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Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:55 pm
by KneelandBobDylan
Well one of us is wrong and it's not me.
One estimate of cannabis's LD50 for humans indicates that about 1500 pounds (680 kilograms) of cannabis would have to be smoked within 14 minutes.[18] This estimate is supported by studies which indicate that the effective dose of THC is at least 1000 times lower than the estimated lethal dose (a "safety ratio" of 1000:1). This is much higher than alcohol (safety ratio of 10), cocaine (15), or heroin (6).[19]
No one is capable of that. But feel free to keep spouting your BULLSHIT.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:16 am
by thejuggernaut
KneelandBobDylan wrote:Well one of us is wrong and it's not me.
One estimate of cannabis's LD50 for humans indicates that about 1500 pounds (680 kilograms) of cannabis would have to be smoked within 14 minutes.[18] This estimate is supported by studies which indicate that the effective dose of THC is at least 1000 times lower than the estimated lethal dose (a "safety ratio" of 1000:1). This is much higher than alcohol (safety ratio of 10), cocaine (15), or heroin (6).[19]
No one is capable of that. But feel free to keep spouting your BULLSHIT.
Actually, it IS you who is wrong. I said nothing about it being lethal. In fact, you quoted what I said >
KneelandBobDylan wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
MegaBeth wrote:weed should be legal. but the more serious drugs like cocaine, speed, heroin, should never be. weed is really harmless. but those other drugs are pure evil. where i live there are so many tweekers it is sad. and all the tweekers have kids and the kids suffer for it. i would have to assume if speed was legal, more people would try it. and if more people try it, there will be more tweekers. so even more kids will suffer.
Weed is harmless when compared to the others in the category it is in, but let's not get carried away with pretending it's benign. Weed most certainly is harmful; it just doesn't have the fear/potential of instant ruination attached to it that the others do.
Smoking anything is harmful, but THC is absolutely benign. If people ate it or ingested concentrates ( hash, hash oil, budder), what little "harm" comes from it could be greatly curtailed.
See, no suggestion/implication about it being lethal.

It would seem that your petulance and defensiveness concerning the topic resulted in you making an impulsive reply without really thinking it through. One could easily say it's a result of one of the big symptoms of chronic pot smoking, which is a regressive, magical child-like way of thinking.

Hey, you're only suppressing your immune system and fucking with your CNS, among other things, but no harm, right ?

P.S. It's good to see that your spectrum of what you consider "harmful" apparently starts at death.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:19 am
by KneelandBobDylan
You still haven't explained how it's not benign, as it is one of the least toxic substances on the planet.

Wherein lies the "DANGER"?

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:39 am
by Landshark2000
If pot was legal, we could face a national pizza shortage of epic proportions! It would be chaos in the streets!

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:43 am
by vanitybinge
Pot is less addictive than coffee, but some on this board are more likely to just say NUH then to actually find out that it's a fact.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:03 am
by thejuggernaut
KneelandBobDylan wrote:You still haven't explained how it's not benign, as it is one of the least toxic substances on the planet.

Wherein lies the "DANGER"?
Forget the aforementioned potential complications that can arise from pot abuse, your replies are doing a pretty good job of showing just how unbenign it actually is.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:09 am
by thejuggernaut
vanitybinge wrote:Pot is less addictive than coffee, but some on this board are more likely to just say NUH then to actually find out that it's a fact.
Caffeine can be harmful as well, except coffee has antioxidants, whereas pot is an immunosupressant.

Discounting potential medicinal uses and dealing strictly with healthy people, coffee, in small quantities, has actual health benefits, whereas pot does not.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:21 am
by vanitybinge
thejuggernaut wrote:
vanitybinge wrote:Pot is less addictive than coffee, but some on this board are more likely to just say NUH then to actually find out that it's a fact.
Caffeine can be harmful as well, except coffee has antioxidants, whereas pot is an immunosupressant.

Discounting potential medicinal uses and dealing strictly with healthy people, coffee, in small quantities, has actual health benefits, whereas pot does not.
I agree until you say pot has no medical benefits. I'm going to refer you to a site called erowid, which presumes to contain an unbiased pedia of psychoactives' use, legality, effects, and medical use. It's THE go-to site for facts on any drug you can name.

I think you'll appreciate the site because they don't just "talk", they have a lot of sources too and everything is pretty legit.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:38 am
by thejuggernaut
vanitybinge wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
vanitybinge wrote:Pot is less addictive than coffee, but some on this board are more likely to just say NUH then to actually find out that it's a fact.
Caffeine can be harmful as well, except coffee has antioxidants, whereas pot is an immunosupressant.

Discounting potential medicinal uses and dealing strictly with healthy people, coffee, in small quantities, has actual health benefits, whereas pot does not.
I agree until you say pot has no medical benefits. I'm going to refer you to a site called erowid, which presumes to contain an unbiased pedia of psychoactives' use, legality, effects, and medical use. It's THE go-to site for facts on any drug you can name.

I think you'll appreciate the site because they don't just "talk", they have a lot of sources too and everything is pretty legit.
I didn't say medical benefits. I said health benefits in healthy people.

There are two potheads in this thread screaming about how pot seemingly has no adverse effects, yet neither one seems to be able to read two simple sentences, let alone string together coherent thoughts.

You two are like the scruffy hippie burnouts who can barely talk and go on the news to speak in favor of pot. Your "movement" needs new spokespeople.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:09 pm
by KneelandBobDylan
thejuggernaut wrote:
KneelandBobDylan wrote:You still haven't explained how it's not benign, as it is one of the least toxic substances on the planet.

Wherein lies the "DANGER"?
Forget the aforementioned potential complications that can arise from pot abuse, your replies are doing a pretty good job of showing just how unbenign it actually is.


Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:21 pm
by thejuggernaut
KneelandBobDylan wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
KneelandBobDylan wrote:You still haven't explained how it's not benign, as it is one of the least toxic substances on the planet.

Wherein lies the "DANGER"?
Forget the aforementioned potential complications that can arise from pot abuse, your replies are doing a pretty good job of showing just how unbenign it actually is.


Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:34 pm
by KneelandBobDylan
Posting that nonsense twice doesn't make what you're trying to say more clear, it just makes you look like you lack the ability to say what you mean.

Your opinion that pot is "Dangerous" (your word, not mine) is not reality based. I've already posted alternative ways that would make an already fairly safe method of ingestion safer, through concentrates and eating it.

It's silly to point at cannabis as being dangerous in a world filled with legal things that can really hurt you much more severly at a fraction of a fraction of what it would take for the THC in cannabis to hurt you.

New study: Marijuana useful for treating pain.....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:39 pm
by KneelandBobDylan
Some types anyway.

Here's the article:

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:20 pm
by thejuggernaut
KneelandBobDylan wrote:Posting that nonsense twice doesn't make what you're trying to say more clear, it just makes you look like you lack the ability to say what you mean.
KneelandBobDylan wrote:Your opinion that pot is "Dangerous" (your word, not mine) is not reality based. I've already posted alternative ways that would make an already fairly safe method of ingestion safer, through concentrates and eating it.

It's silly to point at cannabis as being dangerous in a world filled with legal things that can really hurt you much more severly at a fraction of a fraction of what it would take for the THC in cannabis to hurt you.
Again, equating danger/harm with lethality.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:19 pm
by vanitybinge
Don't even bother dude. Juggs has not acknowledged any of the real information you or I have posted. Just keeps going on rhetorically defending herself even though most people here know she's wrong.

I've decided Juggs must be a woman, she definitely argues like one.
"Think of a man, and take away reason, and accountability."

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:11 pm
by thejuggernaut
vanitybinge wrote:Don't even bother dude. Juggs has not acknowledged any of the real information you or I have posted. Just keeps going on rhetorically defending herself even though most people here know she's wrong.

I've decided Juggs must be a woman, she definitely argues like one.
"Think of a man, and take away reason, and accountability."
Ask about health benefits, one starts screaming about medicinal use. Mention why a psychoactive isn't benign, and the other starts screaming how it's not harmful because it doesn't kill you. Just like a couple of angry twats.

You still apparently don't even know the difference between a health benefit and medicinal use and you want your "information" acknowledged ? At this point, I am not sure sure if you know the difference between Tropicana and Vicodin.

You two burnouts are perfect examples of exactly what happens when you smoke pot regularly - impaired mental faculties and a complete inability to focus.

If it doesn't kill you it must be benign, and health benefits = medicinal use. Great arguments, ladies.

Maybe next reply you'll start telling us about the best blender to use for vacuuming your floor.

P.S. If you're going to quote Jack, at least have the common sense to use a picture from the right movie.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:48 am
by vanitybinge
I linked you to a page that described everything from the chemical makeup to the potential health benefits to medicinal use, and you just started flapping your fat purple fingers again without even looking at it.

You're gonna call me a burnout because I think pot should be legal? What a laugh! I never even told you how much I smoke, how often, or in fact anything about my personal experiences with pot! You jump on the idea that we must be dumbasses because we don't bow down to your thread-hogging rants.

We offer facts, you say "I wanted healthy not medical!"

Stop your bitching, you're one of the few jackasses on this board who actually thinks it should be illegal with no clue as to why its illegal in the first place. You're convinced it's illegal because of health risks! HA!

I tried being civil but you wont bend on your stance so how about a nice glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUBBORN BITCH

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:44 pm
by thejuggernaut
vanitybinge wrote:I linked you to a page that described everything from the chemical makeup to the potential health benefits to medicinal use, and you just started flapping your fat purple fingers again without even looking at it.
You linked to a pro drug site citing "facts" that support their stance. I have seen that site plenty over the years, thanks. In fact, I've known about erowid longer than you've been driving.
vanitybinge wrote:You're gonna call me a burnout because I think pot should be legal?
No, I called you a burnout because you're a retard who can't understand something when laid out simply. Case in point - you asked where I live, I told you, and you asked again.
vanitybinge wrote:What a laugh! I never even told you how much I smoke, how often, or in fact anything about my personal experiences with pot!
Actually, you did tell me about your personal experiences with it. You told us all. You spoke what it was like pre-decriminalization vs how it is now.

That's what, just over a year now ? You spoke of being harassed day or night and cops taking your stuff which means you at least carried the dope and paraphernalia on you. There's a good chance you were smoking it day and/or night because I wouldn't want to think you'd be dumb enough to just carry it around and risk losing it without even getting to consume it.

You spoke of the different types of paraphernalia that had been seized, which means it happened more than once (also evident by stating personal experience before and after the laws changed)

Everything you spoke of has happened for over a year at the least, and there were multiple instances. Casual/occasional smoker ? Maybe. But then, I have never known a casual/occasional smoker to posses paraphernalia - unless you own a smoke shop or a pawn shop, that's something regulars aka "chronics" do

vanitybinge wrote:You jump on the idea that we must be dumbasses because we don't bow down to your thread-hogging rants.
No, I jump on the idea that you're a dumbass because you're a dumbass, as evidenced by your apparent need of having to be told something several times before it sinks in (even then, it doesn't always sink in)
vanitybinge wrote:We offer facts, you say "I wanted healthy not medical!"
Actually, since you retardedly compared pot to coffee, I mentioned the potential problems with caffeine along with the health benefits of coffee in healthy people and asked for the health benefits of pot in people and YOU went off track with medicinal uses.
vanitybinge wrote:Stop your bitching, you're one of the few jackasses on this board who actually thinks it should be illegal with no clue as to why its illegal in the first place. You're convinced it's illegal because of health risks! HA!
Yes, nevermind that I actually have friends on the inside, I have no clue why it's illegal, but the moron who still drives around getting high with his friends sure has the inside scoop on that one.
vanitybinge wrote:I tried being civil but you wont bend on your stance so how about a nice glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUBBORN BITCH
And what stance would that be ?

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:31 pm
by Crazy Levi
thejuggernaut wrote:
vanitybinge wrote:I linked you to a page that described everything from the chemical makeup to the potential health benefits to medicinal use, and you just started flapping your fat purple fingers again without even looking at it.
You linked to a pro drug site citing "facts" that support their stance. I have seen that site plenty over the years, thanks. In fact, I've known about erowid longer than you've been driving.
vanitybinge wrote:You're gonna call me a burnout because I think pot should be legal?
No, I called you a burnout because you're a retard who can't understand something when laid out simply. Case in point - you asked where I live, I told you, and you asked again.
vanitybinge wrote:What a laugh! I never even told you how much I smoke, how often, or in fact anything about my personal experiences with pot!
Actually, you did tell me about your personal experiences with it. You told us all. You spoke what it was like pre-decriminalization vs how it is now.

That's what, just over a year now ? You spoke of being harassed day or night and cops taking your stuff which means you at least carried the dope and paraphernalia on you. There's a good chance you were smoking it day and/or night because I wouldn't want to think you'd be dumb enough to just carry it around and risk losing it without even getting to consume it.

You spoke of the different types of paraphernalia that had been seized, which means it happened more than once (also evident by stating personal experience before and after the laws changed)

Everything you spoke of has happened for over a year at the least, and there were multiple instances. Casual/occasional smoker ? Maybe. But then, I have never known a casual/occasional smoker to posses paraphernalia - unless you own a smoke shop or a pawn shop, that's something regulars aka "chronics" do

vanitybinge wrote:You jump on the idea that we must be dumbasses because we don't bow down to your thread-hogging rants.
No, I jump on the idea that you're a dumbass because you're a dumbass, as evidenced by your apparent need of having to be told something several times before it sinks in (even then, it doesn't always sink in)
vanitybinge wrote:We offer facts, you say "I wanted healthy not medical!"
Actually, since you retardedly compared pot to coffee, I mentioned the potential problems with caffeine along with the health benefits of coffee in healthy people and asked for the health benefits of pot in people and YOU went off track with medicinal uses.
vanitybinge wrote:Stop your bitching, you're one of the few jackasses on this board who actually thinks it should be illegal with no clue as to why its illegal in the first place. You're convinced it's illegal because of health risks! HA!
Yes, nevermind that I actually have friends on the inside, I have no clue why it's illegal, but the moron who still drives around getting high with his friends sure has the inside scoop on that one.
vanitybinge wrote:I tried being civil but you wont bend on your stance so how about a nice glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUBBORN BITCH
And what stance would that be ?
You can be a real windbag.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:48 pm
by thejuggernaut
Crazy Levi wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
vanitybinge wrote:I linked you to a page that described everything from the chemical makeup to the potential health benefits to medicinal use, and you just started flapping your fat purple fingers again without even looking at it.
You linked to a pro drug site citing "facts" that support their stance. I have seen that site plenty over the years, thanks. In fact, I've known about erowid longer than you've been driving.
vanitybinge wrote:You're gonna call me a burnout because I think pot should be legal?
No, I called you a burnout because you're a retard who can't understand something when laid out simply. Case in point - you asked where I live, I told you, and you asked again.
vanitybinge wrote:What a laugh! I never even told you how much I smoke, how often, or in fact anything about my personal experiences with pot!
Actually, you did tell me about your personal experiences with it. You told us all. You spoke what it was like pre-decriminalization vs how it is now.

That's what, just over a year now ? You spoke of being harassed day or night and cops taking your stuff which means you at least carried the dope and paraphernalia on you. There's a good chance you were smoking it day and/or night because I wouldn't want to think you'd be dumb enough to just carry it around and risk losing it without even getting to consume it.

You spoke of the different types of paraphernalia that had been seized, which means it happened more than once (also evident by stating personal experience before and after the laws changed)

Everything you spoke of has happened for over a year at the least, and there were multiple instances. Casual/occasional smoker ? Maybe. But then, I have never known a casual/occasional smoker to posses paraphernalia - unless you own a smoke shop or a pawn shop, that's something regulars aka "chronics" do

vanitybinge wrote:You jump on the idea that we must be dumbasses because we don't bow down to your thread-hogging rants.
No, I jump on the idea that you're a dumbass because you're a dumbass, as evidenced by your apparent need of having to be told something several times before it sinks in (even then, it doesn't always sink in)
vanitybinge wrote:We offer facts, you say "I wanted healthy not medical!"
Actually, since you retardedly compared pot to coffee, I mentioned the potential problems with caffeine along with the health benefits of coffee in healthy people and asked for the health benefits of pot in people and YOU went off track with medicinal uses.
vanitybinge wrote:Stop your bitching, you're one of the few jackasses on this board who actually thinks it should be illegal with no clue as to why its illegal in the first place. You're convinced it's illegal because of health risks! HA!
Yes, nevermind that I actually have friends on the inside, I have no clue why it's illegal, but the moron who still drives around getting high with his friends sure has the inside scoop on that one.
vanitybinge wrote:I tried being civil but you wont bend on your stance so how about a nice glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUBBORN BITCH
And what stance would that be ?
You can be a real windbag.
I've heard that a time or two.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:13 pm
by vanitybinge
I can't believe you're really dragging this out. You must be a woman.
thejuggernaut wrote:
You linked to a pro drug site citing "facts" that support their stance. I have seen that site plenty over the years, thanks. In fact, I've known about erowid longer than you've been driving.
Facts are facts regardless of who's issue they support.
vanitybinge wrote:What a laugh! I never even told you how much I smoke, how often, or in fact anything about my personal experiences with pot!
Actually, you did tell me about your personal experiences with it. You told us all. You spoke what it was like pre-decriminalization vs how it is now.

That's what, just over a year now ? You spoke of being harassed day or night and cops taking your stuff which means you at least carried the dope and paraphernalia on you. There's a good chance you were smoking it day and/or night because I wouldn't want to think you'd be dumb enough to just carry it around and risk losing it without even getting to consume it.

You spoke of the different types of paraphernalia that had been seized, which means it happened more than once (also evident by stating personal experience before and after the laws changed)

Everything you spoke of has happened for over a year at the least, and there were multiple instances. Casual/occasional smoker ? Maybe. But then, I have never known a casual/occasional smoker to posses paraphernalia - unless you own a smoke shop or a pawn shop, that's something regulars aka "chronics" do

I spoke on behalf of many people in my area. I was not being singled out time and time again, but I was witness or privy to first hand accounts of these repeated abuses. I believe I related a single instance in which I was a passenger in an illegally searched vehicle.
My use is none of your business. You're getting off track again and pointing the devil finger to prove...what exactly? You have stated no clear point on the subject of the topic, and have made no intelligent recourse to convince us it should remain legal. You just PURPLE SMASH! everything we say.

vanitybinge wrote:We offer facts, you say "I wanted healthy not medical!"
Actually, since you retardedly compared pot to coffee, I mentioned the potential problems with caffeine along with the health benefits of coffee in healthy people and asked for the health benefits of pot in people and YOU went off track with medicinal uses.

Well excuse me. When you want something, you want iT and nothing else. If you want a ham sandwich, and it's brought on rye, well someone is gonna lose their job because who the fuck said to put it on rye?
Coffee is a legitimate comparison considering how many adults consume it daily for the same reasons they take other drugs. It has a direct effect on your psyche and attitude.

Yes, nevermind that I actually have friends on the inside, I have no clue why it's illegal, that's part of your problem right there.but the moron who still drives around getting high with his friends sure has the inside scoop on that one.
I'm a very well educated adult with a scholarship to one of the best entertainment universities in the nation. But have your cake if you must.
vanitybinge wrote:I tried being civil but you wont bend on your stance so how about a nice glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUBBORN BITCH
And what stance would that be ?[/quote]
That pot should be legal because it is the will of the people and it is not nearly as dangerous as you claim. it is a 73 year old prohibition that has not worked and never will.

vvv Oh, and this vvv

You can be a real windbag.

I've heard that a time or two.[/quote]

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:48 am
by thejuggernaut
vanitybinge wrote:I can't believe you're really dragging this out. You must be a woman.
Well, at least YOU'RE not still responding, trying to get your piece in. Right ?
vanitybinge wrote:Facts are facts regardless of who's issue they support.
Actually, there are very few "facts" when it comes to the pot debate. The pro and anti pot movements are as crooked as Big Pharma and ultimately as flawed. There have been limited studies over the years and they are merely findings, not facts, as they pertain to small pockets of civilization.

The only actual facts we do know to be true and universal are:

Pot, when used in comparative doses to alcohol, is not as beneficial as alcohol.

Pot, when used in excessive/abusive doses, is not as dangerous as alcohol.

Pot is not as harmful as cigarettes.

Pot is not as harmful as the other drugs it is lumped in with.

Pot is not as harmful as a lot of legal pharmaceuticals.

Pot is not as good for you as fresh fruit/vegetables, juice etc.

Pot has plenty of medicinal uses.

Pot has no actually known health benefits for healthy people.

Pot messes with your brain chemistry.

vanitybinge wrote:
I spoke on behalf of many people in my area. I was not being singled out time and time again, but I was witness or privy to first hand accounts of these repeated abuses. I believe I related a single instance in which I was a passenger in an illegally searched vehicle.
Good for the one instance of the ILLEGALLY searched car. You still referenced at least two instances, once illegal, once not. Oh, and you made constant mention of "we" "I" "us" and "our" when discussing paraphernalia and the stash.
vanitybinge wrote: Here in Mass, it's been de-criminalized, and that's made a big difference for me and all my 21-ish friends. It used to be, we could get pulled over any time day or night, as long as the cop saw some "youngsters" driving about. They would harrass us, manhandle us, demand an illegal search on our car and persons, without ever necessarily saying "I smell pot", find our pipes, bags, bongs, whatever we had, take our stash for themselves, and let us go.

This happened to three of my friends one night while the same thing was happening to a friend of mine and myself a few miles away, while we were parked a cop pulled up behind us and demanded a search. By the time you get to court to complain about any of the rules the cops broke, well most of us just cant afford the lawyers.

Now, there's not nearly as much harassment when we get pulled over around here, they don't demand illegal searches, claim they have ace noses or any of that bullshit.
That's at least TWO instances.
vanitybinge wrote:My use is none of your business.
Nice use of a 5 year old's argument. Why not just say "that's none of your bee's wax" while you're at it ? Oh, and if it's "none of my business" you might think about maybe NOT making your usage public. Moron.
vanitybinge wrote:You're getting off track again and pointing the devil finger to prove...what exactly? You have stated no clear point on the subject of the topic, and have made no intelligent recourse to convince us it should remain legal. You just PURPLE SMASH! everything we say.
vanitybinge wrote:Well excuse me. When you want something, you want iT and nothing else. If you want a ham sandwich, and it's brought on rye, well someone is gonna lose their job because who the fuck said to put it on rye?
........yeah. You're going to have to get some consistency here. You complain about me getting off track then complain that I won't deviate from the track.

Make up your mind, Cheech

vanitybinge wrote:Coffee is a legitimate comparison considering how many adults consume it daily for the same reasons they take other drugs. It has a direct effect on your psyche and attitude.
It also has health benefits. What health benefits does pot have ?
vanitybinge wrote:I'm a very well educated adult with a scholarship to one of the best entertainment universities in the nation. But have your cake if you must.
DJ Mad Moby be rockin da scholy, yo. Maybe soon dey be teachin ya da lojikk dare, yo.
vanitybinge wrote:That pot should be legal because it is the will of the people and it is not nearly as dangerous as you claim. it is a 73 year old prohibition that has not worked and never will.
That's my stance ? I thought that was your stance. How dangerous did I claim it to be ?

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:14 am
by vanitybinge
*ahem* I'd like to slow down this flooding and simply answer the question you asked in the best way I can. If your stance is the same as mine, we can agree to disagree on the rest. I can't stand this back and forth crap. It's petty and stupid. I've got a migraine right now, and guess which does a better job of smothering that instead of Ibuprofin?

We all know there are benefits for the sick, the cancer-ridden, etc. As for those who are already healthy, which seems to be your curio, I'll refer you to the Scripps Research Institute, who are studying the effect it has in preventing Alsheimer's:

Most of the health benefits otherwise, that I know of anyway, come from eating the hemp seed, which is insanely healthy, but healthy people are not what feed the machine in this country and that's part of why it's illegal.

SRI wrote:LA JOLLA, CA, August 9, 2006 - Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have found that the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, inhibits the formation of amyloid plaque, the primary pathological marker for Alzheimer's disease. In fact, the study said, THC is "a considerably superior inhibitor of [amyloid plaque] aggregation" to several currently approved drugs for treating the disease.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:39 am
by thejuggernaut
vanitybinge wrote:*ahem* I'd like to slow down this flooding and simply answer the question you asked in the best way I can. If your stance is the same as mine, we can agree to disagree on the rest. I can't stand this back and forth crap. It's petty and stupid. I've got a migraine right now, and guess which does a better job of smothering that instead of Ibuprofin?

We all know there are benefits for the sick, the cancer-ridden, etc. As for those who are already healthy, which seems to be your curio, I'll refer you to the Scripps Research Institute, who are studying the effect it has in preventing Alsheimer's:

Most of the health benefits otherwise, that I know of anyway, come from eating the hemp seed, which is insanely healthy, but healthy people are not what feed the machine in this country and that's part of why it's illegal.

SRI wrote:LA JOLLA, CA, August 9, 2006 - Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have found that the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, inhibits the formation of amyloid plaque, the primary pathological marker for Alzheimer's disease. In fact, the study said, THC is "a considerably superior inhibitor of [amyloid plaque] aggregation" to several currently approved drugs for treating the disease.
People who suffer from Alzheimer's are considered healthy ?

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:04 pm
by vanitybinge
It's said to prevent it, as well as treat it. Try reading the article before replying.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:22 pm
by thejuggernaut
vanitybinge wrote:It's said to prevent it, as well as treat it. Try reading the article before replying.
You should try reading it again. And learn about Alzheimer's while you're at it.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:11 pm
by vanitybinge
I'm done with you and this thread. Piss off.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:24 pm
by thejuggernaut
vanitybinge wrote:I'm done with you and this thread. Piss off.
Bye bye.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:39 am
by YokosAssWillEatItself
There's 3 pages on this, and unless it's everyone agreeing with each other, I'm baffled that in this day and age anyone can still think pot should remain illegal. That (almost) the entire western world still locks pot smokers up and/or fines them and leaves them with a criminal record is utter stupidity.

Re: Should pot be legal?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:55 am
by Crazy Levi
YokosAssWillEatItself wrote:There's 3 pages on this, and unless it's everyone agreeing with each other, I'm baffled that in this day and age anyone can still think pot should remain illegal. That (almost) the entire western world still locks pot smokers up and/or fines them and leaves them with a criminal record is utter stupidity.
Yeah that's pretty much it.