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Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:57 am
by woblinweebles
vlad wrote:
Judge Smails wrote:
Pierce Foreskin wrote:
Mike Pence, the guy who makes Mitt Romney look like perfectly animate.

RE: a Pence admin, how the fuck would he get anything done? He can't even be in a room with a woman that is not his wife; that leaves a lot of people out of his loop.
except it's also being reported that Pence knew Flynn was under investigation prior to Trump and Pence taking office. About which Pence lied. Add to that the issues surrounding Paul Ryan could lead us to President Orin Hatch
Yeah, Pence was the head of the transition team that in January was told by Flynn that he was under investigation by the FBI. So either he was kept out of the loop about the very team he was leading or he knew.
Pence was also told about Flynn's lobbying for Turkey last year: ... 53633.html and still claims that he didn't know about it until March of this year.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:05 pm
by TenBenny
tym wrote:Saw an interesting article on trump. One guy that claims to really know him believes he will resign when he can figure out how to do it, and still look like he won.

Would not shock me, if he thinks he may be impeached, I can see him resigning just to get out of the mess he is in, and try and put a spin on it so it looks like in his reality, he is innocent, and left, and he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Dude is in way over his head, and continues to blame everyone else for his failures. Thanks so much America for putting this asshole in the white house.
I think we know how this would play out. He would assume he came out the winner no matter what. That's just how his delusional mind works. But the likelihood is most of the country and world at large would view him as a disgraced failed leader while his supporters would see him as cheated, victimized, misunderstood, etc. Historically, he's not going to come out on top though.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:07 pm
by TenBenny
Trump is now tweeting that he is the victim of the greatest political witch hunt in American history, adding:

"With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special counsel appointed!" ... cdba50fd45

Great, Donald, let's hear what they are, so that your own party can once again refute and rebuke your claims. #dramafreeobama

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:54 pm
by Ironman
When this blows over the investigators I
realize there's nothing to it, it'll make the far left nut job media channels seem even - less- credible

As if they have any credibility now

Trump has really brought to light just how unreliable these agenda promotion channels and some newspapers really are

CNN is more of a comedy channel now and the left planted newspapers are like toilet paper given how lacking ANY substantial credibility they have

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:01 pm
by TenBenny
Ironman wrote:When this blows over the investigators I
realize there's nothing to it, it'll make the far left nut job media channels seem even - less- credible

As if they have any credibility now

Trump has really brought to light just how unreliable these agenda promotion channels and some newspapers really are

CNN is more of a comedy channel now and the left planted newspapers are like toilet paper given how lacking ANY substantial credibility they have
Your schtick is withering, much like your prized leader.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:02 pm
by Rageman
Ironman wrote:When this blows over the investigators I
realize there's nothing to it, it'll make the far left nut job media channels seem even - less- credible

As if they have any credibility now

Trump has really brought to light just how unreliable these agenda promotion channels and some newspapers really are

CNN is more of a comedy channel now and the left planted newspapers are like toilet paper given how lacking ANY substantial credibility they have
Do you feel the same about Fox News? Do you think that they are reliable and credible?

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:15 pm
by Machado
Ironman wrote:When this blows over the investigators I
realize there's nothing to it, it'll make the far left nut job media channels seem even - less- credible

As if they have any credibility now

Trump has really brought to light just how unreliable these agenda promotion channels and some newspapers really are

CNN is more of a comedy channel now and the left planted newspapers are like toilet paper given how lacking ANY substantial credibility they have
Defend Fox News. C'mon, I dare you.

Trump claims that The Wall Street Journal, only the most credible newspaper in the world, Trump claims this paper is also creating fake news.
C'mon now, enough is enough. Next he's going to say that he never failed at anything. Which we know is false because he has at least
1 failed marriage that I know of and I've lost count of the number of failed business deals he has been part of.
Hey Donald, how is that golf course and hotel in Scotland doing to date? YOU LOSER!

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:35 pm
by whammybar
Speaking of comedy, maybe Trump should let CNN ask him some basic 12th grade level foreign policy questions.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:35 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
BaldNRev: "I'm the dumbest motherfucker on this board!"

Ironman: "Hold my McDonalds."

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:46 pm
by That-guy
Ironman wrote:When this blows over the investigators I
realize there's nothing to it, it'll make the far left nut job media channels seem even - less- credible

As if they have any credibility now

Trump has really brought to light just how unreliable these agenda promotion channels and some newspapers really are

CNN is more of a comedy channel now and the left planted newspapers are like toilet paper given how lacking ANY substantial credibility they have
And if it turns out that he's guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice, where does that leave you? Will you be able to trust the media again, or will you live out your days in a cave wearing a tinfoil hat?

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:53 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
That-guy wrote:And if it turns out that he's guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice, where does that leave you? Will you be able to trust the media again, or will you live out your days in a cave wearing a tinfoil hat?
Trump will be their martyr.

I have yet to see people like Rev and Ironman express anything other than slavish devotion.

If the outcome is anything less than total exoneration, they won't believe it.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:20 pm

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:22 pm
by exitflagger
The term "witch hunt" is never used literally, BUT is it proper to use in this case if an actual witch is being hunted?

His use of that term is the exact same thing as his whole "fake news" routine. The thing that makes him so infinitely despicable is that he takes terms that are damning to him and tries to commandeer the meaning of them so that they don't make sense anymore.

His idea of bias in news is not "fake news". That term was coined to refer to ADMITTED scammers online who created KNOWINGLY UNTRUE sensational pro-Trump stories and spread them online to increase traffic... and they did it with a pro-Trump slant because they know that... (wait for it)... TRUMP SUPPORTERS ARE GULLIBLE IDIOTS. That was the whole story. Scott Pelley simply quoting Trump directly to show how stupid he is, is not "fake news" in any way shape or form. But Donald Duncecap has succeeded in burying the truth with his idiotic repetitious false bullshit. "Fake news" is now just Trumptardese for mainstream news.

Same with "witch hunt". He'll squawk about a "witch hunt" till he's blue in the face when this is nothing more than nailing him to the wall for illegal and grossly unethical tactics.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:47 pm
by Mojo
Ironman wrote:When this blows over the investigators I
realize there's nothing to it, it'll make the far left nut job media channels seem even - less- credible

As if they have any credibility now

Trump has really brought to light just how unreliable these agenda promotion channels and some newspapers really are

CNN is more of a comedy channel now and the left planted newspapers are like toilet paper given how lacking ANY substantial credibility they have
How has Trump brought that to light? He hasn't proven that anything he's being accused of is false. I'm not saying he won't or that he can't, although that's my personal assessment, but he hasn't proven a thing. It's not yet known either way.
Just because you don't like what the news is saying isn't a reason to claim a lack of credibility. At this point, until the claims are proven untrue, you have nothing to base your judgement on, proving, again, that you're just sheepishly going along with Trump. But I'm sure everyone else is wrong, right?

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:59 pm
by Ironman
Rageman wrote:
Ironman wrote:When this blows over the investigators I
realize there's nothing to it, it'll make the far left nut job media channels seem even - less- credible

As if they have any credibility now

Trump has really brought to light just how unreliable these agenda promotion channels and some newspapers really are

CNN is more of a comedy channel now and the left planted newspapers are like toilet paper given how lacking ANY substantial credibility they have
Do you feel the same about Fox News? Do you think that they are reliable and credible?
A blind man can see that Fox is agenda promotion bullshit, pushing their side and minimizing the other side.... just like the others are. But Fox are obviously pushing biased bullshit from the other side

Fox has some of the most detestable personalities of all of them agenda promotion channels. A lot of hot women help offset the assholes on Fox, though

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:16 pm
by Rageman
OK, then. Where do you get your news?

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:21 pm
by Ironman
I take in a bit from both and realize the actuality of it is probably somewhere in between

But these days as foaming at the mouth as the wacky left is against trump, I would think the truth is lying a little further away from the left nut jobs and a bit closer to fox.....for now

These channels spinning the "impeachment" cries is Comedy Central material, they are trying to make such bold, profound claims and suggestions with next to no substantiation

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:48 pm
by exitflagger
Ironman wrote: the truth is lying a little further away from the left nut jobs and a bit closer to fox.....for now
Fox is siding with Trump who is a bald faced liar. Stupid ass.
These channels spinning the "impeachment" cries is Comedy Central material, they are trying to make such bold, profound claims and suggestions with next to no substantiation
The "impeachment cries" came from the motherfucking House of Representatives.

Go crawl back under your rock, you insufferable shit-for-brains.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:54 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
I love seeing the "LOCK HER UP!" people now try to play like they're reasonable and level-headed.

Get the fuck out of here.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:41 pm
by tym
Chip Z'Hoy wrote:I love seeing the "LOCK HER UP!" people now try to play like they're reasonable and level-headed.

Get the fuck out of here.
What bothers me, is Trump really this fucked up in the head??, or is his reality this fucked up? Screams lock up Clinton, Now when karma bites him in the ass, well its a witch hunt. Really bugs me this kinda bat shit crazy has to much power.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:08 pm
by vlad
Too much information (that Police song has been running through my head all this week). Even the Cliff Notes on all this are into volumes now.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:12 pm
by Ironman

Hillary intentionally and secretly got rid of thousands of emails and used bleach bit to get rid of them for good ---after---- the Department of Justice are you made her aware they were looking for them

On the flipside ....They have yet to prove anything on this bullshit claim regarding Trump and the Russians

This wacky left-based bullshit will soon run its course and They will look more foolish than ever

They need respected, well spoken, and highly honored representative Maxine Waters to lead their charge in the meantime, for entertainment purposes, if nothing else ---

Yes I voted for John Kerry and consider myself still a Democrat until we were faced with the current situation our country is in, and I can see the difference between reasonable and unreasonable, hence, I now I fully support trump regardless of his party affiliation ( which I see as a bit of both )

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:25 pm
by whammybar
Actual news outlets live to call out each other for untruths. This country is supposed to be run by we the people and the press is our arm of the law reaching into backrooms to shed light on everything. This fake news mantra seeks to dim that light so their hateful agenda can be carried out. It's up to the other 60% to push back against it and call it out for what it is.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:31 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
Ironman wrote:tym

Hillary intentionally and secretly got rid of thousands of emails and used bleach bit to get rid of them for good ---after---- the Department of Justice are you made her aware they were looking for them

On the flipside ....They have yet to prove anything on this bullshit claim regarding Trump and the Russians

This wacky left-based bullshit will soon run its course and They will look more foolish than ever

They need respected, well spoken, and highly honored representative Maxine Waters to lead their charge in the meantime, for entertainment purposes, if nothing else ---

Yes I voted for John Kerry and consider myself still a Democrat until we were faced with the current situation our country is in, and I can see the difference between reasonable and unreasonable, hence, I now I fully support trump regardless of his party affiliation ( which I see as a bit of both )

Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice. Nixon would've been impeached for obstruction of justice had he not resigned.

Trump admitted to firing Comey over the Russia investigation. Comey claims Trump asked him to drop the Flynn investigation. For a guy whose election had nothing to do with Russia, he sure does seem hellbent on making himself look guilty.

There will never be "proof" of anything that is sufficient for you. You are a blind follower. You don't think for yourself. Your news source is Trump's tweets. And you don't give a shit about Hillary's e-mails because you don't give a shit about Trump's own recklessness with national security. You're done with that Hillary shit. You cashed in those chips.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:40 pm
by BlackCrypt
Wait, what? Comey lied under oath? But, there is a memo!!

HIRONO: Yes. And so speaking of the independence of not just the judiciary but I’d like you to clarify the FBI’s independence from the DOJ apparatus. Can the FBI conduct an investigation independent from the department of Justice. Or does the FBI have to disclose all it’s investigations to the DOJ? And does it have to get the Attorney General’s consent?

COMEY: Well we work with the Department of Justice, whether that’s main justice or U.S. attorney’s offices on all of our investigations.

And so we work with them and so in a legal sense we’re not independent of the department of justice. We are spiritually, culturally pretty independent group and that’s the way you would want it. But yes, we work with the Department of Justice on all of our investigations.

HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that -- without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don't see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience.


Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:08 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience.
As in, it's never happened before.

And he never said THE PRESIDENT.

Edit: Fuck, my timeline's all mixed up. So much treason!

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:17 pm
by Anne_Thrax
CNN needs to MELLOW FUCKING OUT. Believe it or not, there are still people that want to read news. Remember the news? That stuff happening around the world? They even had programming at one point. They are now one of those channels you immediately skip over, like that channel that shows the WNBA games.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:21 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
Also, Trump himself said that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation.

And why would there be any doubt as to whether or not Trump took him aside and asked him to lay off Flynn? How is that impossible? Do we think Trump understands how ANYTHING works in government?

You elected a businessman and he's operating as if he's running a business. He's schmoozing. He's "Hey buddy, how about you do me a solid here?" It amazes me that this notion is somehow OUTRAGEOUS considering who we're dealing with here.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:31 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
Oh! Here's what I really want to get at. :lol:
HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience.
Trump's didn't stop the investigation. He may have still asked Comey to cut the shit but he didn't use his power to do so. He still hasn't stopped the investigation. He fired Comey in an attempt to but, again, the investigation still continues.

No perjury here.

Why am I defending this assmunch pigfucker? Strange bedfellows indeed.

Re: President Trump

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:54 pm
by Rageman
Chip Z'Hoy wrote:Also, Trump himself said that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation.

And why would there be any doubt as to whether or not Trump took him aside and asked him to lay off Flynn? How is that impossible? Do we think Trump understands how ANYTHING works in government?

You elected a businessman and he's operating as if he's running a business. He's schmoozing. He's "Hey buddy, how about you do me a solid here?" It amazes me that this notion is somehow OUTRAGEOUS considering who we're dealing with here.
The Mike Tyson rape defense . . . "But, your honor, I do this kind of thing all of the time"