Obama's about to piss off Israel.

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Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by VinnieKulick »

THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that senior Obama administration officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up an independent commission, under UN auspices, to investigate Israel's behavior in the Gaza flotilla incident. The White House has apparently shrugged off concerns from elsewhere in the U.S. government that a) this is an extraordinary singling out of Israel, since all kinds of much worse incidents happen around the world without spurring UN investigations; b) that the investigation will be one-sided, focusing entirely on Israeli behavior and not on Turkey or on Hamas; and c) that this sets a terrible precedent for outside investigations of incidents involving U.S. troops or intelligence operatives as we conduct our own war on terror.

While UN Ambassador Susan Rice is reported to have played an important role in pushing for U.S. support of a UN investigation, the decision is, one official stressed, of course the president's. The government of Israel has been consulting with the U.S. government on its own Israeli investigative panel, to be led by a retired supreme court justice, that would include respected international participants, including one from the U.S. But the Obama administration is reportedly saying that such a “kosher panel” is not good enough to satisfy the international community, or the Obama White House.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by SeminiferousButtNoid »

MotleyScrew wrote:If they didn't do anything wrong, the investigation will prove that. So why would they get pissed unless they were in the wrong?

Because, you fucking moron, the United Nations are biased against Israel and contains many countries that don't even recognize their right to exist. The UN General Assembly has passed 249 resolutions in the past 12 years condemning Israel. That's more than the US, Sudan (Darfur), The Congo, Russia, Liberia, Rwanda, Iran, Iraq have received combined. Having the UN investigate Israel is like asking Mothers Against Drunk Driving to investigate Anheuser-Busch.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by tylamonroe »

Racist. Check.
Anti-Semite. Check.

Kill any small furry animals for fun lately Screw?
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by tylamonroe »

MotleyScrew wrote:
tylamonroe wrote:Racist. Check.
Anti-Semite. Check.

Kill any small furry animals for fun lately Screw?
I am not racist. You are the one who doesn't want people of race served in resturants. I don't care about the UN (it is a joke), and I don't care about Israel. We have too many problems to take care of in America then to solve other countries.
Of course not. I don't eat people you sick fuck.

So what ethnic group would you like to see served in resturants? Probably Jews you disgusing Racist,Anti-Semite, Canible mother fucker.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by tylamonroe »

MotleyScrew wrote:
tylamonroe wrote:Racist. Check.
Anti-Semite. Check.

Kill any small furry animals for fun lately Screw?
I think it's funny you call someone as liberal as me a racist but you have used the N word in another post in another thread. How does it feel to be an ignorant conservative nazi bigot?
See that is the problem. You drape yourself in this "liberal" cloak and think that excuses the way you belittle another race by calling their conservative thinkers "uncle tom" and then turn around and pretend you are the good guy. You are not.

And in the same post where you are attempting to show how open minded you are you call me an ignorant conservative nazi bigot?


Are you really going to pretend that my use of the word nigger in context is worse than your continued racism and narrow minded behavior?
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by JakeYonkel »

Good God, at least the whiny liberals around here actually have something to say. You suck at this.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by SmokingGun »

MotleyScrew wrote:
tylamonroe wrote:
See that is the problem. You drape yourself in this "liberal" cloak and think that excuses the way you belittle another race by calling their conservative thinkers "uncle tom" and then turn around and pretend you are the good guy. You are not.

And in the same post where you are attempting to show how open minded you are you call me an ignorant conservative nazi bigot?


Are you really going to pretend that my use of the word nigger in context is worse than your continued racism and narrow minded behavior?
I didn't call them that I said the Tea Party members would call the "Uncel Tom's". You are the one who used the N word at them. What is worst me saying that The Tea Party members would call them "Uncle Toms", or you actually calling them the N word (which you did). You just used the N word again in this post. Mine was used in contesxt of what the Tea Party members call them. So if I am a racist you sure as hell are, throwing The N word around any chance you get. Since you think it is ok to turn down service to people of race in restaraunts, what is next making them sit in the back of the bus, just so you can feel better about yourself?

You're out of your element. You have no frame of reference here, MotleyScrew. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know what's happening.

Why are you so racist? Do you even have a clue what you are talking about? All I ever see is you latching onto another poster's opinions.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by lerxstcat »

I think this is a mistake on Obama's part, but it will free Israel's hand to go medieval on Iran's ass when they send a naval escort in to break the Gaza blockade.

They can say that if even the US is hanging them out to dry, it's time to go out Biblically, take Iran with them and anyone else who wants a piece of their ass. They are thought to have a couple hundred nuclear weapons so they could spread the fire throughout the Middle East.

And the U.S. would have a hard time objecting since Obama just sold them out. So yeah, big mistake by Obama that could bring matters in the ME to the boiling point.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by vlad »

JakeYonkel wrote:Good God, at least the whiny liberals around here actually have something to say. You suck at this.


Did you all just notice the whole mess, or rather just start giving a shit once Iran stepped into it? The Weekly Standard? Biil Kristol's rag? Kristol's one of the biggest war mongerers out there. He'd gladly send American sons and daughters to more wars (even though he was spectacularly wrong about Iraq). He love s him some biblical violence. As long, of course, as he doesn't have to get his own hands dirty.

Iran, I really hope this is more bluster from A-Jad. And it is true that anti=Semites had latched onto this particular incident. But I have also seen the opposite. Accusations that criticism Israel, the state, is criticism of all Jews. The two are not the same.

Israel did shoot itself in the foot on this one (along with 57 other people, nine of whom died, many shot in the back and some execution head shots). It's been fun to watch, "fun" in the OMFG I can't believe the bullshit way. They did indeed assault a vessel in the middle of the night in international waters. Actually they did assault all of the vessels and contrary to the "common knowledge", others on the other vessels were beaten and tased.

Of all the Baghdad Bob like Israeli PR on this I think my favourite was that they only used paintball guns and side arms...oh wait and this...the pictures of the captured "weapons" the evil mercenaries, terrroists, jihadist had evilly planned to destroy Israel with. Yeah, the galley drawers, literally, including the sharpening steel. :lol: And various items normally found on a fucking vessel. And the now retracted audio of a supposed ship to ship convo that included a voice saying "Go back to Auschwitz"...Oh, and Israel crying a river over the fact their super elite shayetet 13 was viciously attacked and some got hurt!. After all, they were only rappelling down from helicopter gunships with covering fire and stun grenades in the middle of the fucking night in international waters,

Entebbe this wasn't.

Here's a great article from the Israeli paper Haaretz.

http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/israel-s ... x-1.294206

Pictures and vids smuggled out in the underwear of some of the folks on the boats definitely contradicts the IDF version (or rather versions). If Israel has clean hands on this, why not release all the captured video and pics, and more of their own other than the cherry-picked vid they did. Eye witnesses including a former US ambassador and a former American colonel.

More flotillas ar planned this summer, including one from German Jews. What is Israel going to do with that one?

So yes, I can see why Israel doesn't want an international investigation. But it isn't just about them. Turkey, in particular, as well as other countries that had nationals on the boats. Is Ireland part of the cunning, evil MOOSLIM plot now?

The situation is more complex than that...very much so. Despite what partisans on either side want to make it seem.

Full disclosure: the last son is joining the Marines. I do not want him dragged into yet another neocon, MIddle Eastern fuck-up. Spurred on by warmongerers like the Weekly Standard who depend on an uneducated American public. And that's me being reasonable. His father is beside himself. He's torn between pride and raging fear. Having been in a bullshit war himself, the thought that his son might die or be maimed in yet another one is just tearing him apart. The boy wants the challenge...sometimes he just amazes me. :cry: :D

I'll end with this from Smedley Butler. You either know who he is or you don't..
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class thug for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by lerxstcat »

Smedley Butler was mentally unstable and discredited throughout his career, even though he also had some pretty notable accomplishments. There's a fine line between genius and madness and he may have lived on both sides of that line.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by vlad »

lerxstcat wrote:Smedley Butler was mentally unstable and discredited throughout his career, even though he also had some pretty notable accomplishments. There's a fine line between genius and madness and he may have lived on both sides of that line.

:D One person''s "mentally unstable" is another's telling it like it is. Or not being a political kiss ass. Still he's the SOB who got TWO MOH's amongst other things. And in the end can you honestly disagree with what he said and i quoted above? :)
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by MasterOfMeatPuppets »

Mr. Butler is a pretty active guy for being 70 years dead. :lol:
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by Supersonic »

So were any armaments found on the flotilla?

I'm waiting for the German Jewboat
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by SmokingGun »

MotleyScrew wrote:
SmokingGun wrote: Why are you so racist? .
Whoa I am not a racist using "Unce Tom" in context of how the Tea Party talk is not racist. And as many bigoted remarks and things you have done and said about muslims and arabic people, I wouldn't be tossing that word around Klanboy.
Muslims are not a race and I have never said anything about Arabs.

Why do you need to resort to lying in order to defend yourself from being called a racist?
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by JakeYonkel »

Good. Fuck Muslims.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by tylamonroe »

JakeYonkel wrote:Good God, at least the whiny liberals around here actually have something to say. You suck at this.
thanks Jake! I'll be sure to sign up for your "posting that matters" class right after I complete Van der Sloots "dating for the long haul" program.

Good to know you are there for me. Forgive me for getting in the way of you and the rest of the brain trust solving the world's problems.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by JakeYonkel »

Put in your tampon. I was talking to the same retard that you were arguing with.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by lerxstcat »

vlad wrote:
lerxstcat wrote:Smedley Butler was mentally unstable and discredited throughout his career, even though he also had some pretty notable accomplishments. There's a fine line between genius and madness and he may have lived on both sides of that line.

:D One person''s "mentally unstable" is another's telling it like it is. Or not being a political kiss ass. Still he's the SOB who got TWO MOH's amongst other things. And in the end can you honestly disagree with what he said and i quoted above? :)
He was drummed out of the Marine Corps at least once for a nervous breakdown, and was kept away from the front during WWI because he was considered unstable. I think that establishes the complexity of his personality and why he may have become disillusioned with his military service. Sure we did those operations, and every other European-descended culture at the time was doing the same thing - the British Raj was still strong, the British, French, Dutch and Germans still owned most of Africa and Asia at that time. So why single out the US as if no one else was doing these things in those days? It was the Age of Empire and we exercised power in our speher of influence, just as ALL powerful nations did then - and now, for that matter.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by SmokingGun »

MotleyScrew wrote:
SmokingGun wrote: Muslims are not a race and I have never said anything about Arabs.

Why do you need to resort to lying in order to defend yourself from being called a racist?

Maybe you didn't post anything about Arabs. But you post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against muslims.
So first you talk shit about me. Shit that is untrue. You refuse to apologize. Then you post something so completely illogical it boggles the mind.

Consider the following sentences:

You post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against Buddhists.
You post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against Scientologists.
You post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against Christians.
You post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against Hindus.

See? Complete and utter bullshit. None of these sentences make any sense. You don't make any sense. Since when are there 'klan like ideas' against religions?? The klan are racists, you mentally retarded pussy. And they hate Jews because of their bloodline, not because of their religion. An ethnic Jew can never join the KKK, however a gentile that has converted from Judaism would be welcomed. You really are as dense as they come.

So what the fuck dude? I told you you were out of your depth. I told you you had no idea what you were talking about.

Thanks for proving me right.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by thejuggernaut »

SmokingGun wrote:
MotleyScrew wrote:
SmokingGun wrote: Muslims are not a race and I have never said anything about Arabs.

Why do you need to resort to lying in order to defend yourself from being called a racist?

Maybe you didn't post anything about Arabs. But you post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against muslims.
So first you talk shit about me. Shit that is untrue. You refuse to apologize. Then you post something so completely illogical it boggles the mind.

Consider the following sentences:

You post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against Buddhists.
You post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against Scientologists.
You post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against Christians.
You post enough garbage and Klan like ideas against Hindus.

See? Complete and utter bullshit. None of these sentences make any sense. You don't make any sense. Since when are there 'klan like ideas' against religions?? The klan are racists, you mentally retarded pussy. And they hate Jews because of their bloodline, not because of their religion. An ethnic Jew can never join the KKK, however a gentile that has converted from Judaism would be welcomed. You really are as dense as they come.

So what the fuck dude? I told you you were out of your depth. I told you you had no idea what you were talking about.

Thanks for proving me right.
Don't let it bother you. The only boundary Motleyscrew's bigotry knows is the fact that he apparently doesn't believe he himself to be a bigot.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by Nemesis »

Yeah, he's pissing off Israel. And on the other hand he's helping them by sending a shitload of warships over there to confront the Iranians this week when their flotilla of "aid" ships tries run the Gaza blockade.

11 warships? Seems something is brewing in the near future. I would enjoy life as you know it because world war 3 is on the horizon. This is not Iraq-this is Iran-a country that is just itching to prove themselves and their nuclear capability. It's possible they have missiles that can even reach Europe.

And why isn't the MSM carrying this?

People worried about Bush and his "inexperience".

Hope you've made your peace with your maker. The next world war WILL be the war to end all wars because there won't be any human's left when it's over.

Praise the nuclear age! We have arrived and will finally see how deadly it actually is.
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Re: Obama's about to piss off Israel.

Post by invaziondrummer »

vlad wrote:
JakeYonkel wrote:Good God, at least the whiny liberals around here actually have something to say. You suck at this.


Did you all just notice the whole mess, or rather just start giving a shit once Iran stepped into it? The Weekly Standard? Biil Kristol's rag? Kristol's one of the biggest war mongerers out there. He'd gladly send American sons and daughters to more wars (even though he was spectacularly wrong about Iraq). He love s him some biblical violence. As long, of course, as he doesn't have to get his own hands dirty.

Iran, I really hope this is more bluster from A-Jad. And it is true that anti=Semites had latched onto this particular incident. But I have also seen the opposite. Accusations that criticism Israel, the state, is criticism of all Jews. The two are not the same.

Israel did shoot itself in the foot on this one (along with 57 other people, nine of whom died, many shot in the back and some execution head shots). It's been fun to watch, "fun" in the OMFG I can't believe the bullshit way. They did indeed assault a vessel in the middle of the night in international waters. Actually they did assault all of the vessels and contrary to the "common knowledge", others on the other vessels were beaten and tased.

Of all the Baghdad Bob like Israeli PR on this I think my favourite was that they only used paintball guns and side arms...oh wait and this...the pictures of the captured "weapons" the evil mercenaries, terrroists, jihadist had evilly planned to destroy Israel with. Yeah, the galley drawers, literally, including the sharpening steel. :lol: And various items normally found on a fucking vessel. And the now retracted audio of a supposed ship to ship convo that included a voice saying "Go back to Auschwitz"...Oh, and Israel crying a river over the fact their super elite shayetet 13 was viciously attacked and some got hurt!. After all, they were only rappelling down from helicopter gunships with covering fire and stun grenades in the middle of the fucking night in international waters,

Entebbe this wasn't.

Here's a great article from the Israeli paper Haaretz.

http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/israel-s ... x-1.294206

Pictures and vids smuggled out in the underwear of some of the folks on the boats definitely contradicts the IDF version (or rather versions). If Israel has clean hands on this, why not release all the captured video and pics, and more of their own other than the cherry-picked vid they did. Eye witnesses including a former US ambassador and a former American colonel.

More flotillas ar planned this summer, including one from German Jews. What is Israel going to do with that one?

So yes, I can see why Israel doesn't want an international investigation. But it isn't just about them. Turkey, in particular, as well as other countries that had nationals on the boats. Is Ireland part of the cunning, evil MOOSLIM plot now?

The situation is more complex than that...very much so. Despite what partisans on either side want to make it seem.

Full disclosure: the last son is joining the Marines. I do not want him dragged into yet another neocon, MIddle Eastern fuck-up. Spurred on by warmongerers like the Weekly Standard who depend on an uneducated American public. And that's me being reasonable. His father is beside himself. He's torn between pride and raging fear. Having been in a bullshit war himself, the thought that his son might die or be maimed in yet another one is just tearing him apart. The boy wants the challenge...sometimes he just amazes me. :cry: :D

I'll end with this from Smedley Butler. You either know who he is or you don't..
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class thug for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

Jesus that was well said. Image
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