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Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:10 pm
by theglammerthebetter
Mountain men (2014) Chace Crawford Taylor Labine 7/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:45 am
by Facedown
The Shining - 8/10
Another one I never saw from start to finish. Makes more sense now.

Any Given Sunday - 9/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:09 pm
by puzzleface
Man Of Steel - 6/10

The usual Chris Nolan dark undertones. Not too bad. It's been a few years since I have seen it.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:52 pm
by Inessence
Entourage **

The usual douchiness with ten times the cameos.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:48 pm
by theglammerthebetter
Hidden(2015) Alexander Skarsgård 6/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:09 pm
by kirkd666
The VVitch. 7/10.

It's a little overrated or underrated depending on your tastes. Art films types are raving about it and dumbasses think it's slow and hard to understand. I found it lacking in any character development. Shallow, but beautiful.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:32 pm
by UtahRatt
SebastianLeeDanzig wrote:Into the Woods (2014) - 2/10:
One of the worst "great cast" movies ever, hands down worst musical score I can remember.
Into The Woods - I got suckered in by the cast and ordered it PPV then felt liked I just got waterboarded. Fuck that flick.

Clouds of Sils Maria - 7/10 As a devoted fan I'll watch anything with Juliette Binoche. A slow moving drama and a well written story even if Kristen Stewart was cast, I liked it. Stewart's best acting job by far but I don't think she had to stretch much too reach her character. That and Juliette brought it out of her.
Nothing I'd recommend to most people looking for anything special unless you're in the mood for a light drama with a base of accepting aging and life. Chloe Moretz bit role added a lot of spice, I'm starting to like her.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:54 pm
by SebastianLeeDanzig
Betty Blue / 37°2 le matin (1986) - 7/10:
French drama-comedy about this writer beach bum dude who gets with a mentally disturbed chick. I never thought I'd consider Béatrice Dalle hot, but here she weirdly is, facilitated by being naked all the time. The director's cut was dragging nevertheless.

People Places Things (2015) - 5/10:
"Quirky" romantic comedy starring Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords, who totally rocks, but he can't save this tripe either.

Planet of the Apes (2001) - 4/10:
I really liked the latest reboot or whatever you want to call it, so I thought I'd give this a shot too, but I don't even know what they were thinking with that redundant time-shifting clusterfuck.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:13 pm
by SeminiferousButtNoid
SebastianLeeDanzig wrote:Betty Blue / 37°2 le matin (1986) - 7/10:
French drama-comedy about this writer beach bum dude who gets with a mentally disturbed chick. I never thought I'd consider Béatrice Dalle hot, but here she weirdly is, facilitated by being naked all the time. The director's cut was dragging nevertheless.
Yeah, the three hour version of Betty Blue is tough to get through. The two hour theatrical cut is just right. Some people would say all of Beineix's films are tough to get through, but I think he's a genius.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:11 pm
by theglammerthebetter
Start Trek Into Darkness(2013) Well done 7.5/10

Jack the Giant Slayer(2013) 6.5/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:08 pm
by Chip Z'Hoy
Michael Jackson's This is It: 6/10

Definitely a movie for the superfan, which I am not, but I was impressed that here we had a guy who was basically dying of drugs and starvation but even then, he was about as good as he ever was as an entertainer.

His is a story (HIStory?) that fascinates me: Part gentle soul, part shrewd businessman, part basket case, part egomaniac. The running theme of his life was always, even as a kid, someone whose personal life was filled with trauma and isolation but on stage, he was pretty untouchable.

The Martin Bashir interview demonstrates this probably the best: He's his own worst spokesperson, to the point where it nearly landed him in jail. Then he starts dancing off the cuff and it's like "This guy is fucking amazing."

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:17 pm
by theglammerthebetter
Post Grad (2009) Movie is about Alexis Bledel moving back home cause she cant get a job after graduating, parents were played by Micheal Keaton and Jane Lynch Caroll Burnett was the grandma 7/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:16 pm
by Trist805
pieceofme wrote:Deadpool - 8.
I agree. Thought it was great just as a comedy alone! All the other stuff was just a nice bonus.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:14 pm
by theglammerthebetter
Dope(2015) Very good coming of age movie about 3 Inglewood teens obsessed with 90's hip hop 8.5/10 Chanel Iman gets naked so thats a plus

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:44 pm
by SebastianLeeDanzig
Our Brand Is Crisis (2015) - 8/10:
I'm a sucker for Sandra Bullock. Here, she's the jaded campaign manager for a corrupt washed-up Bolivian presidential candidate, going against the favorite who happens to be backed by her campaigning nemesis Billy Bob Thornton. Part political drama, part ditzy Bullock comedy, there's still enough leftist un-American propaganda forced down your throat for me to like it.

Irrational Man (2015) - 5/10:
Not a big Woody Allen fan and this didn't change that. Joaquin Phoenix is a troubled star philosophy professor who curiously sounds like a rambling first semester student. He meets a rambling first semester student in Emma Stone and they bang for a while. Then his ennui becomes just too much and he commits a murder for kicks and people find out and talk some more about morals like idiots.

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015) - 5/10:
It's rather one of those gay-ass teen nerd friendship coming-of-age things than a zombie flick, but Blake Anderson from Workaholics has a funny cameo and Halston Sage and Sarah Dumont are hot in it.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:02 am
by Facedown
Anchorman - 7/10

Anchorman 2 - 8/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:59 pm
by theglammerthebetter
Before Midnight(2013) Ethan hake and Julie Delpy 7.5/10

Delpy gets naked but she was so annoying

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:40 pm
by Machado
Your Sister's Sister
Emily Blunt is gorgeous. Have to say that right off the bat.
Plenty of dialogue in this film & some funny scenes

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:09 am
by Fletch
The Witch (2016) - I honestly don't know how to properly rate this. This is one of those "high profile" horror flicks you red about in Fango, Horror Hound or on Arrow In The Head.

There was a long build up. I mean loooooong. A few interesting parts in the first and second acts, along with a lot of boring scenes too. The dialogue, well you have to really pay attention to as its as sometimes hard to decipher as much as Bane was in that last Batman movie. But by the third act, or the last 30 minutes in general....some of that was disturbing. I don't think I've said that about a "theatrical" release movie, and I won't try and give spoilers, but a few scenes were very uncomfortable to watch, and it had nothing to do with gore. The last scene in its entirety would rank about an 8 on a 10 scale alone. The acting by the kids in general should get at least a 9.

The first 30 minutes I wouldn't rank above a 4. But it had something going for it enough to stick with it til the end.

There was maybe 20 people in the theater and walking out, I heard at least a couple of them say..."whelp, that about does it. We're gonna start going back to church".

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:57 am
by puzzleface
Beer Fest 6/10.

Broken Lizard shot their wad with Super Troopers and everything since has been mediocre at best. Thankfully Beer Fest was infinitely more entertaining than that abortion called Club Dread.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:08 pm
by theglammerthebetter
Magic Mike XXL (2015) Not as good as the first one that's for sure the lost of McConaughey , Pettyfer and Olivia Munn hurt this one .

The addition Andie Macdowell , Amber heard, Elizabeth banks, Jada Pinkett Smith were nice 6/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:22 pm
by Danzig in the Dark
theglammerthebetter wrote:Magic Mike XXL (2015) Not as good as the first one that's for sure the lost of McConaughey , Pettyfer and Olivia Munn hurt this one .

The addition Andie Macdowell , Amber heard, Elizabeth banks, Jada Pinkett Smith were nice 6/10
Does this mean you needed less lotion and tissue?

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:16 pm
by milk-milk-lemonade
Escape from New York - It was alright, I suppose. Nothing Earth shattering. Kind of cool that the dude who played The Shape in 'Halloween' co-wrote it. Edit to add: This, is the 10,000th post! Where's my fuckin' cookie?!

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:03 am
by theglammerthebetter
Win Win (2011) Paul Giammati, Bobby Canavale, Burt Young 7.5/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:04 pm
by whiteowl yesterday

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:08 pm
by theglammerthebetter
Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Steve Carell, Greg Kinnear, Toni Colette 7.5/10

10 years(2011) Channing Tatum, his wife, Rosario Dawson Chris Pratt, Justin Long 6/10

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:12 pm
by vlad
The Man Who Fell to Earth

No...not that one. This one was made in 1987, as a pilot for a TV series called "The Man Who Fell to Earth".

I can only imagine a bunch of guys doing massive lines of coke for days on end thought this would be a good idea.


Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:45 pm
by Midwestmetalgod
The Heavenly Kid. 80's dead guy comes back to help dorky kid get laid/become cool, etc. Lots of early 80's fashion in it and is a nice B movie. 6/10.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:52 pm
by puzzleface
San Andreas - 3/10

It's the movie 2012 but with The Rock as the lead role. Nothing new or original here. However it appears the casting of all the females had the prerequisite of having gigantic boobs and no bras. They also run a lot. Probably the only redeeming part of the film.

It's sad when the parts of the film that are supposed to invoke high drama actually caused me to laugh.

Re: Rate the last movie you saw

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:20 pm
by theglammerthebetter
The Bling Ring (2013) Emma Watson 7.5/10