Glenn Beck Admits Lying

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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

I seem to recall you praising Reagan about the time of his death. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I've never seen you so incensed about him (count the number of times you've used the word "clown" in reference to him) Obviously, you don't like him. I don't recall that always being the case.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by MickeyG »

lerxstcat wrote:
If memory serves, yopu live in the US but are not a natural born US citizen? If I'm wrong I apologize, but most Americans are pretty united on NOT wanting a foreigner as President. In fact it was an issue in the latest campaign, with Republicans pressing the rumor that Obama was really born in Kenya and not Hawaii as his birth certificate says. The Dems in turn tried to say that McCain was ineligible because he was born in Panama, though that didn't matter because both his parents were US citizens, so he could have been born in siberia and he'd be a US citizen.

What I'm saying is that most Americans are united in not wanting to change this, and if you are not an American you might not understand this.
Your memory serves you well, lerx!

I guess it's just down to what an individual has grown up with. In the UK, as long as you are a citizen, whether natural born or naturalized you can be Prime Minister. I see nothing wrong with that. I won't go heavily into the 2nd amendment, but most foreigners who come from countries where guns are outlawed think that law is crazy! :D But I personally would like the best person possible running the country, although with the money it costs to run only the insane run independently without the backing of a major party.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

MickeyG wrote:
lerxstcat wrote:
If memory serves, yopu live in the US but are not a natural born US citizen? If I'm wrong I apologize, but most Americans are pretty united on NOT wanting a foreigner as President. In fact it was an issue in the latest campaign, with Republicans pressing the rumor that Obama was really born in Kenya and not Hawaii as his birth certificate says. The Dems in turn tried to say that McCain was ineligible because he was born in Panama, though that didn't matter because both his parents were US citizens, so he could have been born in siberia and he'd be a US citizen.

What I'm saying is that most Americans are united in not wanting to change this, and if you are not an American you might not understand this.
Your memory serves you well, lerx!

I guess it's just down to what an individual has grown up with. In the UK, as long as you are a citizen, whether natural born or naturalized you can be Prime Minister. I see nothing wrong with that. I won't go heavily into the 2nd amendment, but most foreigners who come from countries where guns are outlawed think that law is crazy! :D But I personally would like the best person possible running the country, although with the money it costs to run only the insane run independently without the backing of a major party.
Well, we became independent of the most powerful country on earth because we all had guns, so it is a pretty central symbol of our independence to us! And believe me, there are a lot of Americans thinking of rising up again with our guns, because our politicians are ALL just slopping at the troughs of the big business gravy train. This latest BP oil spill is a case in point. The British government would bever have tolerated BP leaving such a leak open in ITS waters for 3 months, but OURS did - because our politicians, on BOTH sides of the aisle, are in BP's pockets.

Now we can no longer fight an army with hand weapons - but we can fight a guerilla war against politicians. Pick 'em off one by one until they decide to abide by the people's will again instead of suck the corporate tit. Better to be merely rich and live, than be super-rich and dead. We can teach them this lesson still because we have guns.

Someone born in Europe might not understand the American mindset in such a situation. He might try to use the army to subjugate such a popular rebellion - so we'd have to take him out too. An American-born President at that point would see the light and align himself with the people, if for no other reason than to save his own ass.

This probably sounds outrageous, but you know it happened in Russia when the USSR was collapsing. Gorbachev told the Soviet troops to fire on Russians, but those troops were Russians, and they put Boris Yeltsin in power instead and Gorbachev was out.

If that happened in Russia, It could surely happen here.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

That's just crazy talk man. Revolution? Nah. Not with guns. No way. Not unless the bottom REALLY falls out. Otherwise people are content to bitch and at best attend a few rallies. Only the kook contingent would put in the effort for a revolution. People are still far too comfortable to take it that far.
I don't think most Americans care nearly as much about that statute as you've outlined either. Nobody cares enough to change it though.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

bane wrote:That's just crazy talk man. Revolution? Nah. Not with guns. No way. Not unless the bottom REALLY falls out. Otherwise people are content to bitch and at best attend a few rallies. Only the kook contingent would put in the effort for a revolution. People are still far too comfortable to take it that far.
I don't think most Americans care nearly as much about that statute as you've outlined either. Nobody cares enough to change it though.
I agree that it would have to get a lot worse, but I don't think it's crazy talk down the line. I will tell you that here, locally, when BP had taken over police power of our beaches, people were damn pissed. You could walk down to the beach - but not if you had a camera. They lied through their teeth about what was happening and the government was going with their story - a story we could look at our oil-covered beaches and see was bullshit.

I feel that things came pretty close to some gunplay happening, though it didn't actually come to pass. If our government keeps displaying this level of contempt for its people and lets its business contributors take over sovereignty in other places and situations, the people are gona get tired of that shit. The government IS getting more open in showing its contempt.

It's not a new concept though. Mark Twain said, "If it mattered, they wouldn't let us vote". He was right then and it's only more obvious now.

Revolution? Maybe not now. In 10 years? Who knows? But this will NEVER be changed from within the system with the vote.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

Anything is possible given the right conditions, but we are a long way from those conditions. Unemployment is still under 10%. We didn't have a revolution when it was 25%.As long as the citizens are still reasonably comfortable, any kind of violent coup is incredibly unrealistic. The vast majority of the country would rise up and take down any "revolutionaries" before they'd side with them. They'd be looked at in the same light as Timothy McVeigh.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

bane wrote:Anything is possible given the right conditions, but we are a long way from those conditions. Unemployment is still under 10%. We didn't have a revolution when it was 25%.As long as the citizens are still reasonably comfortable, any kind of violent coup is incredibly unrealistic. The vast majority of the country would rise up and take down any "revolutionaries" before they'd side with them. They'd be looked at in the same light as Timothy McVeigh.
Depends where it happened, Bane. If that oil spill had happened in NYC or in California (I know about Santa Barbara, this is for the sake of argument) or any other powerful region, and big business security thugs were pushing citizens around and the citizens pushed back, it'd be a little different than the poor redneck Gulf states. Maybe you're still pretty confy where you are, but there are probably places in this country where unemployment is more like 25% when you count the people who gave up looking.

McVeigh was avenging Waco and Ruby Ridge. While some sympathized with those groups, most did think of them as wackos. I think that even if the poor Gulf states staged a mass revolt against the status quo, people would NOT equate that with McVeigh.
Some might, but MANY people would connect the dots and see themselves as next in line for subjugation and having their "unalienable" rights pushed aside.

Are YOU ready to have YOUR rights taken as long as you're still comfortable, Bane? How about if they take your rights first, THEn make you VERY uncomfortable? Gonna wait til it's too late?

I'm not talking about this year or next, but if you don't see how dark this trend is, I'd say you're willfully ignoring the decline of America into Amerika.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

The conditions for what you are outlining simply do not exist, and they are a FAR cry from existing. This isn't a starving Russian populace that has been kept in the iron grip of a totalitarian government for 70 years. I'm sorry dude, but, you're just plain wrong. I applaud my government taking whatever action is necessary to stop anyone who decides to take up arms against them. That includes the nutjobs who walk into corporate offices and start shooting the place up. That includes the nutjobs who fly single engine airplanes into IRS office buildings. That includes the whack job who walks into the Discovery Channel Network building and takes hostages. That includes the soldier that shot up a bunch of his compatriots at Ft Hood. Every one of those people is a fucking kook. If we get some disgruntled Gulf Coast fisherman taking over the BP corporate offices with a gun, you can bet your ass I'll applaud the cops that blow his fucking head off. I promise you that the vast majority of Americans would agree with that sentiment. Jesus dude. Where are you going with this shit?
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by Fordtruckman »

a lie? the horror :roll:
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

enter your username wrote:
lerxstcat wrote: I'm not talking about this year or next, but if you don't see how dark this trend is, I'd say you're willfully ignoring the decline of America into Amerika.
A bird got some oil on it's wings. Calm down. Put the guns away.
It was a lot worse than that. The oysters are all dead and the seafood is tainted. The government is saying they are clean now but that is a lie. People might not die from eating it today, but they'll get cancer down the line. BP kept spraying corexit after the government told them to stop, and we recently found out that USAF C130s were spraying the shit over sea AND land for weeks after they stopped the leak - because dispersed oil can't be counted toward the fines. All because ALL of our politicians have BP contributions in their campaign funds - I mean EVERY member of the Senate and the House of every party.

And BP armed thiugs were walking our beaches, saying who could and couldn't go to the beach - okay if you don't have a camera, forbidden if you do.

How would each of you feel if you tried to go to the park, and employees of a foreign company stopped you at gunpoint, because you had a camera in your hand?
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

bane wrote:The conditions for what you are outlining simply do not exist, and they are a FAR cry from existing. This isn't a starving Russian populace that has been kept in the iron grip of a totalitarian government for 70 years. I'm sorry dude, but, you're just plain wrong. I applaud my government taking whatever action is necessary to stop anyone who decides to take up arms against them. That includes the nutjobs who walk into corporate offices and start shooting the place up. That includes the nutjobs who fly single engine airplanes into IRS office buildings. That includes the whack job who walks into the Discovery Channel Network building and takes hostages. That includes the soldier that shot up a bunch of his compatriots at Ft Hood. Every one of those people is a fucking kook. If we get some disgruntled Gulf Coast fisherman taking over the BP corporate offices with a gun, you can bet your ass I'll applaud the cops that blow his fucking head off. I promise you that the vast majority of Americans would agree with that sentiment. Jesus dude. Where are you going with this shit?

Where I am going is that I'm not talking about the kind of incidents you are describing. I am talking about mass uprisings in regions of the country where things get drastically worse than others, where manmade disasters happen and big business' armed thugs take over. It's gonna boil over somewhere, sometime, and it will be too big to dismiss as some psycho. You aren't living somewhere where people are chopking and going blind because they carpet-bombed us with Corexit to disperse oil. Not BP, the fucking USAF did it with C130s and LIED about it, then admitted it later - because they hold the people in contempt.

How would YOU feel, Bane, if your wife and kid were choking on Corexit that your own government's military sprayed on the people to limit the liability of the oil company who supplies their gravy train? Would you take that shit lying down? WILL you, when it happens to you?

Don't answer me now, but think about that, man. This is happening in America, right now. You might not give a shit about Mississippi or Louisiana, but if they can do it to us, they'll do it to you one day.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

Why are you the only person I've heard this from? I know a lot of people in Louisianna and nobody is talking about this shit like you are. Are you trying to say that the rest of the country doesn't care about that region after we all watched Geraldo Rivera cry on national TV after Katrina? Every news organization in the world has cameras, reporters and scoop hounds that would give anything for that scoop crawling all over that area but nobody writes a story on it? That shit would make watergate look like a Sunday editorial. BP has been getting their asses kicked in the press for months, but there's some vast conspiracy to cover up the shit you're laying out? I think your tinfoil hat is getting too tight.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by MasterOfMeatPuppets »

Holy armed insurrection, Batman!

This thread must be tainted by Beck's insanity. :lol:
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:Holy armed insurrection, Batman!

This thread must be tainted by Beck's insanity. :lol:
:lol: Tony Hayward is the ceo of the Illuminati. Didn't you know?
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by Skate4RnR »

Since Reagan's been discussed. I took a masters level class on Reagan's presidency, we focused on his life, career, and his awesome speeches. Did you know that he would tell stories in his speeches that weren't really true but he'd told the stories for so many years he believed them to be true? I'm not knocking the guy but when I first read this about Beck I thought "no big deal" 'cause Reagan did it a lot. What made for a really awesome, moving speech sometimes were fictitious stories.

This, of course is not the case with Glen Beck because the only way Beck can "move" his listeners is by making them angry which in turn clouds their rational thought/judgement. Fuck him and his followers. I hate them worse that Stryper fags.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by Ugmo »

This is pretty low on Glenn Beck's list of transgressions. Can't get too excited about this one.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by MasterOfMeatPuppets »

It is but I posted it for Nevermind's benefit.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by Ugmo »

bane wrote:Why are you the only person I've heard this from? I know a lot of people in Louisianna and nobody is talking about this shit like you are. Are you trying to say that the rest of the country doesn't care about that region after we all watched Geraldo Rivera cry on national TV after Katrina? Every news organization in the world has cameras, reporters and scoop hounds that would give anything for that scoop crawling all over that area but nobody writes a story on it? That shit would make watergate look like a Sunday editorial. BP has been getting their asses kicked in the press for months, but there's some vast conspiracy to cover up the shit you're laying out? I think your tinfoil hat is getting too tight.
Pity The_Juggalo is no longer around to add his two cents to this theory.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

bane wrote:I seem to recall you praising Reagan about the time of his death. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I've never seen you so incensed about him (count the number of times you've used the word "clown" in reference to him) Obviously, you don't like him. I don't recall that always being the case.
I praised him because he was a President who had died. Of course he had some good points, Bane, almost everybody does. But I was a young adult, first politically active in the 1976 election where I voted for Carter. Reagan exploited the Iran hostage crisis and maybe even prolonged it, colluding with khomeini to make sure he buried Carter. Remember Iran-Contra? I do.

Remember when the streets were suddenly overrun with homeless mental patients? I do - budget cuts. If they weren't deemed a danger to others, thrown out on the street. Very cruel, but we needed guns, not butter, and fuck the peasants. Not that different than Stalin.

I don't know your age but I'm guessing you are 10-15 years younger than I am. You were alive during those years, I don't know if you were following politics, or from what perspective. But I don't believe in trickle-down economics, I think that improvements during his terms were as much the natural upswing of the business cycle as due to his efforts.

But mostly he was a willing puppet for the military-industrial complex, which is why he became the prototype of a perfect GOP President.

I feel for anyone who dies of Alzheimer's, my brother-in-law died of complications of vascular dementia. And Reagan accomplished some good as well. So I have both good and bad feeligs about the guy. But I think we jumped the shark when we elected him.

Fonzie would have probably been better...
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

bane wrote:Why are you the only person I've heard this from? I know a lot of people in Louisianna and nobody is talking about this shit like you are. Are you trying to say that the rest of the country doesn't care about that region after we all watched Geraldo Rivera cry on national TV after Katrina? Every news organization in the world has cameras, reporters and scoop hounds that would give anything for that scoop crawling all over that area but nobody writes a story on it? That shit would make watergate look like a Sunday editorial. BP has been getting their asses kicked in the press for months, but there's some vast conspiracy to cover up the shit you're laying out? I think your tinfoil hat is getting too tight.
You know a lot of people in Louisiana, that's great. Any of them live in the affected area? Do they make their livings fishing? BP is in the press saying the oil is gone. It's NOT gone, there are tarballs all over the beach, tar mats in the marshes. The Air Force is spraying corexit over land, on all of us, to try and break the shit up to reduce BP liability. It would be easier to clean up if they didn't spray the dispersant. They are also spraying a discontinued version of Corexit that is much more toxic than the current version - on us.

BP is not paying claims that it has acknoledged as valid, and denying claims that ARE valid, already cheaping its way out of this. But they can drop $1 million a week on commercials.

I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat, but perhaps you're not hearing because your head is in the sand and you want to think everything's okay. Enjoy your peace until they fuck up YOUR neighborhood and you have to watch them tell the world that everything is under control. And everybody makes nutjob jokes about you. Because it will happen, sooner or later.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

enter your username wrote:
lerxstcat wrote: How would each of you feel if you tried to go to the park, and employees of a foreign company stopped you at gunpoint, because you had a camera in your hand?
The foreign company was forced to establish a 20 billion dollar claims fund. You're forgetting to mention that fact.

BP provided security because local governments didn't have the resources to provide security. If you want, the local govt could hire contractors and tax you for it. I'm sure Blackwater would be happy to charge your state $2000 a day for a rent a cop as they did after Katrina. Would that make you happier? The law passed after the Valdez disaster requires the oil company to provide security for the clean up.

Don't know the reason for prohibiting cameras. The damage caused by the spill was on every news channel. It wasn't covered up. Banning cameras was an asinine move but no reason to pick up a gun and go postal.
lerxstcat wrote: I am talking about mass uprisings in regions of the country where things get drastically worse than others, where manmade disasters happen and big business' armed thugs take over. It's gonna boil over somewhere, sometime, and it will be too big to dismiss as some psycho.
How do you imagine these "mass uprisings" playing out? You threten to kill a BP guard so you can photograph a dirty bird or build a sand castle on a oil covered beach. What happens after that? Most likely you get hauled off to jail. A mob of armed hysterical jackasses rioting isn't going to change a thing. The national guard will come in, crack a few heads and pour you a cup of STFU.
What you saw was the tip of the iceberg as far as damage. The fact that you brush aside the fact that cameras were the prohibitive factor is telling. It's censorship that our constitution prohibits but that BP was allowed to do. BTW, BP has not paid that $20 billion in. Last I heard they were 6 weeks late on the first installment and making excuses.

I'm not talking about me shooting a BP guard, or anyone else. As always you lie to try and make a point. I never said I was going to do anything. I am just seeing an undercurrent of extreme anger.

What would probably start happening is: Senator S0-and-So is a BP puppet, like most. He comes home for a visit, steps out of the limo, and BANG! 30.06 in the head. Lots of hunters around, good shots. Same with Congressman Such-and-Such a couple weeks later.

Knock off a few dozen legislators and suddenly they get un-bought and start enacting the people's will.

That's what I envision, a guerilla war against elected representatives who are on the Big Business gravy train at the epense of the people.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

lerxstcat wrote:
I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat, but perhaps you're not hearing because your head is in the sand and you want to think everything's okay. Enjoy your peace until they fuck up YOUR neighborhood and you have to watch them tell the world that everything is under control. And everybody makes nutjob jokes about you. Because it will happen, sooner or later.
I'm not making fun of you because it's fun dude. This is just what you do. You have this weird "look at me I'm so persecuted" complex where you exaggerate every thing. It's always followed by "You don't know because you don't live here" You did the same thing after Katrina. This time it's the big bad oil companies. Last time it was the big bad insurance companies. I live on the gulf coast too. I'm well aware of what that oil is doing to the region. I'm also well aware of what the government's response is doing to the industry and the economy. I still haven't seen any evidence of people being so fed up that they're plotting an armed uprising over it.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by CliffByford »

Nobody who was not a natural born citizen of the USA would get anywhere near the top job, at least in today's political climate. The mere fact that Obama lived somewhere else during his younger days (you would think an advantage, in some respects, but there you go...) seemed to get certain elements frothing at the mouth.

Just imagine if I tried to become President Byford. Even though mine would be a benign, perhaps even merry, presidency there are always those claiming my first and overriding fealty would be to the UK. Even if I raped an apple pie, I'd still be accused of fantasising about crumpets.

You have to remember that a huge number of people throw reason, rationality and common sense to the wind when it comes to politics. Don't worry about who might have the better policies, or whose vision for the nation is the more noble - were they born in Kenya?*

*Or Panama, for that matter.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

While I agree that the US is a long way from ready to elect a man that would use a word like "crumpet", I don't think origin is as big a deal as it's made out to be. It was a means to an end with Obama. They were looking for something, anything, that would prevent his presidency. The whole Kenya diversion was just a handy tool to attempt that end.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by Ugmo »

bane wrote:While I agree that the US is a long way from ready to elect a man that would use a word like "crumpet", I don't think origin is as big a deal as it's made out to be. It was a means to an end with Obama. They were looking for something, anything, that would prevent his presidency. The whole Kenya diversion was just a handy tool to attempt that end.
That would happen to any candidate with foreign origins as long as that candidate was on the left, as Cliff would be. Of the two candidates in the last election, one of them wasn't born in the U.S. - yet it was his supporters that questioned the other one's origins. That tells you everything you want to know right there. The right wing would not even remotely be capable of accepting a foreign-born president. I suspect the left wing wouldn't make as big a deal of it.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

I disagree. The right would happily vote for Ahnold. The only reason Obama's origins ever came up was because there was a chance, no matter how remote, that it might disqualify him.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by Ugmo »

bane wrote:I disagree. The right would happily vote for Ahnold. The only reason Obama's origins ever came up was because there was a chance, no matter how remote, that it might disqualify him.
Ugmo wrote:That would happen to any candidate with foreign origins as long as that candidate was on the left.
Arnold is not on the left. He's no Michelle Bachman, but he's an ass-kicking Republican muscleman - of course the right would vote for him. And if he were to get elected, the left wouldn't complain about where he was born, which is what I said in the first place.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by bane »

If the election was a foregone conclusion like the last one was and there was a chance the left could get the right's guy disqualified you bet your ass the left would bring it up.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by Ugmo »

bane wrote:If the election was a foregone conclusion like the last one was and there was a chance the left could get the right's guy disqualified you bet your ass the left would bring it up.
Sorry, I disagree. No one on the left cared that McCain was born in Panama, not even for the couple of weeks of Palinmania. The left would look at that as an advantage through broadened perspectives, whereas some on the right fear it.
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Re: Glenn Beck Admits Lying

Post by lerxstcat »

bane wrote:
lerxstcat wrote:
I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat, but perhaps you're not hearing because your head is in the sand and you want to think everything's okay. Enjoy your peace until they fuck up YOUR neighborhood and you have to watch them tell the world that everything is under control. And everybody makes nutjob jokes about you. Because it will happen, sooner or later.
I'm not making fun of you because it's fun dude. This is just what you do. You have this weird "look at me I'm so persecuted" complex where you exaggerate every thing. It's always followed by "You don't know because you don't live here" You did the same thing after Katrina. This time it's the big bad oil companies. Last time it was the big bad insurance companies. I live on the gulf coast too. I'm well aware of what that oil is doing to the region. I'm also well aware of what the government's response is doing to the industry and the economy. I still haven't seen any evidence of people being so fed up that they're plotting an armed uprising over it.
You know what, Bane? Fuck off with that shit. I didn't exaggerate a fucking thing. You weren't here, and Houston is NOT on the Gulf Coast, most of it is 30 miles inland. 30 miles when you are talking about storm surges is HUGE. You do NOT know what the fuck you are talking about here, I do!

You have NO fucking idea about Katrina OR the fucking oil spill. Houston is 350 miles from the Gulf Coast and it's nowhere near the damned oil spill either. You didn't get Corexit carpet-bombed on land and water for weeks after the fucking leak was sealed, in order to hide more of the oil and minimize BP fines. I did and my friends did.

You don't want to hear it so you dismiss it. You're wrong, and have no business talking about things you know NOTHING about except for propaganda.
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