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Re: President Trump

Post by Olds_71_442 »

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Re: President Trump

Post by Mojo »

Olds_71_442 wrote:Image
Is this real? He can't be that clueless.
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pieceofme wrote: Yeah, Mojo is a lot of peoples favourite!
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Re: President Trump

Post by Machado »

Mojo wrote:
Olds_71_442 wrote:Image
Is this real? He can't be that clueless.
Please tell me that tweet is "fake news"
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Re: President Trump

Post by Turner Coates »

Mojo wrote:
Olds_71_442 wrote:Image
Is this real? He can't be that clueless.
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Re: President Trump


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Re: President Trump

Post by Olds_71_442 »

Mojo wrote:
Olds_71_442 wrote:Image
Is this real? He can't be that clueless.
No it's me making a joke with the fake Trump tweet thing.
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Re: President Trump

Post by grishnak boss »

Machado wrote:
Mojo wrote:
Olds_71_442 wrote:Image
Is this real? He can't be that clueless.
Please tell me that tweet is "fake news"
alternative facts dude, like the bowling massacre

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Re: President Trump

Post by grishnak boss »

Once in a while it's good to read views that don't come from alternate manipulated spheres:

Born 1939 in Sofia and raised in communist Bulgaria, Todorov emigrated to France in 1963 where he has made an exceptional career in the cultural sciences. His The Fear of Barbarians: Beyond the Clash of Civilizations[1] belongs neither to the category of short-winded “political/non-fiction” books nor is it academically detached study. There are certain methodological similarities between Todorov’s book and Immanuel Wallerstein’s European Universalism: The Rhetoric of Power. [2]

Do We need Barbarians?
In their German editions, both books carry the term “barbarians” or “barbarism” in the title. Todorov demonstrates convincingly that the term “barbaric” as a designation for social collectives is absurd. Yet, barbarism does exist as a way of thinking and acting manifesting itself in genocide, colonial exploitation, nazi concentration camps, gulags, or dropping atom bombs on cities. Auschwitz and Hiroshima show that “civilization” – in the sense of cultural and scientific-technological progress – and “barbarism” are not mutually exclusive.

Since the times of ancient Greece, the term “barbarian” has had a pejorative meaning or even meant the equivalent of “enemy image”. The barbarian isn’t just the “other” in terms of language, ethnicity or social behavior. The barbarian is an inferior being – “wild”, inhuman or even subhuman.

In the colonial era, (most) European colonizers viewed and treated the indigenous peoples of Asia, Africa, America and Australia as barbarians or semi-barbarians who had to be subjugated and “domesticated” (or killed, when resisting). The barbarian as an enemy image is, however, not necessarily restricted to non-European people.

Throughout the 20th century, the main enemy images in Europe had the attribution “barbarism.” In World War I, the belligerent states denounced each other as barbaric. In World War II, Nazi Germany treated the peoples of the communist Soviet Union as subhumans to be enslaved and (European) Jews as subhumans to be exterminated. During the Cold War, the American-led capitalist-democratic West viewed the Russian-led communism as a barbaric regime – and vice versa.

Islam as Enemy Image
With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the enemy image of “European barbarians” vanished (except for the “Yugoslav wars”). But, during the 1990s, in the United States new enemy images were created: Islam and (in a more restricted fashion) China. Todorov doesn’t take up the issue of China, but focuses on Islam as the West’s new enemy image: Not just in its American (neo-imperial) “Clash of Civilizations”/”War on Terror” manifestation, but with respect to European right-wing populism which is mainly directed against Muslim immigrants.

Todorov presents a cogent refutation of Samuel Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” thesis: Huntington lumps together a billion Muslims – living in very different conditions on all five continents – into one entity: “Islam.” For Huntington, Islam is culturally backward and a religion of war. However, as Max Weber has demonstrated, even the great Arab-Islamic jihad of the 7th century was not religiously motivated – spreading the creed – but driven by power and economic aims. The issue was not mass conversion of subjugated peoples (which occurred gradually over several centuries) but the hefty taxation of non-Islamic believers (Christians, Jews or Persian Zoroastrians).

Todorov meticulously sets apart Islam and “Islamism.” Islamists are a tiny minority among Muslims who have instrumentalized religion and transformed it into a political ideology substituting non-religious political ideologies like liberalism, socialism or nationalism. The motivation of violent/terrorist Islamism is not religious, but social and political “ressentiment” – a key notion in Todorov’s book – against established political-military and/or economic powers of both the Islamic or non-Islamic world.

Todorov notes that the way of thinking of Huntington and Osama bin Laden – respectively essentializing and stereotyping Islam or the West – is very similar. And he points to the very practical consequences of this way of thinking: Islamist terrorism on the one side and the “war on terror” aerial bombardments and torture on the other side. Referring to the Algerian War (1954-62) and the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Todorov emphasizes that torture is not an ultima ratio means to get vital information, but a particular cruel form of (deliberate) punishment of enemies in an irregular warfare.

European Right-Wing Populism
Todorov deals extensively with European right-wing populism, with focus on the Netherlands, Denmark and France. The key categories for understanding European right-wing populism, the mainly Islamic immigrant (sub-)culture, and the interaction between the two are ressentiment and “appreciation” (Anerkennung) – more precisely the lack or denial thereof. Appreciation as an existential necessity for human beings within collectives is an anthropological/philosophical leitmotiv in Todorov’s book.

Since the 1990s, rightwing populism has steadily grown stronger in Europe – parallel to the economic, social and technological changes which have mentally, materially and socially unsettled or even marginalized a significant section of the population across Europe. The atrophy of social cohesiveness and the “social state” since 1989 has generated wide-spread frustration – a melange of angst, envy, a sense of social impotence and latent aggression. Todorov summarizes this political disposition as “ressentiment”. The latter is directed against both the socio-economic privileged classes and those who are still weaker and more marginalized – like (Islamic) immigrants. Targeting immigrants, is much “easier” than opposing the rich and powerful in society – and that modus operandi has been chosen by right-wing populism. Right-wing populist parties in Europe articulate “politics of ressentiment.” They try to give it a reputable politico-cultural coating by promising the preservation of “national culture” against its subversion and gradual destruction by external forces – the (Islamic) immigrants, and, secondly, “Brussels”, i.e. the European Union.

Todorov doesn’t deny the existential importance of national culture (nationale Leitkultur). Quite the opposite: National culture is (and will remain) the basis for collective identity. And, national culture is the starting point for social appreciation, namely the reassuring sense of being part of a collective – speaking the same language and sharing the same habits and customs. Without national culture, societal cohesiveness (and the rule of law) would be unsustainable.

Todorov, however, does polemicize against the hijacking of national culture by the European right-wing populist parties, which deny the evident fact that all national cultures are hybrid and not “pure”. National cultures “live” by interacting with other cultures, not segregating from other cultures. Autarchic – more precisely, autistic – cultures are the exception, not the rule in human history. The viability and strength of an national culture manifests itself by the ability to draw upon other cultures and absorb components of other cultures. In reducing national culture to a means of segregation, right-wing populism is not strengthening, but “drying out”, depriving and weakening national culture.

Right-wing populism not only exploits and nurtures ressentiments in the majority, but generates (counter-)ressentiment in the (mainly) Islamic immigrant minority. A significant section of the Islamic immigrant community is unemployed and working in low-income jobs – in combination with low language skills and low educational levels. Immigrants are a key constituent of the modern precarity. As a consequence, among Islamic immigrants, the lack of appreciation on the side of the majority population is felt strongly – and further accentuated by the “politics of ressentiment” of right-wing populism.

Todorov’s conclusion is that right-wing populism and Islamism are goading each other – at the expense of societal cohesiveness and cultural vitality. Moreover, ressentiment is blocking self-reflection, self-initiative and self-development.

“Cultural Procreation”
Todorov’s basic idea is that cultural multitude is the rule (not the exception) in cultural history and a quasi-genetic source of cultural strength and vitality.

Yet, it should be emphasized again, Todorov is not propagating postmodern “multiculturalism”. As Todorov puts it: Postmodernism “absolutizes relativism and essentializes difference.” Todorov insists on the viability of the nation state with its national “lead culture”. He thinks that a “European state”, “European culture” (replacing national cultures) or even an “globalized culture” are delusionary constructs. (At the same time, he thinks that the project of European integration is an unique historical achievement and potentially a model for other regions of the world)

Human “civilization” is the offspring of a multitude of “civilizations” (in the sense of cultures). The diversity of cultures has been the genetic characteristic of human history – up to today and into the future. Because the diversity of cultures is a fundamental feature of the human race, there can be no meaningful “value ranking” among them. There are no “good” or “bad”, “inferior” or “superior” cultures, even though cultures do incorporate very different levels of scientific-technological progress.

All human beings share a common human nature and dignity, but they they all have been born into a specific culture. The basis of (diverse) cultures is the enormous diversity of languages. These languages incorporate (diverse) perceptions of the “world”, collective memories, ways of life and social rules which are passed on from the older (parents, teachers, “political” leaders) to the young. Thus, the diversity of cultures and the symbiosis man-culture are fundamental facts of man’s individual and social existence.

Principally, culture is not a matter of choice, even though adult human beings may choose (or be forced) to exit the culture into which they were born. But then they must adopt a new culture, because human existence depends on (and is inseparable from) a collective social setting and cultural identity. Human beings have material needs and they need “security” – both depend on social collectivity (family, tribe, society, state). But equally so, they do need appreciation within the collective. The continued denial of appreciation leads to ressentiment and conflict within society.

Todorov’s core argument is that the co-existence of majority and minority cultures in society is not an aberration. Cultural multitude is not a “zero-sum” game, but the “normal” way culture(s) have developed in human history. Being rooted in one’s own (national) culture and interacting with other (external) culture(s) is no contradiction. For sure in the 21st century, cultures change by interaction within the short span of a human life – yet they don’t loose their inner consistency.

At the end of his book, Todorov illustrates his central message that cultural multitude is the catalyst of cultural strength by going back to the origins of Greek and European culture: According to Herodotus, Europa was a Phoenician (Lebanese) princess who was abducted by Greeks, brought to Crete and married to a Cretan aristocrat. An (involuntary) Asian immigrant became the name giver of Europe. One may add: Was European culture undermined by “importing” a Near Eastern religion – Christianity? Or, what about the foundation of European modernity – Socrates, Plato and Aristoteles? Their writings had to be “re-imported” to Europe from Arab and Persian culture.

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Re: President Trump

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Re: President Trump

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Trump lashes out at Nordstrom in a tweet for dropping his daughter’s apparel line
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/bus ... 09927d3de2

In January, days before President Trump’s inauguration, his daughter Ivanka Trump declared that she’d be stepping away from her management role at the clothing and shoe brand that bears her name.

And yet, on Wednesday, the president lashed out on Twitter at department store Nordstrom over its decision to stop carrying Ivanka Trump products, saying his daughter “has been treated so unfairly” by the retailing giant.

The social media missive adds to a cloud of confusion swirling around the Trump administration about how the family’s business interests are colliding with Trump’s job at the White House.

Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary, defended Trump’s tweet to reporters during a briefing on Wednesday, saying “He has every right to stand up for his family and applaud their business activities, their success.”

Spicer also said, “This is a direct attack on his policies and her name.”

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Re: President Trump

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Re: President Trump


Good news: Trump still has millions of supporters
Bad news: They're all broke ass white trash racists who can't afford to buy shit from his family.

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Re: President Trump

Post by vlad »

DEATH ROW JOE wrote:Good news: Trump still has millions of supporters
Bad news: They're all broke ass white trash racists who can't afford to buy shit from his family.

But they can afford to boycott Budwiser (sic) because of the Superbowl immigrant ad and yet Trump, whose paternal grandparents came from Germany, and his mother from Scotland and two of his wives from Slavistan, is literally the child of immigrants., as are 4 of his 5 kids. Wooosh.........

Used to buy shoes from Nordie's. Maybe I should check them out again. Have been reading that their stock has been rising.
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Re: President Trump

Post by exitflagger »

Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary, defended Trump’s tweet
Other than Sean Spicer's name specifically, you can get ready to hear this same prefix to damn near everything Trump shits out on social media for the next four years. Same confounding, idiotic cycle over and over. He says something stupid, arrogant, arguably unethical, etc. and his front line band of lackeys have to attempt to clean up his mess for him.

"Defending his tweet" will be the ultra-dubious legacy this fucking moron will leave behind.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Stoner »

DEATH ROW JOE wrote:Good news: Trump still has millions of supporters
Bad news: They're all broke ass white trash racists who can't afford to buy shit from his family.

I'm totally buying a new dress from Nordie's tonight.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Luminiferous »

Hilarious that Spicer channels his inner Kelly Conway while defending Drumpf's ban in multiple interviews citing the Atlanta attack.. (The only terrorist attack in Atlanta was the Olympic Park bombing carried out by right wing terrorist Eric Rudolph..)

He won't answer calls now inquiring about the attack he's referring to... :lol:

In Conway's defense there WAS a terrorist plot in Bowling Green in 2012 that the feds prevented...

When the Government Really Did Fear a Bowling Green Massacre — From a White Supremacist

The year was 2012. The place was Bowling Green, Ohio. A federal raid had uncovered what the authorities feared were the makings of a massacre. There were 18 firearms, among them two AR–15 assault rifles, an AR–10 assault rifle and a Remington Model 700 sniper rifle. There was body armor, too, and the authorities counted some 40,000 rounds of ammunition. An extremist had been arrested, and prosecutors suspected that he had been aiming to carry out a wide assortment of killings.

“This defendant, quite simply, was a well-funded, well-armed and focused one-man army of racial and religious hate,” prosecutors said in a court filing.

The man arrested and charged was Richard Schmidt, a middle-aged owner of a sports-memorabilia business at a mall in town. Prosecutors would later call him a white supremacist. His planned targets, federal authorities said, had been African-Americans and Jews. They’d found a list with the names and addresses of those to be assassinated, including the leaders of NAACP chapters in Michigan and Ohio.

But Schmidt wound up being sentenced to less than six years in prison, after a federal judge said prosecutors had failed to adequately establish that he was a political terrorist, and he is scheduled for release in February 2018. The foiling of what the government worried was a credible plan for mass murder gained little national attention.

For some concerned about America’s vulnerability to terrorism, the very real, mostly forgotten case of Richard Schmidt in Bowling Green, Ohio, deserves an important place in any debate about what is real and what is fake, what gets reported on by the news media and what doesn’t. Those deeply worried about domestic far-right terrorism believe United States authorities, across many administrations, have regularly underplayed the threat, and that the media has repeatedly underreported it. Perhaps we have become trapped in one view of what constitutes the terrorist threat, and as the case of Schmidt shows, that’s a problem.

The notion of a “Bowling Green massacre,” of course, has been in the news recently. Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, referred to it in justifying the president’s travel ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Conway had Bowling Green, Kentucky, in mind, but she eventually conceded there had been no massacre there. She meant, she said, to refer to the 2011 case of two Iraqi refugees who had moved to Kentucky and been convicted of trying to aid attacks on American military personnel in Iraq. One was sentenced to 40 years, the other to life in prison.

Her gaffe, accidental or intentional, prompted a mock vigil in New York and a flood of internet memes. The imaginary massacre now even has its own Wikipedia page.

On Monday, Trump made the provocative, unsubstantiated claim that the American media intentionally failed to cover acts of terrorism around the globe. “It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported,” he said in a speech to military commanders. “And in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that.”

At the Southern Poverty Law Center, Ryan Lenz tracks racist and extreme-right terrorists. So far, he said, he’s seen little from the Trump administration to suggest it will make a priority of combating political violence carried out by American racist groups.

“It doesn’t seem at all like they are interested in pursuing extremists inspired by radical right ideologies,” said Lenz, who edits the organization’s HateWatch publication.

Indeed, Reuters reported last week that the Department of Homeland Security is planning to retool its Countering Violent Extremism program to focus solely on Islamic radicals. Government sources told the news agency the program would be rebranded as “Countering Islamic Extremism” or “Countering Radical Islamic Extremism,” and “would no longer target groups such as white supremacists who have also carried out bombings and shootings in the United States.”

It wouldn’t be the first time the Department of Homeland Security chose to look away. In 2009, Daryl Johnson, then an analyst with the department, drafted a study of right-wing radicals in the United States. Johnson saw a confluence of factors that might energize the movement and its threat: the historic election of an African-American president; rising rates of immigration; proposed gun control legislation; and a wave of military veterans returning to civilian life at a time of painful economic recession.

The report predicted an uptick in extremist activity, particularly within “the white supremacist and militia movements.”

Response to the document was swift and punishing. Conservative news outlets and Republican leaders condemned Johnson’s report as a work of “anti-military bigotry” and an attack on conservative opinion. Janet Napolitano, the head of Homeland Security at the time, retracted the report and closed Johnson’s office, the Extremism and Radicalization Branch.

Three years later, Richard Schmidt came to the attention of the federal government almost by accident. Schmidt had been suspected of trading in counterfeit NFL jerseys. Searching his home and store for fake goods, FBI agents discovered something far more sinister: a vast arsenal. A secret room attached to Schmidt’s shop “contained nothing but his rifles, ammunition, body armor, his writings and a cot,” wrote prosecutors in a court document.

Beefy, thick-necked, standing 6-foot-4 and weighing about 250 pounds, Schmidt had spent years in the Army as an active-duty soldier and a reservist. His military service ended in 1989 when he got into a fight and shot three people, killing one of them, a man named Anthony Torres. As a result, Schmidt spent 13 years in prison on a manslaughter conviction and was legally barred from owning firearms.

After searching his property, the government came to believe he was involved with the National Alliance, a virulent and long-running extremist group, which was once among the nation’s most powerful white supremacist organizations. They also suspected him of an affiliation with the Vinlanders, a neo-Nazi skinhead gang.

Founded by William Pierce, who died in 2002, the National Alliance has long been linked to terrorism. Pierce, who started the group in 1970 and ran it for many years from a compound in West Virginia, wrote “The Turner Diaries,” an apocalyptic novel that basically lays out a blueprint for unleashing a white supremacist insurgency against the government. The novel was described by Timothy J. McVeigh as the inspiration for his bombing in 1995 of a federal office building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people.

FBI agents came to believe Schmidt had been planning his own string of racially motivated attacks on African-American and Jewish community leaders. The agents spread out across Ohio and Michigan to alert his apparent targets. “They had a notebook of information from Schmidt’s home,” recalled Scott Kaufman, the chief executive of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. “Some of the items related specifically to our organization and staff — people’s names, locations, maps. It was certainly disturbing.”

In court, the defense lawyer Edward G. Bryan disputed the government’s portrayal of Schmidt, who was 47 at the time of his arrest. Bryan painted his client as a slightly eccentric survivalist who didn’t intend to “harm anyone, including those listed in written materials found within his property.”

The government saw it differently. Schmidt, prosecutors wrote in a sentencing memo filed in court, planned to assassinate “members of religious and cultural groups based only on their race, religion and ethnicity.” His cache of weapons, added prosecutors, had only one purpose: to start a “race war.” Other court documents suggest that he planned to videotape his killing spree and email the video clips to his fellow white supremacists.

After pleading guilty to weapons and counterfeiting charges, Schmidt was sentenced to 71 months in federal prison by Judge Jack Zouhary in December 2013.

These days, Kaufman of the Jewish Federation in Detroit doesn’t think much about Schmidt. He’s got plenty of other things to worry about. “In the last two weeks in our community we’ve had two bomb scares,” as well as an incident involving spray-painted swastikas, he said. He’s noted a spike in anti-Semitic incidents over the past year.

“This whole thing is trending in the wrong direction,” he said.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Moggio_5.1 »

Mojo wrote:
Olds_71_442 wrote:Image
Is this real? He can't be that clueless.
Oh, it's real. But you libtards can't face reality, let alone understand why the above statements are factual or even why he's President... :roll:
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Re: President Trump

Post by Luminiferous »

Moggio_5.1 wrote:
Mojo wrote:
Olds_71_442 wrote:Image
Is this real? He can't be that clueless.
Oh, it's real. But you libtards can't face reality, let alone understand why the above statements are factual or even why he's President... :roll:
Actually you stupid wonky eyed fuck, it isn't real and the statement isn't factual... Talk about clueless...

Good work Incest Boy.. :lol:

Olds_71_442 wrote:
Mojo wrote:
Olds_71_442 wrote:Image
Is this real? He can't be that clueless.
No it's me making a joke with the fake Trump tweet thing.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Moggio_5.1 »


There was a nearly 45% increase in the quantity of jobs created from December to January - which happens to be the best January quantity job creation EVER in US history! And SNL's rating are the best in over 20 years! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Moggio_5.1 on Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Mojo »

Because Trump is so hated that people can't wait to see SNL rip him a new one every week. Then we get to sit back and watch him run to Twitter like the little bitch he is.
Also, I'm not a liberal.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Luminiferous »

Moggio_5.1 wrote:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

There was a nearly 45% increase in the quantity of jobs created from December to January - which happens to be the best January quantity job creation EVER in US history! And SNL's rating are the best in over 20 years! :lol: :lol: :lol:
That doesn't prove that tweet is factual or real like you claimed, stupid clueless fuck... :lol:

Drumpf doesn't get to claim job creations yet...

And SNL's rating are the best because people love laughing at the skewing of the orange whiner in the White House...

The first jobs report of 2017 crushed it.

The US economy added 227,000 jobs in January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, above economists' expectations of 180,000. This extends the record streak of job creation in the US.

At the same time, wages in January rose by just 2.5% year-over-year, below expectations of 2.7%.

The survey reference period that the job growth numbers are based on is the pay period including the 12th of the month. Therefore, technically, this jobs report looks at numbers from the final days of the Obama administration. At the same time, various sentiment indicators have ticked up in the months after President Donald Trump's election, suggesting that Trump may have influenced these figures.

"The US economy is riding a wave of bullish consumer sentiment right now, not uncommon following presidential elections in the past," Andrew Chamberlain, the chief economist at Glassdoor, wrote after the report.

"However, technically today's BLS survey is for the pay period containing the 12th of the month, about a week before the Presidential inauguration. So it doesn't likely reflect any actions since the Trump administration formally took office — something we'll be watching for closely in the coming months."

http://www.businessinsider.com/us-jobs- ... 017-2017-2
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Re: President Trump

Post by exitflagger »

Revtard and Moggio. Proof that this was never really a liberal versus conservative deal. This was always people with at least the bare minimum requirement of common sense versus Trumptarded idiots. Trump is truly the Pied Piper of stupid asses.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Pierce Foreskin »

exitflagger wrote:
Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary, defended Trump’s tweet
Other than Sean Spicer's name specifically, you can get ready to hear this same prefix to damn near everything Trump shits out on social media for the next four years. Same confounding, idiotic cycle over and over. He says something stupid, arrogant, arguably unethical, etc. and his front line band of lackeys have to attempt to clean up his mess for him.

"Defending his tweet" will be the ultra-dubious legacy this fucking moron will leave behind.
No way in hell Spicer lasts four years. Dude is gonna blow a gasket over some question and either drop dead of an aneurysm or is going to tell the whole press corp to suck his dick; or both.
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Re: President Trump

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Re: President Trump

Post by johnk5150 »

exitflagger wrote:
Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary, defended Trump’s tweet
Other than Sean Spicer's name specifically, you can get ready to hear this same prefix to damn near everything Trump shits out on social media for the next four years. Same confounding, idiotic cycle over and over. He says something stupid, arrogant, arguably unethical, etc. and his front line band of lackeys have to attempt to clean up his mess for him.

"Defending his tweet" will be the ultra-dubious legacy this fucking moron will leave behind.
This is why the democrats should hurry the rest of his nominees through, let things start falling apart and start working on 2018 and 2020. The longer these idiots are in charge the more time Democratic strategists will have to play the i told you so card.
He's like the Liberace of bass & pot.

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Re: President Trump

Post by Turner Coates »


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Re: President Trump


Turner Coates wrote:Image
Kellyanne Conway Promotes Ivanka Trump Brand, Raising Ethics Concerns
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/09/us/p ... thics.html

Kellyanne Conway, one of President Trump’s top advisers, may have violated federal ethics rules on Thursday by urging people to buy fashion products marketed by Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, legal experts said.

“Go buy Ivanka’s stuff is what I would say,” Ms. Conway, whose title is counselor to the president, said in an interview with Fox News. “I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today everybody, you can find it online.”

Federal ethics rules state that an employee of the government’s executive branch “shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity.” Legal experts said Ms. Conway appeared to have violated those rules.
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Re: President Trump

Post by MickeyG »

Turner Coates wrote:Image
Kellyanne Conway Promotes Ivanka Trump Brand, Raising Ethics Concerns
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/09/us/p ... thics.html

Kellyanne Conway, one of President Trump’s top advisers, may have violated federal ethics rules on Thursday by urging people to buy fashion products marketed by Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, legal experts said.

“Go buy Ivanka’s stuff is what I would say,” Ms. Conway, whose title is counselor to the president, said in an interview with Fox News. “I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today everybody, you can find it online.”

Federal ethics rules state that an employee of the government’s executive branch “shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity.” Legal experts said Ms. Conway appeared to have violated those rules.
What is the process for deciding and then punishing (if found in violation) of any of these rules that Trump and his team seem to be ignoring? Does somebody have to make a complaint? Who decides whether it should get looked into or not?
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Re: President Trump

Post by Olds_71_442 »

Luminiferous wrote:
And SNL's rating are the best because people love laughing at the skewing of the orange whiner in the White House...
That's all I was referring to when I made the fake tweet. I haven't watched the show in 25 years and I'm now keeping track to see what they're going to make fun of next. Not only that, but getting to see what Trump is going to lose his shit over next.
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Re: President Trump

Post by Machado »

MickeyG wrote:
Turner Coates wrote:Image
Kellyanne Conway Promotes Ivanka Trump Brand, Raising Ethics Concerns
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/09/us/p ... thics.html

Kellyanne Conway, one of President Trump’s top advisers, may have violated federal ethics rules on Thursday by urging people to buy fashion products marketed by Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, legal experts said.

“Go buy Ivanka’s stuff is what I would say,” Ms. Conway, whose title is counselor to the president, said in an interview with Fox News. “I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today everybody, you can find it online.”

Federal ethics rules state that an employee of the government’s executive branch “shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity.” Legal experts said Ms. Conway appeared to have violated those rules.
What is the process for deciding and then punishing (if found in violation) of any of these rules that Trump and his team seem to be ignoring? Does somebody have to make a complaint? Who decides whether it should get looked into or not?
will be nice to see her terminated from the job. or they can just hang her. either is fine. well deserved!
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