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Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:26 pm
by Babydoll
No offense to the ladies that have read, and are into the books but I just don't get what the big deal is. Any other ladies agree?
It's been talked about on tv and the net for a few months now, many of my female friends on facebook are talking about it too. I tend not to be into the "flavor of the week" overhyped stuff, and there are other reasons too. It does seem be helping some of the women get sexier with their men so that's great-maybe I'm just being a snob with it :p
When I first heard of it, it reminded me too much of "Secretary", a movie I absolutely love so that didn't help.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:11 pm
by Orionslavegirl1
its a garbage book series

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:23 am
by DarlingLysa
I kept hearing great stuff about it from all of my friends and then I heard Ian Somerhalder was up for the role of Christian. That got my attention and I got the first book but could not get into it like everybody else did. I thought I was the only one not impressed by it. I will see the movie if Ian Somerhalder gets the role though. :D

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:00 am
by NativeTampon
DarlingLysa wrote: I heard Ian Somerhalder was up for the role of Christian.
I've heard the same thing about Alexander Skarsgard (the only reason I'd consider stealing the movie off the internet when made)

I'd read the books if they were loaned to me, but I would not go out and buy any of them. From what I understand, the writing is not very good and the subject matter is more like a tame version of S&M (i.e. S&M 101 for Housewives). I've also heard several people say that Anne Rice's erotica is far superior, and even Laurel K. Hamilton can write better sex scenes.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:17 am
by Bron
There's been a few funny/scathing articles about the book posted up on the Gawker and Jezebel sites. According to some of the forum members there, 'Fifty shades of Grey' was based on some 'erotic' Twilight fan-fic by the same author; who just changed the names of the protagonists for the novel . :lol:
The original fan-fic is supposedly still on-line somewhere. It sounds so deliciously cheesy... I'd like to read both versions just for a laugh.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:04 am
by EmilyStrangeEsp
A few months prior to the buzz, I picked up the first book in the series. Fifty Shades started out ok, then it turned pathetic. I stopped reading, too many other books to keep reading ridiculous novels.
*poor me, heehee I don't understand this sex stuff. But you are powerful and I must obey. Teach me oh great one*
Pass on this one.

BTW, I enjoy the occassional romantica (smut)

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:50 am
by jodi ... ssing.html

The origins of '50 Shades of Grey' go missing
May 30, 2012 | 3:12pm

Galleycat website had previously visited the site to look at the history of James' website, where she began posting writing in earnest after a beginning on It found lots there to demonstrate that James' early writings were meant to be a continuation, or detour, of the characters in Twilight, including images of actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. That was in James' online serial "Masters of the Universe," which begat "50 Shades of Grey." Now only Galleycat's screenshots of the site remain online -- the Internet Archive no longer has them.

“The Internet Archive honors requests from domain and site owners to exclude pages from the Wayback Machine at their request,” the site told Galleycat.

Why take down those pages? Could it be that fan fiction is in the crosshairs?

So far, fan fiction -- in which devoted readers revivify characters from their favorite works in their own writing -- has been left largely to flourish unimpeded. Vibrant online communities have sprung up around some books -- think the "Harry Potter" series -- in which people write and share their own versions of the characters in different places, time periods, and relationships. Sometimes, as in the case of "50 Shades of Grey," those relationships get sexual. But the sex isn't the problem -- it's the copyright.

"Copyright issues are at the core of fan fiction because using the characters and fictional worlds of commercial authors to create fan works is arguably a violation of the law from the outset," explains Steven Hechter in the British magazine Times Higher Education.

James' agent told Deadline, "This did start as 'Twilight' fan fiction, inspired by Stephenie Meyer’s wonderful series of books. Originally it was written as fan fiction, then Erika [E.L. James] decided to take it down after there were some comments about the racy nature of the material. She took it down and thought, I’d always wanted to write. I’ve got a couple unpublished novels here. I will rewrite this thing, and create these iconic characters, Christian and Anna. If you read the books, they are nothing like 'Twilight' now." Her American publisher told the Associated Press that James' "Masters of the Universe" (which was fan fiction) and "50 Shades of Grey" are "two distinctly separate pieces of work."

That point was countered by romance-focused site Dear Author, which compared the two works side by side. In one test, using the plagiarism-checker TurnItIn, the texts had 89% similarity.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:14 pm
by jodi ... omparison/

This older article compares sections of text from the fanfiction and 50 Shades of Grey trilogy side by side.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:07 pm
by rawkerfourtyfive
A few other girls I know are reading it and are not into it. Other girls I know are RAVING about it.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:36 pm
by Babydoll
Another reason I can't see myself being into it is maybe a strange one. I heard that the young woman in there is quite the virgin when she gets with the guy who apparently has been around the block plenty of times and right away he has her be the submissive one. To me, you just don't start out with the kinky stuff right away, most of us have the silly teenage sex stuff and hopefully it's been mutual--I just think it's sad and unsexy to start out with the heavy stuff when you havn't gone through the "boring" things-you should have a bit of everything to make you well rounded in the sex realm :p And would she still be into him if he was a poor regular guy?
I'm judging it as if it was real life so that is silly in of itself, sexy books and movies have always made the male character unrealistic-that's the draw.

For the past 6 years I have worked with this nice woman in her early 50's that would read the romance novels, the regular ones and cheezy type. She never talked about them but I would see them around the table she ate at, at lunch. But on the other hand she was very conservative and very catholic in other areas of her life and she never did marry or have many relationships with guys. I could'nt help but think that maybe was comparing all men to the ones in the books-lol.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:21 am
by saracapri
I saw some chick sitting in the waiting area at my work, reading this while her son was getting his haircut. Like everyone doesn't know she's sitting there reading porn. :lol:

I can't decide whether to waste my time on this book or not. It has very mixed reviews from people I've talked to.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:47 pm
by Stupid Goodbye Thread
No interest at all.

I read Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy - I'm good.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:36 am
by Lucybyday
saracapri wrote:I saw some chick sitting in the waiting area at my work, reading this while her son was getting his haircut. Like everyone doesn't know she's sitting there reading porn. :lol:

I can't decide whether to waste my time on this book or not. It has very mixed reviews from people I've talked to.
I know, right? My one of the teachers at my son's school brought it with her to read during break. Also, there was a chick really getting into her work out on the hip abductor machine at the gym the other week. I just laughed.

And I wouldn't waste your time. When the hoopla first started, I downloaded it, got past the first time they fucked and put it down. It really wasn't that interesting. :lol:

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:36 pm
by patba81
Its just good porn to read !

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:39 pm
by rawkerfourtyfive
Lucybyday wrote:
saracapri wrote:I saw some chick sitting in the waiting area at my work, reading this while her son was getting his haircut. Like everyone doesn't know she's sitting there reading porn. :lol:

I can't decide whether to waste my time on this book or not. It has very mixed reviews from people I've talked to.
I know, right? My one of the teachers at my son's school brought it with her to read during break. Also, there was a chick really getting into her work out on the hip abductor machine at the gym the other week. I just laughed.

And I wouldn't waste your time. When the hoopla first started, I downloaded it, got past the first time they fucked and put it down. It really wasn't that interesting. :lol:
It is actually pretty boring.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:49 am
by NativeTampon
patba81 wrote:Its just good porn to read !

You need to explore better options if you think this book series is "good porn to read." :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:28 pm
by saracapri
Got it on the iPad,curious about what all the fuss is about. Over 100 boring pages in, just read the first sex! In which the naive 22 year old virgin who has never even been kissed or masturbated before, is served up no less than 3 mindblowing orgasms during her first sex ever. Yeah right!

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:58 pm
by Stupid Goodbye Thread
They were probably just farts.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:01 pm
by Inessence
What sets this book apart from all the other smut books? I'm sick of hearing about it.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:26 pm
by saracapri
Stupid Goodbye Thread wrote:They were probably just farts.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:54 pm
by FearsOfGun
I managed to get as far as "chocolate starfish". Then I threw up.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:46 pm
by EvilQueen
Another reason I can't see myself being into it is maybe a strange one. I heard that the young woman in there is quite the virgin when she gets with the guy who apparently has been around the block plenty of times and right away he has her be the submissive one. To me, you just don't start out with the kinky stuff right away, most of us have the silly teenage sex stuff and hopefully it's been mutual--I just think it's sad and unsexy to start out with the heavy stuff when you havn't gone through the "boring" things-you should have a bit of everything to make you well rounded in the sex realm :p And would she still be into him if he was a poor regular guy?
I'm judging it as if it was real life so that is silly in of itself, sexy books and movies have always made the male character unrealistic-that's the draw.

Thank you. I thought I was the only one who did not like this book. I don't think it's silly to judge this as if it were real life. I did.

I do want to read the other two books. Just out of curiousity.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:58 pm
by greengage
I know isn't necessarily the right thing to do to dismiss something without giving it a try but, at the end of the day, this is a Twilight fic with the names changed. I have nothing against fic authors taking their works down in order to publish them..good luck to them I say. But if I'd read that synopsis on a livejournal comm, I would have skipped it without batting an eyelid. Ok, I might have done a weeny eye roll and perhaps yawned a bit too.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:31 am
by Ham Stroker's Ejacula
"Come to me my pet," he murmured, lips pursed. "I have something new with which to reveal the day."

I stirred, waking (perhaps for the first time truly) and my eyes saw his finger. It pointed forwardly, with a firm authority, towards the door which he had sternly forbidden for me to open. Rising from the clean white cotton mattress, my honey-blonde hair still amuss and noncombed from the prior night before, I stood.

"I believe that you will like what you will see," he offered, candidly. "I know that you were hurt by our words I shared you this past Tuesday." Today was Thursday. I glanced briefly at the ornate bedside calendar. Was he offering an apology?

Following his instructions, my hand found the cold brass doorknob, and turning it, I opened the door. What I saw was amazing.

Stretching before me a porch strewn with furniture. Its floor was stone, which was clean, and cool beneath my slipperless bare feet. A four-piece wicker patio set, cushioned thrones of desire encased in ornate woven bark, positioned in a ring encircling a spotless glass Smitwick Metal Patio Coffee Table, around which they stood.

"As a carrier of a Target RedCard," he explained clearly, "I am afforded certain wealthinesses. Free shipping when I invest $50 combined on eligible items across all categories, advance notice of sales. But these are mere trivialities. Nothing but baubles." He spoke as though these things meant little to him.

My eyes drifted, looking, noticing for the first time that thing which I had most overlooked, a guest in this secret outdoor chamber. I began to let out a gasp but my breath hitched and I stifled a cry, and quavered, mewling.

Sitting in the leftmost wicker 2-piece armless dining chair was Edward Cullen.

"I know that I can never know love as you know it. I can give you what you need," Christian said, speaking, "in many ways, but not in other ways. In the first ways I will always give you what you most desire. For the other ways I have invited into our home that which you desire also most."

"But you must never," he whispered firmly, with a quiet masculine hiss, "make love to him. For even though his love may trump my crop," his voice betraying not a quaver or hitch, "he is a vampire."

I thought quietly to myself. I had feelings about the patio, but I didn't talk about them.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:31 am
by jodi
"As a carrier of a Target RedCard," he explained clearly, "I am afforded certain wealthinesses."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:51 pm
by greengage
Ham Stroker's Ejacula wrote:"Come to me my pet," he murmured, lips pursed. "I have something new with which to reveal the day."

I stirred, waking (perhaps for the first time truly) and my eyes saw his finger. It pointed forwardly, with a firm authority, towards the door which he had sternly forbidden for me to open. Rising from the clean white cotton mattress, my honey-blonde hair still amuss and noncombed from the prior night before, I stood.

"I believe that you will like what you will see," he offered, candidly. "I know that you were hurt by our words I shared you this past Tuesday." Today was Thursday. I glanced briefly at the ornate bedside calendar. Was he offering an apology?

Following his instructions, my hand found the cold brass doorknob, and turning it, I opened the door. What I saw was amazing.

Stretching before me a porch strewn with furniture. Its floor was stone, which was clean, and cool beneath my slipperless bare feet. A four-piece wicker patio set, cushioned thrones of desire encased in ornate woven bark, positioned in a ring encircling a spotless glass Smitwick Metal Patio Coffee Table, around which they stood.

"As a carrier of a Target RedCard," he explained clearly, "I am afforded certain wealthinesses. Free shipping when I invest $50 combined on eligible items across all categories, advance notice of sales. But these are mere trivialities. Nothing but baubles." He spoke as though these things meant little to him.

My eyes drifted, looking, noticing for the first time that thing which I had most overlooked, a guest in this secret outdoor chamber. I began to let out a gasp but my breath hitched and I stifled a cry, and quavered, mewling.

Sitting in the leftmost wicker 2-piece armless dining chair was Edward Cullen.

"I know that I can never know love as you know it. I can give you what you need," Christian said, speaking, "in many ways, but not in other ways. In the first ways I will always give you what you most desire. For the other ways I have invited into our home that which you desire also most."

"But you must never," he whispered firmly, with a quiet masculine hiss, "make love to him. For even though his love may trump my crop," his voice betraying not a quaver or hitch, "he is a vampire."

I thought quietly to myself. I had feelings about the patio, but I didn't talk about them.
See now, I remember the 1998 solar eclipse, and I definitely had pubic hair at the time too, so that makes me too old for Twilight fandom, but tell me, is it really so?

I'm only asking cos I could do with a good laugh.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:37 am
by rawkerfourtyfive
Ham Stroker's Ejacula wrote:"
"As a carrier of a Target RedCard," .

Oh lord......... :roll:

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:00 pm
by MotleyMaiden
Stupid Goodbye Thread wrote:No interest at all.

I read Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy - I'm good.

Yes. Now this is erotica.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:24 am
by jodi
So I went to the family reunion this past weekend; guess what my elderly aunties are reading? Fifty Shades of fucking Grey. One tried to rationalize it was "educational" another that "it's about a married couple and their relationship". Then the disclaimer from Aunt Ellie: "Ya know if I wasn't eighty, this stuff might get me worked up." :roll:
Needless to say, I spent most of my time there playing frisbee.

Re: Am I the only chick not into "Fifty Shades Of Grey"?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:42 am
by HeavyMetalZombie666
I haven't had the chance to read it and I got family reading it. I want to see what the hype of it is.