Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to death!

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Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to death!

Post by gtrjay »

Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death

http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2014 ... death.html

Given how savagely anti-gay the mainstream Oklahoma Republican party is, it’s no surprise that the state’s Tea Partiers are so rabidly hateful that they come across more as dark satire than as serious bigots. To wit: This week, an Oklahoma magazine discovered that last summer, Tea Party state House candidate Scott Esk endorsed stoning gay people to death: “I think we would be totally in the right to do it,” he said in a Facebook post. Esk went on to add nuance to his position:

That [stoning gay people to death] goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.

When a Facebook user messaged Esk to clarify further, he responded:

I never said I would author legislation to put homosexuals to death, but I didn’t have a problem with it.

Understandably unnerved, the magazine called up Esk for clarification. Although Esk claimed he didn’t remember the comments, he fleshed out his views:

That was done in the Old Testament under a law that came directly from God and in that time there it was totally just. It came directly from God. I have no plans to reinstitute that in Oklahoma law. I do have some very huge moral misgivings about those kinds of sins.

Pressed one final time about his position on stoning gay human beings to death, Esk dug in his heels:

I know what was done in the Old Testament and what was done back then was what’s just. … And I do stand for Biblical morality.

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I am impressed that Esk has some understanding of the concept of morality. But I am not quite certain that his views square with modern notions of the concept. I do suspect, however, that Esk’s beliefs aren’t all that far from the other state-level Republicans in the region, who recently attempted to push through the most extreme piece of anti-gay legislation America has ever witnessed. Perhaps our criticism of Esk, then, is really misguided: Rather than chastising him for his seemingly extremist views, we should be thanking him for saying what so many of his political associates are likely thinking.
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Re: Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to death

Post by The_Blue®™ »

"Gay Candidate Supports Stoning Tea Party People to Death", now that would be news!
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Re: Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to death


gtrjay wrote:That [stoning gay people to death] goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.
Stoning is widely supported in the right wing "libertarian" movement. Ron Paul and Gary North both support stoning disrespectful children to death. Parents have to participate. They are followers of the late RJ Rushdoony, head of the Christian reconstruction movement. Rushdoony was Gary North's father in law. Gary North is currently the head of the Ron Paul home schooling curriculum.

Moyers Moments (1987): R.J. Rushdoony

Invitation to a Stoning
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http://reason.com/archives/1998/11/01/i ... -a-stoning

"God is indeed a homophobe" - Ron Paul Curriculum Author Wants Stoning, Biblical Slavery

Gary North (economist)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_North ... l_offenses
North favors capital punishment for a range of offenders; including women who lie about their virginity, blasphemers, nonbelievers, children who curse their parents,[22] male homosexuals, and other people who commit acts deemed capital offenses in the Old Testament.[23] North also favors capital punishment for women who have abortions.[24][25] North stated that the biblical admonition to kill homosexuals in Leviticus is God's "law and its morally appropriate sanction", arguing that "God is indeed a homophobe" who "hates [homosexuality] and those who practice it" and "hates the sin and hates the sinner."[26]

North has said that capital punishment should be carried out by stoning, because it is the biblical approved method of execution and it is cheap due to the plentiful and convenient supply of stones
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Re: Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to death

Post by Luminiferous »

Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

(CNN) - A comparison between alcoholism and homosexuality by Texas Gov. Rick Perry is raising eyebrows.

At a speech in San Francisco, the longtime Republican governor - who ran for the White House in 2012 and is considering another bid in 2016 - was asked whether he thought homosexuality was a disorder.

"I may have the genetic coding that I’m inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that - and I look at the homosexual issue the same way," Perry said.

According to CNN affiliate KPIX, some people in the pro-Perry audience gasped when they heard the governor's remarks.

Perry's address to the Commonwealth of California Club was mostly focused on economic issues. The Texas governor is in California as part of a trip to try to bring jobs and business to the Lone Star State.

Perry's comments also came just days after Texas Republicans, meeting at their state convention, approved language in their party platform that includes support for voluntary psychological "therapy" targeted at converting homosexuals to heterosexuals. That stance stands in contrast to both California and New Jersey, which have banned such therapy.

Separately, a federal judge in February struck down the Texas ban on same-sex marriage, but the ruling has been stayed as it is appealed.

The Human Rights Campaign, a leading organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality, hit back at Perry's comments in a statement on Wednesday.

"Although he may not have the 'genetic coding' to think before he speaks, Rick Perry, M.D. should have a real conversation with actual doctors before voicing his expertise on these issues,” said HRC's Fred Sainz.

“Every major mental health and medical organization in the country has condemned practices aimed at changing a person’s sexual orientation.”
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Re: Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to death

Post by vlad »

He was in SAN FRANCISCO when he said that. That double dumb goodness.

He's in California trying to poach jobs in the first place, then says this in SF. :lol:
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Re: Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to death

Post by TravisBicklesMohawk »

Didn't Jesus pretty much put an end to stoning when he proclaimed, "He who is without sin, toss the first stone." No? Or did those idiots forget?
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