your ass handed to you and if your boyfriend lets you act a Fool and tell everything you two are doing, he's in on it and wants you to get clowned. Their intentions in sharing personal details online is to brag, and that's dishonorable so in turn you're gonna always be known as an Idiot amongst his fans.
When the breakup happens--and it always will--the girl will be looking stupid, while they're man has taken up with the next Chick.

MonkeyBars80 wrote:
This is my biggest pet peeve of all: stupid rock girlfriends who post personal information and pictures of life with the husband or boyfriend online and then gripe about people invading their privacy or writing mean things about them. Frankly, you give up your right to privacy when you keep a personal blog or twitter feed with pics and details of you and a famous guy. No sensible woman who's dating a famous man would ever keep an online presence like that, when you consider all the weirdos out there who have who knows what motive or agenda, and when you consider the sheer embarrassment of what ultimately becomes a public breakup. These women who do this (and it's not just Helen) are brainless and poorly intentioned, as far as I'm concerned. I believe that 99 percent of the time they are self-promotional gold-diggers who are striking the publicity iron while it's hot. If I were a rock star, the first time some b*tch posted pics of me or my houses online, I would dump her so flipping fast, because she would have exposed herself for the user she is.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:47 pm
by GhodesGroupie it is official now...Phil is obviously divorced from Anita, the girlfriend that was supposedly living in his house is obviously not and he is now married to Helen. Not that marriage stops him from cheating though but this does answer a few questions and confirms some things that you all have been talking about the past few months.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:50 am
by VegasRockChick
GhodesGroupie it is official now...Phil is obviously divorced from Anita, the girlfriend that was supposedly living in his house is obviously not and he is now married to Helen. Not that marriage stops him from cheating though but this does answer a few questions and confirms some things that you all have been talking about the past few months.

Just saw a story on my google feed about him marrying Helen 9 days after his divorce from Anita was finalized. Dude's got some serious issues.... Married and divorced twice, married again, 3 kids with 3 different baby mama's... AND why does he always pick the women that look like BAD trannies!? It disgusts me to no end all the people sucking up and telling her how amazing she is..blah, blah, blah...

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:52 pm
by MojoMama7
Not only did Helen and Phil marry, but they shared their whole sordid, complicated relationship history with the New York Times for their wedding write-up. GUESS THEY SHOWED US HATERS!!! ... f=weddings

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:51 pm
by transcient1
MojoMama7 wrote:Not only did Helen and Phil marry, but they shared their whole sordid, complicated relationship history with the New York Times for their wedding write-up. GUESS THEY SHOWED US HATERS!!! ... f=weddings

Interesting article. And I thought it was as simple as Phil likes having sex with black tranvestites!

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:52 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
Black dudes be luvin dis shit.

For STATUS. :lol:

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:29 pm
by jboogie
CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:Black dudes be luvin dis shit.

For STATUS. :lol:

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:34 pm
by BlowPop
Some bands (usually the no-talent ones) are just not great enough to reach legend status. Notice the ones that are timeless are the ones who don't brag and call themselves "art" and genius. Even though these rare bands are masterpieces by universal standards, and not by their own delusions. They're so good the music plays for itself. No drama, tabloids or transvestite marriages for them.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:32 am
by LocoOno
Shit, why is it when I want to lurk and then post something "accidently," MetalSludge doesn't allow you to delete the whole post without you must leaving your avatar, so no one ever knows what you did or that you where here. This board sucks in that way.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
warmleatherette wrote:Must be for the ability of fucking a dumb cunt, hold down no job, and that dumb cunt dont give a fuck. Of course black dudes luv that situation AKA STATUS to the point that majority of them like them fat and have low self esteem. :lol: I see them all the time.

Right, because only brokeass brothers date fat white women. :lol:

Kanye Who? Tiger What? Anyone care to tell me who the fuck Seal is?

Honestly honey, you have got to be the either the stupidest or the brokest bitch on this board if you honestly believe that shit. I suggest you pick up some overtime so you can move yourself out of whatever housing project you reside in where black men are jobless and fuck only fat dumb chicks so that your idea of what a real black man is isn't so fucking skewed and limited.

I swear to Christ, between your near illiterate histrionic ebonics and insistence on bringing race into everything, you have single-handedly insulted and embarrassed every intelligent and refined black woman who has ever posted here. Your posts scream of poverty, ignorance, and public school. The fact that you even thought that I was serious up there is just the Pink Oil flavored icing on the Nice'N'Easy cake. Maybe you should quit chasing white cock so much and find a little self-love.

See how ignorant that sounded? Of course you don't - your common ass is too busy perpetuating stereotypes.

jboogie wrote:
CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:Black dudes be luvin dis shit.

For STATUS. :lol:

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:48 am
by Blackie Onassis
I didn't know arm leatherette was a POC and was about to post about how tired I was of her lazy racism. I see I need to amend that to lazy self loathing.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:59 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
warmleatherette wrote:Hit a nerve, much? :lol: :lol:
White pussy is overrated and the easiest to get everybody knows it don't get pissed because you are a pot smoking dumb white trash cunt CSHB.
Go back to craigslist and selling your crabridden cunt for meth and pot.

I'd consider it if your grandma didn't have the market cornered and locked down for when your whore mother gets out of jail. God knows your trick of a father doesn't give a shit how she makes a living anymore than he gave a fuck about how she fed you or even what she named you.

Now seriously, Precious - anyone with an IQ above that of a used tampon can see that the reason I'm fucking with you here has nothing to do with an imaginary struck nerve, and everything to do with me amusing myself with yet another Ho Board tardball, and until Cherokeepony comes back, the tardball du jour is you. Unlike you, I don't discriminate - I like my tardballs in all shapes, sizes, colors, and levels of retardation. The only thing I require is that you say stupid shit - which you do, on the regular.

You honestly sound like a hood rat who took the wrong turn in Atlanta and ended up at the fucking Country Music Awards - defensive, scared, and pro-actively confrontational. I suggest you take your inferiority complex back to Crunk & Disorderly and quit setting back Civil Rights another 50 years every time you hit submit on this messageboard.

Or you could just keep posting like Mushmouth from Fat Albert - thatba shitba beba awesomeba.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:18 am
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:12 pm
by MonkeyBars80
Interesting. Anyone else notice Anita's got a wedding pic of her and Phil on her Facebook page? A beach shot much like the one from Helen and Phil's wedding? What's up with that? Also looks like Rory changed the spelling of his last name to Kallin.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:37 am
by Blackie Onassis
MojoMama7 wrote:Not only did Helen and Phil marry, but they shared their whole sordid, complicated relationship history with the New York Times for their wedding write-up. GUESS THEY SHOWED US HATERS!!! ... f=weddings
I meant to say this at the time but some of the dates in that article are a little off.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:58 am
by Nicole76
MojoMama7 wrote:Not only did Helen and Phil marry, but they shared their whole sordid, complicated relationship history with the New York Times for their wedding write-up. GUESS THEY SHOWED US HATERS!!! ... f=weddings
He introduced himself as they passed in a hallway
TRANSLATION: He saw a black dude in the hallway, and had to jump on that.

This all seems a little strange to me--her claiming she didn't know anything about him before they met. First off, she got a job with that ripoff "VIP" package company (which mostly does rock concerts), then she just so happens to become the overpriced-shitty-concert-experience liaison for Def Lep's tour? Hmm...if she really didn't know who he was before, she probably Googled the hell out of him after their encounter then finagled her way onto their tour.

So funny that she believes that he's done with girls (that may be true, but he's certainly not limiting the contents of his pants to their bedroom).

warmleatherette, stop saying cunt. Have some respect, you neanderthal.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:52 pm
by Blackie Onassis
He's gone a bit quiet since the wedding it seems.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:04 pm
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
And by "quiet", you mean not hooking up with chicks left and right, amirite?

Or did they just stop posting about their fairytale love story?

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:03 pm
by Blackie Onassis
CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:And by "quiet", you mean not hooking up with chicks left and right, amirite?

Or did they just stop posting about their fairytale love story?
the latter. Or rather, she probably hasn't but he has.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:21 pm
by GhodesGroupie
Blackie Onassis wrote:
CrouchingStonerHiddenBong wrote:And by "quiet", you mean not hooking up with chicks left and right, amirite?

Or did they just stop posting about their fairytale love story?
the latter. Or rather, she probably hasn't but he has.
I don't keep up with Twitter and/or Tweet but I do know that Phil has been in charge of posting for DL's Facebook page for a week or so now.

Re: Phil Collen's latest

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:14 pm
by CrouchingStonerHiddenBong
I heard nappyleatherette's bulldagger mama likes white cunts.

I said it and I meant it!