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Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:16 pm
by Turner Coates
Golly, I sure hope unrest in Venezuela doesn't lead to an emergency, forcing us to beef up security on our southern border.
Spooky! Everybody wants all our stuff, which is a much more important issue than hunting for witches.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:41 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
Trying to choke down this rambling speech from President Sundowning.

The craziest thing about this is he keeps calling this is a wall. It's a couple hundred miles of fencing, only about a hundred of which would be new fencing. But his supporters are dipshits so this is now the Great Big Beautiful Wall. Okay.

If he stopped calling it a wall, he could probably get the moderate Dems on board. It's really not that crazy! I think Ol' Sniffles is right when he says this is something they've supported before and they're not doing it now because it's Trump.

Not quite though. They're not supporting it because he's calling it a wall. If he called it what it is, he could probably get it done. But that won't satisfy the goobers in his base.

Even by Trump-era standards, this standoff is really strange. It comes down to BRANDING.

This wall is up there with one of his biggest cons. THERE WAS NEVER GOING TO BE A DAMN WALL.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:54 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
I got a chuckle of him saying the unpaid federal workers never complained (um...probably not) and that he talked to several of them who thanked him for caring so much (going to go with DEFINITELY not on this one).

This is a guy so in touch with working people, he said grocery stores will just give them food on credit.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:05 pm
by risingfarce
Cyd wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 11:32 am Trump announces deal to reopen government. Doesn't include wall money. Says he's going to straighten it all out. Said it will be easy.
He's Pelosi's bitch now. Putin is jealous.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:53 pm
by Mojo
Chip Z'Hoy wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:41 pm If he stopped calling it a wall, he could probably get the moderate Dems on board. It's really not that crazy! I think Ol' Sniffles is right when he says this is something they've supported before and they're not doing it now because it's Trump.
I really don't have anything against the idea of a wall. I DO have an issue with it being Trump's wall. Absolutely. Trump doesn't give a fuck about border security, the people securing the borders, or the people on either side of the border. His concern is 100% for himself and having a monument to his time in office. Allowing a madman to spend 6 billion dollars, let alone the recurring costs, to pander to a bunch of idiots who aren't even on the border is absofuckinglutely insane. If a President came along who I felt was legitimate, I'd be less likely to shit on the idea, though I think an actual politician would realize there are better things to spend money on.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 10:35 pm
by milk-milk-lemonade
exitflagger wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:50 am Things in this country would take a giant leap back towards being normal again if Roger Stone was locked away for a long time. Motherfucker is evil to the bone. He's basically Donald Trump except way smarter and not as much of a megalomaniac. He orchestrated this WHOLE shit show. 2016 was fruit from seeds that he planted and nurtured since the 80s.

Notice he isn't wearing his usual comic book villain attire during the press interactions today.

I just finished watching Get Me Roger Stone. Based on this one (1) comment. Wow.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 10:53 pm
by TenBenny
If you look really closely, you can see a resemblance between Roger Stone and Sheriff Woody from "Toy Story." ;)

That fucker *is* evil (Stone, not Woody).

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:11 am
by EddieVanHeineken
Chip Z'Hoy wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:21 pm I try not to get too conspiracy-minded but reopening the government today seems like a pretty shrewd way of taking the headlines away from Roger Stone.

Two years to get started on this wall and not a peep until the Dems took over the House. Now it's an emergency. The whole thing is Trumpian nonsense.
If you’ve noticed, every time there has been big mueller news, trump does something to try and distract from it. I think the last one was john kelly leaving was announced on same day as last mueller indictments. It’s not conspiracy. He’s trying to control the news cycle and distract.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:20 am
by TravisBicklesMohawk

Crowd drowns out criminal Stone . . . :lol:

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:44 am
by Chip Z'Hoy
EddieVanHeineken wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:11 am
Chip Z'Hoy wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:21 pm I try not to get too conspiracy-minded but reopening the government today seems like a pretty shrewd way of taking the headlines away from Roger Stone.

Two years to get started on this wall and not a peep until the Dems took over the House. Now it's an emergency. The whole thing is Trumpian nonsense.
If you’ve noticed, every time there has been big mueller news, trump does something to try and distract from it. I think the last one was john kelly leaving was announced on same day as last mueller indictments. It’s not conspiracy. He’s trying to control the news cycle and distract.
Once the airports became fucked up, it was over for Sniffles. He didn't give a rat's ass about people not getting paid--that's his M.O.--but when you start making air travel somehow worse, that REALLY pisses people off. A fucked up airport will break anyone down, even a MAGAt.

But I think the Roger Stone indictment was also a factor.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:37 am
by exitflagger
It's funny how with Trump nobody, not even his own dolt-cult, can claim anything he does is motivated by "doing the right thing" or altruism of any kind. Everything is a self-preservation strategy, everything is a dodge. And they're absolutely fine with it.

Ann Coulter admitted it last night on the Bill Maher show; his core followers are not only NOT repelled by his idiocy/incompetence/cruelty, they LOVE that about him. It stops him from limiting himself based on pesky things like empathy or morality. They see him as a conscienceless instrument to carry out their conscienceless wishes.

They're all attacking him today, calling him a wimp. The fact that federal workers can now feed their children and avoid eviction is a BAD THING. Wow. :roll:

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:19 am
by Pierce Foreskin
Chip Z'Hoy wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:54 pm
This is a guy so in touch with working people, he said grocery stores will just give them food on credit.
Yes, but they will still need ID to do so.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:55 pm
by SeminiferousButtNoid
EddieVanHeineken wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:11 am
Chip Z'Hoy wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:21 pm I try not to get too conspiracy-minded but reopening the government today seems like a pretty shrewd way of taking the headlines away from Roger Stone.

Two years to get started on this wall and not a peep until the Dems took over the House. Now it's an emergency. The whole thing is Trumpian nonsense.
If you’ve noticed, every time there has been big mueller news, trump does something to try and distract from it. I think the last one was john kelly leaving was announced on same day as last mueller indictments. It’s not conspiracy. He’s trying to control the news cycle and distract.
If you've noticed, every time there has been "big" mueller news, it turns out that it really isn't big news, often contains false information that is either amended, retracted, and/or uncorroborated and 100% always has nothing to do with the impetus for the Special Counsel. In spite of this, it's pretty hard for Trump to distract from Russia truther nonsense since the news cycle is dominated by it regardless of what he says or does.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 2:42 pm
by Turner Coates


Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:00 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
exitflagger wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:37 am It's funny how with Trump nobody, not even his own dolt-cult, can claim anything he does is motivated by "doing the right thing" or altruism of any kind. Everything is a self-preservation strategy, everything is a dodge. And they're absolutely fine with it.
Tym has an entire thread about how Trump has good intentions at heart and just wants what's best for everyone. :lol:

But yes, everything you said is dead-on.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:13 pm
by exitflagger
Chip Z'Hoy wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:00 pm Tym has an entire thread about how Trump has good intentions at heart and just wants what's best for everyone. :lol:
There's no accounting for clinical retardation.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:58 pm
by EddieVanHeineken
SeminiferousButtNoid wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:55 pm
EddieVanHeineken wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:11 am
Chip Z'Hoy wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:21 pm I try not to get too conspiracy-minded but reopening the government today seems like a pretty shrewd way of taking the headlines away from Roger Stone.

Two years to get started on this wall and not a peep until the Dems took over the House. Now it's an emergency. The whole thing is Trumpian nonsense.
If you’ve noticed, every time there has been big mueller news, trump does something to try and distract from it. I think the last one was john kelly leaving was announced on same day as last mueller indictments. It’s not conspiracy. He’s trying to control the news cycle and distract.
If you've noticed, every time there has been "big" mueller news, it turns out that it really isn't big news, often contains false information that is either amended, retracted, and/or uncorroborated and 100% always has nothing to do with the impetus for the Special Counsel. In spite of this, it's pretty hard for Trump to distract from Russia truther nonsense since the news cycle is dominated by it regardless of what he says or does.
Keep your fingers in your ears, your eyes closed, your head in the sand and yell out "lalalalalalalalalalala" every time a new indictment comes out. It's all leading to one place. Maybe turn off Fox News and look into how investigations are conducted not what Trump supporters tell you...particularly something like this that is incredibly high stakes. Even someone like Judge Napolitano, who was originally against the investigation and casting doubt, has come around to believe there is a bunch of fishy stuff with Trump, his team, and Russia. Mueller's team has been putting this together piece by piece without letting where it is going out of the bag. There have been no leaks whatsoever from Mueller's team. Everything "leaked" has been from Trump's lawyers trying to pressure him (which isn't working) or from people who've been interviewed.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:07 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
I think Noid's been a good voice of reason on this matter. I think we all need a reality check on this "OMG RUSSIA" stuff.

I'm still in the middle. It's deeply satisfying to see these awful shitheels indicted but like I've been saying, the fantasies of the Trump family being led away in handcuffs are delusional.

And I don't even want that. I want Trump to lose in 2020. I'm really skeptical it will happen, but I want to see him humiliated.

Either way, his legacy will be a fucking joke to most people. As President, he has been one bizarre, imbecilic asshole. But watch and see, we will see a Trump who's actually intelligent and this will all be so much worse. Impeach him, imprison him, whatever--we will see a guy who energizes that exact same base who will be truly dangerous.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 5:20 am
by Rageman
I want to see him impeached/removed from office. If he loses an election, that gives him two months notice to fuck this country even more.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 6:06 am
by cowpins
To Chip's point, there is something about seeing him humiliated by a big loss. Then off to jail. I wonder if he sees his polling numbers get too low he'll resign for whatever reason allowing him to blame others. "The fake news has created such a hatred for one another in this country nothing is getting done, so the only right thing for me to to do is step aside and allow Mike Pence, who's done nothing but wonderful things for our Country by the way, continue our agenda to many, many great things".

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:04 am
by MickeyG
He won't resign unless there's a deal in the background that prevents him being prosecuted for any crimes they might be able to pin on him. As long as the Dems have control of something, theres no real reason to give him a deal. He can't fuck things up too badly if someone is there to block him. If Pence took over the repubs could regroup and make 2020 a tougher win for the dems. With Trump still in charge the coalition to get rid of him will stay strong. There's going to have to be real strong evidence to impeach. And I'm not sure there's going to be anything.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:17 am
by grishnak boss


Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:42 am
by Luminiferous
I'm with Chip all the way on this... while the visual of Drumpf and his smug, canned hunting douchebag son's being led out of court to a prison van is hilarious and would make great memes, it's not going to happen..

Also if Drumpf is impeached, resigns or is removed from office, this country gets Pence to finish his tenure..... Think about that.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:58 am
by vlad
Chip Z'Hoy wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:07 pm I think Noid's been a good voice of reason on this matter. I think we all need a reality check on this "OMG RUSSIA" stuff.
I wouldn't say he's necessarily the voice of "reason" in this case. I did see he dismissed the indictments of the dozen Russians as them simply availing themselves of the American First Amendment...ignoring the charges of identity theft and banking and wire fraud to do so. The American who supplied them with the false identities has pleaded guilty. He's knee-jerk against any Russian interference.

As for how Trump leaves office, at this point I don't care how. The shut down didn't help him one bit with Senate Republicans, he burned McConnell on that late December deal and that led to the shutdown that bit the GOP in the ass. So impeachment isn't the fantasy it once was. Though impeachment was made a joke by the Clinton impeachment. And the Trumpers could primary them if they did. BLOTUS isn't helping himself though, every time he opens his mouth and his base won't be enough to get him a win in 2020...

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:52 am
by exitflagger
Luminiferous wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:42 am Also if Drumpf is impeached, resigns or is removed from office, this country gets Pence to finish his tenure..... Think about that.
This scenario never bothers me. As I've said before and should be very obvious at this point, Trump is THE absolute worst choice we ever could have made for president. I welcome any reasonable example of a competitor for that distinction but Pence isn't even in the ballpark. He essentially SLEPT through the televised shutdown debate with Schumer and Pelosi. He carries the authoritative weight of a popcorn fart. If he happens to assume auto-pilot helm for the last 6 months of this nightmare term (probably less, given the bureaucratic timeline of an impeachment), I'm pretty sure we could ride that one out.

In fact there's an upside: Trump's base doesn't even know he exists, he would have zero support and he would get trounced worse than Mondale '84 if he (improbably) ran in 2020.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:30 pm
by Danzig in the Dark
grishnak boss wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:17 am Image

Feedom, I mean, freedom ain't free, motherfucker.

USA, fuck yeah!

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:49 pm
by Luminiferous
exitflagger wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:52 am
Luminiferous wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:42 am Also if Drumpf is impeached, resigns or is removed from office, this country gets Pence to finish his tenure..... Think about that.
This scenario never bothers me. As I've said before and should be very obvious at this point, Trump is THE absolute worst choice we ever could have made for president. I welcome any reasonable example of a competitor for that distinction but Pence isn't even in the ballpark. He essentially SLEPT through the televised shutdown debate with Schumer and Pelosi. He carries the authoritative weight of a popcorn fart. If he happens to assume auto-pilot helm for the last 6 months of this nightmare term (probably less, given the bureaucratic timeline of an impeachment), I'm pretty sure we could ride that one out.

In fact there's an upside: Trump's base doesn't even know he exists, he would have zero support and he would get trounced worse than Mondale '84 if he (improbably) ran in 2020.
See it does bother me because it was adding Pence as VP that got the evangelicals onboard with Drumpf for president, without his faux Christian bullshit I do not believe Drumpf would have fared as well as with someone like Huckabee, Gingrich or Christie or some other GOP candidate as his vp, he would have still beat Hillary, but I'm not sure it would have been by as large of a margin..
Many believe after Drumpf, there will be 8 years of Pence, but I don't believe all of the Republicans who voted for Drumpf are that on board with Pence at the helm, Republican or not...

Also Pence is a far right wing over the top "Christian" who I want no where near the opportunity to issue executive decisions.. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with religions, live and let live, live your life the way you choose that makes you happy, BUT do not force your bullshit beliefs on me or my country's laws because you choose to believe some old book written by 44 different Middle Eastern men over 500 years over 2000 years ago in Mesopotamia overrides the US Constitution..

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:03 pm
by Rageman
Tell Pence that there is a separation between church and state and it should stay that way unless he wants to start taxing the churches.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:53 am
by risingfarce
Rageman wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 5:20 am I want to see him impeached/removed from office. If he loses an election, that gives him two months notice to fuck this country even more.

Re: Dump Shithole

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:59 am
by SebastianLeeDanzig
Any violence and intimidation against U.S. diplomatic personnel, Venezuela's democratic leader, Juan Guiado, or the National Assembly itself would represent a grave assault on the rule of law and will be met with a significant response.
— John Bolton (@AmbJohnBolton) 27 January 2019
What the fuck is this shit? Can't somebody cut this idiot's war boner off? What makes Guiado a democratic leader rather than Maduro? What "rule of law" on earth defines "intimidation" against US diplomats, let alone against a rebel declaring himself the new leader as grounds for foreign invasion? Bolton is up there with the most cuckoo Trump regime personnel so far. Which is an incredible list to make already.