Your Views on the Issues

Post your thoughts and comments on terrorism, war, and political shit like that.

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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by bane »

Those are way too many questions to answer man. I'll just go with "fiscal conservative, social moderate" and let you fill in the blanks.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by lerxstcat »

Yeah, I'm not doing 20 Questions either. I believe strongly in maintaining the national security, socially liberal on helping people where needed. Help should be a hand up and geared to getting people self-sufficient, but should be given until they CAN be.

I believe that the market should be regulated moderately, the obscene robber barons making off with tens or hundreds of millions while their companies take a shit should be regulated away. Those guys should face economic treason charges and be liable to long prison sentences.

I am 100% for the Second amendment for self-defense. For the same rason I believe in regulating where people can smoke and inflict damage on children most especially. adults can make adult decisions, kids are stuck where their parents take them and put them.

The Constitution was designed to be amended, but not lightly. The main document and the Bill of Rights should be untouchable, though the document does leave them vulnerable. I believe in civilian resistance to a tyrannical government, that was the very basis of the Revolutionary War and the foundation of this nation. That doesn't go out of style.

That's about enough for 8AM....
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by thejuggernaut »

I'll humor ya, tubby.

Although, I am Canadian, so not all answers are directly applicable, and the ones that are are from a Canadian perspective.

However, sharing a border with the U.S. and having dual, some are relevant.

1. Foreign Policy:I prefer non intrusive, but strike back hard when stricken.

2. Death Penalty: I am for expanding it to include rapists and molesters....but it has to apply to the serial variety - a single instance is always debatable. Serial, not so much. Of course, beyond a reasonable doubt still factors in.

3. Abortion: Should not be legalized. And by legalized, I mean legislated. Not socially funded. However, it should not be a criminal act. It should be an underground procedure that politicians and law enforcement know nothing about.

4. Welfare: There has to be cause. If a person cannot work, then they get disability, but there has to be a battery of tests conducted. A family doctor would side with the patient. A corporate doctor would side with the business entity. There has to be a doctor without an interest review the case. Now, if we are talking about people who spawn a shitload of kids, if they still have to work, but the welfare can offset whatever deficit they have.

Not to mention, all this outsourcing could stop. People are collecting welfare for nothing anyway - stop the outsourcing and make people EARN their welfare.

5. Social Security: Of course. But to a certain degree. If a person pays taxes for approximately 40 years, of course they should get some back. However, It is still advisable to invest in retirement plans.

6. Government Spending: Should be very limited. Infrastructure and national defence.

7. Education: People who send their kids to private schools should get a tax break, since they're not using the tax payer funded school system.

8. Gay Marriage: I have no problem with them becoming legally recognized life partners. I just don't believe churches should be forced to perform ceremonies if it runs counter to their belief system.

9. Tax Code: I pay too much. LOL

10. Market Regulation: Well, the economic crisis hasn't affected us nearly as much, so the case can be made that strict regulation is a good thing.

11. Corporate Aid: Depends on the services offered.

12. Environment: Cut back on pollution. Offer alternative sources of energy and more fuel efficient vehicles. But this is to be done in the interest of healthier lifestyles and NOT because of "climate change". Gas guzzlers should still be available as a choice.

13. Trade: Not a big fan of NAFTA

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): N/A

15. Eminent Domain: Unacceptable. I have no problem if massive sums of $$$$ are involved, but if the owner refuses to sell, end of story.

16. Prostitution: Should not be a criminal act. Punishable only by fine, since they are earning an income without having to pay the taxes the rest of us do. If we are taxed, they should be. No jail time though, and no criminal record.

17. Recreational Drugs: Whatever. I personally detest them, but I don't really care, in the big picture. I am more concerned with results. Do whatever it is you have to do to get things done. Just make sure they get done. If drug usage eventually leads to things NOT getting done, then there'll be a problem. Until that time, do what you have to.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: Disgusting. That's treading way too close to Soviet territory.

19. Healthcare: There should be options. When a person gets a job and is filling out their tax forms, they should have a choice to opt out of socialized healthcare. However, in a socialized system, if the person chooses private healthcare and does not use the social system, they should get a tax refund. If the person who normally uses the private system but ends up using the social system, they should get a bill for it.

As an extension to the "mandatory civil service" issue - if a non tax payer uses the socialized system, then they should be made to perform a certain amount of community service type duties in order to "pay off their debt".

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal? Conservative.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by bane »

There are quite a few issues left off here. To name a few: Immigration, freedom of speach, guns, political contributions and campaign reform, term limits, tort.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by upinsmoke »

1. Foreign Policy: I do like Obama's decision to talk, first and foremost. This is a human trait. A former enemy can become a fast friend, which is preferable. Getting involved in another country's business should be a last option. I can think of at least 2 or 3 other countries that could have received military attention before Iraq.

2. Death Penalty: Totally support it, for 1st degree murder. Bad, bad monkey, no breath. I know that sounds a bit like Social Darwinism.

3. Abortion: I do think it should be legal, except 3rd trimester (unless it is life-threatening, or the child is not viable) I think 2nd trimester is pushing the envelope.

4. Welfare: Common sense dictates that people need help in times of trouble, but a higher level of accountability needs to be reached here. Able-bodied citizens should be required to persue self-reliance. There should be a cutoff date for benefits in those cases. I'm not including those physically and/or mentally incapable of taking care of themselves.

5. Social Security: The 1600 lb gorilla in the corner, about to become a 3200 pounder. This system is so fucked that I wouldn't know where to start fixing it. This will be one of the country's great downfalls.

6. Government Spending: Out of control & shameless. I'm not talking about infrastructure & basic services, those arguments are nothing but red herrings & straw men. What I mean by that is unnecessary expenditure.

7. Education: I'm at a loss here. On one hand, I believe the system is set to keep the intellect at manageable levels so markets aren't flooded with an over-educated workforce with even lower wages, but at the same time, I don't think it is morally acceptable to knowingly keep the populace undereducated. I do believe we have one of the best systems overall for such a large population, albeit a McDonald's fast-food for all system. I don't think I'm explaining myself very well here.

8. Gay Marriage: Should be 100% legal. They should be able to share in the unhappiness & misery.

9. Tax Code: I support the Fair Tax. I do not believe in the progressive tax system.

10. Market Regulation: A seriously confusing, complex issue. A billion opinions, no clear cut solutions. First and foremost, humans must understand they are an animal, and approach the subject with this knowledge. You're all probably gonna greet this with a resounding 'Huh???'. I'm talking about how humans respond to greed, honesty & responsibility. Fuck, I'd have to write a book to broach this conundrum, and still not have half the puzzle figured out.

11. Corporate Aid: This is quite the distasteful issue. I don't like it one bit, but that is also a knee-jerk reaction because of my own personal beliefs.

12. Environment: We need to become much more efficient in our technical advances. Progress is key. Population management is a must. There's nowhere else to go, except space. Another tough, cloudy issue. We shouldn't be shitting in the same places in which we eat. We also shouldn't be wasting monetary resources on unproven solutions, such as the carbon credit fiasco. Real problems deserve real answers, not obfuscation.

13. Trade: I certainly believe in free trade. The global economy will expand and intermesh in an ever-increasing spiral. Get used to it.

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): Standards vs. needs. Which weighs more? I'm not so sure, at this point.

15. Eminent Domain: Fuck your Walmart. Businesses should be banned from using eminent domain law loopholes for their own benefit. It should be reserved for infrastructure, after transparent public discourse & voting.

16. Prostitution: Should be regulated heavily and legal.

17. Recreational Drugs: See 16, above.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: I defer to freedom of choice on this issue.

19. Healthcare: In what regard here? The whole system is so tangled, it will take a lifetime to come up with a proper solution. In my perfect world, we all pay for our own, self-reliance (at least to the best of our own ability) and all of that. The current system is making that nearly impossible for the majority. The government has 8 tentacles in the pie, along with the other 10 tentacles from the insurance industry. I don't believe the government in and of itself is the solution, but what is?

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?: Hard to define. I prefer 'free thinker'.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by JakeYonkel »

1. Foreign Policy: We have enough shit to worry about here, so unless something is a direct threat to us or our safety, stay the hell out of global issues.

2. Death Penalty: Pro, absolutely. Yes, it doesn't bring back the victim, but it's the ultimate closure for their family and you KNOW the guilty will never commit another offense.

3. Abortion: Generally against but would understand it being made legal before a heartbeat can be heard - that is my definition of a life being created. I know it's different for everybody, but since these are my opinions, well then there you go. And obviously be legal in the case of rape/incest. Other than that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. If you can't decide you don't want a baby within the first 3 months or so, well, sorry.

4. Welfare: A well-intentioned idea being totally abused. Needs reform. Don't know how to do it, though. Maybe better ways to check situations? Or conditional monies that can only be spent on the necessities? IE. somebody on welfare shouldn't have a 60" TV, you know?

5. Social Security: Privatize it. Not looking good for the next generation.

6. Government Spending: Out of control, and both parties are guilty. Need to cutback on social programs and bullshit funding for Arts programs etc. Keep a little of that money that goes to Africa for AIDS and help OUR people.

7. Education: Spend more on public schools to raise their standards. I would support vouchers but if enough money is spent to make every school a quality school they won't be necessary anyway.

8. Gay Marriage: No.

9. Tax Code: Should be a flat tax rate across the board. Yes, the rich can afford to pay more, but don't punish them for having money. Take away inheritance taxes. Tax the holy fuck out of alcohol, tobacco, etc.

10. Market Regulation: I'd considered myself free market but at this rate I'm open to whatever works.

11. Corporate Aid: In this regard I'm of the belief that the market will fix itself, or it won't. It a company is meant to go under, let it go under. You can't have companies enjoying all their profits but having the taxpayers bail them out when the losses roll in. Accountability.

12. Environment: Obviously we shouldn't be dumping shit into rivers and going out of our way to pollute, but to think we as humans have a great effect on "climate change" is arrogant and stupid. We should however be looking for alternative fueling methods.

13. Trade: Free

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): Set in stone.
Ideally it'd be "living document" but far too many activist judges out there that want to turn the thing upside down, so err on the side of caution.

15. Eminent Domain: Sorry. Nobody is moving me off my land if I don't want to. Total bullshit.

16. Prostitution: Legalize it, tax the hell out of it, but keep it to certain restricted areas.

17. Recreational Drugs: I'm anti-drug but at this rate, for as widespread as pot is, may as well legalize and tax hell out of that, too.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: No. If you choose to, fine.

19. Healthcare: Look, even in the current system if you're dying you can walk into an emergency room and they can't refuse you service. All that creating a national healthcare program would do would lessen the quality of service, lengthen wait times, and put insurance companies out of business. Keep the status quo. Besides, you keep GIVING shit for free to people, you take away their motivation to actually work.

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?: C'mon now.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by Crazy Levi »

1. Foreign Policy: Yes
2. Death Penalty: No
3. Abortion: Yes! I love it.
4. Welfare: Yes!
5. Social Security: Shore it up. Privatizing it is a completelty retarded idea.
6. Government Spending: Love it!
7. Education: Hate it!
8. Gay Marriage: Yes! You have to be a retard or bigot to oppose Gay Marriage.
9. Tax Code: Tax the rich!
10. Market Regulation: Yes!
11. Corporate Aid: Boo, hiss
12. Environment: Love it!
13. Trade: Protect the workers and environment
14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): Living document
15. Eminent Domain: Boo!
16. Prostitution: Love it!
17. Recreational Drugs: LOVE IT!
18. Mandatory Civil Service: Sure, as long as there is a loophole for the rich to buy their way out of it.
19. Healthcare- For all!

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?:[/quote] Liberal
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by chickenona »

1. Foreign Policy: My main priority in foreign policy right now is to reduce our dependency on Middle Eastern oil and by extension our presence and involvement there.

2. Death Penalty: Until there is a 100% foolproof way to ascertain that a person committed a given crime for which they face the death penalty, I'm against it. And none of this "Career bad man so same difference if he did it or not" bullshit, either. If a person is facing the death penalty for killing two specific people, it doesn't matter if he's raped or killed legions of others prior to the case at hand, we'd better be damn sure he's guilty of the actual crime for which he is facing the death penalty. This isn't a sympathetic view, either. It has to do with following our legal system as it was intended to be followed.

3. Abortion: Hate it, would never have one and wouldn't want anyone I loved to have to have one. But it has to be legal with no restrictions because to make it illegal would be compromising the individual rights of all women.

4. Welfare: A necessary evil not meant to be a lifestyle. Should ALWAYS be contingent upon recipients working or otherwise compensating for the money and benefits they receive.

5. Social Security: Another necessary evil, but there should be caps on who can draw it. If you retire a millionaire you don't need it. It should also be partially privatized, but with guaranteed minimums that a person who contributes all their life will be able to draw.

6. Government Spending: There needs to be a reshuffling of priorities with government spending. Some stuff should be cut.

7. Education: College should be accessible to everyone who wants to go and money shouldn't be an issue. I don't know if there should be some sort of program like Social Security where everyone pays into a government fund to be drawn on by people who need money for college or what, but the current system, where only people with enough money to go get to go, is wrong. Education, as much as one wants or needs, is a right, not a privilege for people with money.

8. Gay Marriage: Honestly, who gives a fuck? Why anyone would be against it is still beyond me. It's legal for 13-year-olds to get married in some states - ironically, some of the same states that have the strongest opposition to gay marriage - so the "moral objection" argument is a little silly.

9. Tax Code: No fucking idea.

10. Market Regulation: Obviously we've found out the hard way that more is needed, whether we like it or not.

11. Corporate Aid: Only in extremely rare cases. The most recent economic meltdown would be one such case.

12. Environment: I live in the greenest state in the union, so I'm an enviro-wacko. Seriously - do you shit where you eat?

13. Trade: We shouldn't trade with everyone. Dictators, hostile countries, and human rights violators need to be shut out of trade.

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): Set in stone.

15. Eminent Domain: Should always favor the individual, not the municipality.

16. Prostitution: Should be legal and regulated.

17. Recreational Drugs: Should be completely legal. Social Darwinism FTW.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: Absolutely.

19. Healthcare: Some variation of two-tier, but guaranteed coverage for all.

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?: Hahahaha, like I need to answer that.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by JakeYonkel »

Well I didn't really go into higher education with my post. I'm split on the issue though. Either you make it totally government-funded and essentially it becomes grades 13-16, or you keep the status quo. Something must be done though.

I just think it's insane - my wife has mondo student loans outstanding yet is working on a teacher's income, and you can assume about how much she makes. How in the hell can people be expected to pay back $40-50-60 thousand dollars on a teacher's income? In that instance I think if you go to a four-year school to get an education degree you get some extra assistance from the government, since you're going to be working for them anyway.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by lerxstcat »

JakeYonkel wrote:Well I didn't really go into higher education with my post. I'm split on the issue though. Either you make it totally government-funded and essentially it becomes grades 13-16, or you keep the status quo. Something must be done though.

I just think it's insane - my wife has mondo student loans outstanding yet is working on a teacher's income, and you can assume about how much she makes. How in the hell can people be expected to pay back $40-50-60 thousand dollars on a teacher's income? In that instance I think if you go to a four-year school to get an education degree you get some extra assistance from the government, since you're going to be working for them anyway.
She DOES get assistance. She married a guy who won the lottery and gets $50K a year just for existing. You might say she helped herself!
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by bane »

1. Foreign Policy: I wish we were more isolationist than we are. I'm tired of playing world police. I understand that the market is now global, so isolationism no longer works, but we need to spend less time in everyone else's business. For example: If we weren't up to our eyeballs in middle east politics, we wouldn't be worried about terrorism. We need to focus more attention and resources to becoming more self sufficient. If we didn't need it's oil, the mid east would be irrelevant etc.

2. Death Penalty: Hang em high.

3. Abortion: I don't believe in legislating morality.

4. Welfare: I'm all for helping those that truly need it, but we need more accountability. Nobody should be able to work the dole for generations. We need to find a way to cap it. I kind of like the idea of earning your way. Perhaps some form of community service in exchange is in order.

5. Social Security: I have no idea what to do with that mess. An entire generation is about to get monumentally fucked.

6. Government Spending: The less the better. Eliminate the deficit and live within our means. If we can't afford it, we can't afford it. Period.

7. Education: In favor of private school vouchers and tax breaks for those without kids. I do think that it is a societal responsibility to share some of the load, but those who don't procreate shouldn't share as much of the burden as those who do.

8. Gay Marriage: I don't believe in legislating morality.

9. Tax Code: Sales tax.

10. Market Regulation:I'm wishy washy on this one. There are pros and cons to both sides. Recent events show the need for regulation.

11. Corporate Aid: Wishy washy on this one too. I'd like to say the market should be able to sort itself out, but the reality is, America needs the jobs.There should be very strict accountability measures in place for any form of corporate welfare with harsh penalties for abuse though.

12. Environment: Clean it up, but be reasonable about it. For a conservative, I'm a closet tree hugger. I do think that the conservative mantra about how it's "arrogant" to think we could cause climate change is just a red herring. The planet is a mess and if climate change is the buzz word that forces us to clean it up we're all better off for it. I don't care whether we caused it or not.

13. Trade: Im all for keeping it as free as possible but it's a very complicated issue, frankly beyond my understanding for the most part.

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): Is it hypocritical to say both? There are certain constitutional rights that I don't want infringed upon, so I'll call "set in stone" on them, but I'm also open minded enough to realize that times and circumstances change.

15. Eminent Domain: No. If a property owner says no, the answer is no. Everybody has their price, let the market work it out.

16. Prostitution: See "legislating morality".

17. Recreational Drugs: See above. That said, I don't think drug addiction should be treated as a welfare eligible disability.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: Fuck no. There are a fuckload of welfare recipients that should be doing it. Let the rest of us that are paying the bills go to work.

19. Healthcare - Nobody should be bankrupted by a health crisis, so I'd be in favor of government intervention in extreme cases. A government bailout for an extreme health crisis that runs over 20K out of pocket.Otherwise, I'm fine with the status quo. I think tort reform is needed to curtail costs. Malpractice suits are way out of hand. Under no circumstance am I in favor of socialized medicine though.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by JakeYonkel »

lerxstcat wrote:
JakeYonkel wrote:Well I didn't really go into higher education with my post. I'm split on the issue though. Either you make it totally government-funded and essentially it becomes grades 13-16, or you keep the status quo. Something must be done though.

I just think it's insane - my wife has mondo student loans outstanding yet is working on a teacher's income, and you can assume about how much she makes. How in the hell can people be expected to pay back $40-50-60 thousand dollars on a teacher's income? In that instance I think if you go to a four-year school to get an education degree you get some extra assistance from the government, since you're going to be working for them anyway.
She DOES get assistance. She married a guy who won the lottery and gets $50K a year just for existing. You might say she helped herself!
:lol: Nicely done.

Her assistance still has a mortgage and two car payments!
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by lerxstcat »

I didn't say it was a PERFECT solution! :D
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by CliffByford »

This has been a very interesting read. Like Juggernaut, I am not a US citizen, and don't have any ties with the country. However, I'll answer to the best of my ability - after all, I can understand the concept of Social Security without having any direct involvement with it.

1. Foreign Policy: Isolationist isn't the right word, but conciliatory is closer. A greater readiness to try and resolve issues via diplomacy is needed. America (and the UK) shouldn't cut themselves off, but neither should we police the world.

2. Death Penalty: Never, not under any circumstance. I find it morally reprehensible to take another life. I call bullshit on the "100% certain" argument, because there have been too many miscarriages of justice where juries were, apparently, 100% certain.

3. Abortion: Pro-choice. I am not religious, and nor do I try to understand the boundaries of where sentient life can be said to exist. I should not tell other people what to do with their bodies.

4. Welfare: Available when needed - but emphasis on the word 'need'. I have no objection to somebody who has been made redundant drawing welfare, so long as he or she is actively looking for a job. In many other cases, welfare is the only just and right course of action. I do object to the able-bodied making a career out of welfare.

5. Social Security: Like someone said before, if you retire a millionaire or a healthy lump sum in the bank, no need. This could be means tested.

6. Government Spending: Like the angry Transport Advisor on SimCity 2000 says, "YOU CAN'T CUT SPENDING! YOU CANNOT DO THIS! THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!" But seriously - infrastructure, emergency services, education etc. are all sacred. Some programmes to help out in areas affected by poverty are necessary - somebody has to cut the Gordian knot.

7. Education: Really needs to be more inclusive. It's scandalous that over-funded, under-educated rich people get to waste three or four years at college without too many cares, while the rest have to tough it out and fight for a limited number of scholarships. Costs are too expensive, loans are too punitive.

8. Gay Marriage: Absolutely. The only thing that distinguishes "marriage" from a "civil union", if all benefits are equitable, are the connotative elements of the name. Why is marriage, a religious institution, shoe-horned and enshrined in secular law?

9. Tax Code: Should be on a proportional basis. This is not me suggesting that the richest are "punished", and I don't want it radically differentiated from a flat rate level. But come the fuck on, if missing out on that Kiss Kasket means somebody has just enough of a break lower down the scale to get back on their feet, or start a business, do the right thing.

10. Market Regulation: Effective watchdogs with the ability to hand down meaningful punishments for corporate fraud and the like need to be established. Little regulation for those playing within the rules, but white collar crime needs to be shut down. Bernie Madoff held under "house arrest"? Fuck that, bring him in like any other crook, because that's what he appears to be.

11. Corporate Aid: If you want a) Free trade, and b) Deregulated markets, then supporting this, under any circumstance, is simply untenable. If you adhere to the tenets of capitalism, then asking for Corporate Aid is untenable. If you turn up to a Senate hearing in a private jet begging for a bail out, your position is untenable.

12. Environment: Another Gordian knot. Something has to be done, and fast, in order to alleviate the environmental burdern that will be placed on my generation. Offer vehicle manufacturers tax breaks or governmental funding (even) with strict conditions to produce viable, cleaner automotive alternatives. Actually listen to what scientists say; don't dismiss "protect the wetlands" as just tree-hugging bullshit when your asphalt paradise floods five years later.

13. Trade: Free trade should work in theory, as the less economically developed nations should be able to undercut their more developed competitors with cheaper production costs. Then people start foaming at the mouth that jobs in steelworking, car assembly etc. go to Romania or South Korea. So, free trade, go ahead, so long as you don't shit your pants when someone muscles in on your sector who does it more efficiently and to the same standard. Nota bene: of course, the freedom to place sanctions on suspect regimes should be for an individual nation to choose, unless a UN resolution has called for a blanket embargo.

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): The UK has an unwritten constitution, so the notion of a single document outlining my rights and privileges is alien to me. However, like any codified work of authority, it must remain relevant. Constitutions scream for interpretation, not dismantling.

15. Eminent Domain: This is the same as Compulsory Purchase in the UK. The very notion makes me utterly nauseous. I would advocate taking up arms in the face of this, and I'm not a violent individual.

16. Prostitution: Legalise and regulate - heavily. The pornographic industry has some very sensible laws regarding sexual health, and the Netherlands in particular ensure it is practised in a safe environment. Look, learn, copy.

17. Recreational Drugs: Like Juggernaut, I personally detest drugs. Legalise marijuana though, for goodness' sake - Fiorello LaGuardia knew back in the 1930s that it wasn't the menace that figures like Harry Anslinger made it out to be. The LaGuardia Committee was the first systematic study into marijuana usage, and it continues to contradict what politicians will tell you. Anything else? Fuck it sideways with a wrench.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: No, ghey idea.

19. Healthcare:Two tier system - there should be socialised healthcare, like there is here, for those who cannot afford it. However, is it right to penalise those who have private medical insurance by insisting they pay into the public pot? I don't know, I haven't read up enough on this.

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?: Do I really have to point it out? I'm a liberal, and what's more, European - the worst kind of liberal!
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by Bridget »

1. Foreign Policy: It would be nice to restore our international reputation by cutting the hard-nosed "our way or no way at all" tactics. Give diplomacy a chance!

2. Death Penalty: No.

3. Abortion: Keep it legal, and keep it safe for the mother. My parents marched in the pro-choice rally in DC in the 80's with Sen. Jim Jeffords, carrying signs that said "Men Who Dont Support Women's Rights Should Fuck Themselves," and that has always been my stance on the subject.

4. Welfare: Fix it.

5. Social Security: See above, but for the most part I agree with those who already said that millionaires don't really need it.

6. Government Spending: Shore it up, put it where it's most badly needed and stop lining pockets.

7. Education: Raise standards. Make higher education much more accessible, some of it should have to be earned by having good grades etc.

8. Gay Marriage: Legalize.

9. Tax Code: Ugh.

10. Market Regulation: Until big corporations are completely transparent and run by saints, regulation is necessary.

11. Corporate Aid: Tough one. I'm not in favor of bailing out mismanaged corporations or helping out the millionaires who fucked it all up in the first place. I'm also not in favor of a zillion people ending up jobless because of those millionaires.

12. Environment: Figure out how to stop raping it. People like to think that our lives will go unaffected by the damage that we inflict on the environment, but it just isn't so.

13. Trade: Let it happen and learn to compete.

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): A lot of thought went into writing that thing, so don't fuck it up.

15. Eminent Domain: Bad idea.

16. Prostitution: Legalize.

17. Recreational Drugs: Legalize.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: Not so sure about this one.

19. Healthcare: Should be available to those who can't afford it on their own.

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?:[/quote] Liberal
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by GrayAntiMatter »

1. Foreign Policy: Isiolationism for the motherfucking win!

2. Death Penalty: For Jaywalking.

3. Abortion: Should be mandatory in some cases. A crack government team of abortion ninjas that sneak into the whores bedroom at night with a solid hanger to remove the problem!

I have serious issues with notion of abortion being a womans right, the entire "my body my choice" thing. If its your choice then you accept fiscal responsiblity for that choice. See how this ties to child support? Yeah, I knew you did.

4. Welfare: As it is? Horrible? Needs to be modified, huge. In dire straights, people have no other place to turn society has an obligation to assist (and really, that is legislating morality....). But there has to be a better path off.

5. Social Security: The six million pound gorilla! Its never going away. Ever. Make it privatized? Not an answer.

6. Government Spending: Too many sacred cows. The priorities of govt spending baffle me. And why there is a requirement for a balanced budget also baffles me.

7. Education: Do people really think that the govt is doing so great with k-12 public schools that they should be stepping into higher education?

8. Gay Marriage: Hate the question. The govt should either a) get out of the marriage business all together or b) allow the members of the relationship to determine for themselves. I don't give a flying fuck if two cock suckers want to live in wedded bliss for the next three years before they divorce, or if some jackass has four bitches that want to marry him. So long as everyone involved is "off age" and enterting into the arangement of their own free will, I just don't give a fuck.

9. Tax Code: "And there's the IRS" "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "Oh boo yourself!"

10. Market Regulation: Required. Seek a minimal but effective solution.

11. Corporate Aid: Minimal. Bordering on non-existant.

12. Environment: Huge issue. But the simplest steps aren't taken by our government to address it. With that, pocket mulchers annoy the fuck out of me.

13. Trade: Can we trade Maine for British Columbia?

14. Constitution ("set in stone" vs "living document"): It has to be a living document. Hooray for amendments. But I'm no fan of activist judges.

15. Eminent Domain: It seems, in 90% of its use, is absoultely disgusting. It happened A LOT when I lived in Vegas, for projects I can at least understand. Widening the 95 freeway, and other older streets in the northwest part of town. Now that I'm back in SoCal I've seen people that have owned businesses for as long as Ive been alive "bought out" just because the govt wanted a different type of business there.

16. Prostitution: Tag those bitches, like a nature channel project. I have no issue with the legalization, regulation and taxation of hos.

17. Recreational Drugs: I'm gonna have to go with no

18. Mandatory Civil Service: I'm gonna have to go with no.

19. Healthcare: Socialization of healthcare is inevitable. I'm okay with that. But it seems the priority of some is to ensure "health care insurance" rather than quality of care. Thats scary.

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?: Superior
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by EatNails »

1. Foreign Policy: Charity begins at home. Close the fucking borders until we get our shit together (and I'm married to a immigrant)

2. Death Penalty: If the DNA fits, you must fry.

3. Abortion: Scrape 'em if you got 'em.

4. Welfare: You'll be going to school while you're on it. First test you fail, we're taking your cash cow away from you.

5. Social Security: Its a good thing, needs to be stable and increased.

6. Government Spending: Cut as much as possible

7. Education: Better at a grade school level, so less people have to go broke paying for college.

8. Gay Marriage: Let 'em have it so they'll shut the fuck up and go away.

9. Tax Code: Look at the Danish system seriously. 42% taxes paid by almost everyone, and not a poor person in the country (unless they choose to be)

10. Market Regulation: Absolutely.

11. Corporate Aid: No.

12. Environment: Ehhh, I'm split on this.

13. Trade: Equal or nothing.

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): Living document.
Times change.

15. Eminent Domain: Ended.

16. Prostitution: Legal

17. Recreational Drugs: Legal. You do it, you die, good riddence.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: Won't hurt none of us.

19. Healthcare: Yes, we all need it. Other coutries have it, we should too.

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?: Liberal.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by Scorpio88 »

CliffByford wrote:14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): The UK has an unwritten constitution, so the notion of a single document outlining my rights and privileges is alien to me. However, like any codified work of authority, it must remain relevant. Constitutions scream for interpretation, not dismantling.
Our Constitution is not a document that outlines our rights, rather it outlines the powers (and most importantly limits) of our government.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by SeminiferousButtNoid »

1. Foreign Policy: Immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Iran. Sharp reduction in troops stationed in other countries like South Korea. Withdrawal from UN. Status quo maintained in NATO. Battle terrorism through covert paramilitary operations coordinated between CIA and Military with congressional oversight. Reduction of military budget by 50%.

2. Death Penalty: Abolish death penalty in all cases

3. Abortion: Abolish abortion in all cases with mother's life exception. That exception would be heavily scrutinized by an independent review in order to prevent abuse.

4. Welfare: A modest welfare program at a fraction of current funding

5. Social Security: Restructuring of social security program with supplementary funds channeled from other budget cuts. Against privatizing social security.

6. Government Spending: Cut drastically. Military and government bureaus such as ATF, Dept of Education and many others either cut severely or dismantled permanently.

7. Education: Return to classical education in public schools. Previous duties of Dept Education given back to states.

8. Gay Marriage: Personally against it but should be left to the states to decide. If Supreme Court rules for gay marriage, would support constitutional amendment.

9. Tax Code: IRS and current Federal Income tax dismantled. Fair Tax act implemented. New agency set up to oversee proceedings. Inheritance and estate taxes abolished. Status quo on capital gains.

10. Market Regulation: Support Dodd-Frank Act for banking regulation and consumer protection. Support return of power to StockWatch under SEC regulatory control.

11. Corporate Aid: corporate subsidies ended, corporate taxes raised

12. Environment: Support Cap And Trade act with global warming language stripped.

13. Trade: Abolish NAFTA and CAFTA. Introduce a progressive tariff system on imported goods.

14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): Natural rights and civil liberties contained in the Constitution do not lose or gain relevancy based on the passage of time. Constitutional questions should be interpreted based on framer's intentions and natural law.

15. Eminent Domain: Constitutional only on extremely narrow interpretation of public need.

16. Prostitution: Existing laws violate right to privacy.

17. Recreational Drugs: Existing laws violate right to privacy.

18. Mandatory Civil Service: Unconstitutional

19. Healthcare: Agree with regulatory parts of Obama's bill regarding health care. Mandatory purchase of healthcare unconstitutional. Prefer extensions to Medicare and Medicaid for uninsured.

20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal? Neither. Paleo-Libertarian. Support free market economics with certain limitations and oversight (American System). Libertarian on social issues with certain limitations. Guiding principal behind political philosophy is that the concerns of the collective are subordinate to the concerns of the individual.

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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by EvilMadman »

Licketysplit wrote:1. Foreign Policy: Stop sending US soldiers off to die, but be willing to defend the 50 states and territories. Be willing to use the big weapons if called for.
That's fine and all, but what should we do about...


Crazy Levi wrote:9. Tax Code: Tax the rich!
Well, that sure has worked some real wonders in New York and California for balancing their budgets and creating a boom in the employment rate. :roll:

Cutting wasteful "Pork Projects", instituting a "Flat Tax", and chopping the IRS down to nothing, is the only real way to go in enabling economic growth & job creation.
1. Foreign Policy: What the U.S. has been doing for the last 100 years or so. Protect the interests of the United States, combat terrorists, pirates and assorted other thugs, support allied nations, engage in humanitarian missions etc.
2. Death Penalty: For child rapists/murderers.
3. Abortion: Only in cases of incest, rape or when patient's life is in danger. Shouldn't be used as birth control.
4. Welfare: Prevent it from being abused.
5. Social Security: Someone in our worthless government needs to do something before the whole program goes bankrupt.
6. Government Spending: The less, the better.
7. Education: More charter schools and vouchers. So underprivileged children can enjoy the same education benefits as wealthy children.
8. Gay Marriage: No reason gay people can't be just as miserable as straight married people.
9. Tax Code: The less, the better.
10. Market Regulation: Enforce existing laws without impeding business expansion (and hence job growth) with acres of "red tape".
11. Corporate Aid: No tax incentives for companies that move their operations out of the U.S.
12. Environment: Protect it.
13. Trade: Free trade with as many partner nations as possible.
14. Constitution ("set in stone" vs "living document"): Living document. But any changes should require a unanimous vote.
15. Eminent Domain: For abandoned properties only.
16. Prostitution: Regulate & tax it.
17. Recreational Drugs: Regulate & tax it.
18. Mandatory Civil Service: Only if deemed necessary by the government & military.
19. Healthcare: A huge government bureaucracy nightmare of a program that will burden small businesses and middle class, kill job growth, cause your taxes to jump, and raise inflation.
20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?: Whichever possesses the most common sense.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by VinnieKulick »

1. Foreign Policy: Depends on the nation. I think we shouldn't be as spread out as we are though.
2. Death Penalty: not used enough
3. Abortion: As long as it's legal, I have no problem with a woman having one. That doesn't mean I can't think she's a horrible person for having one though.
4. Welfare: sometimes a needed thing
5. Social Security: I can get better interest at a bank on my 'contributions' than with social security. people should have the option to privatize if they want, knowing the consequences of bad investing.
6. Government Spending: TOO BIG, reel that in
7. Education: School Vouchers and magnet schools have proven to be a success, get rid of the NEA and make it competitive.
8. Gay Marriage: I think the government has no right 'sanctioning' ANY relationship.
9. Tax Code: Consumption based tax for everybody, eliminate the IRS.
10. Market Regulation: enforce the rules we have, then see if things need fixing.
11. Corporate Aid:against
12. Environment: for the green movement as long as it isn't mandatory, and doesn't hamper business
13. Trade: open markets work, use them
14. Constitution("set in stone" vs "living document"): The constitution is set in stone, but part of what is set, is the ability to change it if need be. NOT to be done through judicial bullshit, but through Congress and the people, like the founders designed.
15. Eminent Domain:unless it's to build a road or a railroad, its complete bullshit.
16. Prostitution: why is it illegal to sell something it's legal to give away?
17. Recreational Drugs:keep them illegal
18. Mandatory Civil Service: should be part of a kids senior year in highschool, and the year following, before they are allowed into college.
19. Healthcare having the government run it won't work. Fix the laws so that the 'bad' practices are illegal, make cross border policies legal, give states block grants to help pay for uninsured people.
20. Do you consider yourself Conservative or Liberal?: MOST of my views are conservative. Almost all of my SOCIAL views are libertarian.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by Luminiferous »

Licketysplit wrote:5. Social Security: Time limits on SSI and Medicare. Make it a 5 year draw, and after that people are on their own. Use Medicare to provide pain relief, but nothing more.
I have a feeling when you finally retire from that uber badass executive position, you'll feel a little bit different about this..

Licketysplit wrote:16. Prostitution: Legalize it and tax it.
You're trying to get in good with that neighbor that you claimed got busted aren't you, Split? :wink:
VinnieKulick wrote:18. Mandatory Civil Service: should be part of a kids senior year in highschool, and the year following, before they are allowed into college.
Quick question Vin. Did you do this?
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by VinnieKulick »

Luminiferous wrote: Quick question Vin. Did you do this?
I actually dropped out of high school, got my GED and went into the Navy before my class was graduating.

I dont mean to say everybody HAS to join the military, there are obvious instances where people can't (disabilities, etc). But, there isnt a real reason every 18 year old can't do some sort of public works project part time in high school, and then full time at age 18. There are plenty of things that could be done, from picking up trash, to building maintenance (federal or state or city buildings) charity work, etc.

I think to apply for financial aid (at College) you should need to provide a certificate of civil service/participation of some kind. I know it goes against my other philosophy that the government should be shrunken to only perform constitutionally required functions, but as a nation, we'd be better off if young people were involved in it's operations earlier than they currently are. A more educated and more appreciative population can only be a good thing.
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Re: Your Views on the Issues

Post by Luminiferous »

Just wondered. I had a friend's dad who also suggested the same thing.
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