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Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:50 pm
by Hames Jetfield
It's actually Juggersnot...but i know you don't have the time to read things through with all you've to do, so I'll let it slide. Cool dude!

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:55 pm
by thejuggernaut
Hames Jetfield wrote:It's actually Juggersnot...but i know you don't have the time to read things through with all you've to do, so I'll let it slide. Cool dude!
Because WITHOUT the typo it's better ?

Choade ? Douche ?

Witty zingers you're learning with the fat pigs and filthy whores at the peeler joint.

God I hope you're not older than 25.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:06 pm
by Hames Jetfield
thejuggernaut wrote:
Hames Jetfield wrote:It's actually Juggersnot...but i know you don't have the time to read things through with all you've to do, so I'll let it slide. Cool dude!
Because WITHOUT the typo it's better ?

Choade ? Douche ?

Witty zingers you're learning with the fat pigs and filthy whores at the peeler joint.

God I hope you're not older than 25.
It's good to see you have such an interest in my intellect. Look I call you a Douche because I don't like you--it's that simple. I feel no need to play nice with you because I think you're an idiot; and I imagine you feel the same about me which is great because this, at times, can be fun. Your phone's probably ringing, you should answer it.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:07 pm
by thejuggernaut
Hames Jetfield wrote:It's actually Juggersnot...but i know you don't have the time to read things through with all you've to do, so I'll let it slide. Cool dude!
So, just to recap:

Grammar police
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"Insults" that are played out to the point of being complimentary.
Bragging about gathering with the filth of humanity and paying whores to take their clothes off.

You're going places, champ.

Now, since you seem like you're a decent person at heart, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not a moron and perhaps you're just a relative newcomer to the internet world, particularly Sludge. I'll also throw you a bone:

You know why I type in huge pink font ? It's very simple - it stands out. It stands out so much it's impossible to miss, and there are few things more amusing in internet land than watching someone (usually always when they having nothing else) whine about the font size/color/long windedness and how much they despise my posts. What's more amusing is when they do that while quoting the font they hate, the easiest font in the world to skip/ignore.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:18 pm
by thejuggernaut
Hames Jetfield wrote:It's good to see you have such an interest in my intellect.
Well, it's not that I have an interest. I will admit I was a bit puzzled by the fact that you went to licensed establishment and, in the presence of naked women (albeit filthy whores), were planning on devoting time to thinking about me, a guy on the internet.
Hames Jetfield wrote:Look I call you a Douche because I don't like you--it's that simple.
What ? Come on Hames, why not ? Why can't we be e-pals ? Don't hate me Hames. I don't cope well with people who hate me, especially on the internet.
Hames Jetfield wrote:I feel no need to play nice with you because I think you're an idiot; and I imagine you feel the same about me which is great because this, at times, can be
"Play nice" ? Tone down the gutter talk Hames.
Hames Jetfield wrote:Your phone's probably ringing, you should answer it.
Actually, in Perth and Hong Kong, their day hasn't quite begun yet, and it's the middle of the night in the middle east, so I will probably be ok for a little bit yet. However, it's probably getting to be evening where you are, so you should probably dig for change in your couch, head to the 7/11 and get some ones for another big not of wafting the air of dirty whore glitter and fat slob germs.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:05 pm
by Hames Jetfield
thejuggernaut wrote:
Hames Jetfield wrote:It's good to see you have such an interest in my intellect.
Well, it's not that I have an interest. I will admit I was a bit puzzled by the fact that you went to licensed establishment and, in the presence of naked women (albeit filthy whores), were planning on devoting time to thinking about me, a guy on the internet.
Hames Jetfield wrote:Look I call you a Douche because I don't like you--it's that simple.
What ? Come on Hames, why not ? Why can't we be e-pals ? Don't hate me Hames. I don't cope well with people who hate me, especially on the internet.
Hames Jetfield wrote:I feel no need to play nice with you because I think you're an idiot; and I imagine you feel the same about me which is great because this, at times, can be
"Play nice" ? Tone down the gutter talk Hames.
Hames Jetfield wrote:Your phone's probably ringing, you should answer it.
Actually, in Perth and Hong Kong, their day hasn't quite begun yet, and it's the middle of the night in the middle east, so I will probably be ok for a little bit yet. However, it's probably getting to be evening where you are, so you should probably dig for change in your couch, head to the 7/11 and get some ones for another big not of wafting the air of dirty whore glitter and fat slob germs.
You're doing better Snot but what does "big not" mean? My feeble mind can't process such erudite words.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:21 pm
by MasterOfMeatPuppets
thejuggernaut wrote:
You didn't think what ?
What I think is your high-flying job is as real as Licketysplit's chiseled physique and Pulte home.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:25 pm
by thejuggernaut
Hames Jetfield wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
Hames Jetfield wrote:It's good to see you have such an interest in my intellect.
Well, it's not that I have an interest. I will admit I was a bit puzzled by the fact that you went to licensed establishment and, in the presence of naked women (albeit filthy whores), were planning on devoting time to thinking about me, a guy on the internet.
Hames Jetfield wrote:Look I call you a Douche because I don't like you--it's that simple.
What ? Come on Hames, why not ? Why can't we be e-pals ? Don't hate me Hames. I don't cope well with people who hate me, especially on the internet.
Hames Jetfield wrote:I feel no need to play nice with you because I think you're an idiot; and I imagine you feel the same about me which is great because this, at times, can be
"Play nice" ? Tone down the gutter talk Hames.
Hames Jetfield wrote:Your phone's probably ringing, you should answer it.
Actually, in Perth and Hong Kong, their day hasn't quite begun yet, and it's the middle of the night in the middle east, so I will probably be ok for a little bit yet. However, it's probably getting to be evening where you are, so you should probably dig for change in your couch, head to the 7/11 and get some ones for another big not of wafting the air of dirty whore glitter and fat slob germs.
You're doing better Snot but what does "big not" mean? My feeble mind can't process such erudite words.
I was going to say big nothing, but seeing how you use words like choade and douche, as if they actually have some sort of zinging effect in this day and age, I figured perhaps Wayne's World speak might be appropriate.

Now, back to the snot business - really ? You can't possibly think that's an insult or even an annoyance. My only guess is that perhaps you think others might find it funny. It's not. At least not to anyone who is old enough to enter any establishment they choose ie real people.

A little friendly advice - if you're going to do the whole play on words turning someone's username into a zinger game, make it clever or witty or something. And for the love of god, be original. You're teetering into Poizond13 territory, with his constant usage of the names "fartemis" and "gypsyfag" when talking about Artemis and Gypsydog.

P.S. Some more friendly advice - jugglenuts has been used and is dated as 2003-2004, so try something else.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:36 pm
by thejuggernaut
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
You didn't think what ?
What I think is your high-flying job is as real as Licketysplit's chiseled physique and Pulte home.
Aww, that's precious ! You think you can think. I am very proud of you !

Now, when your name changes to Bane ( the guy I was talking to who has also been at both ends of the spectrum) then I'll discuss it with you.

In the meantime, if you get bored, I would LOVE for you to provide links of where I claimed I have a "high flying job".

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:34 pm
by MasterOfMeatPuppets
thejuggernaut wrote:
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
You didn't think what ?
What I think is your high-flying job is as real as Licketysplit's chiseled physique and Pulte home.
Aww, that's precious ! You think you can think. I am very proud of you !

Now, when your name changes to Bane ( the guy I was talking to who has also been at both ends of the spectrum) then I'll discuss it with you.

In the meantime, if you get bored, I would LOVE for you to provide links of where I claimed I have a "high flying job".
YourMomma does this better. Actually, most of your posts are bullshit, from you having been 'at both ends of the spectrum' like Bane to your litany of executive suffering as compared to the idyllic life of a proverbial ditchdigger. I suppose this is an improvement over your tale of the successful CEO's unending pain and suffering which is never quite made up for by the lavish stock options, outrageous salary, luxurious perks and golden parachutes he receives.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:12 pm
by Heenan Snuka
thejuggernaut wrote:
bane wrote:Nope. I don't see their job being much different than mine though. The buck stops here in both cases. I'd say my workload is probably on par with your typical global CEO, as is my level of personal responsibility.
That's where you're wrong.

When you're in bed at 3 AM and the phone rings and, on the other end is someone in Hong Kong wide awake in the peak of their work day, you have to compose yourself and get your shit together, right quick like.

It most certainly is different. It actually, literally is night and day different.

Not only is it a time shift with a lot of international clients, but it's a cultural thing; a LOT of eastern worlders in Asia and the middle east views us Westerners as lazy, and they don't give a fuck about bed times or rest or anything of the sort. They want answers, they want them now, and they don't give a fuck if it's the middle of your night and you were asleep.

Sometimes screening the call to voice mail is effective, but you've got about 10 minutes TOPS to wake up, get a coffee into you, shake the cobwebs out, and get your shit together.

This is just an assumption, but, if you're not global, you have what, a 5 hour swing, assuming you do business in Hawaii ? And the occasional emergency call in the middle of the night ? I am guessing you don't get regular "how ya doing. I was just curious about... " calls at any given moment between the hours of 11 pm and 6am, on top of the calls you do during "core hours".

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

this is why i love the juggernaut...he has a funny answer for everything...nice to see he has taken his act to the War Board

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:14 pm
by Heenan Snuka
:lol: :lol: :lol:

great to see Hames Jetfield (one of my favorite nyms) fuckin mixing it up!!

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:10 am
by thejuggernaut
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote: What I think is your high-flying job is as real as Licketysplit's chiseled physique and Pulte home.
Aww, that's precious ! You think you can think. I am very proud of you !

Now, when your name changes to Bane ( the guy I was talking to who has also been at both ends of the spectrum) then I'll discuss it with you.

In the meantime, if you get bored, I would LOVE for you to provide links of where I claimed I have a "high flying job".
YourMomma does this better. Actually, most of your posts are bullshit, from you having been 'at both ends of the spectrum' like Bane to your litany of executive suffering as compared to the idyllic life of a proverbial ditchdigger. I suppose this is an improvement over your tale of the successful CEO's unending pain and suffering which is never quite made up for by the lavish stock options, outrageous salary, luxurious perks and golden parachutes he receives.
So, now I've never done intense manual labor either ?

I am sure you have a link to prove that too, right ?

Do you have a link of me talking about the "litany of executive suffering as compared to the idyllic life of a proverbial ditchdigger" ?

Just like the link where I said I have a "high flying job" ?

What's hilarious is that, not only do you assume I am American (again), but you and some other dunces seem to automatically interpret the word "global" as some fortune 500 company or massive multinational/corporate giant.

Here's a hint - small-medium sized business have CEOs, VPs and are global. This is the year 2010 and the world is inter-connected. I assumed you knew that, seeing how you are typing on a message board with posters from all across the world. Then again, maybe you didn't realize that, which would explain what I thought to be an American-centric leaning in your posts.

On second thought, never mind the links. Don't waste your time looking for them, because they don't exist and I don't want you to spend any time looking for something that doesn't exist. I certainly don't want to add to your self loathing, which you project onto, well, a lot of people.

You've had your fun, now go punch your clock, whine about how the rich are fucking you, while you sit and do nothing about it but to whine on Sludge, and leave the discussion those with experience at both ends.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:39 am
by MasterOfMeatPuppets
thejuggernaut wrote: leave the discussion those with experience at both ends.
This must be some reference to ATM action.
thejuggernaut wrote:
So, now I've never done intense manual labor either ?
Do you have a link to prove you have?
thejuggernaut wrote: What's hilarious is that, not only do you assume I am American (again)
Did I?
thejuggernaut wrote:Then again, maybe you didn't realize that, which would explain what I thought to be an American-centric leaning in your posts.
The thread is entitled "Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax". Should we be discussing Zimbabwe?
thejuggernaut wrote:
You've had your fun, now go punch your clock
Who says I have a job? You sure do make a lot of assumptions.
thejuggernaut wrote:
Do you have a link of me talking about the "litany of executive suffering as compared to the idyllic life of a proverbial ditchdigger" ?
thejuggernaut wrote: That's a tad inaccurate.

To a frail person, ditch digging is hard work. To a muscular person, it's not.

If you think conference calls at all hours, 24/7 contact and having to hop on planes to go from A-B all the time is easy, you are mistaken.

thejuggernaut wrote:
However, let's not confuse shitty work with hard work, because a ditch digger doesn't have to watch every word he/she says for fear of having the business crumble, and have to field calls at all hours of the night from clients across the globe - the ditch digger knows where and when he is working in advance and, when his day is done, it's done.

The average competent director/CEO works a hell of a lot harder than the average ditch digger, janitor etc. His/her day is NEVER over. It's just that the work itself isn't as horrible.
thejuggernaut wrote:
That's where you're wrong.

When you're in bed at 3 AM and the phone rings and, on the other end is someone in Hong Kong wide awake in the peak of their work day, you have to compose yourself and get your shit together, right quick like.

It most certainly is different. It actually, literally is night and day different.

Not only is it a time shift with a lot of international clients, but it's a cultural thing; a LOT of eastern worlders in Asia and the middle east views us Westerners as lazy, and they don't give a fuck about bed times or rest or anything of the sort. They want answers, they want them now, and they don't give a fuck if it's the middle of your night and you were asleep.

Sometimes screening the call to voice mail is effective, but you've got about 10 minutes TOPS to wake up, get a coffee into you, shake the cobwebs out, and get your shit together.

This is just an assumption, but, if you're not global, you have what, a 5 hour swing, assuming you do business in Hawaii ? And the occasional emergency call in the middle of the night ? I am guessing you don't get regular "how ya doing. I was just curious about... " calls at any given moment between the hours of 11 pm and 6am, on top of the calls you do during "core hours".

Sure is awful at the top.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:01 am
by Ugmo
Ugmo wrote:I have no doubt that there are a lot of people who take advantage of government handouts to live a relatively comfortable life without lifting a finger for it. But is it a higher number than those who need welfare until they can get their feet back on the ground? I look at that as having to take the bad with the good.

Whereas when I see that the oil industry receives tens of billions in annual subsidies while Exxon is posting annual profits of 40 billion dollars, that honestly pisses me off a lot more. Or to give another example, if the U.S. withdraws from Iraq next year and defense spending isn't correspondingly reduced, that is really gonna make me mad. Those are the kind of government handouts I have very little patience for!

It's like John Stewart channeled this post! ... s-tariffic

By the way, this offers yet more proof that YourMomma gets his "news" exclusively from Fox News.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:54 am
by thejuggernaut
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:This must be some reference to ATM action.

Must be.
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:Do you have a link to prove you have?
Yes, I have a photobucket account with pics from those days in their own album just in case some guy on the internet questioned it sometime in the future. That being said, do I LOOK like someone who's never engaged in intense physical activity before ?
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:Did I?
You betcha.
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote: Why is income redistribution OK when it comes out of our pockets and ends up in Sam Walton's? Why are the assets of the wealthy sacrosanct while mine and yours are not?
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:The thread is entitled "Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax". Should we be discussing Zimbabwe?
Is the US in the only country with Walmarts, CEOs and taxation ? I was making a smart ass comment to the person complaining about big evil Walmart driving small business mom and pop shops out of business, when Walmart itself started as a single store that an ambitious person turned into a chain, while the others lacked the desire and/or know how to do the same. Meanwhile people act as if it's some giant corporation that fell out of the sky and dropped buildings into a shitload of cities around the world and started driving small businesses out of the game.

And remember, just in case it wasn't clear based on my other posts regarding Walmart - I detest Walmart and everything about it; I simply appreciate the accomplishment of where it started and the growth of it.

MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:Who says I have a job? You sure do make a lot of assumptions.
You're right. Horrible assumption on my part. I mean, you did speak about income coming out of your pocket, as well as your assets. However, I admit it was a terrible assumption to actually think you work for a living.
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:Do you have a link of me talking about the "litany of executive suffering as compared to the idyllic life of a proverbial ditchdigger" ?
thejuggernaut wrote: That's a tad inaccurate.

To a frail person, ditch digging is hard work. To a muscular person, it's not.

If you think conference calls at all hours, 24/7 contact and having to hop on planes to go from A-B all the time is easy, you are mistaken.

thejuggernaut wrote:
However, let's not confuse shitty work with hard work, because a ditch digger doesn't have to watch every word he/she says for fear of having the business crumble, and have to field calls at all hours of the night from clients across the globe - the ditch digger knows where and when he is working in advance and, when his day is done, it's done.

The average competent director/CEO works a hell of a lot harder than the average ditch digger, janitor etc. His/her day is NEVER over. It's just that the work itself isn't as horrible.
thejuggernaut wrote:
That's where you're wrong.

When you're in bed at 3 AM and the phone rings and, on the other end is someone in Hong Kong wide awake in the peak of their work day, you have to compose yourself and get your shit together, right quick like.

It most certainly is different. It actually, literally is night and day different.

Not only is it a time shift with a lot of international clients, but it's a cultural thing; a LOT of eastern worlders in Asia and the middle east views us Westerners as lazy, and they don't give a fuck about bed times or rest or anything of the sort. They want answers, they want them now, and they don't give a fuck if it's the middle of your night and you were asleep.

Sometimes screening the call to voice mail is effective, but you've got about 10 minutes TOPS to wake up, get a coffee into you, shake the cobwebs out, and get your shit together.

This is just an assumption, but, if you're not global, you have what, a 5 hour swing, assuming you do business in Hawaii ? And the occasional emergency call in the middle of the night ? I am guessing you don't get regular "how ya doing. I was just curious about... " calls at any given moment between the hours of 11 pm and 6am, on top of the calls you do during "core hours".

Sure is awful at the top.

I hate to play the "reading comprehension" and "self ownage" cards (lord knows, they are two of the most played out expressions in cyberworld), but jesus christ. I knew you were dumb, but this is beautiful !

Even with your attempts to conveniently cut and chop my comments, you still failed.

TWICE I clearly stated that ditch digging was shitty work and in no way implied it was "idyllic"

Here, I'll give you the whole quote, and perhaps you can understand it when it's not in such a big font.

thejuggernaut wrote:That's a tad inaccurate.

To a frail person, ditch digging is hard work. To a muscular person, it's not.

If you think conference calls at all hours, 24/7 contact and having to hop on planes to go from A-B all the time is easy, you are mistaken.

Is it BETTER than digging a ditch in the sweltering heat with bugs swarming around ? Of course it is.

However, let's not confuse shitty work with hard work, because a ditch digger doesn't have to watch every word he/she says for fear of having the business crumble, and have to field calls at all hours of the night from clients across the globe - the ditch digger knows where and when he is working in advance and, when his day is done, it's done.

The average competent director/CEO works a hell of a lot harder than the average ditch digger, janitor etc. His/her day is NEVER over. It's just that the work itself isn't as horrible.
Seems to me I merely stated that the other role is a lot more difficult and demanding than people think. Not to mention there's the caveat thing, where I referred to COMPETENT directors/CEOs. You know what a caveat is, right ? I just want to be sure since you sorta misfired when you pulled the trigger on the whole "idyllic" thing.

So, speaking of "idyllic", where exactly did I suggest/imply that ditch digging was better/more pleasant/idyllic compared to being a director/CEO ?

Psst, a little hint - I didn't suggest it or imply it. You just imagined that.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:19 am
by chickenona
As a drug dealer, I certainly do field calls during those hours. I wouldn't classify them as "hard work". As a low-paid (less than twelve bucks an hour) department manager at my store, I'm also occasionally called in to pull an order off a truck at five in the morning, put it into store inventory, make sure all the origin labels agree, put a stale date on it, etc. - then go home so I can come back and begin my "real" workday at eight. Round-the-clock work is not strictly the dominion of CEOs. A lot of lowly workers are expected to do the same. Then when you get into the area of drug testing, to which a lot of posters on this board are subjected for their low-to-mid-range jobs, you basically agree to allow your employer to dictate what you do in your personal life if you sign on with a company that mandates them.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:42 am
by thejuggernaut
chickenona wrote:As a drug dealer, I certainly do field calls during those hours. I wouldn't classify them as "hard work". As a low-paid (less than twelve bucks an hour) department manager at my store, I'm also occasionally called in to pull an order off a truck at five in the morning, put it into store inventory, make sure all the origin labels agree, put a stale date on it, etc. - then go home so I can come back and begin my "real" workday at eight. Round-the-clock work is not strictly the dominion of CEOs. A lot of lowly workers are expected to do the same. Then when you get into the area of drug testing, to which a lot of posters on this board are subjected for their low-to-mid-range jobs, you basically agree to allow your employer to dictate what you do in your personal life if you sign on with a company that mandates them.
Bleeding burnout jesus, it doesn't get more hilarious than that.

Are you going to tell me that if a pothead calls you at 3 am and you tell him "yeah, I have a half here" and he arrives, you greet him at the door with crusty bed head in your pjs and you actually only have a quarter, he'll walk away having bought nothing, never come back, and then give you shitty recommendations to all his pothead friends, crippling your revenue stream ?

Are you honestly trying to compare that to making a promise that is undeliverable and costs your business thousands, sometimes tens upon tens of thousands of dollars immediately, and also millions down the road based on unfavorable recommendations ?

Are you under the impression that the middle of the night calls from international clients are spoken in code like "thinking I might stop by for a half cup or coffee, you good?" and then the teleporters are fired up and a quick in the door/out the door transaction takes place ? No, these calls end up being full blown conference calls with the senior management, and you've got about 10 minutes to get your brain awake so you don't commit to something you can't deliver and end up fucking yourself, your company and your employees big time.

It's been my experience that if someone calls a dealer in the middle of the night looking for a half and you only have a quarter, they'll make do with the quarter. Not to mention, most fiends have a couple of "hook ups" just in case one is dry. It's a far cry from billable contract work and you don't need to be %100 mentally alert when dealing with someone jonesing for some bud.

Let's say it happens that a dope fiend shows up looking for a half because you said you had one, then you only have a quarter when he arrives and he actually does refuse to buy the quarter then tells all his pothead friends that the dealer he woke up in the middle of the night misspoke and only had a quarter as opposed to a half, then they choose to look elsewhere for the dope, crippling your revenue stream.

If this were to happen, how many people are being affected by a few less potheads buying from you ? You, your sig other, maybe your kids. Who else ? Do you have a staff of employees with families, mortgages, car payment, student loans etc counting on you not fucking up ?

Is it costing you thousands or tens of thousands right away, and millions down the road ? Will that massive loss in revenue force you to delay necessary upgrades to stay with/ahead of the pack, running the risk of ruining your business due to falling behind ?

It's also been my experience that MAJOR dope deals (massive quantities involving ounces) are usually coordinated well in advance, and the spur of the moment middle of the night deals, by and large, are for smaller quantities.

It's not likely you're pulling in that massive kind of dough as a dealer, otherwise there'd be no shitty store manager job. Of course, I will allow for the possibility that the store job is merely a legit front to justify your possessions, but I doubt it.

Oh, and spare us the drug testing lament - if they stopped lamenting for a while to put their creative energies into coming up with an idea and kicked the drugs long enough to use that money for R&D into their idea, then they wouldn't have a boss to piss for.

Just in case you get the utterly RETARDED idea of saying "it's not that easy asshole", yes, it actually is - the US is a consumer nation, and it buys all kinds of useless, retarded shit.

In less than 2 years, during the prime of the economic meltdown no less, someone got really rich by selling a fucking Druid cloak to a collection of morons who don't understand that motion = body heat = you don't need a blanket with sleeves to stay warm when you get up to refill you bowl of Doritos. Oh, and just for the record, that idea wasn't even original, as someone else had gotten really rich off the exact same thing.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:31 pm
by MasterOfMeatPuppets
thejuggernaut wrote: a bunch of mind numbingly asinine bullshit.
Well, I'm sure the middle and upper management of the world rest easy knowing that a knight in shining purple armor is riding down from the Great White North defending their honor against the slurs and taunts of the world's plebeian class. That or the white collar world's version of Chris Crocker.[/quote]

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:41 pm
by Hames Jetfield
Hey Juggernaut, you got me, I believe you. So I was wondering if I could intern at Juggernaut INC next year for a few college credits? I could stand to learn some of the business savvy that you exude. It could be like that Seinfeld episode with Kramerica.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:01 pm
by thejuggernaut
MasterOfMeatPuppets wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote: a bunch of mind numbingly asinine bullshit.
Well, I'm sure the middle and upper management of the world rest easy knowing that a knight in shining purple armor is riding down from the Great White North defending their honor against the slurs and taunts of the world's plebeian class. That or the white collar world's version of Chris Crocker.

As I am sure the working class rest easy knowing a dunce, who doesn't even know how to use simple words like "idyllic", is watching their e-backs.

Have a good night, Chachi.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:02 pm
by thejuggernaut
Hames Jetfield wrote:Hey Juggernaut, you got me, I believe you. So I was wondering if I could intern at Juggernaut INC next year for a few college credits? I could stand to learn some of the business savvy that you exude. It could be like that Seinfeld episode with Kramerica.
Well, that would depend.

What is your background ?

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:52 pm
by chickenona
thejuggernaut wrote:
chickenona wrote:As a drug dealer, I certainly do field calls during those hours. I wouldn't classify them as "hard work". As a low-paid (less than twelve bucks an hour) department manager at my store, I'm also occasionally called in to pull an order off a truck at five in the morning, put it into store inventory, make sure all the origin labels agree, put a stale date on it, etc. - then go home so I can come back and begin my "real" workday at eight. Round-the-clock work is not strictly the dominion of CEOs. A lot of lowly workers are expected to do the same. Then when you get into the area of drug testing, to which a lot of posters on this board are subjected for their low-to-mid-range jobs, you basically agree to allow your employer to dictate what you do in your personal life if you sign on with a company that mandates them.
Bleeding burnout jesus, it doesn't get more hilarious than that.

Are you going to tell me that if a pothead calls you at 3 am and you tell him "yeah, I have a half here" and he arrives, you greet him at the door with crusty bed head in your pjs and you actually only have a quarter, he'll walk away having bought nothing, never come back, and then give you shitty recommendations to all his pothead friends, crippling your revenue stream ?

Are you honestly trying to compare that to making a promise that is undeliverable and costs your business thousands, sometimes tens upon tens of thousands of dollars immediately, and also millions down the road based on unfavorable recommendations ?

Are you under the impression that the middle of the night calls from international clients are spoken in code like "thinking I might stop by for a half cup or coffee, you good?" and then the teleporters are fired up and a quick in the door/out the door transaction takes place ? No, these calls end up being full blown conference calls with the senior management, and you've got about 10 minutes to get your brain awake so you don't commit to something you can't deliver and end up fucking yourself, your company and your employees big time.

It's been my experience that if someone calls a dealer in the middle of the night looking for a half and you only have a quarter, they'll make do with the quarter. Not to mention, most fiends have a couple of "hook ups" just in case one is dry. It's a far cry from billable contract work and you don't need to be %100 mentally alert when dealing with someone jonesing for some bud.

Let's say it happens that a dope fiend shows up looking for a half because you said you had one, then you only have a quarter when he arrives and he actually does refuse to buy the quarter then tells all his pothead friends that the dealer he woke up in the middle of the night misspoke and only had a quarter as opposed to a half, then they choose to look elsewhere for the dope, crippling your revenue stream.

If this were to happen, how many people are being affected by a few less potheads buying from you ? You, your sig other, maybe your kids. Who else ? Do you have a staff of employees with families, mortgages, car payment, student loans etc counting on you not fucking up ?

Is it costing you thousands or tens of thousands right away, and millions down the road ? Will that massive loss in revenue force you to delay necessary upgrades to stay with/ahead of the pack, running the risk of ruining your business due to falling behind ?

It's also been my experience that MAJOR dope deals (massive quantities involving ounces) are usually coordinated well in advance, and the spur of the moment middle of the night deals, by and large, are for smaller quantities.

It's not likely you're pulling in that massive kind of dough as a dealer, otherwise there'd be no shitty store manager job. Of course, I will allow for the possibility that the store job is merely a legit front to justify your possessions, but I doubt it.

Oh, and spare us the drug testing lament - if they stopped lamenting for a while to put their creative energies into coming up with an idea and kicked the drugs long enough to use that money for R&D into their idea, then they wouldn't have a boss to piss for.

Just in case you get the utterly RETARDED idea of saying "it's not that easy asshole", yes, it actually is - the US is a consumer nation, and it buys all kinds of useless, retarded shit.

In less than 2 years, during the prime of the economic meltdown no less, someone got really rich by selling a fucking Druid cloak to a collection of morons who don't understand that motion = body heat = you don't need a blanket with sleeves to stay warm when you get up to refill you bowl of Doritos. Oh, and just for the record, that idea wasn't even original, as someone else had gotten really rich off the exact same thing.
Holy fucking giant purple-fonted threadjacking meltdown.

Look, Slappy, all I'm saying is that I'm not going to cry a river for some CEO that might have to field a couple phone calls in the middle of the night - but probably actually dumps it on a lackey hoping to sit in his chair someday, because another huge part of the job description for a CEO is DELEGATION - and give himself an obscenely huge bonus for his inconvenience regardless of the success or failure resulting from this likely-fictitious-anyway phone call.

And spare me the moralizing about the drug testing thing. Agreeing to be drug tested is taking your work home with you 24-seven, period, and that's all we're talking about. I don't have any idea what Snuggies have to do with it, that's your meandering thought process, Mr. Threadjack, not mine. I'm not going to let you muddy the waters of what I was saying in my original post by getting into a bunch of irrelevant crap. I was talking about hard work, period, and you countered with, "Well, what about a CEO, his work never stops." Yeah, and he gets his ridiculous pay rate regardless of the outcome. Don't believe me? Ask some of the striped-pants guys at Goldman-Sachs. A day laborer at the bottom doesn't get paid if he's not busting his ass to keep the bungholes you're talking about in their cushy chairs. I could launch into a diatribe about the merciless principals of at-will labor that benefit the dudes at the top in a ridiculously disproportionate manner, but that would be taking your bullshit even further afield than it's already gone. I prefer to simply clarify my parameters for a "hard" job. A hard job is one that is necessary for the livelihood of the company, done under degrading circumstances and not appreciated by the sonsofbitches in the top tier, who view them as expendable. It is not dozing gently on 500-tc sheets and fielding a call from a Japanese dude at two in the morning. Your average ditch-digger would kill for that job compared to his own. You try to take "unpleasant" out of the definition of "hard" and that's where you're frankly mistaken.


Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:31 pm
by thejuggernaut
chickenona wrote:
thejuggernaut wrote:
chickenona wrote:As a drug dealer, I certainly do field calls during those hours. I wouldn't classify them as "hard work". As a low-paid (less than twelve bucks an hour) department manager at my store, I'm also occasionally called in to pull an order off a truck at five in the morning, put it into store inventory, make sure all the origin labels agree, put a stale date on it, etc. - then go home so I can come back and begin my "real" workday at eight. Round-the-clock work is not strictly the dominion of CEOs. A lot of lowly workers are expected to do the same. Then when you get into the area of drug testing, to which a lot of posters on this board are subjected for their low-to-mid-range jobs, you basically agree to allow your employer to dictate what you do in your personal life if you sign on with a company that mandates them.
Bleeding burnout jesus, it doesn't get more hilarious than that.

Are you going to tell me that if a pothead calls you at 3 am and you tell him "yeah, I have a half here" and he arrives, you greet him at the door with crusty bed head in your pjs and you actually only have a quarter, he'll walk away having bought nothing, never come back, and then give you shitty recommendations to all his pothead friends, crippling your revenue stream ?

Are you honestly trying to compare that to making a promise that is undeliverable and costs your business thousands, sometimes tens upon tens of thousands of dollars immediately, and also millions down the road based on unfavorable recommendations ?

Are you under the impression that the middle of the night calls from international clients are spoken in code like "thinking I might stop by for a half cup or coffee, you good?" and then the teleporters are fired up and a quick in the door/out the door transaction takes place ? No, these calls end up being full blown conference calls with the senior management, and you've got about 10 minutes to get your brain awake so you don't commit to something you can't deliver and end up fucking yourself, your company and your employees big time.

It's been my experience that if someone calls a dealer in the middle of the night looking for a half and you only have a quarter, they'll make do with the quarter. Not to mention, most fiends have a couple of "hook ups" just in case one is dry. It's a far cry from billable contract work and you don't need to be %100 mentally alert when dealing with someone jonesing for some bud.

Let's say it happens that a dope fiend shows up looking for a half because you said you had one, then you only have a quarter when he arrives and he actually does refuse to buy the quarter then tells all his pothead friends that the dealer he woke up in the middle of the night misspoke and only had a quarter as opposed to a half, then they choose to look elsewhere for the dope, crippling your revenue stream.

If this were to happen, how many people are being affected by a few less potheads buying from you ? You, your sig other, maybe your kids. Who else ? Do you have a staff of employees with families, mortgages, car payment, student loans etc counting on you not fucking up ?

Is it costing you thousands or tens of thousands right away, and millions down the road ? Will that massive loss in revenue force you to delay necessary upgrades to stay with/ahead of the pack, running the risk of ruining your business due to falling behind ?

It's also been my experience that MAJOR dope deals (massive quantities involving ounces) are usually coordinated well in advance, and the spur of the moment middle of the night deals, by and large, are for smaller quantities.

It's not likely you're pulling in that massive kind of dough as a dealer, otherwise there'd be no shitty store manager job. Of course, I will allow for the possibility that the store job is merely a legit front to justify your possessions, but I doubt it.

Oh, and spare us the drug testing lament - if they stopped lamenting for a while to put their creative energies into coming up with an idea and kicked the drugs long enough to use that money for R&D into their idea, then they wouldn't have a boss to piss for.

Just in case you get the utterly RETARDED idea of saying "it's not that easy asshole", yes, it actually is - the US is a consumer nation, and it buys all kinds of useless, retarded shit.

In less than 2 years, during the prime of the economic meltdown no less, someone got really rich by selling a fucking Druid cloak to a collection of morons who don't understand that motion = body heat = you don't need a blanket with sleeves to stay warm when you get up to refill you bowl of Doritos. Oh, and just for the record, that idea wasn't even original, as someone else had gotten really rich off the exact same thing.
Holy fucking giant purple-fonted threadjacking meltdown.

Look, Slappy, all I'm saying is that I'm not going to cry a river for some CEO that might have to field a couple phone calls in the middle of the night - but probably actually dumps it on a lackey hoping to sit in his chair someday, because another huge part of the job description for a CEO is DELEGATION - and give himself an obscenely huge bonus for his inconvenience regardless of the success or failure resulting from this likely-fictitious-anyway phone call.

And spare me the moralizing about the drug testing thing. Agreeing to be drug tested is taking your work home with you 24-seven, period, and that's all we're talking about. I don't have any idea what Snuggies have to do with it, that's your meandering thought process, Mr. Threadjack, not mine. I'm not going to let you muddy the waters of what I was saying in my original post by getting into a bunch of irrelevant crap. I was talking about hard work, period, and you countered with, "Well, what about a CEO, his work never stops." Yeah, and he gets his ridiculous pay rate regardless of the outcome. Don't believe me? Ask some of the striped-pants guys at Goldman-Sachs. A day laborer at the bottom doesn't get paid if he's not busting his ass to keep the bungholes you're talking about in their cushy chairs. I could launch into a diatribe about the merciless principals of at-will labor that benefit the dudes at the top in a ridiculously disproportionate manner, but that would be taking your bullshit even further afield than it's already gone. I prefer to simply clarify my parameters for a "hard" job. A hard job is one that is necessary for the livelihood of the company, done under degrading circumstances and not appreciated by the sonsofbitches in the top tier, who view them as expendable. It is not dozing gently on 500-tc sheets and fielding a call from a Japanese dude at two in the morning. Your average ditch-digger would kill for that job compared to his own. You try to take "unpleasant" out of the definition of "hard" and that's where you're frankly mistaken.

Yeah, I'm melting down.

Lest we forget who, of the two of us, vanished from Sludge for a while because of some nonsensical e-drama ?

You know, I thought you left wingers were supposed to be the smartest of the smart, the "intelligencia". WAY back I said COMPETENT CEOs. You know, the kind that actually run a business the way it should be run, not the schmucks who "make a profit" by laying people off. You guys keep talking about the crooks, and only the crooks, but they are the minority and a relatively recent trend; it wasn't all that long ago those people had morals and flung themselves off buildings when they fucked up people's lives. The problem is, you rarely hear about the good ones which really isn't a problem because to hear about a CEO in the news usually means they did something despicable.

No, the hardest jobs are NOT done for the least amount of pay. You say that because you're a stock clerk and your side gig is a paranoia inducing one, and your perspective is skewed. Get off the gossip boards for a while, give the DRS a rest and get out and do something. You generally seem to be reasonably intelligent and I don't believe to you be very old, maybe 40ish; you certainly can do better than stocking shelves and selling drugs.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:30 pm
by James Halford Tate
thejuggernaut wrote:
You come off as a pothead. And a pothead who took offense to what I said because his apartment "living room" is "decorated" with Made In China Walmart "furniture".
What's wrong with that ?

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:32 pm
by KneelandBobDylan
The graph below proves that "Trickle Down" supply side economics ala President Reagan is pure bullshit. When the rich get richer everyone else gets poorer, and since the super rich are now richer than ever we should tax the hell out of them.


Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:21 pm
by SeminiferousButtNoid
KneelandBobDylan wrote:The graph below proves that "Trickle Down" supply side economics ala President Reagan is pure bullshit. When the rich get richer everyone else gets poorer, and since the super rich are now richer than ever we should tax the hell out of them.


There's all kinds of stupid in that silly-assed graph (with no sources cited, of course) but the part where it says "during the Bush Tax Cuts, top earners averaged 24% income tax" is bullshit. My old man was in the top tax bracket before the Bush Tax Cuts and payed 41%, during the Bush Tax cuts he has payed 35%.

LOL @ "super rich"

The top tax bracket is above $373,000. That's chump change, especially if you're married and that is based on combined income. The next bracket is 33% starting at $210,000 for a family. Then 28% starting at $138,000. I'm afraid your inflated "super-rich" demographic includes a huge chunk of the middle-class, Bernie Sanders, Jr.

That's why the left wing economics tape gets no play in America's ride. Believe dat shit.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:58 am
by KneelandBobDylan
SeminiferousButtNoid wrote:
KneelandBobDylan wrote:The graph below proves that "Trickle Down" supply side economics ala President Reagan is pure bullshit. When the rich get richer everyone else gets poorer, and since the super rich are now richer than ever we should tax the hell out of them.


There's all kinds of stupid in that silly-assed graph (with no sources cited, of course) but the part where it says "during the Bush Tax Cuts, top earners averaged 24% income tax" is bullshit. My old man was in the top tax bracket before the Bush Tax Cuts and payed 41%, during the Bush Tax cuts he has payed 35%.

LOL @ "super rich"

The top tax bracket is above $373,000. That's chump change, especially if you're married and that is based on combined income. The next bracket is 33% starting at $210,000 for a family. Then 28% starting at $138,000. I'm afraid your inflated "super-rich" demographic includes a huge chunk of the middle-class, Bernie Sanders, Jr.

That's why the left wing economics tape gets no play in America's ride. Believe dat shit.

Under a Progressive Tax System we could lower taxes for EVERYONE making below a million a year if only we would tax the rich according to their wealth.

Some rough ideas on numbers.

1,000,000 + = 43%
2,000,000 + = 45%
5,000,000 + = 45%
10,000,000 + = 47%
20,000,000 + = 49%
50,000,000 + = 53%
100,000,000 + = 60%
1,000,000,000 + = 75%

Admittedly, I am no tax expert, but the facts are on MY side. America had it's strongest, largest middle class back in the late 1950's when the top tax bracket was at 90%. At 75%, my top tax bracket seems more than fair.

Now, I know what you are thinking, which is "How will billionaires ever survive on a mere quarter billion a year after taxes?"

My thoughts to those billionaires, "Let them eat cake!"

At $250,000+ per year an individual who faces a 3% tax hike is by no means oppressed. The fact that millionaires and billionaires are supposed to pay the same rate is the thing that should drive the $250k-$999,999 crowd up the wall!

But make no mistake, the $250k-$999,999 crowd are NOT the problem. These people are NOT the private jet and butler crowd. They earn around 5 times the average income, They are NOT the problem.

The problem is the CEO class that makes 500 times the average income. It is the greed that demands bigger and bigger dividends no matter what. These people WILL NOT SUFFER if higher taxes drop their income from 500x the average to 499x or 400x the average income after taxes. These people will NOT suffer if they makes 12 million a year after taxes instead of 13 million.

And maybe, just maybe, the economy would do better if lots of coal miners made a little more and Don Blankenship made a little less. Maybe coal billionaire David Koch can afford a bigger tax cut so Main St. America doesn't shrivel up and starve to death in the winter. It's hard to buy coal energy when you are being kicked out of your home.

In my honest opinion, we need new tax brackets for millionaires and billionaires, and we need them starting YESTERDAY. We need to take away the incentive for the CEO/shareholder class to rob the hell out of the working class for profit. Until we do that, the exploitation of the working class will continue unabated and the death spiral of what used to be the middle class will get worse and worse.

Taxed Enough Already? Though Fox News viewers don't know it, 95% of us got income tax CUTS. I think that is great, but I don't think that is enough. If you REALLY want to take the incentive to rob investors or skirt safety regulations away from the CEO class of the super rich tax them until their freakin eyes bleed. If they are going to scream socialist at you no matter what you do you might as well. It's not like the super rich could freak out any more than they already are. It seems to me that the super rich have WAY too much money to lobby Congress with when they aren't outsourcing your job and pulling down HUGE salaries while crashing the economy into the ground.

I say we give the millionaires something to really cry about, and, knowing how whiny and over-privileged they are, a tax increase of a few percentage points should do just the trick.

And remember, when rich people tell you about Free Trade and Economic Freedom, they mean the better to eat you with.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:36 am
by WhiteHouseSubsAC
You know what KBD, My family doesn't make jack shit for income, but fuck off with that "let them eat cake" line. You want to tax Billionaires at 75 FUCKING PERCENT of their total income? I like you man, but that's ludicrous.

Re: Nearly half of U.S. pays no federal income tax

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:52 am
by JakeYonkel
75% isn't tax... it's theft.